SEA-PT LTD. Clare County Council Oil Spill Response in the Shannon Estuary. Role of Shannon Estuary Anti – Pollution Team and Duties of the Beachmaster SEA-PT Ltd. Shannon Foynes Port Company • Shannon Foynes Port Company (SFPC) is responsible for all maritime activities on the Shannon Estuary. • Also operates a range of value-added services (terminal operations, stevedoring, warehousing and logistics) • Play active role in Estuary environment through SEAPT SEA-PT Ltd. Terminals and Activities • Services six terminals (Foynes, Limerick, Shannon, AAL, Money point and Tarbert • Annual tonnage in excess of 11 million • Ireland’s largest bulk handler • Operates stevedoring at Limerick • Extensive warehousing interests SEA-PT Ltd. General 98% of all of Ireland’s international trade travels by sea. SFPC share of Irish non-unit port traffic: Total traffic 35% Liquid bulk 12% Dry bulk 58% SFPC has consistently exceeded national bulk growth rates Over 40% of all of Ireland’s electricity is generated on the Shannon Estuary Estuary handles over 850 vessels per annum, including the largest into Ireland at Moneypoint (up to 200,000 GT) New Records : Largest cruise ship (38,000 GT Black Watch in August 2006) and bulk carrier ( 52,000 GT Vassiliki in 2005) calls into Foynes SEA-PT Ltd. Shannon Foynes Port Company have 3 response Plans for the Estuary: – Shannon Estuary Marine Emergency Plan – Shannon Estuary Pollution Response Plan – Shannon Estuary Installation Emergency plan Thee are updated every 3 years and sent to the Irish Coast Guard and all Local Authorities to link in with their Major emergency plans SEA-PT Ltd. – Shannon Estuary Anti – Pollution Team. – Formed in November 1993 to support members in pollution response. – To provide a platform for a unified response to oil spill incidents. – Stockpile and maintain pollution response equipment, and support tools (computer modeling etc.) – Committee to co-ordinate collection of annual fees, purchase of equipment, exercises and training courses. SEA-PT Ltd. • Members include: • • • • • • • Aer Rianta Rusal Aughinish Topaz Ltd. ESB Moneypoint Endesa Tarbert AFSC Texaco Ireland Kerry County Council Limerick City Council Clare County Council Limerick County Council Galway County Council. Shannon Foynes Port Co Inver Resources SEA-PT Ltd. All members pay an annual subscription to SEA-PT What do you get in return:•Access to the stock of equipment held and maintained in a warehouse in Foynes 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This stockpile is unique in that it is second only to ICG in Ireland. •Training courses every year held in the Autumn. •Exercises every year held in the spring – this exercise satisfies obligations under OPRC and Irish Coast Guard recommendations. •Forum for discussion and information. •Advice in the event of Oil Pollution Response. •Joint response to any incident on Shannon Estuary and additional resources in the event of a major incident. •Expert advice. SEA-PT Ltd. Response Equipment and Tools 1 Booms SF-01-00-00 Fence booms SF-01-10-00 TroilBoom GP1100 SF-01-11-00 TroilBoom GP1100 tow ends SF-01-12-00 Solid foam boom SF-01-13-00 Curtain booms SF-01-20-00 Sea Sentinel SF-01-21-00 Sea Sentinel tow ends SF-01-22-00 Warne boom 10m SF-01-23-00 Oscar boom SF-01-24-00 Shore Sealing booms SF-01-30-00 Shoreguardian 400 SF-01-31-00 Shoreguardian 550 SF-01-32-00 Shoreguardian 550 tow ends SF-01-33-00 SEA-PT Ltd. Response Equipment and Tools 2 Skimmers SF-02-00-00 Weir skimmers SF-02-10-00 Desmi mini max SF-02-11-00 Delta Skimmer SF-02-12-00 Mantra Ray SF-02-13-00 Disc skimmers SF-02-20-00 Ro-disc 15k SF-02-21-00 Ro-disc 20k SF-02-22-00 Komara 20K SF-02-23-00 Komara Star SF-02-24-00 Mop skimmers SF-02-30-00 Ro-mop OM240D SF-02-31-00 Vacuum skimmers SF-02-40-00 Vikoma mini vac SF-02-41-00 SEA-PT Ltd. Response Equipment and Tools 3 Power Packs & Hydraulic drive units SF-03-00-00 Power packs SF-03-10-00 4.5kw power pack for reel SF-03-11-00 5.2 power pack for disc skimmers SF-03-12-00 GP10-2 SF-03-13-00 GP10-2E SF-03-14-00 Hydraulic motor SF-03-20-00 Hydraulic motor for troil boom SF-03-21-00 SEA-PT Ltd. Response Equipment and Tools 4 Pumps& Air blowers Water Pumps Honda WP20X Honda WP20XT Suzuki VP20X Briggs Transfer Pumps c/w hydraulic motor Spate pump Transfer Pumps c/w diesel engine Spate pump Vikoma transfer pump Air blowers PB-46LN PB-4600 PB265ESL PB-2100 Hunsqvarna air blower SF-04-00-00 SF-04-10-00 SF-04-11-00 SF-04-12-00 SF-04-13-00 SF-04-14-00 SF-04-20-00 SF-04-21-00 SF-04-30-00 SF-04-31-00 SF-04-32-00 SF-04-40-00 SF-04-41-00 SF-04-42-00 SF-04-43-00 SF-04-44-00 SF-04-45-00 SEA-PT Ltd. Response Equipment and Tools 5 Storage units SF-05-00-00 Reels SF-05-10-00 Troil boom reel SF-05-11-00 Storage tanks SF-05-20-00 Vikoma startank SF-05-21-00 Storage bladers SF-05-30-00 Oscar storage blader SF-05-31-00 6 Trailers & ATV & Engines SF-06-00-00 Trailers SF-06-10-00 ATV Trailer SF-06-11-00 Dory Trailer SF-06-12-00 Oscar Trailer SF-06-13-00 Troil boom Trailer SF-06-14-00 ATV SF-06-20-00 Polaris 6 wheel ATV SF-06-21-00 Engines SF-06-30-00 Yamaha 60 FETO SF-06-31-00 SEA-PT Ltd. Response Equipment and Tools 7 Vessels SF-07-00-00 Response vessels SF-07-10-00 17ft Dory SF-07-11-00 Recovery vessels SF-07-20-00 Oscar SF-07-21-00 8 Miscellaneous SF-08-00-00 Forklift SF-08-11-00 Dibo pressure washer SF-08-21-00 80KW Power generator SF-08-31-00 SEA-PT Ltd. Response Equipment and Tools In addition to the equipment the following tools are also available: Hydrocarbon studies for Shannon Estuary Oil spill computer tracking model for Shannon Estuary Computer GIS model for all information to hand. Sensitivity Studies for Shannon Estuary. Shoreline protection strategy. Oil Spill response Plan for Shannon Estuary Emergency boxes for setting up office at Response Centre SEA-PT Ltd. SEA-PT Ltd. SEA-PT Ltd. SEA-PT Ltd. Links between Oil Spill Response Plans IRISH COAST GUARD (ICG) EMERGENCY PLAN SHANNON ESTUARY MARINE EMERGENCY PLAN ICG MARINE POLLUTION PLAN SHANNON ESTUARY OIL SPILL CONITNGENCY PLAN LOCAL AUTHORITY MAJOR EMERGENCY PLAN SEA-PT Ltd. SEAPT and Major Emergency Framework • SEAPT is NOT a blue light response. • Oil pollution response is secondary to Safety of life and securing of incident site. • Pollution response will activate when safe to do so. • SEAPT works under different legislation – Oil Pollution Acts and OPRC. SEA-PT Ltd. OPRC provides a global framework for International Cooperation in combatting major incidents or threats of marine pollution. Parties, of which Ireland is one, are required to establish measures for dealing with pollution incidents, either nationally or in co-operation with other countries. Training and exercises are a compulsory part of OPRC and courses are organised locally, nationally and internationally. These training courses set out a blueprint for setting up response centres recognised internationally and differ from response set ups formed under Local Authority emergency plans. SEA-PT Ltd. On Scene Practical Management SEA-PT Ltd. On Scene Practical Management To discuss how an oil spill should be managed from a practical point of view SEA-PT Ltd. Phases of Response Emergency Callout Assessment Mobilisation Operations Demobilisation Organisation Features Size Adaptable to response tiers Type Dedicated/ad hoc or strike teams Operational or crisis team? Team Training Organisation Structure: eg ICS SRC E xe cu tive Co m m a nd E xte rn a l Lia sion P la nn ing O p e ra tio ns L o g istics F in an ce Responsibilities Executive Command Agree strategic Clean up Plans Collate information Disseminate information up & down Handle Media and local issues Responsibilities External Liasion Press Pressure Groups Community Authorities Responsibilities Planning & Assessment Information Overflights Environmental Assessment Recommend Strategy Responsibilities Logistics Resources Local handling Facilities Procurement & accounting Storage & Safety Maintenance Movement Equipment Issue & Distribution Demobilisation Cleaning Responsibilities Operations Implement recommended Strategy Report progress regularly SHORELINE RESPONSE CENTRE SRC B e a ch m aster B e a ch m aster B e a ch m aster The Planning Cycle 0600hrs reports from BM to Ops 0730hrs Assessment Meeting 0830hrs Feedback to BM Forecast, objectives, priorities 1100hrs Tactical operations meeting 1500hrs Planning Meeting Incident Action Plan Safety Messages Main Objectives Resources Environmental considerations Weather Communications On Scene Practical Management Organisation Responsibilities Clearly Defined Communications Fit for the purpose Needed and the means Resources SRC Incident Commander In cide n t C o m m an d er In fo rm a tion O fficer L ia iso n O fficer S a fe ty O fficer Planning P la nn in g & A sse ssm e nt S ection Response Strategy Public Waste Wildlife S itu atio n U n it S h o relin e A sse ssm e n ts S p ill T ra cking R e sou rce /D o cum e n ta tio n U n it T e chn ica l a n d E n viro n m e n tal a d viso rs H e a lth & S a fe ty D e m o bilisa tion U n it Operations Implement Recommended Strategy O p e ra tio ns S ection Field Operations Shoreline Protection Shoreline Cleanup Waste Management Decontamination O n sce n e C o m m an d er S ta gin g A rea B e a ch m aste rs S ite S a fe ty Logistics L o g istics S e rv ic e Bra n ch S u pp o rt B ran ch M e d ic al G ro un d S u pp o rt T p t/H R F o od /W a ter S u p p ly U n it P ro cu re m e nt w o rk with F in an c ia l se c tio n (p ro c ed u re s) C o m m u n ica tio ns F a cilitie s U n it S h e lte r/sa n itatio n/A d m in istra tion e tc E q . sto ra ge sites/w aste fa cilitie s e tc Responsible for providing logistics support services necessary to ensure incident response operations are carried out in a safe and efficient fashion obtaining the personnel, equipment, materials, and supplies needed to mount and sustain incident response operations S e c u rity Finance C o st U n it T im e U n it C o m pe n satio n Cla im s SRC Layout Information Informationcentre Centre Situation Unit Media Unit Planning Operations Logistics Command Finance Information Centre Incident Facts Update Weather Tides SR/SS Others 1 Situation Map Resourse Status 2 Objectives Organisation Incident Facts 1 Safety & Health considerations, Mass Balance, Sensitive Areas 2 Enroute, Assigned, Available, Out of Service 3 Operational Period, Schedule of Meetings, Medical Plan, Communications Plan Other 3 SEA-PT Ltd. 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