The Design of NCFs: focusing on fiduciary standards and monitoring evaluation The Case of Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation (KEHATI) Edison Hulu Director of Finance and Administration (KEHATI) • Outline of presentation 1. Briefly about KEHATI • • • • • KEHATI: Vision and mission The Role of KEHATI KEHATI: Organization Chart, 2008-2012 KEHATI: Monitoring & Evaluation KEHATI: Management Principles 2. Type of Trust Funds 3. Lesson Learnt #1: Endowment Fund 4. Lesson Learnt #2: TFCA as Sinking Fund management 5. Lesson Learnt #3: Green Fund as revolving Fund 6. KEHATI Attractiveness 2 KEHATI: Vision and Mission KEHATI was established in Jakarta on 12 January 1994 as non profit grant making foundation, which support conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. KEHATI provides resources and facilities the partner organizations: Civil Society Organizations, NGOs, community group, research group, and educational institutions. Vision Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity that respect fair and equitable benefit sharing and encourage human empowerment to achieve human well being as well as the highest quality of life. Mission To achieve biodiversity conservation by means of building strategic alliance to secure community development to promote endeavors of public policy advocacy, mobilize resource support, encourage shared learning, and enhancement participation of society. The Role of KEHATI a. A grant making institution 1. Provides facilities and giving support in term of funding for its grantee and other stakeholders to facilitate development of conservation activities and increase community welfare through sustainable and fair use biodiversity. 2. Support effort of strategic, complex, multi-dimensional and long term problem solving, instead of giving assistance’s to fulfill needs or recovery for a short time. 3. Encourages innovative environmental social investment activities for the future. 4. Gives assistance’s for new program in initiatives. 5. Gives assistance’s to a community group that has no access to capital and other resources. 6. Support community initiatives uncovered by government program and budget or other formal institutions 7. Stimulate community self reliance. b. A facilitator and multi-stakeholder mediator 1. Connects multi-stakeholder’s support in conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in Indonesia. 2. Encourages multi-stakeholders mobilization to ensure self reliance and sustainability of institution or civil community organization. 3. Support knowledge development and technology as well as wisdom of local community which are relevant to natural resources management and biodiversity conservation. 4. Influence policies and rules of law which are relevant to natural resources management and biodiversity conservation. 5. Encourages biodiversity as one factor or main aspect to be considered as in taking decision which relevant which politic, socio-cultural, and economic, for community development. 6. Catalyzes development of sustainable community based ecosystem management. 7. Facilitates establishment of biodiversity information centre with active involvement of multi-stakeholder. KEHATI: ORGANIZATION CHART, 2008–2012 Governing Board Supervisory Board Executive Board Internal Control Unit Executive Director Special Programs (MFP II, TFCA Sumatera, TFCA Kalimantan) Directorate Conservation and Sustainable of Biodiversity (Director) •Grant making Committee •Investment Committee •Resource Development Committee •SRI-KEHATI Index Committee •Policy/Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Unit •Executive Secretary Directorate Communication and Resource Development Directorate Finance and Administration (Director) (Director) Assistants: - Investment Assistant - Legal Assistant Agriculture Ecosystem Program (Officer) Forest Ecosystem Program (Officer) Coastal & Small Islands Ecosystem Program (Officer) Resource Development Program (Officer) Communicati on & Education Program •Communicat ion Officer •Education & Outreach Officer Knowledge Management •KM Officer •Resource Center Coordinator •MIS Administrator Human Resource & General Administration (Manager) Finance & Accounting (Manager) •GA & Office administration Staff •Receptionist •General Assistant •Accountant •Cashier Grant Program Administration (Manager) Grant & Non Grant Program Administration Staff KEHATI: Monitoring & Evaluation Tools of controls and problem solvers General board and main boards Committee Management (Directors & Managers) Internal auditors, external auditors, donors Stakeholders (NGO’s , Government, Grantee) Tools of monitoring & evaluation Legal documents KEHATI as a foundation Independent external evaluator report Document five years strategic plan Document of yearly planning and budgeting Financial audited report by registered public accountant that recognized by USAID. Annual report on realization of programs & budgeting Monthly management report Occasional or special case report Memorandums and Agreements Meeting notes, memos Standard operational manuals Quality of services (ISO 1998), Financial and accounting manual Others documents Expressed “Unqualified opinion” on those financial statements of KEHATI by Certified Public Accountants as follows: 1. Drs Johan, Malonda & Partners, A member of Nexia International (19962000), 2. Paul Hadiwinata, Hidajat, Arsono & Partners (20012009), and 3. Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto, Moore Stephens (20102012) KEHATI: Management Principles 1. Transparent management of funds and programs. There is a transparent policies, clear procedures for disbursement of grants, which is also open to the public, by means of criteria, and selection procedures for partners and programs, selected by an independent team of proposal assessors as well as regular reports for the public. 2. Principle accountability for the public. Funds that have been receive and spent by the institution are clearly reported in detail not only to the donor, but also to the public. This is undertaken through the implementation of the effective of resource uses, the principle of careful monetary management, also followed by the ability to maintain a schedule and targets; for program implementation, location as well as communities who receive funds. Kehati: Cost Effective Ratio, 2008-2011 Indicators General Administration Cost (Rp) Total Expenditure (Rp) Cost Effective Ratio 2008 2009 3,497,776,135 3,465,360,348 22,286,264,029 15.69% 21,569,140,273 16.07% 2010 3,352,731,029 23,474,428,464 14.28% 2011 6,506,789,410 50,890,932,568 12.79% Cost effective ratio for NGOs experienced : 25%-30% Primary Types of Trust Funds Conservation trust funds provide an investment avenue that can be used to finance conservation program costs over many years. Trust funds also establish the administrative and management mechanisms that help involve local people and enable nongovernmental organizations to work together with government agencies to carry out conservation activities. Depending on the legal system of the country, trust funds can be established as foundations, nonprofit corporations, common-law trusts, or special institutions. Trust funds can be financed by debt swaps, through grants or donations, or through other financing mechanisms such as earmarked taxes and fees. There are three primary types of trusts funds: 1. An endowment fund where the interest, but not the capital is spent; 2. A sinking fund where the income and part of the capital is spent every year, eventually sinking the fund to zero over a pre-determined time; and 3. A revolving fund which continually receives new revenues from earmarked taxes or fees and continually spends these revenues. Lesson Learnt #1: Endowment Fund Management KEHATI, in its cooperation with the USAID under Cooperative Agreement no. 497-0384-A00-5011-00, titled “Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation (IBF) Project” between USAID and KEHATI signed on April 1995. Three strategic objectives of KEHATI which will supported under this Cooperative Agreement: 1) Promoting policies for enhancement of biodiversity in Indonesia. 2) Networking among NGOs, research and educational institutions, government agencies and business community, to exchange information related to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. 3) Fostering and improving the capacities of society to conserve and use biodiversity in a fair, equitable and sustainable manner. To support the above objectives, USAID have agreed to provide a fund for KEHATI in the total of US$ 19 million, which will be made available for: a. US$ 16.5 million for the capitalization of an endowment fund with approved asset managers. This endowment fund is for investment purposes, of which the income generated from invested endowment shall be used to support KEHATI’s programs and operations. b. US$2.5 million for start-up operation, local programs and operating expenses of the foundation in its initial development. 14.69 14.53 16.09 17.73 16.67 24.0 1.6 18.0 0.9 0.8 1.1 0.8 12.0 1.9 1.3 1.0 0.9 22.63 21.25 19.82 1.5 20.31 19.52 17.36 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.4 0.8 1.5 19.86 22.58 22.38 21.16 0.8 30.0 1.3 1.2 16.50 1.6 18.43 2.0 24.95 KEHATI Endowment Fund (US$ million), 1995–June 30, 2012 Withdrawl 2012 2011 2010 2009* 2008 2007 2006 2005* 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 - 1995 - 6.0 Nilai Investasi Value of investment •2005 : Office KEHATI US$ 500,000,•2009 : TFCA US$1 million Market value & return of Assets ● Original value at inception (1995) ● Market value (neto, June 2012) ● Total withdrawals (1997- June 2012) ● Gross value of Endowment Fund ● Total returns generated ● Annualized returns on investment : : : : : : $ 16,500,000 (a) $ 16,214,491.76 (b) $ 17,445,824 (c) $ 32,137,443 d=(b+c) $ $15,637,443 (d-a) 6.12% p.a. • • • • Dow Jones (1996-2012) 8.4% p.a. S&P 500 (1996-2012) 8% p.a. JCI (1997-2012) 30% p.a. Hang Seng (1996-2012) 5% p.a Lesson Learnt #2: TFCA as a Sinking fund Management Lesson Learnt #2 (Cont.) Trust Fund model Fund name : Tropical Forest Action for Sumatra (TFCA-1) Country: GOI (Government of Indonesia) and USG (United States of America Government) Objective: to facilitate the conservation, protection, restoration, and sustainable use of tropical forests in Indonesia. Governing body: Ministry of Forestry (Indonesia) Legal status: U.S. Tropical Forest Conservation Act of 1998, Public Law No. 105-214 Capital: US$ 2 million (swap partner capital) which generated fund for tropical forest conservation Indonesia in value of US$ 30 million for 8 years (2009-2017). Beneficiaries : NGOs, Community group, and local people TFCA Swap Deal USG Swap Partners Treasury SP #1 $19.6 million $2 million SP #2 (MOF) Oversight Committee Administrator Grants to GOI Trustee New Obligation X Debt repayments on treated debt cancelled USAID Makes decisions on grants USG, GOI, SP Local NGOs Other local entities Pos. GOI (exceptional circumstances) TFCA Management Structure GOI Forest Conservation Agreement CI KEHATI Ad Hoc OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Designee of USG, GOI, CI, KEHATI, Designated Member Institution + Authorized Representative of Administrator as a Secretary of OC Acceptance Instrument ADMINISTRATOR Grant to : Grant Recipient Agreement Local NGOs/ CBOs Grant Recipient (Eligible Entities) Other Local Entities TFCA Fund Management Designation GOI OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Instruction ADMINISTRATOR (KEHATI) US$30 million Settlor Trust Agreement Debt Service Account FCA Grant Account Grant to : Grant Recipient (Eligible Entities) TRUST INSTITUTION Trustee Custodian Trust New Obligation settlement for 10 years TFCA: Project Organization Chart & Selecting Proposal from Grantee Oversight Committee (OC) M1 Executive Director (KEHATI) M2 •Evaluation proposal •OC (yes,no) M3 •Proposal Technical Assistant •Proposal revision TFCA Program Director M4 Office Secretary M5 Assistant to Program Director /Grant Manager Finance Officer Communication & Outreach Officer Conservation Specialist •Request for Proposal M6 • Proposal evaluation • OC decision (yes or no) • Final Proposal •OC grant budget •Grant Agreement •Grant Disbursement Lesson Learnt #2 (Cont.) The main project manual Project Management manual Organization Grant making policies Grant making procedure Debt swap management manual General principles and governance Investment policy Risk Management Finance and accounting policies Budgeting manual Management expense account manual Payment manual Auditing manual Human resources, fixed asset management manual Operating cost manual Reporting and proposal manual 17 TFCA: An example the detail of Operating cost standard A. Maximum cost of meeting standard rate Meeting cost Rupiah Explanation 1. Consumption 250,000 man/day 2. Meeting room a. Nasional 2,000,000 per/day b. Province level 1,500,000 per/day c. District level 1,000,000 per/day 3. Hotel (accomodation) 750,000 room /day B. Maximum cost of seminar standard rate Seminar cost Rupiah Explanation 1. Speaker & paper 1,500,000 per section 2. Moderator 750,000 per section 3. Notulist 500,000 per/day 4. Transcripter 250,000 per/day 5. local transport 100,000 man/day 6. Opportunity cost 150,000 man/day C. Maximum Training cost standard rate Training cost Rupiah Explanation 1. National Trainner 2,000,000 per section 2. Local trainner 750,000 per section 3. Notulist 500,000 per/day 4. Transcripter 250,000 per/day 5. local transport 100,000 man/day 6. Opportunity cost 150,000 man/day D. Maximum Reporting cost standard rate Reporting cost Rupiah Explanation 1. Designer 4,000,000 per project 2. Lay-outer 4,000,000 per report 3. Writer 5,000,000 per report 4. Editor 3,500,000 per report 5. Photographer 250,000 per page 6. Writing introduction 2,500,000 per report E. Maximum honorarium standard rate Expert level Rupiah Explanation 1. Local senior 2,000,000 per day 2. Local midle level 1,000,000 per day 3. Local yunior 750,000 per day 4. Foreign senior USD 750 per day 5. Foreign midle level USD 500 per day 6. Foreign junior USD 300 per day F. Transportation cost standard rate Transportation cost Explanation 1. Air transportation Pay at cost 2. Airport tax Pay at cost 3. Maximum rent car Rp 1,000,000 per day 4. Domestic per diem Rp 300,000 per day 5. Abroad per diem USAID role 6. Insurance Pay at cost KEL: Linge Isak • First Period (2011-2014) - Accepted 5 proposals. - Total Fund: Rp. 24,2 billion - Intervention area: Leuser ecosystem, Forest Batang Toru-TN Batang Gadis, Kerinci Seblat, Semenanjung Kampar-Senepis KEL: SIngkil Hutan Batang Toru-TN Batang Gadis Semenanjung Kampar-Senepis TN Kerinci Seblat Partners: Yayasan Leuser Internasional, Consorsium Sahabat (PetraBitra), Institut Green Aceh, KKI Warsi, Jikalahari • Second Period (2011-2014) KEL-Blok Karo Langkat KEL-Rawa Tripa - Accepted 7 proposals - Total funds: Rp. 29.8 billion. Landscape intervention: Kerinci Seblat, Bukit Tigapuluh, KEL-Rawa Tripa, Karo Langkat, TN Siberut Siberut, Tesso Nilo, and Bukit Barisan Selatan BT Toru- TN Bt Gadis TN Tesso Nilo TN Kerinci Seblat Partners: Jaringan Akar, Konsorsium WWF-PKHS Riau, Yayasan Ekosistem Lestari, Konsorsium Yayasan Orangutan Sumatera Lestari - Orangutan Information Centre (OIC), Konsorsium Yayasan Kirekat Indonesia, Konsorsium Yayasan TN Tesso Nilo, Konsorsium Unila-PILI TN Bukit Barisan Selatan Lesson Learnt #3: Green Fund as revolving Fund Investment goal is to invite investor to involve and to care about the sustainable development and to protect biodiversity for future generation. Mutual Funds KEHATI LESTARI PT BAHANA Capital Custodian Bank: Mandiri Portfolio: 10%-79% (fixed income), 5%-79% (money market), and 10%-79% (Equity). Minimum investment: Rp 1,000,000 Management cost = 3% Custodian cost = 0.2% Buy (cost) = 0.5%-2% Redemption cost = 0.25%-1% Mutual Funds Mega Sri KEHATI Harmoni PT Mega Capital Indonesia Custodian Bank: CIMB Niaga Portfolio: 10%-79% (fixed income), 5%-79% (money market), and 10%-79% (Equity). Minimum investment: Rp 1,000,000 Management cost = 3% Custodian cost = 0.2% Buy (cost) = 0.5%-2% Redemption cost = 0.25%-1% Platinum Investor Gold Investor Silver Investor Regular Investor • Investment and returns on investment for KEHATI • Investment for investor • Returns on investment for KEHATI • Investment for investor • Return on investment for investor (50%) and for KEHATI (50%) • Investment and return on investment for investor 50% of management cost for KEHATI Lesson Learnt #3: (Cont.) Mutual Fund Mega Dana SRI KEHATI Harmoni (MSKH), Rp billion Alocation Asset Feb-10 Mar-10 Jun-10 Sep-10 Dec-10 Mar-11 Jun-11 Sep-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Equity 5.39 5.66 5.51 6.00 6.27 2.37 2.74 1.90 2.36 3.82 3.69 3.73 3.30 3.17 3.21 3.23 Fixed Income 0.76 0.80 0.78 0.85 0.89 1.21 1.43 1.55 1.18 1.44 1.55 1.63 1.68 1.62 1.64 1.65 Money Market & Equivalents 0.75 0.79 0.77 0.84 0.87 4.34 3.76 3.99 4.20 2.58 2.75 2.73 3.04 2.92 2.96 2.98 Total 6.90 7.25 7.06 7.69 8.03 7.93 7.93 7.43 7.74 7.84 7.99 8.10 8.01 7.72 7.80 7.86 Total NAV 35.37 37.76 45.03 29.76 25.95 21.94 25.84 22.33 18.88 15.58 14.75 14.14 13.20 12.11 12.02 10.99 Investment KEHATI 19.5% 19.2% 15.7% 25.8% 30.9% 36.1% 30.7% 33.3% 41.0% 50.3% 54.1% 57.3% 60.7% 63.7% 64.9% 71.5% Mutual Fund KEHATI Lestari (RDKL), Rp billion Alocation Asset Equity Fixed Income Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 0.38 0.36 0.43 0.01 0.00 3.42 3.30 3.88 0.16 0.36 Money Market & Equivalents Total Total NAV Investment KEHATI RDKL Return 1 Year 10.30% Jan-12 0.38 Feb-12 Mar-12 0.01 0.34 0.33 Apr-12 May-12 0.01 0.01 0.34 0.33 Jun-12 0.01 0.34 Jul-12 0.01 0.35 0.16 0.15 0.28 0.01 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 3.96 11. % 11.8% 3.81 11.7% 11.7% 4.59 16.1% 16.1% 0.18 0.7% 0.7% 0.40 1.6% 1.6% 0.42 1.6% 1.6% 0.41 1.2% 1.2% 0.40 1.2% 1.2% 0.41 1.2% 1.2% 0.40 1.2% 1.2% 0.40 1.3% 1.3% 0.42 1.3% 1.3% 3 Year 4 Year 36.15% 58.21% Harvesting from RDKL Year 2011 : Rp 1 billion, year 2010 : Rp 2 billion Key Success factor - Trust, return, promotion, and economic condition. KEHATI Attractives • • • KEHATI is the best endowment fund management under USAID Ten years evaluation (1995-2005) KEHATI is the best performance of sinking fund and program management under TFCA project over the world International External Evaluator. KEHATI is the first NGOs in Indonesia who developed the innovation of revolving fund for sustainable development. Key key success factor: Consistent with KEHATI principles management: transparent and accountability. Risk management . The ability to provide its own initial investments in the communities and programs reduces the risks for partners wanting to engage in the same activities. Stakeholder Management. Relations, networking, and connections to various publics allows it to serve as a convener and bridge to different sectors Information and Know how . Has access to technical and expert advice which can be used by companies for decision making and practices Reputation. Reputation and credibility as an environmental organization could provide partners with significant advantage. Thank You Edison Hulu; The Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation Yayasan Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia (KEHATI) Jalan Bangka VIII No 3B, Pela Mampang, Jakarta 12720, INDONESIA email:; Phone: +62 21 7183185, 7183187 Fax : +62 21 7193161