Green Investments in Namibia Benedict Libanda Chief Executive Officer Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia Content ENABLING ENVIRONMENT A look at the legislative frameworks that enable green financing in Namibia GOVERNMENT POLICY FRAMEWORK FOR GREEN INVESTMENT Overview of Government approach to green financing and investment PRIVATE SECTOR INVESTMENT IN NAMIBIA Overview of Private sector approach to green financing and investment INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS Overview of associations hosting member organizations/companies in the green sector Enabling Environment Environmental Investment Act, 2001 Vision 2030 (Chapter 5: sustainable Resource Base) The Namibian Constitution (Article 95) Government policy framework for green investments Government policy framework for green investment Agricultural Bank of Namibia (AgriBank) Livestock Loans Farmland Purchase Loans Bush Encroachment Loans Aquaculture Loans Solar Energy Loans Green Financing Area Total Loan Book in 2012 N$1.9 billion = USD 232 million Investment Government policy framework for green investment Meat Corporation of Namibia (Meatco) Established and regulated under the Act of Parliament (Act 1 of 2001) with the purpose to serve, promote and co-ordinate the interests of livestock producers in Namibia. Green Financing Area Producer Return in 2012 N$ 59.2 million = USD 6.4 million Returns Government policy framework for green investment Game Products Trust Fund & Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia Established through Acts of Parliament with the mandate to collect funds from the sale of game products and environmental levies collection respectively; to finance Biodiversity Conservation and green based enterprises Green Financing Area Total Investment N$ 310 million=USD 33.7 million Investment Private sector investment in Namibia Private sector investment in Namibia Agra Namibia A private sector cooperative organisation that facilitate access to livestock and crop markets as well as creating linkages to international exports Green Financing Area Net Turnover in 2013 N$ 1.2 billion = USD 130 million Return Private sector investment in Namibia NedBank Go Green Fund Established by Nedbank Namibia to enhance conservation and the protection of important habitats and natural resources in Namibia. Green Financing Area Investment N$ 15 million =USD 1.63 million Investment Private sector investment in Namibia Kongalend Namibia Provides subsidised loans for acquiring a variety of renewable energy technologies, for lighting, pumping water and powering a range of household appliances, including solar water heaters Green Financing Area Net turnover N$ 59 million =USD 6.4 million Return Industry Associations Namibia Recycling Association • Represent and promote the recycling industry • Develop best practices for the industry Namibia Green Building Council • Promote sustainable building designs • Encourage resource efficiency Namibia Organic Association • Promote organic agricultural development, networking and marketing. • Promote Namibian organic products locally and internationally Green Investments Institutions Agricultural Bank of Namibia Investments N$ Returns N$ 1,9000,000 Notes 2012 loan book Meat Company of Namibia 59,200,000 2012 income Game Product Trust Fund 250,000,000 Accumulative Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia 63,000,000 Accumulative Kongalend Namibia 59,000,000 2011-12 loan book Nedbank Go Green Fund 15,000,000 Accumulative Agra Namibia TOTAL 1,400,000.00 1.979,000,000 1,674,000.000 2012 income Conclusion • Green financing is a relatively new market and requires understanding of risks and appropriate risk adjustment measure • Insurance products are critically important due to their impact in creating incentives for the development of greener business practices. • Develop understanding of green business and reduce policy inconsistencies that create uncertainty in the market place. • The Green Finance sector offers significant job potential but is critically dependent on regulatory clarity More Information? 2nd Floor Capital Centre, Independence Avenue, Windhoek Namibia