Learning Analytics Initiative and working in an International community (Apereo Foundation) A.M.Berg, Innovation WG, Community Officer LAI Agenda Overview Learning Analytics Overview LAI Current Status In progress Questions Titel van de presentatie | 00 maand 0000 2 Academic vs Learning Analytics... Academic Analytics Learning Analytics A process for providing higher education institutions with the data necessary to support operational and financial decision making* Learning analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimising learning and the environments in which it occurs Focused on the business of the institution Focused on the student and their learning behaviors Management/executives are the primary audience Learners and instructors are the primary audience * - Analytics in Higher Education: Establishing a Common Language What’s All the Hype About? Learning Analytics holds the potential to ● “break the higher education iron triangle” o Academic Early Alert Systems o Adaptive Learning Systems o Dashboard/Data Visualization Cost Cost There are challenges…Quality Quality ● Access Access o Privacy/Ethical use of data o Learning Analytics (LA) tool and software silos o Limited coordination across LA landscape What is Apereo LAI? https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/LAI/ Open. Learning Analytics. Community. Accelerate the operationalization of Learning Analytics software and frameworks, support the validation of analytics pilots across institutions, and work together to avoid duplication of efforts. Apereo – SoLAR Collaboration SoLAR is an academic research community ● working to grow and expand the field of LA o Marist College is a founding member of SoLAR o Looking at operationalizing SoLAR research efforts Current collaboration activities with SoLAR ● o Open Learning Analytics (OLA) Summit o SNAPP – Sakai integration project o Grant funding (NSF, Gates) What ELSE is Apereo LAI? A safety net by providing: ● Open collaboration and minimize duplication of effort. ● Build open, scalable, sustainable ecosystem for Learning Analytics. ● Nucleation point where research meets sustainability (See OLA from SoLAR). ● Develop evidence hubs to easily deploy and cross validate analytic solutions across institutions/platforms. What specifically is Apereo LAI now ● Starts by building the minimum stack o i.e. Learning Analytics Diamond ● Attracts research muscle (of the SoLAR community) into real world, high scale, cross validated environments. ● Seeks to enrich the Apereo project portfolio ● Knowledge Dissemination ● Community outreach ● Open Five main aspects Collection, Storage, Analysis, Action, Communication Where are things right now? what works today Open Source Learning Analytics today ICT Services interactions with the effort My time to help build a community Intersections with other communities SOLAR SURF (Co-chair SIG LA) UvA LRS LRS support for uPortal, Sakai CLE and Apereo LAI UvA UvA Inform Sakai xAPI integration ● Streams Sakai event activity to an LRS using experience statements ● Easy to extend and add additional events ● Available in Sakai 10 OAE xAPI integration ● Ability to push activity stream data to an LRS in real-time ● Feature and target LRS is configurable on tenant-per-tenant basis in multi tenant OAE platform. OAAI Early Alert System PLUG for the Journal for Learning Analytics • http://learning-analytics.info/ • http://epress.lib.uts.edu.au/journals/index. php/JLA/article/view/3249/4011 PLUG for cross validation • OAAI needs you!https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/pa ges/viewpage.action?pageId=75671025 SNAPP - Bird’s eye view of Forum SNAPP Demonstration Student Success Plan (SSP) •Case Management Software •Academic Advising Tools (MAP) •Early Alert / Faculty Access (EAL) •Student Interface (Tasks, MAP, Self Help) •Student Information System (SIS) Integration •Reporting Tools / Data Collection What projects are in progress? coming soon uPortal xAPI integration ● Will stream portal and portlet events to an LRS based on user activity ● https://issues.jasig.org/browse/UP-3718 ● Based on the Sakai xAPI work ● Currently in progress o Expected to be completed this summer UvA LRS ● Building a public thin LRS o o o Will only support the spec (minimal UI) Local (on site) data storage Security and performance are primary Low attack profile Less code helps optimize performance ● Release “soon” (when it is ready) ● UvA focus on core requirements (no frills) o o xAPI support for Sakai, OAE, now uPortal Strategic support from Unicon OAAI automation + Sakai connector ● Package the knowledge flows and PMML early alert models into an API. ● Accept required OAAI data specs in JSON, CSV, XML standards ● Perform data mining and scoring operations using a library of PMML models. ● Deliver early alert predictions and insights in JSON/ CSV/ XML standards ● LTI integration of OAAI with Sakai CLE to render and store early alert insights Meeting Place for a community of shared interest • What are our mutual requirements • Who has done what • Can we share our mistakes and successes • Accelerates learning in a knowledge organization • Meetings twice monthly • Conferences • Google group • Shared WIKI space • Coming soon: Hackathons and shared grant proposals LASI June 30th , 1st July UTRECHT https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/LAI/Learning+Analytics+Initiative Join the mailing list: analytics@apereo.org (subscribe by sending a message to analytics+subscribe@apereo.org) Join the calls (currently working on scheduling a repeating time - will announce on the mailing list) Contribute on github: https://github.com/ApereoLearning-Analytics-Initiative Help get the word out! http://lak15.solaresearch.org/ Titel van de presentatie | 00 maand 0000