Safety and Health Protection at Work Cultural Events Social Events Transparent Communication Partner and Charity Events Legal and Financial Consultancy Events for Employees Responsible Employer Community Relations Responsible Producer Environment Cooperation with Prague 5 and Ostrava Modernization of Production Technology Responsible Consumption Savings in Production Self-regulation Principle Events Waste Separation Ecological Approach COMMUNITY RELATIONS CULTURAL EVENTS SOCIAL EVENTS Responsible Employer PARTNER AND CHARITY EVENTS Community Relations Environment COOPERATION WITH PRAGUE 5 AND OSTRAVA Responsible Producer Partner and Charity Events Cooperation with Prague 5 and Ostrava COMMUNITY RELATIONS CULTURAL EVENTS • Fairs in CR and Abroad • Prague International Marathon Staropramen Non-alcoholic brand has been participating as a partner in the Prague International Marathon for many years. In 2014 – the 20th Marathon will take place in Prague. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Partner and Charity Events Cooperation with Prague 5 and Ostrava COMMUNITY RELATIONS CULTURAL EVENTS • Fairs in CR and Abroad • Prague International Marathon Pivovary Staropramen has been participating in international fairs Expo Real and MIPIM for many years. MIPIM EXPO REAL In these events, the Staropramen brand is part of the Prague City exhibition stand, the Ostravar brand is part of the Ostrava Town exhibition stand. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Cultural Events Cooperation with Prague 5 and Ostrava COMMUNITY RELATIONS PARTNER AND CHARITATY EVENTS • Sue Ryder • Helppes • Ward in Ostrava • Dragon Boats Competition On the occasion of an event called „Family Day“ Pivovary Staropramen in 2011 and 2012 organized a clothing donation event among the employees of the Staropramen Brewery, the proceeds of which were designated for Domov Sue Ryder. In Domov Sue Ryder care is provided to elderly people who are dependent on the assistance of others due to an old age or illness. In 2012 our employees joined the charity cup „Sue Ryder Charity Cup 2012“ in football. In 2013 Pivovary Staropramen donated 40.000 CZK after floods and also organized annual CSR event The days when we help alias Community Days. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Cultural Events Cooperation with Prague 5 and Ostrava COMMUNITY RELATIONS PARTNER AND CHARITY EVENTS • Sue Ryder • Helppes • Ward in Ostrava • Dragon Boats Competition Helppes is the first and the only non-profit organization of its kind in the CR which helps the handicapped on their way to integration, self-sufficiency and independence by means of specially trained dogs and which provides an all- embracing package of related services - from initial training of the applicant for a specially trained dog, via training of the client up to a subsequent service for the whole life of dog´s active service. Pivovary Staropramen has been supporting this organization since 2011 on various occasions - Days We Help alias Community Days, product partnership and also with legal help. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Cultural Events Cooperation with Prague 5 and Ostrava COMMUNITY RELATIONS PARTNER AND CHARITY EVENTS • Sue Ryder • Helppes • Ward in Ostrava • Dragon Boats Competition Daily ward in Ostrava is a specialized place for handicapped children . Employees in Ostrava has been supporting this ward since 2008. Each year they organize a collection for these children. In 2012 and 2013 company Pivovary Staropramen organized a visit of Helppes organization that helpped children thanks to canistherapy lesson. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Cultural Events Cooperation with Prague 5 and Ostrava COMMUNITY RELATIONS PARTNER AND CHARITY EVENTS • Sue Ryder • Helppes • Ward in Ostrava • Dragon Boats Competition This May Pivovary Staropramen has taken part in the Charity Dragon Boats Competition at Střelecký Island in Prague. The competition was organized by the Rottary Club Prague International and the funds raised from this event were divided among several organizations. The company has contributed to this charity event by means of free delivering beer Staropramen. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Cultural Events Partner and Charity Events COMMUNITY RELATIONS COOPERATION WITH PRAGUE 5 AND OSTRAVA • Community Days • Events with Prague 5 The volunteer event that takes place each autumn under the name Days when we help alias Community Days. In 2013 already the 7th in a row took place in Prague and Ostrava. In Prague revitalization of the Natural Scientist Station, of the area of a non-profit Helppes organization and Sue Ryder took part. In Ostrava the employees helped beautify garden for seniors . Total number of participants was 150. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Cultural Events Partner and Charity Events COMMUNITY RELATIONS COOPERATION WITH PRAGUE 5 AND OSTRAVA • Community Days • Events with Prague 5 Company Pivovary Staropramen cooperates with Prague 5 Municipality in many cultural and social events – mainly on product basis. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer ENVIRONMENT WASTE SEPARATION SAVINGS IN PRODUCTION ECOLOGICAL APPROACH Responsible Employer MODERNIZATION OF PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY EVENTS Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Ecological Approach Events Modernization of Production Technology Savings in Production ENVIRONMENT WASTE SEPARATION • Waste Processing • PET Bottle Cap Collection Partners: The company Pivovary Staropramen is actively promoting a trend to reduce non-separated mixed municipal waste. More than 99 % of its by-products and waste are used further. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Ecological Approach Events Modernization of Production Technology Savings in Production ENVIRONMENT WASTE SEPARATION • Waste Processing • PET Bottle Cap Collection The company came up with a new long-term project concerning PET bottle cap collection in November 2011. The aim of this project is to transform - in cooperation with employees, competent metropolitan districts and suppliers who are processing plastics - the caps into the equipment of playgrounds and parks, as e.g. benches, tables, litter bins, game elements and to donate these to Prague 5 (public playgroung) and Moravská Ostrava and Přívoz (playground of nursery school Lechowiczova) and also to Helppes and Sue Ryder. ECO F RAJAN EKO s.r.o. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Ecological Approach Events Modernization of Production Technology Savings in Production ENVIRONMENT ECOLOGICAL APPROACH • Ecological Glass Washing Detergent Tablets • Ecological Liquidation of Illuminated Advertisements • Sanitation by Easily Degradable Agents • Effective Use of Vehicle Space The company Pivovary Staropramen behaves in an environmentally friendly and responsible way. For that reason, the company uses ecological glass washing detergent tablets in the establishments to which it delivers its beer. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Waste Separation Modernization of Production Technology Events Savings in Production ENVIRONMENT ECOLOGICAL APPROACH • Ecological Glass Washing Detergent Tablets • Ecological Liquidation of Illuminated Advertisements • Sanitation by Easily Degradable Agents • Effective Use of Vehicle Space The company Pivovary Staropramen behaves in an environmentally friendly and responsible way Ecological liquidation of illuminated advertisements placed by the company on the establishments to which it delivers its beer also belongs to such approach. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Zodpovědný výrobce Waste Separation Modernization of Production Technology Events Savings in Production ENVIRONMENT ECOLOGICAL APPROACH • Ecological Glass Washing Detergent Tablets • Ecological Liquidation of Illuminated Advertisements • Sanitation by Easily Degradable Agents • Effective Use of Vehicle Space The company Pivovary Staropramen behaves in an environmentally friendly and responsible way Sanitation by means of easily degradable agents. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Waste Separation Events Modernization of Production Technology Savings in Production ENVIRONMENT ECOLOGICAL APPROACH • Ecological Glass Washing Detergent Tablets • Ecological Liquidation of Illuminated Advertisements • Sanitation by Easily Degradable Agents • Effective Use of Vehicle Space The company Pivovary Staropramen behaves in an environmentally friendly and responsible way. For that reason, the company´s employees have decided to make the vehicle space more efficient. Thanks to that larger amounts of beer get to trucks and vehicles, thus resulting in less drives of such vehicles and hence also in less fuel consumption and air pollution. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Waste Separation Modernization of Production Technology Events Ecological Approach ENVIRONMENT SAVINGS IN PRODUCTION • Reduction in Emissions and Energy Consumption • New Ideas Center The company Pivovary Staropramen behaves in an environmentally friendly and responsible way. Thanks to energy and heat savings, or reduction in natural gas consumption, CO2 air emissions are substantially reduced. In 2011 we produced 3,34 kg CO2 per hectoliter of beer, which is 3 times less than our competitors. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Waste Separation Modernization of Production Technology Events Ecological Approach ENVIRONMENT SAVINGS IN PRODUCTION • Reduction in Emissions and Energy Consumption • New Ideas Center New Ideas Center serves new ideas within the company´s production and logistics departments submitted directly by their employees. Here belong the ideas that increase the quality of work, improve environment, support safety and fire protection or lead to resource savings (material, energy, laboriousness reduction etc.) or have another positive impact on department results. Submitters of the best ideas are remunerated. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Waste Separation Events Ecological Approach Savings in Production ENVIRONMENT MODERNIZATION OF PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY • Investments In the last years a number of investments were made in the operations of the Staropramen and Ostravar breweries, resulting in a more economic brewery operation, energy consumption reduction and contributing to a lesser ecological burden of the surroundings. For example, a waste water treatment plant has been built up for pH adjustment, use of waste heat from air compressor cooling for heating of additional water in boiler, replacement of cooling towers etc. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Waste Separation Ecological Approach Modernization of Production Technology Savings in Production ENVIRONMENT EVENTS • 5S • Brewery Cleaning • World Water Day • Earth Day • World Environment Day 5S 5S provides basis for systematic behaviour which creates a better, cleaner and more organized work environment. 5S must become a permanent attitude of every company´s employee. 5S must be used by us everywhere and at all levels in the company. S 1: Sort – Sorting S 2: Set in order – Arrangement S 3: Shine – Cleaning S 4: Standardize – Standardization S 5: Sustain - Sustainability 5S must be used by us not only at a physical level, i.e. at your desks, common premises, boardrooms, surroundings of printers, break rooms, but also at a virtual level, i.e. in your PCs. Zodpovědný zaměstnavatel Community Relations Environment Zodpovědný výrobce Waste Separation Ecological Approach Modernization of Production Technology Savings in Production ENVIRONMENT EVENTS • 5S • Brewery Cleaning • World Water Day • Earth Day • World Environment Day Pivovary Staropramen regularly organizes events during which the employees help clean up the Staropramen Brewery premises. They carry out cleaning and maintenance of external and internal areas. At the end of this event refreshments are always prepared for them in the brewing school. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Waste Separation Ecological Approach Modernization of Production Technology Savings in Production ENVIRONMENT EVENTS • 5S • Brewery Cleaning • World Water Day • Earth Day • World Environment Day The company Pivovary Staropramen behaves in an environmentally friendly and responsible way Responsible disposal of resources also belongs to such approach. 22 March has been designated as the World Water Day since 1993. The reason is a fact that more than one billion people in the world suffer from lack of drinking water, they lack access to water. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Waste Separation Ecological Approach Modernization of Production Technology Savings in Production ENVIRONMENT EVENTS • 5S • Brewery Cleaning • World Water Day • Earth Day • World Environment Day Since 1990, 22 April has been celebrated as a World Environment Day also in our country. 22 April The company Pivovary Staropramen encourages their employees to think about and support the activities leading to protection of environment. Reduction in energy consumption Reduction in water consumption Reduction in chemical consumption Reduction in waste production and increase of waste use Reduction in emissions and greenhouse gases – carbon dioxide Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Waste Separation Ecological Approach Modernization of Production Technology Savings in Production ENVIRONMENT EVENTS • 5S • Brewery Cleaning • World Water Day • Earth Day • World Environment Day Every year the company Pivovary Staropramen takes part in the activities associated with the Environment Day. 5 June The employees recall basic rules, the observance of which help protect the environment: Save electrical energy Save water Separate waste Watch document printing Besides cars they also use other ways to travel to work. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer RESPONSIBLE EMPLOYER LEGAL AND FINANCIAL CONSULTANCY SAFETY AND PROTECTION OF HEALTH AT WORK TRANSPARENT COMMUNICATION EVENTS FOR EMPLOYEES Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Legal and Financial Consultancy Transparent Communication Events for Employees Responsible Employer SAFETY AND PROTECTION OF HEALTH AT WORK • Employee Training • World Day for Safety and Health at Work • Safety Day The company organizes training concerning legal and other regulations to ensure safety and protection of health at work which employee may come into contact with at their workplaces where the work is performed – beyond the scope of law. Part of training is also induction training at workplace. Since 2011 this training has been provided also in the form of e-learning. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Legal and Financial Consultancy Transparent Communication Events for Employees Responsible Employer SAFETY AND PROTECTION OF HEALTH AT WORK • Employee Training • World Day for Safety and Health at Work • Safety Day Each year, the International Labour Organization (ILO) declares 28 April to be the World Day for Safety and Health at Work. 28 April Pivovary Staropramen as a member of the StarBev Group joins the ILO´s initiative and on the occasion of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work the company will focus on the employees´ safe behaviour while fulfilling their working obligations and duties. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Legal and Financial Consultancy Transparent Communication Events for Employees Responsible Employer SAFETY AND PROTECTION OF HEALTH AT WORK • Employee Training • World Day for Safety and Health at Work • Safety Day All-day meeting of employees in production and logistics of Pivovary Staropramen, divided into the training and practice parts, aimed at safety at work. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Once a year Responsible Producer Safety and Protection of Health at Work Legal and Financial Consultancy Events for Employees Responsible Employer TRANSPARENT COMMUNICATION • Presentation of Company´s Results • Induction Training Meeting of the company´s top management with middle management and presentation of quarterly results of Pivovary Staropramen. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Four times a year Responsible Producer Safety and Protection of Health at Work Legal and Financial Consultancy Events for Employees Responsible Employer TRANSPARENT COMMUNICATION • Presentation of Company´s Results • Induction Training Induction training for new employees which includes introduction of the company, top management, individual departments and their functioning. Part of training is also brewing school and a tour of the Staropramen brewery. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Safety and Protection of Health at Work Transparent Communication Legal and Financial Consultancy Responsible Employer EVENTS FOR EMPLOYEES • Have a beer with us • Family Day Regular meetings of the company´s employees in informal environment of the brewing school over a glass of beer. Four times a year The meeting concept is an entertaining form, is always organized by one department which prepares refreshments and entertaining program for others. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Safety and Protection of Health at Work Transparent Communication Legal and Financial Consultancy Responsible Employer EVENTS FOR EMPLOYEES • Have a beer with us • Family Day Annual weekend meetings of the Staropramen and Ostravar breweries employees on the occasion of the Childrens´ Day celebration. Family Day Rich program includes tours of breweries, competitions for children, refreshments for children and parents, and music production. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer RESPONSIBLE PRODUCER RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION SELF-REGULATION PRINCIPLE Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Self-regulation Principle RESPONSIBLE PRODUCER RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION • I drink non-alcoholic beer while driving The project organized under the auspices of the Czech Union of Breweries and Malt-Houses whose member the company Pivovary Staropramen is. On the occasion of the event organized, the Police, during traffic controls in 2011 distributed leaflets and stickers in the territory of the whole CR and also non-alcoholic beer cans to responsible drivers. Pivovary Staropramen had its centers in Prague and in the MoravianSilesian Region. In 2012 and 2013 the project included not only abovementioned proposal of cooperation with the Police, but also entertaining information campaign organized at festivals and events throughout the Czech Republic. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Responsible Consumption RESPONSIBLE PRODUCER SELF-REGULATION PRINCIPLE • Starbev´s Code of Ethics • Training for Employees and Agencies Code of Ethics of company Molson Coors is a basic self-regulatory code of Pivovary Staropramen regulating complex rules for any and all advertising and marketing activities of the company beyond the legal restrictions. Code of Ethics is a complex of very sensitively set rules regulating the advertising and marketing activities of the company as an alcohol producer so that no potential undesirable activities take place that might support our product consumption either in inappropriate situations or by the minors. Code of Ethics also stipulates and regulates the principles and rules that are perceived by Molson Coors as cardinal for the conduct of both the companies and all employees within the Group. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer Responsible Consumption RESPONSIBLE PRODUCER SELF-REGULATION PRINCIPLE • StarBev ´s Code of Ethics • Training for Employees and Agencies The company regularly organizes trainings for the employees of financial, sales and marketing departments and also for cooperating agencies. The goal of such trainings is to present basic rules of communication, company´s code of ethics and legal minimum necessary for their work. Responsible Employer Community Relations Environment Responsible Producer