Creating a Safe and Caring Work Environment

Creating a Safe & Caring
Work Environment
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
Proactive Preparedness
 Workplace violence can happen at any time,
in any industry
 While every work site and situation is unique,
there are general prevention and preparedness
guidelines that can be customized to any
 Advance preparation and proactive awareness
can help create a safe and caring work
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
What is Workplace Violence?
Any action that could threaten the safety of an
employee, impact an employee’s physical or
psychological well-being, or cause damage to
company property.
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
Profile of an Active Shooter
 An individual engaged in killing or attempting to
kill people in a confined, populated area
 Active shooter situations are unpredictable and
evolve quickly
 Because these situations are often over before
police can arrive, individuals must be prepared
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
U.S. Statistics
 Average of 20 workers are murdered and
18,000 assaulted each week while at work
 Retail trade and service industries
account for more than half of
workplace homicides and 85%
of non-fatal workplace assaults
Information obtained through the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
U.S. Statistics (cont.)
 Estimated 16,400 threats are made,
723 workers are attacked and 43,800
workers are harassed
Information obtained through a study conducted by the Workplace Violence Institute.
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
Causes of Workplace Violence
Threat of job loss or less hours
Personal problems unrelated to work
Job pressure
Employment grievances
Non-sensitive termination/rigid
management styles
 Personality conflicts
 Negative performance appraisals
 Economic pressure/mounting bills
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
Domestic Violence
 One of the most common causes of
workplace violence is domestic violence
that spills over into the workplace
 U.S. Department of Labor reports
that the alleged assailant in about
one in six homicides of women at
work is a current/former husband
or boyfriend
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
Warning Signs
 Explosive outbursts
 Empathy with violent individuals
 Behavioral signals may include:
Direct or veiled threats of harm to self or others
Numerous conflicts
Severe mood swings
 Depression or paranoia
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
Warning Signs (cont.)
 Statements indicating desperation
family/financial/personal problems
 Drug/alcohol abuse
 Significant changes in someone's
“normal” behavior or routines
 Noticeable decrease in attention to
personal appearance
 Unexplained increase in absenteeism
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
Response Process
1. Preliminary risk evaluation
2. Taking initial actions
3. Appropriate response measures
Call police
Evacuate or hide
4. Bringing the incident to conclusion
5. Following up/intervention
6. Consider measures to prevent
similar incidents
7. Monitor for any new threats
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
If Workplace Violence Does Occur …
 Call 911
 Project calmness
Move/speak quietly, slowly, and with confidence
Listen with empathy/Create dialogue
Let them know you are interested and listening
Focus your attention on them
Keep your posture relaxed but attentive
Position yourself at a right angle
Establish ground rules
Describe the consequences of violent behavior
Be careful not to threaten!
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
Conflict Resolution Techniques
 Ask for specific, small favors
Asking the person to move to a quiet area
 Use delay tactics
Name…can I get you a glass of water?
 Break problems into manageable units
Be reassuring and offer options
 Ask for recommendations; repeat back what
is requested
 Position yourself so exits are not blocked
 Let someone else know what you are doing
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
 Use communication styles that generate hostility
(apathy, coldness, giving the run around)
 Reject all of the person’s demands from the start
 Pose in challenging stances
 Engage in physical contact, finger pointing, staring
 Make sudden or threatening movements
 Threaten, challenge, belittle, or make them feel foolish
 Act impatient or criticize the person
 Attempt to bargain with a threatening person
 Make false statements or promises
 Invade the person’s personal space (3-4 ft. zone)
 Use profanity
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
Preventing Workplace Violence
 Recognize the warning signs
 Understand why employees become upset
 Encourage employees to report
suspicious behaviors/threats
 Practice conflict resolution
 Lead by example – begins
with management
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
Preventing Workplace Violence
While it is difficult to prevent incidents of
workplace violence or any other unplanned
event, it is important to work proactively to keep
your workplace as safe as possible.
How to Respond
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
Active Shooter
An individual actively engaged in killing or
attempting to kill people in a confined and
populated area, typically through
the use of firearms.
Victims are typically selected at
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
Active Shooter – How to Respond
1. Call 911 and Evacuate
Have an escape route planed
Silence your cell phone and/or pager
2. Hide (if you cannot evacuate)
Leave belongings behind
Hide in an area out of the shooter’s view
Block hiding place entry & lock doors
3. If Approached
Remain calm and follow instructions
Keep hands visible at all times
4. Take Action
As a last resort; when your life is in
imminent danger
Attempt to incapacitate the shooter
Act with physical aggression - throw
items at the shooter
Call 911 Immediately!!!
5. When Officers Arrive
Remain calm and follow instructions
Put down any items in your hands
Raise hands and spread fingers
Keep hands visible at all times
Avoid quick movements
Avoid pointing, screaming or yelling
Do not stop to ask officers for help or
direction when evacuating
6. Important Information to
Relay to Officers
Location of the shooter
Physical description of shooter
Number of shooters
Number of potential victims
Number/type of weapons
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
Active Shooter - Coping
 Be aware of your environment and possible dangers
 Take note of the two nearest exits
 If in an office and not able to evacuate, stay there
and secure the door
 Take the shooter down as
a last resort
 Remember:
- Such events are unpredictable
and evolve quickly
- Law enforcement is usually required
to end an active shooter situation
Call 911 when it is safe to do so
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
Active Shooter - Training Your Staff
Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
Reporting fire and other emergencies
Evacuation policy/procedure
Emergency escape procedures/assignments
Contact information/responsibilities - EAP designates
Local area hospital information
Emergency notification system:
Individuals at remote locations
Local law enforcement
Local area hospitals
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
Active Shooter - Training Your Staff
Training Exercises
Conduct mock active shooter exercises
Use advice of local law enforcement
Recognize sounds of gunshots
React quickly to gunshots
- Evacuate the area
- Hide
- Act against shooter as last resort
 Call 911
 Arrival of law enforcement
 Adopt the “survival” mindset
during times of crises
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
Active Shooter - Training Your Staff
Information for 911
Location of shooter
Number of shooters
Description of shooters
Number/type of weapons
Number of potential victims
When Police Arrive
Remain calm, follow instructions
Keep hands visible
Avoid making quick movements
Do not stop officers, proceed in the direction from
which the officers entered
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
Active Shooter - Prepare For & Prevent
Ensure facility has at least two evacuation routes
Post evacuation routes in conspicuous locations
Include law enforcement and first responders
Encourage law enforcement, emergency
responders, SWAT teams, K-9 units, & bomb
squads to train at your location
 Foster a respectful workplace
 Be aware of indications of
workplace violence and take
remedial actions accordingly
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
Preparation & Management
 Utilize HR and facility departments
 Conduct employee screening/background checks
 Create system for reporting signs of violent behavior
including threats from spouses/partners
 EAP to deal with active shooter and after action planning
 Institute access controls
 Distribute critical items: floor plans, keys, personnel
 Coordinate with security
 Assemble crisis kits: radios, floor plans, staff rooster,
first aid kits and flashlights
 Removable floor plans near exits/entrances for responders
 Activate emergency notification situation
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
Active Shooter - Manager Reactions
Employees will follow managers’ lead
Managers must be familiar with EAP procedures
Take immediate action
Remain calm
Lock and barricade doors
Evacuate staff/visitors via
planned route to safe area
 Ensure EAP has details
for evacuating individuals
with special needs
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
Active Shooter - Managing the Consequences
 Account for all individuals at assembly point
 Determine method for notifying affected families,
including any causalities
 Asses psychological state of
individuals at the scene; refer to
healthcare specialists
 Identify and file critical personnel
or operational gaps as a result
of the incident
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
Lessons Learned
 Analyze and create an after action report
 Serve as documentation for response
 Identify successes/failures that occurred
during the event
 Analyze effectiveness
of the EAP
 Define plan for making
improvements to the
existing EAP
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment