
Writing Survey Questions
 Characteristics of good survey items
 Two basic kinds of questions
 Some Common item writing problems
 Scale selection
 Evaluating questions after you write them
Its harder than you think
 Despite your best efforts, you will probably write questions
that raise more questions than they answer
 There are no real hard and fast rules, but rather a set of
 Common sense is the real rule
 CAVEAT of all survey research - - - surveys record second
hand information, communicated perceptions, opinions,
beliefs. Direct observation is always better (but not always
What will you measure
 Always begin by asking yourself what you intend to measure
or evaluate. This serves as the guide to what items you need
to make a decision.
 Ask yourself what covariates you will need (blocking
 Common ones include, age, gender, SES, race, ethnicity, but
you may identify some that are relevant to your study (Fowler,
 A guiding question should be “on what might the answers
depend” (Yovanoff, 2005)
 More is usually better than less – you can always throw them
away if you don’t need them, but you usually cant go back and
get more info
5 Basic Characteristics
 There are some basic characteristics of questions and answers that
are fundamental to good measurement (Fowler, 1995)
1. Question need to be consistently understood – the same for each
2. Questions need to be consistently administered – sometimes an
issue with in person interviews, less so with online surveys
3. Respondents need to be capable of understanding the question,
and understanding how to answer
4. Respondents need to be willing to answer
 In general – we want to maximize the degree to which an question
produces answers that measure something
Two Basic Kinds of Questions
 Those that aim to gather facts (objective)
 e.g., In what month were you born?
 e.g., What is your approximate annual income in thousands of CDN dollars?
 Those that aim to gather opinion (subjective)
 e.g., Indicate on the following scale how much you liked last night’s math
 e.g., What is the top reason you think an SDSU prof works for UofO is in
Questions to Gather Facts
(e.g., month born, annual salary, etc.)
Begin by clearly defining what you want to measure – overall
and with each item. This definition will guide you in item
Decide how you want the response to look – on what scale
(more on that later)
Questions to Gather Facts
 Think of a common question you might see on a survey
designed to gather a ‘fact’
Questions to Gather Opinion
(e.g. liking homework, why SDSU for UO in BC, etc.)
 When you gather opinion, you are gathering subjective data
 There is no right or wrong answer
 Sometimes these look like factual questions, but if people
will respond in different ways, they are not
 e.g., How friendly is your teacher?
Open Ended Questions
 They are needed when …
 you cannot put all possible responses on a scale, e.g., what are
your work duties?
 You want to understand thinking, e.g., how would you solve this
 When you really don’t understand what the answer might look
like, e.g., how did you become homeless?
 Unlike with scales or MC questions, open ended questions
allow for more respondent flexibility – but it is is coupled
with difficult analysis later
 People are not constrained to an area of response, so there is a
lot of variability in the data
 Leads to subjectivity in coding / imposition of scale
Common Item Writing Problems
(and how to deal with them)
 Multi-dimensionality
 Ambiguous Stems
 Response Restriction
 Sensitive Items
 Distorted Responses
Item Writing - Dimensionality
 A single dimension in a question is usually best – both in the
stem and possible response
 e.g., How would you rate your health?
 In this case “health” is ill defined, and may mean different things to
different people. Is it level of fitness? Absence of disease? Weight? This
construct has multiple dimensions
 e.g., How would you rate your teacher?
a) smart and confident
b) smart and not confident
c) no smart and confident
d) not smart and not confident
Item Writing - Dimensionality
 Sometimes this is referred to as double barreled
 In questions watch out for coordinating conjunctions,
because they are designed to join clauses
 "and," "but," "or," "nor," "for," "so,“, "yet“
 e.g., Although the system of education in BC is of good
quality, it really should not be mirrored in other provinces.
Agree or Disagree?
 You may agree the BC system is good or not good
 You may think it should be mirrored, or not.
Item Writing - Ambiguous
 Avoid ambiguous words
 Be concrete, define key terms in questions
 Do you spend a lot of time studying in the Master’s
 On average, how many hours do you study each day ?
 Do you usually prepare before class?
 On average, how many hours do you spend preparing for class
each week ?
Item Writing – Restricted Response
 During the semester, on average, how many hours do you spend
preparing for this class each week?
 Less than 1 hour
 Between 1 and 2 hours
 Between 2 and 4 hours
 More than 4 hours
 During the semester, on average, how many hours do you spend
preparing for this class each week?
Enter response _____
Item Writing - Leading
 Watch out for statements of supposed fact
 e.g., Overall, would you agree with most people that our
federal government is corrupt?
 e.g., better – Overall, is our federal government corrupt?
 e.g., This year, wild dogs killed more cats than in any other year,
ever. Do you agree that dogs ownership should be better
 e.g., better – Should dog ownership be regulated?
Item Writing - Sensitivity
 Simple fact - some sensitive questions will not elicit truthful
 Many respondents will answer positively to avoid the
 e.g., Do you love your children?
 Better to triangulate with…
 How much time do you spend with your children?
 Do you play games with your children?
 How much do you cuddle your children?
 Have you ever cried because of your child’s behavior?
 Have you ever hit your child with a wooden bat?
Item Writing - Sensitivity
 Take note – sensitivity is in the eye of the beholder – it is not
so much the question, but the way a person will answer
 e.g. Have you been hospitalized in the last year?
a. For those who have not, it isnt sensitive – truthful response
b. For those who have been to hospital for the flu, it probably isnt –
probably truthful response
c. For those who have been to hosptial for teenage pregnancy or an STD
– it probably is – probably untruthful response
Item Writing - Sensitivity
 Some studies seem to indicate that respondents tend to
answer questions in a way that might make them look better,
to the surveyor or the public (Locander, Sudman, Bradburn,
 Tend to under-report disease - when questioned about health
(Cannell, Fisher, Bakker, 1965)
 Tend to report status quo - when questioned about voting
(Madow, 1967)
 Tend to highly underreport - when questioned about
masturbating (Sudman & Bradburn, 1982)
Item Writing - Sensitivity
 To reduce sensitivity
 Assure confidentiality, use blind data analysis
 Better yet, don’t ask for names /personally identifying info (or
do so at the end of the survey)
 Communicate the importance of accurate responses
 Reduce the role of the interviewer (if face to face)
 Reduce the amount of detail you ask for, so it is less obtrusive
Item Writing– Distortions
 There are two primary reasons we might not get the answer
we want outside of social desirability – “distortions in
 The respondent may have forgotten
 The respondent may not have the information
 Be aware of respondents and how these factors may play into
creating measurement error. Try to design around them.
 e.g., lead into a question with a brief description
 imagine yourself at home when you are eating dinner as you answer this
 Keep in mind your responses are completely anonymous as you answer
the following questions
 With your question stem, you also need to design a response
format. It might be a selection of choices, might be open
ended, but often is on a scale.
Scale Selection
 Your selection of response format (the scaling) is
determined, in part, by the kind of analysis you might want
to use
 Nominal – words/names – no order, no comparative meaning
 eg., red, blue, green, Mark, Mary, Chris
 Good for descriptive data analysis only
 Ordinal – ordered, less to more
 eg., no experience, a little experience, some experience, a lot
 Good for descriptive data, too, lends itself to proportions analysis like %
or chi-square
 Interval (no zero) / ration (zero) – equal interval scales
 eg., month experience
 Lends itself to parametric statistics -t-tests, correlations, regression,
ANOVA, etc.
Scale Selection
 No matter what scale you choose, that scale is open to
subjectivity. This is a constant source of measurement error,
and is difficult to quantify.
 e.g., if I ask you to rate this class on a scale from 1 to 10, one
person’s 6 might be pretty good, where another’s 6 might mean
just palatable.
 Often, we use numbers, words, and pictures to let people
express their feelings and opinions, each may be more or less
appropriate in different settings
Response Scale Examples
 Numbers
 eg., on a scale of 1 to 10…
 Words
 eg., a lot, some, only a little, not at all
 Pictures
Scales – the details
 How many categories?
 Fewer categories leads to less variance (less data to analyze)
 But, research points to <10 (Andrews, 1984) being adequate
 In truth, 5 or 7 is sufficient (10 point scale just seems to be as much as
people can handle)
 An even number will force one way or the other
 An odd number permits sitting on the fence
Evaluating Questions
 After creating questions, there are several methods we can
use to evaluate their efficacy/quality
1. Focus group discussions
did you like this question? Why or why not?
Interviews that focus on how a person answers a question
(a cognitive approach)
what were you thinking when you answered this question
Field test under realistic conditions (pilot testing)
e.g., give to 10 middle school age students first, before giving
to the whole middle school
Evaluating Questions
 We can also evaluate the degree to which our questions work
by looking at data after they are administered
1. Predictive relationships of responses known in theory (e.g.,
how much do you like your job? What is your level of job
2. Comparison of data from questions that ask almost the
same thing (but are worded differently)
3. Comparison of answers to records (when data available)
4. Consistency of answers from a respondent at two time
 With a partner or small group, design a good question
 With a partner or small group, design a good question
 Now, make it bad in just one of the ways I covered
 With a partner or small group, design a good question
 Now, make it bad in just one of the ways I covered
 Come type on my computer when ready
Some Bad Questions
Activity – fix the questions
Another Activity
 (pick an area to evaluate)
 Write 3-5 questions that fit your topic
 In the same groups, review the items to make sure they are
 Consider covariates (usually demographic variables) you
might want – these are also called blocking variables