the presentation

Summer Reading Challenge 2014
Involving Young Volunteers
Training Presentation
Section 1: why involve young
people as volunteers? The
benefits, and the results to
Section 2: resources and roles
to support young volunteers
helping with the Summer
Reading Challenge in 2014
Section 3: paperwork!
Section 4: accreditation,
recognition and evaluation
Why involve young people as volunteers? The benefits, and the results
to date
How has volunteering with the
Summer Reading Challenge
• Library services have involved young people as
volunteers helping with Summer Reading Challenge
for many years, e.g. West Sussex, Essex ,Tameside,
London Borough of Lewisham
• In 2010 The Reading Agency had funding from
volunteer charity v and the John Laing Charitable
Trust to develop the volunteering programme for the
Summer Reading Challenge
How has volunteering with the
Summer Reading Challenge
• 2010 – 20 pilot authorities
• 2011 – 50 authorities
• 2012 – all authorities offered
• From 2011 to 2013, funded by
John Laing Charitable Trust. In
2013 and 2014, funded by the
Social Action Fund
Benefits of involving young
volunteers – for libraries
Support with administering the Summer Reading Challenge
A more youthful image
The enthusiasm and fresh perspective of young people
The skills young people can bring – such as digital/creative
Increased library usage by young people
A link with local communities
Help to deliver activities
Staff confidence in working positively with young people
A fresh look at working practices
Benefits of involving young
volunteers – for young people
• Valuable work experience; especially good for those thinking
of a career working with children
• Counts towards accreditation for CVs, UCAS applications etc.,
E.g. Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
• A reference for employment
• The opportunity to develop confidence, social skills,
employment opportunities and literacy skills
• The opportunity to make a positive contribution to their
communities – they want to help children succeed
• A chance to make new friends
• Encouragement to read more
Benefits of involving young
volunteers – for children
• More one-to-one attention from volunteers and staff
• A chance to talk in more detail about their reading
• Reading role models to raise their aspirations
• Help with digital technology
• New, creative activities linked to the Challenge
• Encouragement to complete the Challenge
Library service offer to partner
For local volunteer organisations, youth
services, universities, colleges and schools:
• Safe places – and in all areas
• Supportive staff
• Good practices
• Work with children
• In the holidays!
• Opportunity for progression
In the words of a young volunteer…
"I never used to be a confident
reader but volunteering made me
see how confident I could be. If
you'd asked me 4 years ago if you
thought I'd be at Downing Street
now I'd have said 'no'. I've loved
every single minute of
volunteering and it's improved my
confidence miles.”
Tom Hotston, 15, Reading Activist,
Reading Activists at Downing Street, Jan 2013
Volunteers speak about their
You can listen to more volunteers speaking about their experiences at:
Results 2013
• 5,684 young volunteers aged 12-24 years recruited
in libraries in the UK
• 30% increase in the number of volunteers recruited
compared with 2012
• 96% of volunteers said they learnt new things and
gained skills and experience through volunteering for
the Summer Reading Challenge
• 71% of volunteers said they would like to keep
volunteering in a library after the Summer Reading
Challenge has finished.
Results 2013 – libraries and reading
• 55% of volunteers felt that they were more interested in
books and reading as a result of being involved with the
Summer Reading Challenge.
• 63% of volunteers intend to use the library more now, after
completing the volunteering
“The experience was fantastic. I achieved my first award on
vInspired and had some brilliant opportunities. I've been able to
write articles, I’ve had the prospects of continuing a reading
group at the library and my writing skills progressed - which
means a great deal to me.” Jess, Harrogate
Results 2013
• 81% of library authorities
said the volunteers helped
more children to complete
the Challenge by reading six
books, 24% felt this
• 97% of volunteers felt they
helped children with their
reading confidence (37% A
Lot, 60% A Little).
There was definitely some increase in
completion in those libraries that had
volunteers. Rachel Levy, Sutton
We had many positive comments
about volunteers and how essential
they are in supporting library staff
with the extra work involved.
Children, parents and staff
commented that talking to the
volunteers about their books was one
of the most enjoyable aspects of the
Challenge for children. Paul Howarth,
Comments from libraries
“Children and parents very
much appreciated the
volunteers and the time that
they were able to spend with
children, and male volunteers
certainly encouraged boys
taking part.”
Carol Hales, Surrey Libraries
“Families report that having
volunteers for their children to
discuss their reading with was
really beneficial and adds
value to the scheme”
Russell Allen, West Sussex
Comments from volunteers
• “I have volunteered for over
two years now in Redbridge
Libraries and I have enjoyed
all aspects of it. I have
learnt valuable skills that
have helped me in and
outside of school and I feel
that it is a good opportunity
for young people to give
back to the community.”
Saagar, Redbridge
• I would like to say that
volunteering for the
summer reading challenge
has helped me develop
many skills and has greatly
boosted my confidence. I
hope I can continue to help
the community further by
volunteering in future
library events.”
Muhammad, Redbridge
Results 2013
• 71% of volunteers said they would like to keep volunteering in
a library after the Summer Reading Challenge has finished.
• 53% of library authorities have offered young people
opportunities to continue volunteering in the library or the
community after the summer, with offers made to at least
2,181 volunteers.
• In addition, 10 library authorities offered job opportunities to
15 volunteers.
• More details on results can be found in the report on The
Reading Agency website:
Further volunteering
Help with family fun days; manga group; craft events; Bookstart; promoting self
service machines.
Helping to run Chatterbooks groups
Helping with book groups, helping with activities, helping with the home library
service, helping with an adult listening group.
Helping at homework clubs and with children's activities
Supporting staff with half-term and weekend events
Peer Mentoring project with Home Work club, Youth consultancy projects to buy
Assisting with other library events
Running a teenage reading group, visits to libraries with questionnaires for the
Helping with Family Learning Festival, rhymetimes, holiday activities, Reading
Activist opportunities
Volunteer Snapshot: Activist
James did 175 hours of
volunteering in two
libraries in
Warrington during
summer 2012. He was
one of the Reading
Activists invited to a
celebration event at
No. 11 Downing Street.
Resources and roles to support young volunteers helping with the
Summer Reading Challenge in 2014
Mythical Maze - 2014
• Resources
• T-shirt, badge, booklet,
• Activity sheets
• Reading Activists’ web page
• Reading/book list
Volunteer roles
• Summer Reading Challenge Activists
• Helping children take part in the Challenge
• Reporters
• Blogging and recording
• Leaders
• Planning and supporting
Summer Reading Challenge Activist
Signing children up to the
Helping children to find and
choose books
Listening to them talking about
their books
Helping children to use the
Summer Reading Challenge
website – add titles to the Book
Helping with events
Using activity sheets and other
ideas to help children share their
reading choices with their peers
Collecting data for evaluation
Reporters case study: Swansea
Swansea took on 35 young Reading
Activist volunteers this summer, all aged
14 to 24. Several of these took on the
role of Summer Reading Challenge
reporters, which included coming up
with the material for the blog:
• Writing original spooky stories for
• Tweeting spook-themed jokes
• Posting puzzles and colouring
• Creating video tutorials of the
activities that they had devised.
• Creating celebratory photo-stories
Leaders have probably volunteered for the Challenge before
and are looking to develop their skills and widen their
experience. The role might include:
• Running training sessions for other volunteers
• Timetabling volunteer schedules
• Mentoring volunteers throughout the Challenge
• Planning volunteer team building events and activities
• Planning volunteer celebration events
Volunteer Snapshot: Leader
Alex, a volunteer from Wakefield, worked with Wakefield Library
service to create a film of the Summer Reading Challenge in
2011. This year he is progressing to a leader and mentor role:
“I am in talks with Wakefield Library Service to progress into a
mentor for volunteering in Wakefield and give training on video
editing and creation. I hope that during this summer I would be
able to visit all my districts libraries and possibly shoot some
more footage in order to create a video for the 2013 reading
challenge alongside the volunteers and staff of Wakefield Library
Working with volunteers in schools
Volunteers can also help in schools, encouraging children
in primary schools during the school summer term to take
part in the Summer Reading Challenge. The role might
• Going into other schools with presentations about the
• Creating displays in schools
• Running activities and events during the Summer term
to encourage children to take part in the Challenge
• Volunteering in libraries over the summer
Paperwork: volunteer policy, risk assessment, volunteer agreement, etc.
Volunteer Policy
Having a volunteer policy:
is a clear statement that you care about volunteers
ensures everyone understands the rationale
makes it easier to recruit and retain volunteers
ensures good quality
enables you to evidence good practice
supports you in complying with legal requirements
sets out expectations for all
helps with evaluation
Resources and support
Support to increase numbers
Support to deepen volunteer
• Training and distance support
• Advocacy and recruitment resources
Post card
Advocacy cards
Schools pack
Volunteer handbook, case studies and best practice guides
Promotional films
• Volunteer pack
• T-shirt, badge, volunteer booklet and log, Certificate
• Digital platform
What’s in a volunteer policy?
• written statement of service values and the role that
volunteers play in delivering them
• health and safety requirements
• an explanation of expectations
• roles that volunteers play and the protection and
benefits they are entitled to
• guidelines for recruitment and selection
• information about induction, training and supervision
• guidelines for recognition and reward
• a code of practice
Where are you going to
In library
At schools
On website/social media
Vinspired website
Do-it website
Talk to young people you
are working with
Which partners are you
going to work with to
recruit volunteers?
Local volunteering
Selecting young volunteers
Do you need to use application forms?
How will you interview young people?
Will you need parental permission?
What if applicants aren’t suitable?
Importance of equal opportunities
Keeping everyone safe
Follow your local authority guidelines:
• Health and Safety policy
• Risk assessment
• Training and induction
• Child protection
• DBS checking
Do it quickly!
Make it fun
Train young people together
Prepare a volunteer agreement
Support for young volunteers
Think about
• Group/ peer support for volunteers (mobile
• Staff support for volunteers
• Service support for volunteers (including
when local relationships break down)
Accreditation, recognition and evaluation
Accreditation Awards
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
ASDAN Activities Award
Youth Achievement Award
Arts Award
Children’s University
Local Awards
Welsh Bacc/International Bacc
Saltire Award
Celebrating Achievement
• Certificate
• Awards ceremony – ask
• Young volunteers can
present medals to
children and vice versa!
We need to evaluate:
• Numbers of young people volunteering
• How many hours
• Evidence of young people’s experience
• Accreditation gained
• Further volunteering/job opportunities
For the Summer Reading Challenge we also want to monitor:
• Any increase in take up and completion rate by children
• Any differences volunteers make for the children taking part
Evaluation methods
• For volunteers:
• Registration form and survey
 Ethnicity, gender and age
 Confidence/attitudes to libraries/expectations before
• Post-volunteering survey
 Confidence/attitudes to libraries/skills gained after volunteering
• For libraries
• Evaluation form – by authority
• Comments/interviews with children
Good luck!
For more advice and resources
please visit: