Family Dynamics: Working with families Spring 2014 By: Jennifer Moore RN. MA, Chicago Commons Member of IACCPHP Funds for this program were made available through an Illinois Department on Aging Educational Grant Objectives Describe how families differ and what impact differences may have on the delivery of home services Describe the impact of changing family structures and roles on family life and the delivery of home services Recognize the affect aging has on family relationships Recognize the impact of culture on family dynamics Recognize your personal beliefs and values related to family living patterns Describe ways to promote positive outcomes by promoting client / family / homecare aide interaction and maintain family confidentiality. Definition : Merriam – Webster (2014) Family A group of people related to each other A group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head A group of persons of common ancestry A group of people united by certain convictions or common affiliations: fellowship The descendants or line of a particular individual especially of some outstanding female A unit of a crime syndicate (as the Mafia) operating within a geographic area Definition: Merriam – Webster (2014) Dynamics A branch of mechanics that deal with forces and their relation primarily to the motion but sometimes also to the equilibrium of bodies A pattern or process of change, growth, or activity Variation and contrast in force or intensity Definition: Mosby Medical (2011) Family Dynamics: The forces at work within a family that produce particular behaviors or symptoms. Family Types Traditional Non Traditional Single Parent Extended Family (multigenerational ) Childless Grandparent LGBT Cultural Diversity Culture: The behaviors and beliefs characteristics of a particular social, ethnic, or age group. (Random House Dictionary) Culture: A system of learned behaviors shared by and transmitted among members of a group. (sociology guide /culture /anthropology) Cultural Diversity: The cultural variety and cultural differences that exist in the world, a society or an institution. The inclusion of diverse people in a group. ( Values Value: A personal belief about the worth of a given idea or behavior (Mosby Medical 2011) Value System: The acceptable mode of conduct and the set of norms, goals, and values binding any social group. (Mosby Medical 2011) Collaboration of Care Integrate the family dynamics into service delivery Identify key family member or care partner Establish Key Expectations Agency Provider Case Coordination Unit Family Client Privacy & Confidentiality Client Family Self Clients Right Right to self determination Treated with dignity and respect Right to Privacy Working with Challenging Families Continuum of Care Questions ?