Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes
Computer with Internet access
Paper and art supplies (markers, crayons, etc.)
1. Research Boston in the early 1770’s to find out more about: loyalists and patriots, and the political controversies of this time.
2 America has been involved in many wars since the country's inception. Not all wars were popularly supported by Americans. Research one of the following to find out more about how the general population of Americans felt about our country’s involvement in that conflict: World
War II, Vietnam, the Korean Conflict, and Operation Desert Storm. Focus question: Would you fight a war so “a man could stand up” as Johnny said? For what would you fight and possibly lose your life? List the three most important reasons that you would fight for.
To complete these activities, you should have already read the entire novel, Johnny
You will also need to use the Internet to complete these activities.
Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes takes place in and around the
Revolutionary Era Boston.
Have you ever wondered what Boston looked like at that time? Many of the places mentioned in the book still exist in Boston today, although they are surrounded by a modern city.
You will take a virtual tour of Boston via the Internet and see for yourself!
First, you will visit a virtual Boston Website
and read the information there as well as studying the photos. If you have difficulty opening this link, just cut and paste it into your browser.
Now you will create a map of Boston at the time of Johnny Tremain . Be sure to include all of the places mentioned in the novel which you found on your virtual tour. Your map should include
Boston locations, such as the Common, Paul Revere's house, Old North Church, and Hancock's wharf; the route that Johnny took when delivering papers; and the British troop movements toward Lexington.
Make sure that your map is neat and easy to read. Your map should contain a key and a compass rose. You may create your map using a computer drawing program or you may use paper and art materials.
Read “Paul Revere’s Ride” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and make a Venn diagram to compare and contrast how Longfellow describes the ride to the events of that night as told by Johnny Tremain.
Here is a link to start with . If you have difficulty opening this link, just cut and paste it into your browser.
For your final product write a new stanza to add to Longfellow's poem.
You will take a virtual tour of Paul Revere's house in Boston. Go to
. You can view a portrait of Revere and read various short articles about him. You will also need to read about silversmithing and look at examples of engraving done in his silversmith shop. Read about some of his other activities. Next design and create a pamphlet advertising Paul Revere's Workshop and his products for sale.
In your introduction, state the thesis clearly telling whether you agree or disagree with the position.
Next support your thesis with examples and evidence in at least two or three paragraphs.
Be sure to provide details and to link each paragraph to the next paragraph in a clear line of thought.
In your concluding paragraph summarize the key ideas and details that you have proven.
Revise, edit, and rewrite your composition making sure that is neat and easy to read and that there are no misspelled words. Be sure that you have used correct capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.
During these times in colonial America education was quite limited and trade schools were non-existent. For these reasons, the most common way of learning a trade was to become apprenticed to a person skilled in that trade, called the master craftsman. Do you think that apprentice ships were fair? Develop your thesis and defend it with specific reasons and facts.
You will need to do some research to find out more about apprenticeships and typical conditions of employment.
On television and in the movies, we see many violent images. Schools and parents spend a lot of time teaching how violence does not solve problems. However, there is no denying that our nation began with many acts of violence. You have read about some of these actions led by the Sons of Liberty in Johnny Tremain. In this activity, you will read an essay on the Sons of
Liberty. You must decide if they were patriots or terrorists.
Read the essay, "Sons of Liberty - Patriots or Terrorists?" found on
Write a persuasive one-page paper agreeing or disagreeing with the essay.
Rab helped Johnny to become aware of how his actions affected others. In a well structure essay of at least 3-4 paragraphs discuss the importance of “thinking before you speak.”
Johnny was forced to make many adjustments when he lost the full use of his right hand. What adjustments did he have to make? Discuss the physical and emotional challenges
Johnny faced.
There are many actual people and events in the book .
Today, you will choose one of those people or events to research and find out how accurately they were portrayed in the book.
Choose a historical figure or event from Johnny Tremain and research to discover the historical
facts about that person or event. After taking notes use a compare/contrast graphic organizer to organize important facts. Use your research to write a two to three page essay about the importance of this individual or the significance of the event. Suggested links have been included, but feel free to find others. Be sure to keep a list of your sources.
Use this compare/contrast organizer to gather facts. You may use it as an example to make your own or use it just as it is.
Attributes Importance
John Adams
URL: s/johnadams.html
Boston Tea Party
Chron/USA/TeaParty.html< /DT>
John Adams
URL: nts/aae/bios/02pjohn.html
Boston Massacre
Chron/USA/BostonMassacre .html
Samuel Adams
URL: ortraits/samadams.html
Revere's Boston Massacre
John Hancock
URL: s/hancock.html
Battle of Lexington
URL: oomRevWar/battleoflexington.cfm
Boston History