Final draft, 09 April 2015 Term of References Technical Assistance Provider (TAP) of TFCA Kalimantan Program A. Introduction In September 2011, the United States Government (USG), the Government of Indonesia (GOI), WWF and TNC signed three agreements to implement a $28.5 million debt-for-nature swap under the U.S. Tropical Forest Conservation Act (TFCA) to finance tropical forest conservation in Indonesia. This second TFCA deal with Indonesia (subsequently referred to as TFCA Kalimantan) focuses on the tropical forests of Kalimantan. The TFCA authorizes reduction and re-direction of existing sovereign debt owed to the United States Government to support tropical forest conservation in eligible developing countries. Funds are to be paid into a trust fund, and an Oversight Committee (OC) — composed of representatives of the parties (USG, GOI, WWF, TNC) plus a civil society representative — will decide on how to use the funds, consistent with the Forest Conservation Agreement (FCA), the Implementation Plan, and Annual Work Plan(s). KEHATI, an Indonesian NGO, acts as Administrator for the program. The TFCA Kalimantan program is working with existing programs in four Target Districts: Berau, Kutai Barat, and Mahakam Ulu in East Kalimantan, and Kapuas Hulu in West Kalimantan. These districts participate in the Berau Forest Carbon Program (Berau) and the Heart of Borneo Initiative (Kutai Barat, Mahakam Ulu, and Kapuas Hulu), and the TFCA Kalimantan program is building on work already begun under those initiatives. The TFCA Kalimantan program is also expected to make strategic investments outside of the Target Districts in other parts of Indonesia. The TFCA Kalimantan program is designed to achieve program objectives including: 1. Protecting globally, nationally, and locally significant forest biodiversity, rare and endangered forest species and ecosystems, watershed ecosystem services, connectivity between forest ecological zones, and forest corridors for both biodiversity and climate change benefits; 2. Enhancing benefits to forest-dependent communities from sustainable natural resource management with respect to forests, and supporting low-emission community land uses in a manner consistent with protecting natural forests; 3. Implementing activities to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and achieving meaningful greenhouse gas emissions reductions, while supporting biodiversity conservation at the district level, in each of the Target Districts; and 4. Contributing to the cross fertilization of ideas and sharing of experiences on tropical forest conservation and REDD+ program implementation in Indonesia and informing the development of the national conservation and REDD+ program framework. A more complete description of TFCA Kalimantan is presented in the Implementation Plan for 2013 – 2017. The Implementation Plan is a key document that outlines the approaches in supporting the Berau Forest Carbon Program (BFCP), the Heart of Borneo (HoB) Initiative and existing district programs over the full course of TFCA Kalimantan, but provides greater detail regarding the strategic plan for the first five years of program implementation. The Implementation Plan describes, among others: (1) specific, key objectives; (2) a list of conservation priorities in 1 Final draft, 09 April 2015 order to meet such objectives; (3) approaches for achieving those objectives of the TFCA Kalimantan program; and, (4) desired outputs and outcomes and their indicators. B. PURPOSE The purpose of this Call for Proposals is to select a Technical Assistance Provider (TAP) who will provide support for the TFCA Kalimantan Administrator in building the capacity of the grantees and related stakeholders in implementing the program at the district level. C. Challenges in Implementing District Programs The TFCA Kalimantan program will have to address a few challenging issues to ensure that District Programs are as effective as possible, particularly to build capacity of local governments, civil society organizations, and relevant private sector companies in the Target Districts to support the implementation of the TFCA Kalimantan program. Civil society organizations (such as NGOs, CBOs, and others), will need substantial support as the vast majority of TFCA Kalimantan funds will go to support projects implemented by these organizations. Strong civil society organizations are critical for implementing the TFCA Kalimantan program. Lessons learned from the implementation of the 1st cycle of TFCA Kalimantan grant making show that the technical and organizational capacity of these organizations in the Target Districts is not adequate to implement the TFCA Kalimantan program. In addition, to ensure the continuation of District Programs, building capacity of district government staff and relevant private sector companies at the district level will also be critical given their central role in integrating funded TFCA Kalimantan projects into district or company plans and activities D. Description of Key Services Required of the TAP KEHATI as administrator TFCA Kalimantan will seek out an organization or a consortium of several organizations to serve as a Technical Assistance Provider (TAP) to support civil society organizations, local governments, and relevant private sector companies in the Target Districts in the implementation of the TFCA Kalimantan program. The TAP should refer to the TFCA Kalimantan Implementation Plan 2013-2017 in providing its services. The TAP is expected to provide the following services in the Target Districts for 3 years: 1. Program inception and needs assessments including : a. Identification and description of key district governments, civil society organizations and relevant private sector companies and other potential grantees that will be expected to contribute to the implementation of the TFCA Kalimantan program; b. Assessment of technical capacity of these entities to support the implementation of the TFCA Kalimantan program, and analysis for identification of a capacity-building strategy for these entities to support the TFCA Kalimantan program. c. Assessment of organizational capacity of civil society organizations to support the implementation of the TFCA Kalimantan program, and identification of gaps and needs related to their organizational administration and capacity for working with the TFCA Kalimantan program. 2 Final draft, 09 April 2015 d. Assessment of existing resources (such as trainers, training modules, tool kits, guidebooks, and others) and organizations as well as individuals that can provide facilities for capacity building (such as education and training centres, universities, and others). e. Identification of the types of training or other capacity building models required in strengthening the capacity of the grantees and potential grantees and other partners to work with the TFCA Kalimantan Program. This includes the topics of training, type of training, and the need for the development of curriculum, training and learning modules. 2. To develop a design for long-term technical assistance including: a. Mentoring the existing and prospective grantees in the areas of project in the development of concept papers and proposals, project implementation, budget and financial execution, and reporting. b. Providing technical assistance to district governments and relevant private sector companies in supporting the implementation of the TFCA Kalimantan program. c. Assist in consultations with the HOB Working Group and the BFCP steering committee in supporting the development of the Implementation Plans and Annual Work Plans. d. Supporting communications between TFCA Kalimantan and district governments. e. Providing support in monitoring and evaluation of the grantees. f. Implementing recommendations in accordance with program inception and needs assessments (point 1) The primary outputs required of the TAP for the first six months inception phase are : A report addressing following aspects: a. Institutional mapping of district governments, relevant private sector companies, and civil society organizations that will potentially support the implementation of the TFCA Kalimantan program. b. Technical capacity building needs assessment of district governments, relevant private sector companies, and civil society organizations to support the implementation of the TFCA Kalimantan program. c. Organizational capacity building needs assessment of civil society organizations to support the implementation of the TFCA Kalimantan program. d. An annotated list of resource materials (such as training modules, tool kits, guidebooks, and others), plus a CD compiling all collected resource materials, and an annotated list of capacity building providers (individuals, organizations). Under this category the report should also include the data on available training facilities, potential trainers or resource persons who will potentially support capacity building efforts in TFCA Kalimantan. e. Design and cost estimates for long-term technical assistance for implementation of the TFCA Kalimantan program, including tools, approaches and methodology, working mechanisms, and networking and staffing plans in each Target Districts. After the first phase (six months), TAP should produce Comprehensive reports on various activities for technical assistance as spelled out in section D. 2 E. Qualifications to be TAP TFCA Kalimantan will support through contracts to the National Eligible Entities organized under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia may submit proposals. Entities interested in serving as the TAP for the TFCA Kalimantan program will need to provide the following information: 3 Final draft, 09 April 2015 a. Written evidence showing legal status of the applicants from the relevant ministry (for applicants in the form of foundations); or organizational by-laws (AD/ART) legalized by a notary (for applicants in the form of associations). b. Particularly for applicants in the form of limited liability companies, they should provide a Deed of establishment legalized by a notary, Letter of Business Permit (SIUP), and Company Registration Certificate (TDP). c. Bank account, Tax Payer Registration Number (NPWP), and Letter of Domicile in the name of the applicants. d. Detailed description of organizational structure, including information on senior staff, board members, etc. e. Detailed description of project management capacity, including systems and approaches employed to plan and manage workload, expenses and accounts for financial resources, etc. f. History of operations in Indonesia, including details of project implementation over the last three years and the three most relevant projects, grants, or contracts related to all of the following: i) providing technical support and capacity building for government programs, civil society organizations, and relevant private sector companies; ii) supporting forest resource management, including climate change program implementation; and, iii) any experience appropriate to the tasks as described above (Point C). g. Audited financial statement for the two most recent fiscal years. h. If a consortium is proposed, information on (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) above is required for each organization in the consortium. F. Scope and content of proposal F. 1. Technical Proposal The technical proposal shall contain: Conceptual approach, methodology and working mechanism proposed to carry out the services. Organizational and logistical aspects of the project including organization charts, time and staffing schedules indicating staff-month input, duration and deployment details (field and home office assignments) of staff. Detailed curriculum vitae of the key personnel to provide services in the fields of capacity building, forest resource management, conservation and climate change; environment services, community development and livelihood, government institutional development, economics of forest resources, and finance and administration. A detailed description of tasks to be performed by the interested applicants and those contributed by others. Time-frame and schedule (three years), including timeline for reporting. Proposed association arrangements. Interested applicant is encouraged to present critical comments and suggestions on the ToR, if any, especially related to envisaged TAP objectives and results. F.2. Cost proposal The cost proposals shall be structured as follows: 4 Final draft, 09 April 2015 (i) Cost of Personnel shall be broken down to salary and benefits. (ii) Travel and local transportation contains lump sum basis, accommodation, complementary travel costs. (iii) Cost of Local Supporting Staff, and basic office facilities. (iv) Procurement of all equipment appliances and the like which the TAP deems necessary for the execution of the studies and which, after termination of their services, will be handed over to the Programme Executing Agency. The respective cost will be reimbursed in the currency as incurred upon presentation of documentary evidence. No handling charges will be accepted. (v) Production of Reports and copies. (vi) Miscellaneous Costs includes all relevant expenses that are not covered by the above categories. These costs should preferably be expressed as lump sum items, otherwise they will be reimbursed in the currency as incurred upon presentation of documentary evidence. G. Submission of the proposals a. Only applicants that meet the qualifications should be considered as the TAP in the selection criteria. b. Interested applicant should submit two envelopes containing separately and clearly marked technical and cost proposal form one set. The cost proposal shall be sealed and financial information shall be contained in the technical proposal. c. Interested applicants should in total submit one set of proposals marked ‘original’ and signed by the authorized representative and four sets marked ‘copy’ and an electronic version of technical proposal (NOT the cost proposal) in parallel to: d. Proposal should be submitted in Bahasa Indonesia not later than 24 May 2015 (postmark) to Program Director TFCA Kalimantan Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation - KEHATI Jl. Bangka VIII No. 3B, Pela Mampang, Jakarta 12720 Tel (021) 7179 3492, Fax (021) 719 6131 H. Selection criteria 1. Evaluation of technical proposal: The following gives an indication of the relative importance of different criteria that will be used by the Oversight Committee, including its technical members, to review proposals from Eligible Entities. Only those technical proposals will be further considered, which have achieved at least 75% of the points to be awarded in the evaluation of the technical proposals. In the overall rating, the technical proposal will account for 80%. No Criteria percentage 1 Technical approach (Conceptual 30 % approach, methodology, networking and working mechanism) 2. Qualification of the organization (track 10 % record and experiences in relation to 5 Final draft, 09 April 2015 3. 2. TAP services) Staff qualifications : (technical and 40 % capacity building experiences, educational background, other supporting experiences) Total 80% Evaluation of Cost proposal: The cost proposal will account for 20% of the overall rating. I. Request for Additional information Administrator will invite interesting parties to attend a meeting (scheduled weeks after the date of announcement); for explaination on more detail information concerning this call for TAP. Eligible entities should inform administrator for their interest to attend the meeting J. References Further information on TFCA Kalimantan, including the Implementation Plan, HoB Initiative, BFCP, etc. is available at 6