Regional Knowledge Network on Systemic Approaches to Water Resources Management R-KNOW Location: Amman, Jordan Date 17/04/2014 Approach Methodology Granting phase Project progress : From granting till now Kick-off meeting (Morocco) Regional planning meeting (Jordan) IUCN-AWO meetings national level Preparation phase and data collection Stakeholder analysis Reporting Steering committee approvals Here we are Preparing for next phase (evaluation phase) Methodology What the IUCN & AWO did for now? ONE (Preparatory phase): Establish a project management unity PMU to run the project (IUCN, AWO & stk. representatives) and accordingly conducting several brain storming sessions & meetings. THREE (Implementation Phase) 3.1. Stakeholder identification 3.2. Arrange and then conduct meetings, interviews, collecting data, and correspondences 3.3. Data entry and interviews transcription TWO (Planning Phase): Develop the study related tools: i.e. data collection tools (forms, letters, interview guides, etc) FOUR (Analysis & reporting): The collected data were analyzed and the below arte the main products: STK identification; STK categorising; STK matrix ; STK needs; STK related projects Stakeholders & Project Selections Stakeholders selection (Criteria !!!) Project Selection (Criteria !!!) Any entity, body or organization in Jordan that has interest or concern (affect or affected by) (-ve/+ve) in the 4 thematic area Done fully or partially in Jordan Fresh project (No before 5 years) Project related to the 4 thematic areas Examples: MOA, MWI, JOHUD, JVA, IUCN, AWO, etc. AFTER the above mentioned criteria … there other criteria used such as: Participatory, integrated, capacity building, awareness, etc R-KNOW Key Findings Main key Findings STK identification STK categorising STK matrix STK needs STK related projects STK identification R-KNOW Key Findings: Stakeholder identification NCARE MEMR MWI MOA JRF HCST With regards to water governance and the 4 thematic areas there are 10s of active stakeholders in Jordan MOH MOPIC JVA IUCN MOE JOHUD R-KNOW Key Findings: Stakeholder identification: sample # Title Ministry of Water and Irrigation Ministry of Environment Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Planning & International Cooperation Jordan Valley Authority Water Authority of Jordan The National Center for Research and Development (NCRD) The IUCN Regional Office for West Asia (ROWA) The Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development Arab Women Organization Water User Associations The European Union The Millennium Challenge Corporation The USAID Water and Environment Office German technical cooperation Acronym MWI MOE MOA MOP JVA WAJ NCRD Type Government Government Government Government Government Government Government IUCN-ROWA JOHUD INGO NGO AWO WUA EU MCC USAID GIZ NGO NGO Donor Donor Donor Donor STK categorizing R-KNOW Key Findings: Stakeholder categorizing 1 The preliminary investigation found 10s of Jordanian organizations that influence water Governance in Jordan These stakeholders may vary in their typology, field of action, function, interest, experiences, objectives & goals, and other major issues however they integrate each other to achieve water governance. Two methods of categorization has been chosen: 1. Based on their typology 2- Based on their function of field of action R-KNOW Key Findings: Stakeholder categorizing 2 Categorizing stakeholder (organizations) based on their TYPE & (FUNCTION) Based on their function Based on their type 1. governmental 2. nongovernmental 3. Private sector 1- Policy and planning 2- Implementation & steering sector 3- Standardizations, certification & monitoring 4- Community development & empowerment 5- Awareness, extension and technology transfer 6- Academia organizations; Research & development 7- Donors Stakeholders based on typology R-KNOW Key Findings: Stakeholder categorizing 2 Government Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs; INGOs; Donor) Private Ministries (MOA, MOWI, MOE, MEMR, MOPIC,); Academic, Research and Development (Universities; NCARE;); Implementation & sector steering (WAJ, JVA, etc) Non-governmental Organizations (RSS, JOHUD, JRF, RBG, AWO); International Non-governmental Organizations: (IUCN,ICARDA, MC,); Donor (USAID, MCA, EU, JICA, GIZ, UNDP, etc) Water Corporations (LEMA, BOT, Consulting Companies, etc); Universities; etc R-KNOW Key Findings: Stakeholder categorizing 2 The water governance relevant stakeholder based on their (function) Stakeholders based on function/field of action Examples Policy & planning Implementation & sector steering (guiding the sector progress) MOA, MOWI, MOE, MEMR, MOPIC, etc MOA, MOWI, MOE, MEMR, MOPIC, LEMA, BOT, JVA, WAJ, etc Standardizations, certification and monitoring JISM, RSS, MOA, MOWI, MOE, MEMR, MOPIC, etc ICARDA, JOHUD, JRF, RBG, NCARE, etc Community development & empowerment Awareness, extension and technology transfer NCARE, Academia organizations; Research & development Donation (financial, technical & logistical support) Universities, Research centers, NCARE, etc USAID, MCA, EU, JICA, GIZ, UNDP, etc Stakeholder matrix Sum Up … template Summary of what we use in our reports … Introduction …. XXX XXX Field of interest XXX XXX General experiences XXX XXX Water governance related experiences XXX XXX Water governance seven pillars: XXX XXX Project Example (s) …. Project Example XXX XXX Project Name: XXX XXX (see annex number XXX XXX for full details) Objective: XXX XXX Budget: XXX XXX Duration: XXX XXX ; Donor: XXX XXX Governance related output: XXX XXX Stakeholder /Organization identity: XXX XXX The next slides illustrates some examples for our findings Stakeholders based on function/field of action Policy & planning Awareness, extension and technology transfer …………… Examples MOA, MOWI, MOE, MEMR, MOPIC, etc NCARE, …………… From the above table, NCARE is an example for the organizations responsible for the awareness, extension and technology transfer activities In the next slide the template we use to illustrate the information about NCARE and its water governance relevant projects …. Stakeholder matrix … Stakeholders Acron Role level Typol Field of Action ym ogy Ministry of Water and Irrigation MWI Primary GOV Ministry of Environment MOE Primary GOV Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources MEMR Primary GOV Ministry of Planning & International MOPIC Primary Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture MOA Primary GOV Royal Scientific Society National Center for Research & Development The Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development The National Center for Agricultural Research and Extension German Society for International Cooperation (the same thing for MCC, USAID, UNDP and other donors) The Committees of Agriculture, Water & Energy at Jordan Parliament Millennium Challenge Corporation RSS NCRD GOV Secondary NGO Secondary GOV Policy & planning/Supporting and monitoring the sector progress Policy & planning/Supporting and monitoring the sector progress Policy & planning/Supporting and monitoring the sector progress Policy & planning/Supporting and monitoring the sector progress Policy & planning/Supporting and monitoring the sector progress Control, Analysis & Accreditation Research, Development & Planning JOHUD Primary NGO Community Development NCARE Primary GOV Research, Development & Extension GIZ Primary INGO Donor, Community Development, executing agency N/A Secondary GOV MCC Primary INGO Water Authority of Jordan WVHA Primary GOV Jordan Valley Authority JVA Primary GOV Legislations and regulations Water resources planning and monitoring, construction, operations, and maintenance Development, utilization, protection and conservation of water resources. The same thing done for the other stakeholders (MOA, MWI, IUCN, AWO, etc) under the title progress PLEASE, have a look to the distributed documents (See Annexes) Annex 2; Annex 3; Annex 4 Stakeholder needs The IUCN/AWO investigations for the related stakeholders reveal that these needs are among the most important needs Problem Many existing policies and legislations are not active Limited/Lack of resources to run activities (actions, strategies, plans) – not sustainable Some of the policies are not based on participatory approach Weak government role in controlling water sector Related Needs Activate the already exists policies and legislations in the field of water governance and the other thematic areas Allocate the needed resources to run the different initiatives or activities (sustainable resources i.e. financial resources, human resources, technical, etc) Engage the local community in designing & implementing the related policies, laws, bylaws, regulations, etc Strengthen the role of the government in controlling the water sector on one hand and activate the penalty’s system (punishment) for illegal actions on the other hand Problem Poor knowledge & experience share Related Needs Facilitate the knowledge share between the different stakeholders and figure out some solutions and tools for experience share Donors & inefficient Donations should be based on real needs and donors donation + lack of should be directed by national priorities. Not to forget, to coordination coordinate between donors. Research and The researches done at universities or research centers development is not should be in line with the national/local community needs benefiting locals or (applicable/with application) and not for the sake of government research (which is not helpful) Poor awareness More efforts should be done at the individual, local programmes community, and national level in the field of awareness Capacity building The different stakeholders expressed their need in the field of capacity building related to water governance as well as other related areas Poor networking and Strengthen the relationship between the different coordination between stakeholders and build/strengthen the trust between different stakeholders them Stakeholder related projects Project title Execut Donor Project description ing organi zation MCC USAID It is an ongoing program with $275.1 Million budget to (1) & MCC restructure and rehabilitate water network; (2) Wastewater network reinforcement and expansion project; (3) As-samra wastewater treatment plant expansion project Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Compact Program Social, Ecological IUCN / & Agricultural AWO Resilience in the Face of Climate Change Water User Associations (WUA) MWI / JVA EU GIZ SEARCH is a three year regional project working in five countries (Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Palestine and Lebanon), funded by the European Union, to develop and pilot a resilience framework for local action planning capacities and methodologies to increase climate change resilience through joint learning, planning and testing by stakeholders through demonstration sites With the support of MWI and giz, farmers in the Jordan Valley (JV) organize themselves into Water User Associations (WUA) and into a federation in order to represent their interests in front of the Government and other institutions. Farmers take over the tasks of retail water distribution management according to a specific bylaw. The final phase (WUA sustaining phase) of this project started on 2009 to achive the following: Prepare a bylaw for the WUA; develop an institutional framework for WUA and a WUA federation; extend the task transfer areas; and establish new WUA Which themes fits under this project Water governance Water governance + Climate change Water governance Project title Execut Donor ing organi zation Project description Which themes fits under this project Badia Bench Mark Project Phase 2 NCARE ICARDA The project aims at finding ways to increase the adoption of Water improved technologies, and thus improve water productivity and governance livelihoods, in environments where water is scarce. It is based on + community participation, integrating technical, socioeconomic Water and policies and institutions aspects in selected benchmarks. governance Three benchmark sites and seven satellite sites are established to cover the major agro ecosystems on the region, namely, the irrigated, the rain fed and the badia agro ecosystems. Each benchmark site has two to three satellites to complement the benchmark activities and help disseminate its outputs. Improved Water JOHUD EU + The purpose of the project is household water users in selected Sustainable Resources GIZ technologies low income areas where piped supplies are irregular and/or do Security for Low not exist, have enhanced security for their supplies through the Income Rural establishment of effective WWW groups and alternative water and Urban demand structures beyond the classical piped water supply. Communities Project "WRAP" The list of these projects is too long and we still in progress to finalize it all Where We Are Now !!! OUR PROGRESS more than 70% is done Are we done with data collection? Since data collection is a continuous time consuming process, still we are in progress and it is expected to finish the data collection no later than 2 months from now DONE >>> Till now we are done with the following: MOA; NCARE; NCRD; IUCN; JOHUD; GIZ; etc IN PROGRESS >>> The data collection for the other organizations are still in progress … Lessons learned/Recommendations Lessons learned from what has been done Hereunder, some learnt lessons that we found during the data collection, stakeholder analysis, etc Networking (It Is All About Networking): Networking among the relevant stakeholders has become a necessity to avoid many common obstacles (e.g. the redundancy and reparation of projects or ideas) Documentation Is Needed: The poor documentation systems at the different Jordanian organizations urge the need for good documentation systems Internal & External Coordination: Jordanian organizations should focus on the internal coordination as well as the external coordination (it was noticed that poor coordination occurs among different departments within the same organization) Lessons learned/Recommendations Lessons learned from what has been done Hereunder, some learnt lessons that we found during the data collection, stakeholder analysis, etc Be Systematic (Start Where Others End): As a result of poor/lack of networking, coordination and documentation among stakeholders, it was noticed that people/organizations are not building their efforts systematically. Donors Should Be In Line With Each Other: The poor management or even weak follow up for donors in Jordan results in less efficiency donation as well as poor projects that don'ts meet the beneficiaries demand Recommendations for RKNOW next phase Based on a comprehensive investigation done by IUCN ROWA we recommend to adopt the following approaches for RKNOW next phase (pilot selection criteria): EMPOWERS approach (7 recommendations or pillars) the same approach adopted by the EMPOWERS project mentioned under the 7 recommendations for Amman conference Recommendations for RKNOW next phase EMPOWERS Approach Based on what has been done at EMPOWERS project, it is recommended to adopt the 7 pillars of water governance in the evaluation and selection criteria: 1- Integration; 2- Vulnerability; 3- Harmonization; 4- Building capacities; 5- Accessible information; 6- Developed solution; 7- Awareness Integration: The integrated participation of all stakeholders and end-users at all levels Vulnerability: Special efforts are made to include vulnerable groups. Harmonization: The efforts of all actors (government, partners in development, civil society) should be harmonized Building capacities: Capacities of stakeholders should be developed at different levels to enable them to participate in water resources planning and management. Accessible information: Water information should be considered a public good; and access to information be enabled for all citizens. Developed solution: Locally appropriate solutions and tools should be developed. Awareness: Awareness must be developed for informed participation in water governance.