Servant Leadership Presentation - St Philip Benizi Catholic Church

Lead Like Jesus
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Servant Leadership
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Leadership Prayer
Leadership is like a handful of water.
Lord, let us be the people to share with those who thirst.
Leadership is not about watching and correcting.
Lord, let us remember it is about listening and connecting.
Leadership is not about telling people what to do.
Lord, let us first find out what people want.
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Leadership is hard to define.
Lord, let us be the ones to define it with justice.
Leadership Prayer
Lord, as we continue to undertake the role of leader let us
be affirmed by the servant leadership we witness in your
son Jesus. Let us walk in the path He has set and let those
who will, follow.
Let our greatest passion be…compassion.
Our greatest strength…love.
Our greatest victory…the reward of peace.
In leading, let us never fail to follow.
In loving, let us never fail. Amen.
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Leadership is less about the love of power
and more about the power of love.
Qualify the Topic
• Session will cover two aspects of Servant
1. Review of Servant Leadership Principles
• Not unique to religion
• Style of leadership used universally in
business, education, government, sports
2. Discuss how Jesus applied Servant
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Servant Leadership…Lead Like Jesus
• We have a new Pope, meaningful change is on the way
• Parish life today is more “DYNAMIC” than ever before
• Must prepare for new challenges and opportunities
• Secular influences eroding faith formation
• Multi-cultural parishes are now the norm
• Impact of change on the traditional family structure
• Technology revolutionizing communication, teaching
and learning
• Priest shortage puts new strain on parishes
• 1st Amendment assault by the Federal government
• Continuing loss of Catholics, especially our youth
• 10% of global population are now “former” Catholics
• Economic difference between rich & poor
• Bishops of the world will convene this year to address
these and other challenges
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Why Servant Leadership Now?
• We Catholics must learn how to be
• By emulating SERVANT LEADER
• Developed by the Greatest Leader
of All Time…Jesus Christ
• The model for Servant Leadership
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Bottom Line
• Servant Leadership is a BIG topic.
• We can’t do it justice in one session.
• We will focus on the principles.
• Provide a foundation for additional
personal exploration.
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Overview of Servant Leadership
What is Servant Leadership?
• Servant leadership is a philosophy or style of
(do as I say), Democratic (do as I do), LaissezFaire (do as you choose)
• Servant Leadership is a DIFFERENT STYLE of
Leadership, not new, but not used much
• Key Difference: the leader SERVES the needs
of the followers, rather than BEING SERVED
• It turns the traditional Leadership Pyramid
upside down.
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
• 3 Traditional Styles of Leadership: Autocratic
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Leadership Pyramid
Types of Leadership
• Traditional Leader–manages from ”top to bottom”
• Exercises power and control
• Most large company CEOs are traditional leaders
• Servant Leader—leads from “bottom to top”
• Serves rather than controls
• Servant Leader focuses on the people
• Shares power
• Puts the needs of others first
• Helps people develop and perform to their
highest potential
• Jesus was the consummate servant leader
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Traditional vs. Servant
The phrase “servant leadership”
was first coined by Robert K.
Greenleaf in The Servant as
Leader, an essay published in
• Greenleaf researched what made some
leaders great, including Jesus Christ
• Compiled 10 Principles or Characteristics
of Servant Leadership
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Derivation of the Term
Ten Principles of Servant Leadership
1. Listening - listen receptively to what is being
said (and not said)
2. Empathy - put yourself in the shoes of the
other person
3. Healing – desire to be compassionate
4. Awareness – tune in to what is happening
around you
5. Persuasive – build consensus. Convince vs.
coerce compliance
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
by Robert Greenleaf
Ten Principles of Servant Leadership
6. Conceptualize – conceive a desirable vision, then lead
in that direction
7. Foresight – look into the future and anticipate the
likely impact of current decisions
8. Stewardship – acknowledge and care for God’s gifts
9. Cultivate Followers– help followers grow beyond their
current skill levels
10. Build Community – create a deeper desire for
belonging, a bond that goes beyond a traditional
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
by Robert Greenleaf
Examples of Servant Leaders in the
Corporate World
Servant Leadership is NOT theory, it works in corporate practice.
Herb Kelleher, Founding CEO
People focused, management by walking around
Always put people first, genuinely concerned
Developed true teamwork
• Chick-fil-A
• Spiritual foundation of Truett Cathy, Founder
• Corporate Purpose: To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all
that is entrusted to us. To have a positive influence on all who
come in contact with Chick-fil-A.
• Closed on Sundays
• 5 P’s of Marketing: product, price, place, promotion…people
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
• Southwest Airlines
Servant Leaders
• Jesus Christ
• Pope Francis
• Pope John Paul II
• Pope John XXIII
• Martin Luther King
• Mother Teresa
• Billy Graham
• Other Areas
• Abraham Lincoln
• Winston Churchill
• Nelson Mandela
• Vince Lombardi
• John Wooten
• George Washington
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
• Religion
• Matthew 20:25-28…Jesus called them together and
said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it
over them, and their high officials exercise authority
over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to
become great among you must be your servant”.
• …”and whoever wants to be first must be your slavejust as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to
serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many”.
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Biblical Foundation for Servant
The consummate act of servant leadership was the washing of
the feet of the apostles.
• John 13:3-15…Jesus got up from the meal, took off his outer
clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. He poured
water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet,
drying them with the towel.
• …When he had finished washing their feet, he asked, "Do
you understand what I have done for you? You call me
'Teacher' and 'Lord,' and rightly so, for that is what I am.
Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet,
you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an
example that you should do as I have done for you.”
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Consummate Act of Servitude
Symbolism of Washing Feet
• The washing of feet was a common practice upon
entering a home
• It was the task of a servant or slave
• When Jesus assumed this role, the disciples
were probably stunned by this act of humility
1. Jesus’ basic motivation was love
2. He voluntarily became their servant
3. He set an example for servant leadership
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
• Background
• Jesus was the greatest leader of all time.
• Think about what he accomplished in just
three years of public ministry.
• His leadership created a church that has
existed for 2000 years.
• What other institution has lasted this long?
• What other leader has touched the lives of
billions of people for over 20 centuries?
• Why would we not want to emulate His style?
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
The Greatest Leader of All Time
• Everyone has a leadership role: a mother, father,
guardian, executive, manager, supervisor, ministry
head, neighborhood or community leader.
• We can all learn how to lead more effectively.
• You already know the question, “WWJD—what
would Jesus do?”
• Now ask, “HWJDI—how would Jesus do it?”
• Place more emphasis on the “heart” when making
decisions, less on the “head”.
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
What me, a Servant Leader?
How Can We Learn to Lead Like Jesus?
*Group Participation: Your task during this exercise is
to think about events in the Bible that illustrate how
Jesus used the ten practices of Servant Leadership.
When I say “first miracle”, you respond…
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
There are TEN practices or characteristics that Jesus used
in applying Servant Leadership. These practices can be
studied and emulated by leaders at all levels.
1. Values diverse opinions
• Seeks other points of view
• Accepts new and contrary opinions
• Example from the Bible?
• He surrounded himself with a diverse group of
• He preached a message of salvation for
everyone, Jew and Gentile.
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Learning to Lead Like Jesus
Learning to Lead Like Jesus
a culture of trust
• Takes a person’s word at face value
• Believes that everyone will fulfill their roles
• Example from the Bible?
• Jesus trusted the Apostles with the
overwhelming task of establishing the Church
and spreading Christianity.
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
2. Creates
Learning to Lead Like Jesus
• Teaches others to lead by example
• Delegates responsibility and authority
• Example from the Bible?
• He took a group of rag tag fishermen, farmers
and tax collectors and turned them into
consummate Evangelists.
• Peter, the fisherman, became the Rock upon
which He built the Church.
• Saul, the persecutor became Paul, the
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
3. Develops other leaders
Learning to Lead Like Jesus
• Listens and shows compassion
• Concern for the total well-being of an
• Example from the Bible?
• Samaritan woman at the well
• Curing the blind man and other miracles
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
4. Helps people with life
Learning to Lead Like Jesus
• Creates a “can do” attitude
• Plays the role of the “Cheer Leader”
• Example from the Bible?
• Asks Peter to “walk on water”
• Post-Resurrection appearances
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
5. Encourages
Learning to Lead Like Jesus
instead of tells
• Makes them want to do it
• Persuades rather than commands
• Example from the Bible?
• The Sermon on the Mount
• Use of parables
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
6. Sells
Learning to Lead Like Jesus
• Selfless, focus on others
• Emphasis on “we” versus “me”
• Exhibits empathy
• Example from the Bible?
• Incarnation
• The Passion & Death of Jesus
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
7. Thinks “you,” not “me.”
Learning to Lead Like Jesus
• Thinks about the future
• Keeps a foot in the present
• Example from the Bible?
• Creation of the Role of Peter, the First Pope
• Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
8. Thinks long-term
Learning to Lead Like Jesus
with humility
Doesn’t need a title or signs of power
Follows the Golden Rule
Willing to do whatever it takes
Instinctively assumes the role of the “servant”.
Example from the Bible?
• “Are you the King of the Jews? Thou sayeth it.”
• The Birth of Jesus
• Devil’s temptation on the mountain
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
9. Acts
Learning to Lead Like Jesus
Loses Sight of the Mission
• Maintains the perspective
• Plans effectively
• Establishes priorities
• Example from the Bible?
• Crucifixion, the Ultimate Sacrifice to
Open the Gates of Heaven for all
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
10. Never
New Dimensions of Servant Leadership
• The latest evolution is a new model called “S3” *
• It creates a three dimensional model of the Servant
• Servant…provider of service
• Steward…guardian of God’s gifts
• Shepherd…protector of the served
*Based on the work of Dr. Owen Phelps, Yeshiva Institute, and his book, “The Catholic Vision for Leading Like Jesus.”
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Servant Leadership has evolved over time.
• First came “Servant Leadership”
• Then came the application of “Lead Like Jesus “
• To serve, not to be served
• To provide, not to be provided for
• To help, not to be helped
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Role of Servant
Role of Steward
• Employee
• Parent
• Parishioner
• Assumes responsibility for another’s property
• Caretaker or landlord
• Pastor
• Parish leader
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
• Holds a position of service
• Protector of the “sheep”
• Provider of nourishment
• Source of love and comfort
• Shepherd role requires that we love those
we serve as a prerequisite to serving
• “I am the good shepherd. The good
shepherd lays down his life for the
sheep.” ~John 10:11
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Role of Shepherd
• Blends three inter-related roles of the
• Servant…provider of service
• Steward…guardian of God’s gifts
• Shepherd…protector of those who are
served and loved
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
The S3 Model of Leadership
Jesus was the most successful leader of all time. We can
emulate His actions by following the ten practices He used.
Value diverse opinions
Cultivate trust
Develop other leaders
Help people with life
5. Offer encouragement
6. Sell instead of tell
7. Place ‘you’ ahead of
8. Think long term
9. Act with humility
10. Never lose sight of
mission & goal
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
• You won’t comprehend Servant Leadership in
an hour of discussion.
• If you want to learn more, we suggest three
• The Servant Leader by Ken Blanchard & Phil
• Lead Like Jesus also by Blanchard & Hodges
• The Catholic Vision for Leading Like Jesus by
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
The Next Step
Owen Phelps, Ph.D.
Share a story
about the BEST
Servant Leader
that you have
encountered in
your career.
Then identify the
that made them
an Effective
Servant Leader.
• Value diverse opinions
• Cultivate trust
• Develop other leaders
• Help people with life
• Offer encouragement
• Sell instead of tell
• Place ‘you’ ahead of
• Think long term
• Act with humility
• Never lose sight of
mission & goal
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Group Exercise #1
Group Exercise #2
Negativity is the enemy of Servant Leadership
Identify a person in your experience (NOT by name) who was the most negative
Then specify which type they were from the list below
The Resisters--They rail against anything different
The Wobbly —They are constantly shifting moods and expect others to adjust to them
The Gossipers--They spread rumors and tell inappropriate personal tidbits
The Blamers—They are constantly blaming others.
The Victims—They believe people are out to get them
The Adhesives--They can’t let go, even things that happened years ago
The Pessimists--They always expect the worst case scenario
The Boilers—They will blow over the slightest provocation
The Complainers—They feel everything is wrong or will soon go wrong
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Negativity Types
10. The Choosers—They are constantly pitting one group against another
11. The Detached-- They feel most everything is dumb or beneath them
12. The Self-Absorbed--They are constantly grabbing credit or attention
• Do those served grow as persons?
• Do they, while being served, become
healthier, wiser, freer, more
autonomous, more likely themselves to
become servant leaders?
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
• Questions or comments?
• The best test of a servant leader is:
You too can learn to
Lead Like Jesus
Thank You!
Office of Formation & Discipleship
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Servant Leadership