Child Abuse Investigation Command

Child Abuse Investigation Command
Detective Superintendent Richard Henson
Modernising Risk Assessment and Decision
Making in Child Protection
Working together effectively in
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Child Abuse Investigation Command – SCD5
History & Background
• SCD5 mission to make children safer in London
• Established post Victoria Climbie’, 2000
• Largest dedicated police child abuse/protection
command in world @ 450 detectives/200 police staff
• Serves Pan London 32 LSCB’s (some wider remit)
• Modernisation program post Baby Peter, 2008-10
• Consolidation 2011.
Child Abuse Investigation Command
SCD5 Issues/Challenges/Role
Forefront of Multi-agency working
Complex arena child abuse investigation
Child Protection/Safeguarding issues
Very High Organisational Risk
Critical decisions often at low levels
High profile criminal justice cases
Intense media interest
Political issues.
Child Abuse Investigation Command
What is Risk Assessment?
All assessments of risk require foundation knowledge on which to
build our understandings and shape our interventions with children
and families.
The determination of quantitative or qualitative value of risk related to
a concrete situation and a recognised threat. Quantitative Risk
Assessment requires calculations of two components of risk R, the
magnitude of the potential loss L and the probability P that the loss
will occur.
Assessment of risk is complex and not related to the number of risks
appearing alone. Rather, the imminent risk posed in a particular
situation will be dependent upon what they are and how they apply in
that context.
A risk assessment can only identify the probability of harm, assess the
impact of it on key individuals, and pose intervention strategies which
may diminish the risk or reduce the harm. Assessments cannot
prevent risk.
A common first step in the risk management process.
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Risk Assessment Think Umbrellas!
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Child Risk Assessment Model :CRAM
Risk Factors
• Based on learning from SCR’s, MARAC, Intel Analysis, SUDI’s etc
• Risk Assessment reviewed & updated on new & current Information
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Case Study
Think Risk Factors
Would you recognise them?
What would they trigger?
When would you notify or refer?
When would you intervene?
How would you intervene?
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Death of Baby Peter
March 2006:
Birth of Peter Connelly (Baby P)
June 2006:
Mother begins new relationship
November 2006:
Steven Barker moves into the home
December 2006:
Peter admitted to hospital with bruising (placed in care). 1st police investigation
January 2007:
Return to care of mother
April 2007:
Admitted to hospital with bruising & swelling (police not informed)
June 2007:
Mother arrested for Common Assault after more bruising found. 2nd investigation
July 2007:
Peter is smeared with chocolate to hide more bruising
2 August 2007:
Mother told not going to be prosecuted
3 August 2007:
Peter is found dead in his cot
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Tracey Connelly
History of Drug abuse
Mother: Alcohol/Drug
In & out of care
Socially inadequate
Special Needs Education
Previous victim of abuse
Met ex-husband at 15yrs.
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Stephen Barker
• Semi-literate
• Allegedly abused as a
• Mental Health issues
• Special Needs
• Animal Cruelty
• Relationship issues.
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Jason Owen
• Previous convictions
• Drug abuse
• Troubled youth
• Suspected Paedophile
• Name changes
• 15 year old girlfriend.
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Post Mortem findings
• Fractured spine
• Nine broken ribs
• Avulsed tooth
• Necrosis of finger
• Torn ear
• Head injuries
• No precise cause of death initially at PM.
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Medical Chronology
October 2006
December 2006
January 2007
April 2007
April 2007
May 2007
1 June 2007
6 June 2007
9 June 2007
9 July 2007
18 July 2007
19 July 2007
26 July 2007
1 August 2007
3 August 2007
Bruising to head GP
NAI bruising to head taken into care hospital
Old leg fracture found
Further bruising to head different hospital
Referred to CDC for banging his head
Hives GP
Further bruising to head hospital
Walk in clinic finger infection
Walk in clinic ear infection
Hospital ear infection
Walk in clinic injuries to scalp
Injuries to scalp hospital
Head lice GP
CDC behavioural problems and why bruising
Found dead
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Death of Peter Connelly
Avulsed tooth 12 hours
Fractured spine 3 to 5 days
Nine broken ribs 7 to 10 days
Necrosis of finger 2 months old?
Torn ears 2 months
Head and facial injuries since October 2006 many
are recent
Had most if not all of these injuries when he
was seen by professionals - not just Health!
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Police Areas for Improvement – 30 AFI’s
Risk assessment
(Control measures)
Identifying critical risk in high volume (How?)
Focus on high risk
Information exchange (Updating & challenging)
Recording - data standards
(IT systems)
Supervision (Quality, consistency, timeliness)
Escalation and challenge
Resilience and capacity. (Skills/training/support)
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Child Risk Assessment Model CRAM
6 core elements
Risk factors
Risk assessment
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Comprehensive research and
collation of relevant information
from police records and partner
agencies including the continuing
evaluation and identification of
information gaps to support
decision making and operational
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Referenced areas of high risk are
grouped in relation to the child
(Victim), the suspect (offender)
and the household (location). The
relevance of each must be
considered alongside other
prevalent risk issues
Child Abuse Investigation Command
An on-going process requiring
updating as the case develops.
The risk assessment is case
specific rather than an
assignment of status of risk.
SMART control measures are a
vital to risk management.
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Competent, informed and regular
supervisory input to support case
officers and ensure appropriate
case management, effective
intervention to protect the
vulnerable. Supervision must be
proactive and visible with
recorded rationale.
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Recording information, rationale
and decisions is best practice.
Records must be available for
immediate operational reference
and reports to other parties must
be clear and concise. References
to supporting material must be
clear and duplication avoided.
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Research, analysis & decisions with rationale are
recorded clearly and concisely.
Dialogue is comprehensive & checked to ensure
understanding particularly in strategy discussions
and when requesting information.
Actions should be completed within agreed time
frames or parties informed as to barriers.
Dissent must be recorded and brought to the
attention of supervisors.
Child Abuse Investigation Command
• "Once risk has been assessed, the more
substantial task is to manage it, to think of how
to intervene to reduce it"
Munro, E Effective Child Protection 2008
• "The absence of a clear focus on the source of
risk to children is important because in such
situations child protection registration or any
form of supervision is unlikely to be effective."
Humphreys & Stanley, DV & CP, Directions for Good Practice.
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Reducing risk & repeat victims
0.08% were repeat victims
5 times or more (in 12months)
No of Repeat Victims
1.34% were repeat victims
3 times or more (in 12months)
9.17% were repeat victims
Initial Crime Reports
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Reducing risk & repeat victims 2
review to DI on 3/12 repeats.
No of Repeat Victims
Escalation of supervisory
review to DCI on 5/12 repeats
Initial Crime Referrals/Reports
Child Abuse Investigation Command
ABC - Challenge!
• A
Assume nothing….
• B
Believe nobody…..
• C
Check everything…
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Authoritative Practice
• “Although perhaps not consciously, a
parent/carer… tests the resolve of the
safeguarding child protection systems”
Baby P SCR
• “It is crucial to be sceptical of the accounts
that are given for any maltreatment of
children… They must be tested thoroughly
against the facts.” Biennial review of SCR’s 2005-7
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Challenge! Challenge! Challenge! Challenge!
Are they lying?
“Of Course they are lying. Everybody lies”
David Simon, Creator of “The Wire”
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Authoritative Practice
• We are the ‘Authorities’ … Do you tell the truth?
• Fear is a powerful thing, especially when you are, or
you feel vulnerable.
• Child abuse can be addictive.
• Some abusers are professionals!
• Addiction is based on deception and takes many
forms, professionals need to challenge.
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Think the Unthinkable
• Look at the facts. Ask questions, explore your
hunches, use your training.
• Where is the evidence of real change?
• 75% of parents do not co-operate with CP
Professionals (includes disguised compliance telling
workers what they want to hear, learned behaviour &
professional language)
Biennial review of SCR’s 2005-7
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Control Measures R
Reduce risk
Avoid risk
Remove risk
Accept risk
Risk assessment is an ongoing process!
Measures must be SMART
Record Rationale.
Child Abuse Investigation Command
• Timeliness (24hrs, 7days, 28 days Crimes
(42days CPP) or on new significant Intel.
• Authoritative supervision (Who)
• Recording rationale and direction
• Challenge
• Prioritisation
• Escalation
• Risk Management
Child Abuse Investigation Command
Moving Forward
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
Implementations Harrow/Haringey Jan'12
Confidential information sharing
Improved communication
Joint service provision
Improve problem recognition
Improve outcomes for vulnerable.
Child Abuse Investigation Command
The Crambrella !
Child Abuse Investigation Command