The Art of The Basin and the Towel

Million Leaders Mandate Curriculum
Notebook Three
the Art of the Basin
and the Towel
Lesson 6
3 temptations face by Jesus
1. To Be Self Sufficient
2. To be Spectacular
3. To be Powerful
• Because we children of Adam want to
become great,
• He became small
• Because we will not stoop,
• He humbled Himself
• Because we want to rule,
• He came to serve.
Difference between Natural and
Spiritual Leadership
• Natural leadership
• Self-Confident
Knows men
• Makes own decisions
• Ambitious
• Originates own methods
• Enjoys commanding others
• Motivated by personal
• Independent
Spiritual Leadership
Confident in God
Also knows God
Seeks to find God’s will
Finds and follows God’s
• Delights to obey God
• Motivated by love for God
and man
• God dependent
Criteria of Leadership Potential
Have you ever broken yourself of a bad habit?
Do you retain control of yourself when things go
Do you think independently?
Can you handle criticism objectively and remain
unmoved under it? Do you turn it to good
Can you use disappointments creatively?
Criteria of Leadership Potential
Do you readily secure the cooperation and win the
respect and confidence of others?
Do you possess the ability to secure discipline without
having to resort to a show of authority?
Have you qualified for the beatitude pronounced on the
Criteria of Leadership Potential
9. Are you entrusted with the handling of difficult and
delicate situations?
10. Can you induce people to do happily some
legitimate thing which they would not normally
wish to do?
11. Can you accept opposition to your viewpoint or
decision without considering it a personal affront
and reacting accordingly?
Criteria of Leadership Potential
12. Do you find it easy to make and keep friends?
13. Are you unduly dependent on the praise or approval of
14. Are you at ease in the presence of your superiors or
15. Do your subordinates appear at ease in your presence?
Criteria of Leadership Potential
16. Are you really interested in people? In people of
all types and all races? Or do you entertain
respect of persons? Is there hidden racial
17. Do you possess tact? Can you anticipate the
likely effect of a statement before you make it?
18. Do you possess a strong and steady will?
Criteria of Leadership Potential
23. Do other people’s failures annoy us or challenge
24. Do we use people or cultivate people?
25. Do we direct people or develop people?
26. Do we criticize or encourage?
27. Do we shun the problem person or seek him out?
Criteria of Leadership Potential
19. Do you nurse resentments, or do you readily
forgive injuries done to you?
20. Are you reasonably optimistic?
21. Are you in the grip of a master-passion such as
that of Paul who said, “This one thing I do”?
22. Do you welcome responsibility?
Christ-Like Servant Leaders
1. Are motivated by LOVE to serve others.
(John 13:1-2)
Jesus’ Love Was:
1) Possessive (He loved His own)
2) Continuous (He continued to love them to the end)
3) Unconditional (He even washed Judas’ feet)
4) Unselfish (He was serving in His most difficult hour)
Dr John Geddie
“ When he landed in 1848, there were no
When he left in 1872, there were no
Worked in Aneityum in 1848
Christ-Like Servant Leaders
2. Possess a SECURITY that allows them to minister to
others. (John 13:3)
1) Jesus knew His position and was willing not to
flaunt it.
2) Jesus knew His calling and was willing to be
faithful to it.
3) Jesus knew His future and was willing to submit to
• Security is the prerequisite to great undertakings.
Only the secure will stretch.
• Security is the prerequisite to small undertakings.
Only the secure will stoop.
Christ-Like Servant Leaders
3. INITIATE servant ministry to others. (John 13:4-5)
Note Jesus’ Attitude:
• He had nothing to prove.
• He had nothing to lose.
• He had nothing to hide.
Christ-Like Servant Leaders
4. RECEIVE servant ministry from others.
(John 13:6-7)
When He got to Simon Peter,
Peter said, ‘Master, You wash my feet?’
Jesus answered, ‘You don’t understand now
what I am doing, but it will be clear enough to you later.’
Peter then persisted, ‘You’re not going to wash my feet ever!’
Christ-Like Servant Leaders
5. Want nothing to interfere with their
RELATIONSHIP with Jesus. (John 13:8-9)
“Jesus said, ‘If I don’t wash you, you can’t be a part
of what I am doing.’ ‘Master!’ said Peter. ‘Not only my
feet, then. Wash my hands! Wash my head!’”
Christ-Like Servant Leaders
6. Teach Servanthood by their EXAMPLE.
(John 13:12-15)
#1 Motivational Principle: People Do What People See
The Leadership Pyramid
Christ-Like Servant Leaders
7. Live a BLESSED life. (John 13:16-17)
“I don’t know what your destiny will be,
but one thing I know: the only ones among you who
will be really happy are those who will have sought
and found out how to serve.”
-Dr. Albert Schweitzer
Christ-Like Servant Leaders
8. Live their lives OPPOSITE
the philosophy of the world. (John 13:18-19)
“Don’t push your way to the front;
don’t sweet talk your way to the top.
Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead.
Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage.
Forget yourselves long enough
to lend a helping hand.”
Philippians 2:3-4
John R. Mott
“ I have in mind the use of the word leadership
which our Lord doubtless had in mind when He
said, “he who would be greatest among you shall
be the servant of all”-leadership in the sense of
rendering the maximum of service; leadership in
the sense of the largest unselfishness; in the
sense of un-wearying and unceasing absorption
in the greatest work of the world, the building up
of the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.