Johnny Tremain Notes


Johnny Tremain

By Ester Forbes


• Character- person, animal that takes part in the action

• Setting- time and place of the story

• Conflict- struggle between two opposing forces

External-happens between characters

Internal-happen within a character

• Characterization- reveals the personality of characters

Figurative Language

• Metaphor- comparing two unlike things not using “like” or “as”.

• Ex. The boy was a monkey.

• Simile- Comparing two unlike things using “like” or “as”.

• The boy was as agile as a monkey.

• Personification- giving a non-human or inanimate object human qualities

Figurative Lang. Cont.

• Foreshadowing- use of clues by author to hint of something to come.

• Cause- A reason, motive which produces a result.

• Effect-the result or consequence of an action, or cause.

Cause and Effect Cont.

Examples of Cause and Effect



Because it was raining outside the game was canceled.

Joe wanted to take a nap.

He took the phone off the hook.

Cause and Effect Cont.

• Effect could be started first; however we know it didn’t happen first.


Jake earned an

(as a result of)

A on his report

Cause many hard hours of research.


Character Map

• Mr. Lapham(silversmith)



Mrs. Lapham (wife of son)

Doras Cilla Isannah


Dusty Miller Johnny Tremain

The End
