
My City And Me
Ceadir-Lunga, Moldova
Our country isn’t very rich and in particular CeadirLunga. That’s why our government isn’t able to take
care of all spheres of town’s life.
Medical care has been improved recently (town
hospital has been completely repaired and new
modern equipment has been bought for it).
Roads are much better today, than they were a few
years ago;
Today all houses and flats have water, electricity
and gas without any interruptions.
There are a lot of problems, that the
government can’t or doesn’t want to solve. And
usually these problems are connected with
ecology and environmental.
The common problem for all towns and cities is
a large number of homeless dogs.
They live near garbage containers and not far
from people.
Homeless dogs
They are always hungry and angry and have a lot
of illnesses that they catch from the garbage.
That’s why homeless dogs are very dangerous
for kids and old people. So we decided to feed
some homeless dogs. We believed they would
become more friendly and calm.
It was not hard to find homeless dogs. There
are a lot of them near apartment blocks, the
market and in parks. Our students have chosen
a park and a playground for their mission,
because there are a lot of children, who can be
harmed by dogs.
They were very glad somebody wanted to feed them.
These dogs were very dirty and hungry.
They were even jumping to catch a bit of bread!
And of course we didn’t forget to throw the garbage into the trash!
Cleaning our town
We think it’s very important to take care about
the purity of the environment. That is the
second problem we tried to solve in particular
Public places such as streets, squares, parks are
cleaned by specialized services. But not everything
depends on them. Often townspeople throw
rubbish not into the trash bins, but somewhere
around them or in those places, they think,
nobody will see it there.
That’s why we decided to clean up some of
these places.
It’s easy to litter, but
it’s difficult to clean
Very big problem in our town is cutting trees.
There are a lot of reasons for this problem. But no
matter what the reasons are, the quantity of
trees is reducing every year.
Planting trees
Of course, we can’t buy and plant hundreds of
trees, it’s impossible for us. But we planted a
couple of them. We planted them in the park.
Our result.
We understand that our contribution to the
improvement of our town was very small, but if
everyone contributes a little, we are sure our
town will be the most beautiful in the world.