Building a Culture of Discipleship Live the Life... Learning Circle (Mark 1:15) Rhythm of Life (John 15) Three Dimensional Life (Mark 1: 35-39) Four Stages of Discipleship (Gospels) Five-fold Ministries (Ephesians 4: 7-13) Live the Life... What do I start? What do I stop? What is the season? What is the rhythm? What is God’s vision: For my life with Him? With my core community? With my neighbours and networks? Live the Life... “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:15) Live the Life... Kairos B Act Account Plan E L I E V Observe R E P E N E T Reflect Discuss Make Disciples… Four Stages of Discipleship… D1 Vision D2 Coaching D4 Delegation D3 Consensus Building a Culture of Discipleship… Learning Community Huddles Church Year Monthly Training Learning Community