National Staff Experience Evolutionary Journey Liz Reilly National Staff Experience Project Manager Background •Funded by Scottish Government •4 Pilot Boards; NHS Tayside, NHS Forth Valley, NHS Dumfries & Galloway and NHS National Waiting Time Centre •5 Project Objectives What needs to happen? Real conversations about Healthcare NHS Leadership Real conversations about Healthcare Partnership Working Partnership Working People managers Staff Engaged Engaged Engaged Agreement Agreement Agreement Understanding Understanding Understanding Co-Production Co-Production Co-Production Quality improvements Quality improvements How are we going to make it happen? StaffContinuous ExperienceImprovement Framework Framework Staff Experience Health Care Quality Strategy 2010 - 3 Quality Ambitions Person-Centred, Safe & Effective MacLeod: Leadership MacLeod Enablers/ Healthy Working Lives Staff Governance Standard Strands MacLeod: Integrity to the Values & Purpose Healthy Working Lives: Well-being SG3: Involved in Decisions SG4: Treated Fairly & Consistently, with Dignity and Respect, in an Environment where Diversity is Valued SG5: Provided with a Continuously Improving and Safe Working Environment, Promoting the Health and Wellbeing of Staff, Patients and the Wider Community C5 Health & Wellbeing Support C6 Assessing Risk & Monitoring Work Stress & Workload C5 Job Satisfaction C6 Appropriate Behaviours & Supportive Relationships Performance Management C4 C4 C4 C6 C5 Consistent Application of Employment Policy & Procedures Effective Team Working Valued as an Individual Empowered to Influence C6 Partnership Working C2 Listened to & Acted Upon C2 Confidence & Trust in Management C2 Recognition & Rewards C2 Access to Time & Resources C1 Performance Development & Review Learning & Growth C2 Clear, Appropriate & Timeously Communication C1 Role Clarity C1 Sense of Vision, Purpose & Values KSF Core Dimensions MacLeod: Employee Voice SG2: Appropriately Trained & Developed SG1: Well Informed Visible & Consistent Leadership SE Components MacLeod: Engaging Managers C3 C3 Outcomes of Pilot 1 and Pilot 2 Testing • Development of a “Bespoke Staff Survey” with staff, staff side, and managers • Focus Groups – staff feedback driving amendments of the tools • Interim Evaluation Report at each stage of testing Achieved Key Outputs/ Outcomes of Pilot 3 Testing • Pilot Test 3 took place Jan – Feb 2013 • “Bespoke Staff Experience Questionnaire” was distributed to 2300 staff across 3 pilot Boards; NHS Forth Valley, NHS Tayside and NHS National Waiting Time Centre. • 1280 responses, an excellent return of over 56% those staff targeted, and more than double the 27% return of the 2010 staff survey. • Externally validated by University of the West of Scotland (UWS) as a robust, reliable and valid measure of staff engagement. Achieved 2. I get the information I need to do my job well 3. I am given the time and resources to support my learning and growth .588 .651 .693 .720 .713 .601 Factor 1 About me .612 .652 .643 .432 5. I am confident my ideas and suggestions are listened to 6. I am confident my ideas and suggestions are acted upon 7. I feel involved in decisions relating to my job 8. I am treated with dignity and respect as an individual 9. I am treated fairly and consistently 10. I get enough helpful feedback on how well I do my work 11. I feel appreciated for the work I do 12. My work gives me a sense of achievement 20. I understand how my role contributes to the goals of my organisation .434 My organisation Factor 2 21. I feel my organisation cares about my health and wellbeing .670 .784 .737 23. I have confidence and trust in senior managers responsible for the wider organisation .786 .647 25. I am confident performance is managed well within my organisation .707 .626 24. I feel involved in decisions relating to my organisation 26. I get the help and support I need from other teams and services within the organisation to do my job 27. I would recommend my organisation as a good place to work 28. I would be happy for a friend or relative to access services within my organisation My Factor 3 manager .820 .853 My team 14. My direct line manager is sufficiently approachable .828 15. I have confidence and trust in my direct line manager .528 17. I am confident performance is managed well within my team .595 Factor 4 13. I feel my direct line manager cares about my health and wellbeing .803 1. I am clear what my duties and responsibilities are 18. My team works well together .769 19. I would recommend my team as a good one to be part of “Bespoke Staff Experience Questionnaire” Rasch Analysis - All items 2 Hardest item Clear misfitting items 1 0 0 -1 -2 1 Easiest item 2 3 “Bespoke Staff Experience Questionnaire” Reverse items removed. Good overall fit 2 1 Measures 0 0 1 -1 -2 Infit Mean-square 2 Total Spread of NHSEEI responses Mean 69%. Likert category: Agree 45 40 Number of respondents 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 24% 39% 47% 55% 64% NHSEEI % 72% 80% 89% Item 29. Same calculation different representation 10% Celebrate 34% Number of respondents Maintain/Monitor 400 56% Improve 300 200 100 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Overall working within my organisation: Factor structure Quality Strategy Staff governance standards McLeod Enablers Because of this Staff coproduction We know this is valid NHSEEI Factor 1 About me And this Factor 2 Factor 3 About my organisation About my line manager Factor 4 About my team 3 5 3 6 5 5 4 3 3 5 5 3 5 2 1 5 5 3 6 2 2 5 2 2 1 5 2 3 5 2 5 4 3 3 5 2 3 5 3 3 5 2 3 6 5 5 5 3 2 6 5 6 5 3 1 4 3 3 5 1 2 4 1 5 5 1 5 5 2 5 5 1 1 5 1 5 5 1 1 5 1 5 5 1 2 5 2 4 5 1 5 3 1 3 5 2 1 2 3 5 5 3 3 3 4 6 5 5 3 3 2 6 5 5 5 5 3 6 5 4 5 4 1 4 5 4 4 5 2 2 3 1 4 4 2 3 5 1 2 5 2 3 5 1 3 2 3 4 5 1 3 4 4 5 5 1 4 4 1 5 5 2 5 4 2 5 5 5 5 6 5 6 5 5 3 6 5 5 5 4 5 3 5 6 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 5 2 4 3 4 4 5 5 6 5 6 4 6 4 5 2 3 2 5 2 4 2 4 4 5 2 6 5 6 NHS Scotland Staff Experience Definition “A workplace approach designed to ensure employees are committed to their organisation’s goals and values, motivated to organisation success, and are able at the same time to enhance their own sense of well-being” (Engaging for Success 2009 authors; Nita Clarke and David MacLeod) Staff Experience Bespoke Questions My direct line manager is sufficiently approachable I feel senior managers responsible for the wider organisation are sufficiently visible I understand how my role contributes to the goals of my organisation I am clear what my duties and responsibilities are I get the information I need to do my job well I am given the time and resources to support my learning and growth I get enough helpful feedback on how well I do my work I have sufficient support to do my job well I feel appreciated for the work I do I have confidence and trust in my direct line manager I have confidence and trust in senior managers responsible for the wider organisation I am confident my ideas and suggestions are listened to I am confident my ideas and suggestions are acted upon I feel involved in decisions relating to my organisation I feel involved in decisions relating to my job I feel involved in decisions relating to my team I am treated with dignity and respect as an individual My team works well together I am treated fairly and consistently I get the help and support I need from other teams and services within the organisation to do my job I am confident performance is managed well within my team I would recommend my organisation as a good place to work My work gives me a sense of achievement I feel my direct line manager cares about my health and well being I feel my organisation cares about my health and well being I would recommend my team as a good place to work I would be happy for a friend or relative to access services within my organisation Staff Experience Employee Engagement Components Visible and Consistent Leadership Visible and Consistent Leadership Sense of Vision, Purpose and Values Role Clarity Clear, Appropriate and Timeously Communication Learning and Growth Performance Development and Review Access to Time and Resources Recognition and Reward Confidence and Trust in my management Confidence and Trust in my management Listened to and Acted Upon Listened to and Acted Upon Partnership Working Empowered to influence Empowered to influence Valued as an Individual Effective Team Working Consistent Application of Employment Policies and Procedures Performance Management Performance Management Appropriate Behaviours and Supportive Relationships Job Satisfaction Assessing Risk and Monitoring Work Stress and Workload Health and Wellbeing Support Additional Question Additional Question ‘iMatter’ Question Set, Crown Copyright 2013. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government License v1.0. Focus Group Feedback Outwith Team Staff Experience Management/ Staff/ Manager Staff Learning Experience Sets Awareness Sessions ‘iMatter’ Questionnaire Completed Interventions Monitored & Reviewed Action Planning/ Interventions, Internal & External, Agreed & Signed Off by Team Team Report Received Team Agree on Areas of Improvement, Reflected in PDPs & PDRs Meeting with Team, Report Feedback Given Staff Experience Continuous Improvement Cycle, Crown Copyright 2013. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government License v1.0. NHS Scotland - Staff Experience Project Pilot 2013 Team Report Sample R e s p o ns e s 7 R e c ip ie nts 15 R e s p o ns e R a te 47% S ta ff we re a s k e d the fo llo wing q ue s tio ns : 6 5 4 3 2 1 Strongly Agree Agree Slightly Agree Slightly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Ca lc ula ting the A v e ra g e S c o re Strive and Celebrate Monitor to Further Improve 47% Response Rate Improve to Monitor 63% Focus to Improve E xp e rie nc e a s a n Ind iv id ua l: A v e ra g e S c o re Employee Engagement Index 67% - 100% The Employee Engagement Index (EEI) is generated from the responses to 28 questions 51% - 66% within 'iMatter' and provides an overall percentage of your teams level of Staff Experience 34% - 50% 0% - 33% Av e ra g e Sc o re Sta ff Go v e rna nc e Sta nd a rd - Stra nd Sc o re s Well Informed Appropriately Trained and Developed The number of responses for each point on the scale (strongly agree-strongly disagree) is multiplied by its number value (6-1) (see above). These scores are then added together and divided by the overall number of responses for the question 60% 60% 60% I am clear what my duties and responsibilities are 62% I get the information I need to do my job well 60% I am given the time and resources to support my learning and growth 60% I have sufficient support to do my job well 62% I am confident my ideas and suggestions are listened to 52% I am confident my ideas and suggestions are acted upon 43% I feel involved in decisions relating to my job 45% I am treated with dignity and respect as an individual 57% I am treated fairly and consistently 50% I get enough helpful feedback on how well I do my work 60% I feel appreciated for the work I do 64% My work gives me a sense of achievement 48% Strive and Celebrate Monitor to Further Im prove Involved in Decisions 51% Im prove to Monitor Focus to Im prove Treated Fairly and Consistently, with Dignity and Respect, in an Environment where Diversity is Valued Provided with a Continuously Improving and Safe Working Environment, Promoting the Health and Wellbeing of Staff, Patients and the Wider Community 60% 56% ‘iMatter’ Results Reports, Crown Copyright 2013. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government License v1.0. ‘iMatter’ Staff Experience Thermometer average score ‘iMatter’ Staff Experience Thermometer, Crown Copyright 2013. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government License v1.0. Staff Experience Storyboard, Crown Copyright 2013. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government License v1.0. 2014 SE Story 2015 SE Story 2016 SE Story 2017 SE Story 2018 SE Story 2020 SE Story 2019 Supporting Delivery of the 2020Patient Workforce Vision Positive Staffthe Experience Enhances Experience ‘iMatter’ (Quantitative) Employee Voice Focus Groups (Qualitative) Reassurance SAAT Review (Quantitative/ Qualitative) Supporting the Delivery of the 2020 Workforce Vision Staff Experience Data Triangle, Crown Copyright 2013. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government License v1.0. Actual and Potential Benefits Actual Benefits • Improving Staff Experience ultimately leading to enhanced Patient Experience • Staff Experience Continuous Improvement Model is systemic with results available down to team level. Promotes team ownership which creates a motivational stimulus to improve results • Forges psychological contract between employer and employee, enhancing Corporate, Directorate ,team, and individual Resilience • Positive and Supportive Performance Management for all managers • Creates a sense of empowerment for all staff and therefore contribute to a sense of wellbeing and resilience, which would have tangible outcomes for example, improving organisational performance, reducing the number of days lost to absence, increases motivation and decreases presenteeism • Staff Governance Principles become central to daily working lives • Enables accurate strategic planning to develop the organisation • Produces accurate and reliable Employee Engagement Index Potential Benefits • Commercial Commodity with income generating potential Thank you!