Presentation on Contracted Training Procedures (Jan-Feb 2012)

Contract Training
Contractor Briefing
Presentation Overview
Objective – Help you understand the
procedures for Contract Training
Areas covered
General information
Course Delivery and Admin
Dealing with issues
General Information
Contractor website
Process Maps
Information Pack (Tutor, Verifier etc)
Assessment Forms / Documents
Sample Documents
General Information
Contract must be in place before the
commencement of Training
 The Contractor must carry out training
as per the Invitation to Tender, the
contract and its appendices
 Clarification – Contracted Training
 Recruitment – May be asked to assist
General Information
Course clearly ID’ed as a FÁS course
Placement targets set by FÁS and are part of
the contract (set by course)
Health and Safety
 H&S is the responsibility of the contractor to
the same extent that the learners are like
 VDU assessment, Safety statements,
manual handling responsibility of the
General Information
Health and Safety
All accidents and near misses will be
immediately reported to the Contracted
Training Officer
Statutory reporting of accidents will be
carried out by the Contractor
Premises must be accessible to learners
with disabilities
General Information
IP and copyright
All material developed for the Contract
should be original and will be the IP of FÁS
Any third party materials used during the
delivery of the course require the permission
of the intellectual property rights holder to
use materials for the particular course and
any subsequent courses
General Information
The contractor will retain a copy of all
financial records, all training records,
all health and safety records and
trainee resource material for a period
of fourteen years after the course
finish date unless otherwise stated in
the contract
Must be on the CTTL (Panel Application)
3 status – Green, Amber & Red
• Green – can tender and contract
• Amber – Can’t tender or contract, additional
• Red – Can’t tender or contract, signed
contracts cancelled, additional monitoring
Selection of contractors
Invited from the CTTL
Be “Green” status
Selected by region and category
May be asked to tender for single, multiple
course occurrences or progression courses
Invitation to Tender (ITT) – 3 parts
ITT - Part 1
Contractors will be sent the following…
• The course location(s), start and finish dates and the
maximum number of learners on the course(s)
• Instructions on Tendering
• Information on the tender selection process
• The award criteria
• Conditions of Contract Award
• Information on Taxation, Retentions, Payments and
Placement and Certification Targets
• Information on Conflicts of Interest, Confidentiality and
Freedom of Information, Collusion and Canvassing
Invitation To Tender - Part 1
ITT - Part 2
Contractors are requested to submit details on the following…
• Tutor Pedagogical and Professional experience
• Policies and procedures in place to support consistent
programme delivery.
• Research undertaken to identify suitable premises
• Experience in delivering this or similar type courses
• Processes in place to ensure the training location is safe and
• Ensuring the learning experience is professional and positive
for the Learners on the course
• Assisting Learners to obtain relevant in-company training,
relevant job placement or progression after the course
• Any additional service that the Contractor will provide as part
of the Contract
• The Contractor’s fee
Invitation To Tender - Part 2
ITT - Part 3
• The Contractors not intending to submit to
Invitation To Tender - Part 3
A copy of the standard Contract
 Appendix A - the particulars of
 Appendix B - Operating Procedures
for Contracted Trainers
 Appendix C - The Training
Specification (QA58/01)
The Invitation to Tender will be emailed to the Tenderers
The TSU Assistant Manager will be the contact point for
Tenderers pre and post the tendering process
Tenders must be returned by registered post, courier or
delivered by hand
The Tender return envelop must be marked “Tender for a
Training Course” and the Tender Number printed on the top
left hand corner and must include a return address and
email address on the outside of the envelope
One printed copy – electronic copy
A tender received after the closing date and time will not be
Tenders, in relation to single courses, remain valid for six
months from the tender return date. Multiple occurrences –
12 month period
The tender process can be cancelled at any time during
the process by the TSU Manager
Tenderers will be informed in writing if the tender
process has been cancelled
The Tenders will be examined and evaluated by a panel
of three staff members
The following checks will be carried out by the panel for
each tender submitted:
• All documentation is present and correct
• The Declaration is completed and no grounds for exclusion arise
If any of the requirements of the above checks are not
met, then a Deficiency and Clarification Notice may be
The panel will evaluate and score the tender
submissions in accordance with the Invitation to Tender
The panel via the TSU Assistant Manager may issue
deficiency notices in respect of incomplete tenders and in
respect of the eligibility criteria
If the information is not submitted by the tenderer within the
time specified in the deficiency notice or if the information
submitted is insufficient to address the issue, then that
tender may be rejected
The tenderer will be notified accordingly. Alternatively, the
tenderer may receive a zero score in respect of the relevant
Tenderers are not permitted to amend their tenders when
responding to deficiency and clarification notices
A Most Economically Advantageous Tender model will be applied
and the following scoring system will be used:
 Contractors fee quotation - 40%
 Q1 - Tutor Pedagogical and Professional qualifications and
post qualification experience - 8%
 Q2 - Policies and procedures in place to support consistent
programme delivery - 4%
 Q3 - Research undertaken to identify suitable premises - 3%
 Q4 - Experience in delivering this and similar type courses 5%
 Q5 - Processes in place to ensure the training location is safe
and suitable - 8%
 Q6 - Ensuring the learning experience is professional and
positive for the Learners on the course - 8%
 Q7 - Assisting Learners to obtain relevant in-company training,
relevant job placement or progression after the course - 12%
 Q8 - Unique service that the Contractor will provide as part of
the Contract - 12%
Minimum score – qualitative element
The Tenderer with the highest score is
Sole tender returns
Where a sole tender is received negotiation
may take place
The only contact person for the tender process
is the Assistant Manager (listed on the ITT)
Contracted Training Officer (CTOs) are not
involved in the selection process
Best and Final Offer
Change to requirements outlined in
 Qualified Tenderers asked to submit a
revised fee
 Total score for each contractor is then
Tenderers will be notified that they were either
successful or unsuccessful
FÁS Staff will check that the Tutors, Verifiers,
Peer Reviewers, Evaluators and premises
match or exceed the commitment the contractor
detailed in the Invitation to Tender before the
contract is approved
TSS-8a-F33 Contractor's Declaration
Any contact regarding the Invitation to Tender
must not to be construed as an offer of contract
Tutors excluded by FAS cannot be nominated or engaged for a
Relevant professional qualification/experience
Recognised pedagogical qualification/experience
Match or exceed commitment made in ITT
TSS-8a-F26 Tutor Declaration
Changing tutors
• Replacements must match or exceed the commitments
made in the Invitation to Tender submission
• Individual declarations must be submitted (greater than 3
TSS-8a-F13 Contractors Personnel Change Declaration
Verification of the Conduct of the Assessment Process
Recognised pedagogical qualification
Verifiers cannot be Tutors or Guest Speakers on the
Contractor must have a record of having briefed the
Verifier on the verification requirements for the contract
TSS-8a-F34 Verifiers/Peer Reviewer's Declaration
Peer Reviewers
Review of the Assessment Results process
Relevant professional qualification/experience
Recognised pedagogical qualification/experience
Peer Reviewers cannot be Tutors or Guest Speakers on
the course
Contractor must have a record of having briefed the Peer
Reviewer on the verification requirements for the contract
TSS-8a-F34 Verifiers/Peer Reviewer's Declaration
Tutor Evaluation
Recognised pedagogical qualification/experience
TSS-8a-F35 Evaluator's Declaration
TSS-8a-F36 Contractor's Tutor Evaluation form
Where there is a disagreement with the contractor on
the proposed premises suitability for the training
 FÁS may obtain confirmation by a competent
professional person that the premises proposed by
the contractor is suitable as a training facility for the
course being run and complies with all Health and
Safety regulations.
In selecting premises, the contractor will ensure that
the facilities nominated are accessible to learners with
disabilities and the cost of this provision must be
included in the tender price
The Contract is awarded subject to:
The fulfilment of all pre-conditions stated in the
Invitation to Tender
The contractor having a Green Status on the Contract
Training Tender List
Tax clearance
Insurance checklist
In the event that the preferred Tenderer does not fulfil
the conditions of contract award, FÁS will award the
contract to the second-ranked Tenderer, and so on
2 signed copies will be issued
1 must be returned
 Course cannot start before the contract has
been returned
Amendments agreed between both parties
If the course is not started within 3 months
of commencement date, the contract will be
Course Delivery and Admin
Courses opened by a FÁS CTO and
the contractor/tutor
Contractors must brief and ensure
tutors know
The training programme spec
 Assessment spec
 Requirements for running the course
Course Delivery and Admin
Retentions and Fees
Learners paid directly by FÁS
3 retentions
•5% at end of course P0 Retaining learners
• Where between 0% and 10% of the learners have
dropped off the course 100% of this retention will
be returned
• Where between 11% and 30% of the learners have
dropped off the course 50% of this retention will be
• Where 31% or more of the learners have dropped
off the course none of this retention will be returned
• TSS-8a-F23 Retention Release P0
Course Delivery and Admin
• 5% for meeting the placement target and returning
certification information and the course evaluation
documentation, at P1 stage (one month from the
end of the course)
TSS-8a-F24 Retention Release P1
• 12% for successfully meeting placement targets at
P4 stage (four months from the end of the course)
TSS-8a-F25 Retention Release P4
Fees subject to Withholding Tax
Course Delivery and Admin
‘Certification’ and ‘Other Costs’
Only incurred with prior approval of FAS
Certification costs – exam fees only
Other Costs – incurred by Contractor on
behalf of learner e.g. learner support
Subject to withholding tax
Items procured under other costs must be
returned to FAS at the end of the course
TSS-8a-F22a Expenses Invoice Payment
Course Delivery and Admin
 Important that payments are supported by
appropriate documentation
Forms to assist invoicing
Attendance Log
Training Report
Fee Invoice Approval
Expenses Invoice Payment
Retention Release P0
Retention Release P1
Retention Release P4
Course Delivery and Admin
The contractor will ensure the Tutor delivers the
course in accordance with the contract.
The contractor will provide the course tutors with the
appropriate QA 58/01 and procedural
documentation required for course delivery
 documentation will be available at the course
The tutor for the course or module will be present
when a guest speaker is delivering their element of
the course. (10% or less).
Course Delivery and Admin
Where the contract allows for sub-contractors to deliver part of
the course or assessments,
 inform the FÁS Contracted Training Officer of the dates on
which a sub-contractor is attending the course.
The contractor will maintain a manual daily attendance log and
an electronic version using the TACS system.
The manual attendance log and TACS system must align.
TSS-8a-F03 Attendance Log
The contractor and Tutor will ensure that the course is delivered
in accordance with the normal FÁS Training times;
 changes to the delivery times will have prior approval from
FÁS Contracted Training Officer
Course Delivery and Admin
The contractor will provide following details for each Learner
prior to the start of any In-Company Training:
• Name, address and telephone number of the Company
• Name, telephone number and e-mail address of the contact
person within the company
• The contact person’s job title and description
TSS-8a-F14 In-company Training Report
For each week of the in-company phase, the contractor will
provide the FÁS Contracted Training Officer with a Weekly
Training Report for each Learner.
Where the In-Company training phase is
• 2 weeks in duration or less, visit each Learner at least once
• 3 to 6 weeks in duration, visit each Learner at least twice
• 7 to 12 weeks in duration, visit each Learner at least three
• In the case of Traineeships visit each Learner at least three
Course Delivery and Admin
The contractor will address Learner disciplinary issues
in accordance with the FÁS disciplinary process. Only
FÁS has the sole right to dismiss Learners from a
Contracted Training Course
TSS-6c-F05 Disciplinary Report
Statutory reporting of accidents will be carried out by
the contractor, accidents and near misses will be
immediately documented and reported to the FÁS
Contracted Training Officer
FÁS reserves the right to access the course at any
time and address issues with the service provision
Course Delivery and Admin
Specific requirements included in the
 Monitoring by visits and via Moodle
The contractor will liaise with the FÁS Training Standards
Officer and Contract Training Officer in the Training Centre that
originated the contract for all assessments and assessment
The FÁS Training Standards Officer or their nominee will brief
the Contractor on the assessments related to the Training
The contractor will brief the assessors on assessment system
and keep a record of the briefing
Where the contractor proposes to use their own Quality
Assurance system for the delivery of assessments (i.e. where
assessment is not a FETAC or City & Guilds assessment) this
must be agreed by the FÁS Training Standards Office in
advance of the start of the contract
Assessment MAPs and results must be
stored in a safe in all locations outside of
FÁS, including the contractor’s offices and
the training location. The safe must be
appropriately sized to contain the relevant
All Assessment MAPs and results must be
transported by a courier service that
receipts the transfer of the documents
Where assessments are to be
conducted at a different location
course the contractor will be required
to provide transport for participants to
location. This cost will be incurred by
the contractor and be incorporated
into the fee section of their quote
The contractor will ensure any computer
or other device used to conduct
assessments are synchronised with the
actual year, month, date and time (GMT)
All electronic copies of assessment
data/documentation must be submitted
on CD
Tutor, Verifier and Peer Reviewer names and evidence
of their qualifications will be available for inspection or
submission to the Awarding Body
For contracts where the certification or part of the
certification is awarded by City & Guilds (C&G):
 Where an assessor, verifier or peer reviewer has
been changed, the contractor must ensure that the
appropriate declaration is completed and the CV and
copies of relevant qualification certificates
Quality Assurance and Certification will be managed
and issued through the FÁS Training Centre
If the contractor is a C&G approved centre, they will not
conduct the assessments under their own centre
Prior to assessment
Check if learners need assistance
• Contractor agrees with the TSO and puts the
supports in place
• TSS-6c-F03 Learner Request for Assessment
Submit a “Notification of Assessment
Event/Assessment Request Form” (TSS-6cF11(a)) to Training Standards Officer
Ensure all assessors are aware of the
assessment requirements
Assessment Processes in place
Inform the learners of the plan
Ensure materials are stored securely (safe)
Assessment area is prepared
Candidates are identified
Minimum of two persons in attendance at every
assessment location during an assessment
Assessment carried out to the assessment specification
 Subject to monitoring and verification of process and
Marked in accordance with the assessment specification
 Learners given provisional results, they
• Sign for the provisional results
TSS-8a-F32 Learner Record of Receiving Provisional
• Are notified that the results may change as part of
the results approval process
• Are advised that there are recheck, repeat and
appeals processes available to them
Assessment Appeals Application Form
Results sent to TSO
Contactor to verify with TSO to the required format for the
return of assessment results
When results are approved, FÁS will notify the contractor,
the contractor will arrange for the learners to be notified
immediately of approved results
The contractor will advise the learners to direct any
Learner Appeals to the relevant TSU Manager for
Where requested by FÁS, the contractor will arrange for
Award Certificates, to be issued to learners, the contractor
will retain evidence of certificates issued to learners
The contractor will appoint a Verifier
and Peer Reviewer Verifier to ensure
the assessment process and
assessment outcomes are reviewed
on a sample basis
Internal Verifiers Report for Process
TSS-6d-F01 Internal Verification Report on Conduct of the Assessment
Peer Review of Assess Results
TSS-6e-F01 Peer Review of Assessment Results
Assessment materials sent to FÁS
 Un-used test packs returned to FÁS
 Issues with the assessment
Notify the TSO
 Engage with FÁS to resolve
assessment system irregularities
The minimum sample size for results
verification must be one full assessment
event e.g. if there are twenty Learners
undertaking an assessment then the
sample size is twenty.Copies kept for 1
Course Instructors must be registered with The
Occupational First Aid Assessment Agent (OFAAA)
Other: Forklift, Energy courses,
During the course, the FÁS Contracted Training staff
may request each learner to fill out an evaluation
questionnaire. Issues that the learners raise will be
discussed with the contractor or tutor as appropriate.
Every effort should be made to address these issues
Feedback forms and course questionnaires will be
Moodle will be used for monitoring in the case of online elements of courses
Monitoring by FÁS will take place relating to
Training Delivery
Premises and Equipment
Feedback for improvement
The Contracted Training Officer will discuss
the following with the tutor/contractor:
Recruitment and selection of learners
Training Delivery
Premises and Equipment
Feedback for improvement
Individual learner issues
The feedback from the learners
Issues - Breaches of Contract
A list of sample breaches are outlined in the
Procedures Manual for Contractors
When suspected contract breaches or nonconformances occur:
the severity of the incident will determine the
appropriate sanction to be taken (written warning,
investigation etc)
For the avoidance of doubt, a contract can be
terminated where a single breach of contract occurs
Issues - Breaches of Contract
Sanctions where warranted can
include any of the following:
A written warning (by letter) from the
TSU Manager to the contractor
 Assignment of amber status
 Termination of the contact
 Assignment of red status
Issues - Breaches of Contract
Sanctions in the case of non-return or
later return of P1 or P4 information:
• A written warning may be issued
• Where the contractor fails to return the P1
or P4 within time specified they could be
assigned an amber status
Issues - Breaches of Contract
Where the contractor has multiple nonconformances and/or written warnings
across a number of contracts the
sanctions will be as follows:
• Attend a meeting with the Manager CT H.O
• Failure to improve may result in assignment
of an Amber Status
Breaches of Contract
Amber Status
 The Contracted Training Organisation is
flagged as not eligible for tendering and/or
contracting (Amber Status) on the CTTL by
Contract Training Unit, Head Office.
 Current signed contracts will be subject to
additional monitoring by the Training Centre
operating the contract.
The Amber Status remains in place until the
issues are resolved to the satisfaction of FAS.
Breaches of Contract
Where a contractor has had three adverse
reports over a two year period, that
contractor will be placed on amber status
for a minimum of six months. This period
will commence from the successful
resolution of the third adverse report
A Contractor who does not cooperate fully
with investigations or follow up on corrective
actions will be assigned a Red Status on
the Contracted Training Tender List for a
period not exceeding three years
Breaches of Contract
A material breach may be considered to
have occurred when the contractor,
Having received a final written warning,
subsequently fails to take the appropriate
corrective action to address the minor
contract breach or minor non-conformance
or fails to initiate preventative action
Where a single material breach of contract
has occurred
Termination of the contract and assignment
of a red status
Breaches of Contract
Termination of a contract
 The contractor will be notified immediately of
the decision to terminate the contract.
 The contractor is flagged as not eligible for
tendering and/or contracting (Red Status).
 Existing signed contracts with the contractor
which have not commenced will be
systemically terminated.
 Courses currently running by a contractor
holding a red status will be subject to a full
quality assurance audit
Breaches of Contract
Termination of a contract (cont.)
The contractor’s status on the CTTL will be based on the findings of
the QA Audit.
The the ADG Training Policy, Development and Support can
choose to leave the contractor flagged as Red Status on the CTTL
for a period not exceeding three years or return the contractor to
Green Status based on the findings of the QA Audits.
The contractor will be notified of any sanctions and their status on
the CTTL.
The findings of the QA Audit report and or sanctions imposed
relating to the contractor may be appealed to the ADG Finance.
The appeal will be dealt with as soon as is practicable. An appeal
must be submitted in writing and include the grounds on which the
appeal is made.
Any non-conformance issues relating to the requirements of a
certifying body will be reported to that certifying body as required by
their regulations
Q&As session