Effects of aquaculture on Mediterranean marine ecosystems I. Karakassis, D. Angel Effects of aquaculture on marine biotic communities Source of p ressure Potential effect on biota phy sical structure Direct mortality through entang lement Behav ioral chang es in coas tal pelagic fish Behav ioral chang es in coas tal bi rds and marine mammals (e.g., avo idan ce) Direct mortality poo r mediu m poo r Behav ioral chang es of wild fauna Dis ease tran smis sion to o ther species Genetic interaction s with wild fish Displa cement of wild fish from na tural hab itat (e .g., th roug h competition, preda tion) Suffocation and d isplacement o f benthic organisms Lo ss of fo raging, spawn ing and /or nu rsery hab itat for wild species Lo ss of biod iversity Fragmentation of benthic hab itat Chang e in water qua lity Mortality o f plankto n (including fish a nd inv ertebrate egg a nd la rva e) Increased p rimary productivi ty Shift in pla nkton commun ity compo sition Increase in ha rmful algal b loom s Decline of seagrass meadow s mediu m poo r High poo r preda tor control systems fish es cap ement release of un eaten food and feces release of nut rients Level sci do cument Commun ities affected spa tial scale typ e of impa ct Estimated recovery o f the commun ity Vertebrates Vertebrates (Fi sh) Vertebrates local local loc/int neg un id neg mediu m un identified un identified Vertebrates loc/int neg un identified Vertebrates va rious (probab ly fish) Vertebrates (Fi sh) Vertebrates (Fi sh) loc/int int/lar int/lar int/lar neg neg neg neg un identified un identified slow un identified High Macrofau na local neg slow High va rious local neg slow High poo r poo r poo r Macrofau na va rious va rious va rious local loc/int loc/int local neg neg nrg/po s neg slow slow rap id rap id va rious Phytop lank ton va rious marine plan ts & va rious indi rectly va rious microb es va rious indirectly loc/int loc/int loc/int loc/int nrg/po s un id neg neg rap id rap id rap id slow neg neg neg rap id un identified un identified neg neg neg un identified un identified un identified neg neg un identified un identified poo r poo r poo r poo r poo rmediu m poo r poo r poo r an tibiotics Ta inting of wild s pecies Chang es in b enthic ba cterial commun ity Res istan t microb ial strains pesticides Direct mortality an d sub letha l effects Ta inting of wild s pecies Direct mortality an d sub letha l effects poo r poo r poo r inv ertebrates va rious inv ertebrates local local unkn o wn local local local Ta inting of wild s pecies Chang es in phy siology poo r poo r inv ertebrates inv ertebrates loc/int loc/int disinfectan ts and an tifou lants (modified after Milowski 2001) Posidonia protects the seabed from errosion Posidonia rhizomes Plagiotropic rhizome Orthotropic rhizome Posidonia: provides shelter to juvenile fish and many manire invertebrates Spp reproducing in P. oceanica meadows Lithignathus mormyrus Sparus auratus Oblada melanura Sapra sapra Paracentrotus lividus Symphodus roissali Antedon mediterraneus Murena helena Conger conger Lichia amia Seriola dumerili Mullus surmuletus Under anthropogenic pressure Posidonia meadows easily become degraded … so that its past presence can only be detected by rhizomes left on the seabed High turbidity in the water column is known to adversely affect Posidonia The reduced availability of light reduces the potential space for colonization by Posidonia to a more and more narrow coastal zone During recent years it has been reported that Posidonia oceanica faces strong copetition by Caulepa taxifolia C. taxifolia is an alien species that recently invaded W. Mediterranean. It has no local grazers or other means to control its population and it excludes P. oceanica from coastal waters when established there Why Posidonia is of vital importance n Mediterranean endemic (in need of protection under the Habitat Directive) n a nursery ground for several species n provides important services for coastal marine ecosystems (3D habitat for several invertebrate species) n it stabilises the sandy beaches in the littoral zone n under increasing pressure due to anthropogenic effects (pollution, trawling, harbour constructions etc) n under increasing pressure due to nutrient enrichment of the coastal zones and flourish of fast growing macroalgae, e.g. Cladophora spp., Caulerpa sp. Posidonia meadows as fish farming sites n n n The habitat of P. oceanica (coarse sediment and strong currents) is “ideal” for fish farming since: it allows rapid dispersion of solute wastes minimal accumulation of particulates and excellent oxygenation of the water Posidonia is stressed at farming sites However f/f causes adverse effects on Posidonia by: n reducing penetration or availability of light • • • • immediately under the cages (shadow effect) due to increased phytoplankton biomass due to increased suspended particulates by favouring the growth of epiphytes on Posidonia leaves n competition with fast growing macroalgae n accumulation of OM in the sediments n increasing NH4 and H2S in the sediments Posidonia: primary production near and far from fish farms Reference station Changes in pp by an order of magnitude Farm sites Cancemi et al. (2003) Estuar coastal shelf Sci vol56 MedVeg sampling sites MedVeg: sampling design MedVeg Report 2005, unpublished data MedVeg fluxes measured with sediment traps Sounion Flux P=0.10*x-0.59 MedVeg Report 2005, unpublished data Alicante Flux P=0.26*x-0.41 MedVeg Bioassays MedVeg Bioassays * * ** * * * * * ** * * * Control site MedVeg Report 2005, unpublished data * signif different from control site MedVeg Bioassays - Ulva ** **** *** * Control site MedVeg Report 2005, unpublished data * signif different from control site MedVeg: Posidonia mortalities with distance MedVeg Report 2005, unpublished data MedVeg: Posidonia mortalities with sedimentation rate Mortality increases rapidly beyond the sedimentation rate of 6g m-2 d-1 MedVeg Report 2005, unpublished data MedVeg: Posidonia density & cover Decrease close to the farms MedVeg Report 2005, unpublished data MedVeg: Posidonia biomass MedVeg Report 2005, unpublished data Decrease close to the farms MedVeg recomendations-2 n If monitoring studies indicate a decrease in seagrass meadow extension or shoot density, the amount of waste material (as C, N and P loads) must decrease for a equivalent percentage until recovery of the previous conditions. Alternatively, cages should be moved to other sites, according to guidelines reported above. n Concessionaires must present a plan for the monitoring of possible pressures and damages to seagrass beds and include this in the Environmental Agenda for certification ISO14000 and EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme). n A suitable monitoring program must use reliable techniques and include quality control procedures, and should be based on the rapid assessment techniques as described below MedVeg descriptors/indicators: at individual plant level n Morphometric descriptors shoot biomass, expressed as the average dry weight of at least ten replicates shoots n Physiological descriptors total phosphorus content in different tissues, specifically young leaves and rhizomes, expressed as % of dry weight. total non-structural carbohydrates reserves in rhizomes, expressed as % of dry weight elemental sulphur content (as μmol per g dry weight) in roots. MedVeg descriptors/indicators: n At population level shoot density, based in counting the number of shoots inside patches of Posidonia oceanica and expressed as the number of shoots per square meter . n At community level epiphyte biomass, expressed as the dry weigh of epiphytes in relation of the size of the shoots. sea-urchin density, based on counting the number of individuals inside patches of Posidonia oceanica and expressed as the number of individuals m-2 However... n Our results do not mean that any fish farming activity should be banned at distance less than 800m from any Posidonia oceanica plant in the Mediterranean. n However, adopting this distance could be an appropriate precautionary measure in the vicinity of important and well-developed Posidonia meadows that environmental authorities have set as priority areas for conservation. n Whenever a fish farm is located in the vicinity of seagrass meadows, the health of the seagrass meadow should be annually monitored. n Working definitions of the term "Posidonia meadow" should be harmonised among Mediterranean countries and common standards are set regarding priorities for conservation of such meadows. n Otherwise, it is likely that MedVeg recommendations will be enforced differently in different member states and other Mediterranean countries thereby resulting in both inadequate environmental protection and in violating equal terms of competition within aquaculture industry. Mass balance models Source Species Harvested (%) N Tot wasted (%) P P 73 N Hall et al., 1992 trout Holby & Hall, 1991 trout Gowen & Bradbury, 1987 salmon 25 Folke & Koutsky, 1989 salmonids 25 Ballestrazzi et al., 1994 seabass Dosdat et al., 1996 seabass Krom et al., 1985 seabream 36 Porter et al., 1987 seabream 30 70 60 Krom et al., 1995 seabream 25 75 60 Dosdat et al., 1996 seabream Lanari et al., 1999 seabass Kaushik, 1998 seabass 45-55 45-55 Kaushik, 1998 seabream 51-63 38-49 Lupatsch & Kissil, 1998 seabream Lemar ié et al., 1998 Wallin & Ha akanson, 1991 18 50 82 75 23 75 64 34 52 77 77 29 P 62 11 31-34 17-29 43-47 71 43-55 18-21 25-41 79-82 59-75 22 29 78 71 61 19 seabass 12-17 14-42 93-98 58-86 61-80 24-42 various spp 21-30 15-30 70-79 70-85 49-60 16-26 77 82 49 15 Working figures max Karakassis et al. (2005) Sci Mar vol 69 28 N Dissolved (%) min Land-based tanks Diel high frequency sampling experiments on fluxes of Nutrients input output POC PON Bacteria tanks containing different fish sizes (1, 31 & 53gr) Tsapakis, Pitta, Karakassis (2006) Aquat. Liv. Resour vol 19 sea bass Nutrient dynamics Fish size: 1gr Significant difference and Diel pattern in discharge Tsapakis, Pitta, Karakassis (2006) Aquat. Liv. Resour vol 19 POC and PON dynamics Significant difference and Diel pattern in discharge Tsapakis, Pitta, Karakassis (2006) Aquat. Liv. Resour vol 19 N & P mass balance: % losses over feed input Fish Size (gr) PON (%) NH4 (%) PO4 (%) 1 7 21 13 31 5 29 16 53 7 27 13 Average 6 26 14 Tsapakis, Pitta, Karakassis (2006) Aquat. Liv. Resour vol 19 Fine particulate material settling at very slow rates and over larger distance from the discharge points However Several studies have failed to detect significant changes in dissolved nutrients, Chl-a and POC concentrations even at fairly short distance from the cages (Pitta et al 1998, La Rosa et al., 2002, MEDVEG unpublished data, Soto & Norambuena 2004) This paradox might be due to: The dispersive nature of the sites (nutrients are rapidly diluted) Inefficient sampling (concentrations vs fluxes) Intensive grazing and transfer to higher trophic levels Combination of the above Chl a (mg l-1) Grazing experiment in Crete using dialysis chambers 8 filtered 6 Chlorella unfiltered 4 2 0 0 30 80 200 Distance (m) Karakassis et al. (submitted) >500 Analyses Local Fisheries landings :time series analysis Environmental: OC, Chla, Nutrients Fish: Species, Abundance + Biomass per species, diversity, biodiversity, LF, age, condition factor, fecundity, G Index, stomachs, lipids, proteins Mega: S, A + B per species, diversity, biodiversity Macro: S, A, B total, diversity Bacteria: Counts Micro zoo + Phytoplankton: S, A, B (total), diversity Fish spatial structure: geostatistics Fish communities The communities differed firstly according the substrate and secondly according to fish-farms presence. The effect of fish-farm presence was mainly quantitative No significant differences in diversity or biodiversity indices (taxon. distinctness etc) Abudance Biomass Stress: 0.16 Stress: 0.16 Far Near Far Far Near Near Fish communities The total abundance and biomass was higher near to fish farms in May – and fairly similar in the recruitment period in September. It seems that during the recruitment period all sites (Near and Far) are stocked with fish close to the carrying capacity Effects on Landings Total Landings s Farm Production Effects on Landings: MAFA analysis A 0 .4 B 1 2 0.5 1 2 0 Scores Scores Chios 0 .2 0 -0 .2 -0 .4 5 10 15 5 10 T im e 15 T im e 0.4 0.2 Scores 0 .2 Scores Chalkis 0 .4 0 0 -0 .2 -0 .2 5 10 15 5 T im e 10 15 The correlation between the size of the fishing fleet & the landings trend could be coincidental: due to a clear declining trend because of a vessel withdrawal policy Rainfall & Temperature did not show any correlation with the common trend (except Chios) fish-farming production related to an increase of local fisheries landings T im e Time 1 0 .4 2 Scores Scores Patra 0 .2 0 -0 .2 -0 .4 5 10 15 T im e Scores Kavala 0.2 0 Patra -0 .2 -0 .4 5 10 15 T im e 1 Kav 0 Alex Scores Alexandroupolis 2 -0 .5 Chios 5 10 15 T im e Time Chal Response Explanatory Variables Landings Fishing Fleet + + + - Rain (0) (0) (0) + (0) Temp. Fish culture (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) + + AQCESS conclusions No change in macrofauna Small changes in megafaunal biomass Big change in fish abundance and biomass documented through: Before-after study: Machias et al 2004, ECSS, v. 60 Near-far study: Machias et al 2005, MEPS, v. 288 Landings: Machias et al. (2006) Aquaculture v. 261 Hydroacoustics: Giannoulaki et al. 2005, JMBA UK v. 85 FAD effect? No, the list of species (<30 spp) aggregating near the cages are known (Dempster et al 2002 MEPS for W. Med, Smith et al submitted from the E. Med). Not the ones increasing in the above studies AQCESS conclusions Not all benthic communities respond in the same way to disturbance Large long living animals could be more efficient means for monitoring subtle changes The most possible explanation is the rapid transfer of nutrients up the food web in a nutrient-starving environment sediment: horizontal changes current 4 Eh (mV) TON (%) TOC (%) Cephalonia 600 0.3 0.2 Nov. 150 0.1 1 July 300 2 0 0 4 April 450 3 0.0 contr -100 -50 Ithaki -25 0 5 10 25 50 100 contr -100 -50 -25 0 5 10 25 50 100 0.3 -150 600 contr -100 -50 -25 0 5 10 25 50 100 contr -100 -50 -25 0 5 10 25 50 100 contr -100 -50 -25 0 5 10 25 50 100 450 3 0.2 300 2 150 0.1 1 0 0 0.0 contr -100 4 -50 -25 0 5 10 25 50 100 Sounion contr -100 -50 -25 0 5 10 25 0.3 3 50 100 600 April July Nov 0.2 450 300 2 150 0.1 1 -150 0 -150 0.0 0 contr -100 -50 -25 0 5 10 25 50 100 Karakassis et al. (2000) ICES J mar sci 57 contr -100 -50 -25 0 5 10 25 50 100 Meta-analysis of benthic effects aut ho rs Angel et a l. Karakassis et a l. Katavic and Antolic Karakassis et a l. Mirto et al. Molina- Dominguez et al. La Ro sa e t al. Yokoyama Angel and Spanier Belias et al. Gowe n et al. Rosenth al and Rangeley Ritz et al. Hall et al. Weston Kupka- Hansen et al. Lauren- Maatta et al. Uotila Holby a nd Hall Ye et al. Holmer and Kristensen Hall et al. Hargrave et al. Holby a nd Hall Johnsen et a l. Findlay et al. Black et al. Findlay and Watling Hargrave et al. Morrisey et al. Kraufvelin et al. Pohle et al. He ilskov and Holme r Wildish et a l. Cromey et al. Kempf et al. Wildish et a l. Nickell et al. Brooks et al. Pocklington et a l. Cheshirel et al. yea r 1995 1999 1999 2000 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2003 1988 1989 1989 1990 1990 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1992 1992 1993 1993 1993 1995 1996 1997 1997 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 1994 1996 reg ion Red Se a, J ordan Mediterranean, Greece Mediterranean, Cr oatia Mediterranean, Greece Mediterranean, It aly Atlantic, Spain Mediterranean, It aly Pacific, J apan Red Se a, Israel Mediterranean, Greece Atlantic, Scotland Atlantic, Canada Pacific, Australia Baltic, Swed en Pacific, USA Atlantic, No rway Baltic, F inland Baltic, F inland Baltic, Swed en Pacific, Australia Atlantic, De rmark Baltic, Swed en Atlantic, Canada Baltic, Swed en Atlantic, No rway Atlantic, USA Atlantic, Scotland Atlantic, USA Atlantic, Canada Pacific, New Zealand Baltic, F rance Atlantic, USA Atlantic, De rmark Atlantic, Canada Atlantic, Scotland Atlantic, France Pacific, Australia Atlantic, Scotland Pacific, Ca nada Atlantic, Canada Pacific, Australia # ff 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 4 1 farme d o rganis m de pt h (m) Sed ime nt ty pe bream- bass bream- bass bream- bass bream- bass bream- bass bream- bass bream- bass bream- bass bream- bass bream- bass Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Tuna 15- 35 20- 40 23 20- 40 10 20 10 14 - 23 20 9- 42 20- 25 9 fine sand mud, coarse sand sand mud, coarse sand silty sand sand silty sand silty sand 20 16 7- 20 7- 20 8 20 12 5 20 13 20 13- 18 16 16- 33 11- 15 14 26 5- 25 13 5 20 15- 22 ro cky, mud mud, coarse ( gravel) mud mud sand sand mud fine sand mud mud mud fine sand silty sand mud, sand silty sand, coarse mud silty sand mud mud mud silty sand mud mud sand mud Kalantzi & Karakassis (2006) Mar. Pollut. Bull vol 52 Meta-analysis of benthic effects Table 4. Results of mult iple stepwise regression for all data points comp rising all sedime nt types ( * p<0,05, ** p<0,01, *** p<0,005) Co nstant Variable TOC LOI TON EH2,4CM O2BENT DOBOT SHANNON EVENNESS NUMSP LNABUND LNBIOM LND IST Dep th coefficient p coefficient p coefficient p - 0,086*** - 0,023- 0,017*** 118,100- 30,674- 18,506* 3,314*** 15,171*** 75,602*** 13,078*** 4,412*** - 0,006*** - 0,014*** - 0,001*** 24,226*** - 15,749*** 0,439*** 0,233*** 0,175*** Latit ude Num ber of % coefficient p sam ple s varian c e 0,00044 0,00015*** 3,876* 0,475* 0,076*** - 0,163*** 0,950*** - 0,067*** - 0,060*** Kalantzi & Karakassis (2006) Mar. Pollut. Bull vol. 52 0,003*** 0,004*** 0,00043*** - 3,816* 3,2950,238*** - 0,068*** - 0,216*** - 1,339*** - 0,074*** 218 109 172 161 79 50 161 109 180 214 123 36,1 43,5 25,8 22,5 9,5 26,2 68,6 26 51,2 6,4 20 Meta-analysis of benthic effects Table 4. Results of mult iple stepwise regression per sediment ty pe (* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.005) variable Co n s ta nt Coeff. t p LNDIST Coeff p De p th Coeff p 0.050 ** 0.010 *** - 0.021 20.054 *** 11.200 *** 3.172 - - 0.006 *** - 0.001 - 0.00022 *** 0,088 *** - 0.125 *** 0.032 *** 4.464 *** 205.105 *** 2.604 - 3.311 * - 0.004 * - 0.001 *** 0.386 *** 6.314 ** 0.287 *** 0.763 *** - 0.055 *** - 0.042 *** 86.015 ** 52.135 *** - 33.543 - 42 .622 * - 0.002 *** - 0.00019 *** 0.391 *** 4.922 - 0.501 *** - 0.463 *** Lat itu de Coeff p Num be r o f s ampl es % varianc e 90 42 65 22 22 20 27.6 55.1 77.9 37.2 12.1 65.8 84 81 67 28 77 41 58.7 58.8 49 .1 54 .6 21.5 67.3 63 55 24 24 24 24 78.9 44. 2 46 10.4 71.4 73.6 Mu dd y se d im en t TOC TON SHANNON NUMSP LOGA BU LOGBIOM 0.314 *** 5.514 *** 0.185 - - 0,119 - 0.149 ** 0,001 *** - 0.0004 * 0.078 * S an dy se d im en t TOC TON SHANNON NUMSP LOGA BU LOGBIOM 0.010 *** 0.002 *** - 0.001 *** - 0.078 *** - 11.222 *** - 0.287 *** 0.131 *** 0.221 *** Co ar se se d im en t TOC TON SHANNON NUMSP LOGA BU LOGBIOM 0.0004 * 0.002 *** 0.001 *** - 2.186 * 0.055 0.041 - 1.110 1.205 * Sediment profiling imagery (SPI): an «inverted periscope» camera glass mirror SPI images beneath fish farms UF CH4 or H2S Bg FS FS BLT BLT BT Source: Karakassis, Tsapakis, Smith, Rumohr. (2002) Mar Ecol Prog Ser, 227 Multivariate analysis of SPI data October February July Euclidean distance fauna Oct Comparisons between multivariate patterns Fauna October Fauna February Fauna July SPI October SPI February SPI July Feb SPI July Oct Feb July 1 0.903 1 0.794 0.770 1 -0.927 -0.782 -0.794 1 -0.939 -0.927 -0.685 0.818 1 -0.442 -0.527 -0.794 0.358 0.467 Source: Karakassis, Tsapakis, Smith, Rumohr. (2002) Mar Ecol Prog Ser 227 1 Minimizing monitoring requirements All correlation coefficient values were significant (p<0.001) Lampadariou, Karakassis, Pearson (2005) Mar. Pollut Bull vol 50 Modelling spatial patterns of settling particles DEPOMOD -> MERAMOD A tool for prediction of benthic degradation High correlation between predicted and observed sedimentation High correlation between predicted sedimentation and macrofaunal diversity Cromey et al. in preparation Sedimentation by fish farms Fish food 94-97 % P External food Harvest 17-19 % Juveniles 3-6 % Fish food 93-95 % Loss of fish 1-4% Solute release 25-30 % Sedimentation 50-57 % benthic flux 2-4 % Sediment accumulation 47-54 % N External food Harvest 27-28 % Juveniles 5-7 % Loss of fish 2-5 % Sedimentation 23 % benthic flux 1-3 % Sediment accumulation 12-20 % * for trout cage farming in Sweden by Holby & Hall (1991) and by Hall et al. (1992) MEPS Solute release 48 % Azoic zone effects on benthos opportunistic species peak transitory zone Ecotone Divers ity Biomass Abundance Distance (temporal or spatial) from pollution source anaerobic sediment Grossly polluted aerobic sediment Polluted Transitory Normal Pearson & Rosenberg (1978) Hierarchical response to stress Pearson & Rosenberg (1978) Replacement by different order,class, phylum stress Replacement by different family Replacement by different genus Replacement by different species Replacement by more addapted individuals from a polymorphic stock Physiological reponse of the individual time Biotic coefficient (BC) - AMBI n The BC proposed by Borja et al (2000) distributes species into various groups depending on their ability to tolearate disturbence/pllution • Group I. Sensitive species, present only in complete absence of pollution • Group II. Indifferent species always present in small densities without significant fluctuation with time • Group III. Tolerant species. they may be found under natural conditions but their population growth is stimulated under organic enrichment • Group IV. Second stage opportunists. Mainly small-size subsurface deposit feeders (e.g. Cirratulidae) • Group V. First stage opportunists. Deposit feeders thriving in reduced sediments. Biotic coefficient (BC) n The value of BC is then calculated for every sample based on the % of each group on total macrofaunal abundance. BC= (0xGI)+(1.5xGII)+(3xGIII)+(4.5xGIV)+(6xGV) 100 n n n This index is supported by a software in EXCEL (AMBI) and a data base providing characterization of >3000 benthic species (www.azti.es) Borja A, Franco J, Perez V (2000) A marine biotic index to establish the ecological quality of soft-bottom benthos within European estuarine and coastal environments. Marine Pollution Bulletin 40:1100–1114. Muxika I, Borja A, Bonne W (2005) The suitability of the marine biotic index (AMBI) to new impact sources along European coasts. Ecol. Indic, 5:19–31. Limits for BC classification In terms of pollution BC Dominant group Benthic community health Non polluted Non polluted 0.0<BC<0.2 0.2<BC<1.2 I normal poor Slightly polluted Moderately polluted 1.2<BC<3.3 3.3<BC<4.3 III unbalanced Transitional to polluted Moderately polluted Heavily polluted 4.3<BC<5.0 5.0<BC<5.5 IV-V Heavily polluted extremely polluted 5.5<BC<6.0 αζωική V αζωική Borja et al (2000) Mar Pollut Bull 401100–1114. polluted Transitional to havily polluted Heavily polluted azoic BENTIX n n n n BENTIX (Benthic index) is a variation of BC proposed by greek scientists (Simboura &, Zenetos 2002) The difference from BC is that BENTIX recognizes only 3 groups of species and the list of species for which there is some characterization is not available except the first edition in Mediterranean Marine Science. Because BENTIX is calculated giving high scores to intolerant species low values indicate degradation whereas high values «pristinity» Simboura N, Zenetos A. (2002) Benthic indicators to use in ecological quality classification of Mediterranean soft bottom marine ecosystems including a new Biotic index. Mediterranean Marine Science 3:77–111. BC and BENTIX n n n n n Both methods are based on subjective judjment on the ecological role of benthic species Their use needs communication with the authors (direct or indirect through their web page) and up to a point confidence in their oppinion. The role of each species and the assignment of one group is inflexible and is given only once. There is no agreed procedure for revising the classification of a species in the groups of each index The thershod values assigned are more or less arbitrary. Benthic quality index (BQI) n n n n n BQI (proposed by Rosenberg et al 2004) is somehow different than the previous indices. Species are not divided into categories but they receive a score depending on their disdtribution in a set of samples The index is based on the assumption that opportunistic species are primarily found in stations/samples with low diversity whereas the «normal» or sensitive species in stations/samples with increased diversity. Therefore if the distribution of a species is determined over a series of samples covering a wide range of diversity then the distribution pattern will vary from species to species depending on their sensitivity or tolerance. Rosenberg R, Blomqvist M, Nilsson HC, Cederwall H, Dimming A (2004) Marine Pollution Bulletin 30 (7), 470 –474 Calculation of ES500.05 The shaded area includes the 5% of the total abundance of the species which is related to low diversity stations disturbed undisturbed Rosenberg R, et al. (2004). Mar Pollut. Bull. 30:470 –474 Calculation of ES500.05 for various species Low values: tolerant species, High values: sensitive species Χαμηλές τιμές: ανθεκτικά είδη, Υψηλές τιμές: ευαίσθητα είδη Rosenberg R, et al. (2004). Mar Pollut. Bull. 30:470 –474 Benthic quality index (BQI) n After calculating ES500.05 for each species, BQI is calculated for each sample: BQI= ( n Σ ( tot A i=1 ------Ai x ES500.05 ) ) x 10log(S+1) BQI and sediment condition SPI images Condition in relation to Pearson & Rosenberg 1978 Thresholds and sediment quality Rosenberg R, et al. (2004). Mar Pollut. Bull. 30:470 –474 Hypotheses to test n n n n n Do all these indices describe the conditions similarly? Are they intercorrelated? Do they depend on sieve size? Do they depend on season? Do they assign the same environmental quality to the samples examined? n Highly correlated y=1.0*x n Good news ! n Values at 1.0 mm Sieve size Values at 0.5 mm season n Highly inter- correlated for most indices Relatively Good news ! 0.9 Spearman rank correlation n 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 July-Sept (0.5mm) 0.3 July Feb (0.5mm) 0.2 0.1 0.0 Shannon BQI Benthix index S BC ES10 L+ D+ Do they intercorrelate? n n n Highly inter- correlated (p<0.01) for most indices Relatively Good news ! So we can chose any of them without worrying? ES10 H' DELTA LAMBDA AMBI BENTIX BQI ES10 H' 1 0.970 0.457 -0.238 -0.740 0.739 0.891 1 0.480 -0.287 -0.764 0.735 0.918 DELTA+ LAMBDA+ AMBI BENTIX 1 -0.616 -0.541 0.431 0.517 1 0.344 1 ns -0.810 -0.296 -0.791 1 0.807 BQI 1 How similar they are? n Using the correlation matrix we can run an MDS and obtain similarities among indices Stress:0.01 H’ BQI L+ D+ AMBI BENTIX Do they agree in Environmental status? n n Well… No In fact they reach a «consensus» in 4% of the samples and they had 3-4 different «verdicts» in 39% of the samples bad poor moderate good high Are there consistently easy-to-pass and difficult ones? n n Yes BENTIX and H’ tend to show more High and Good quality BQI tends to show (reveal?) more Bad and Poor conditions furthermore n n The Pearson & Rosenberg model works well with silty sediments For coarse sediments it is possible to have a “healthy picture” despite the fact that environmental degradation may have severely affected other components of the ecosystem. Χαρακτηριστικά των ιχθυοτροφείων στο δείγμα 30 depth 90 silt 80 Βάθος (m) depth 25 70 20 60 50 15 40 10 30 20 5 10 0 0 130 260 300 300 309 366 400 432 Παραγωγή (τόνοι/έτος) Production (tn/year) 443 1094 1150 % ιλύος αργίλου (% silt-clay) (fish farms characteristics) Αριθμός ειδών (species number) 0m 100 # species 10 Minimum=5spp 1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 25m 1000 1200 25m 100 10 Minimum=32spp 1 0 200 400 600 800 Παραγωγή (τόνοι/έτος) Production (tn/year) 1000 1200 Μέσος αριθμός ειδών μέσος αριθμός ειδών Average # species (average species number) 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0m 5m 10m Απόσταση 25m 50m Distance control H’ (bits) Δείκτης Shannon (Shannon index) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0m 0 200 400 600 800 1000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1200 25m 0 200 400 600 800 Παραγωγή (τόνοι/έτος) Production (tn/year) 1000 1200 H’ (bits) Δείκτης Shannon (Shannon index) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0m 5m 10m Απόσταση 25m 50m Distance control Δείκτης Bentix (BENTIX index) 6 0m 5 4 3 Poorbad 2 Bentix index 1 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 25m 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Poorbad 0 200 400 600 800 Παραγωγή (τόνοι/έτος) Production (tn/year) 1000 1200 Δείκτης AMBI (AMBI index) 7 6 0m 5 Poor-bad 4 3 2 1 AMBI index 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 25m 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 400 600 800 Παραγωγή (τόνοι/έτος) Production (tn/year) 1000 1200 Poor-bad Δείκτης AMBI σε όλα τα δείγματα (AMBI index, all samples & stations) κατηγορίες (%) AMBI categories (%) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% High Good 50% 40% 30% Moderate 20% 10% Bad Poor 0% 0 5 10 25 50 ctrl Απόσταση (m) Distance Δείκτης Shannon σε όλα τα δείγματα (H’ index, all samples & stations) 90% κατηγορίες (%) Shannon categories (%) 100% 80% 70% High 60% 50% Good 40% Moderate 30% Poor 20% Bad 10% 0% 0 5 10 25 50 ctrl Απόσταση (m) Distance Δείκτης BENTIX σε όλα τα δείγματα (BENTIX index, all samples & stations) 90% κατηγορίες (%) BENTIX categories (%) 100% 80% 70% High 60% Good 50% 40% Moderate 30% Poor 20% Bad 10% 0% 0 5 10 25 50 ctrl Απόσταση (m) Distance Thank you