Do It Yourself(DIY):Self Assessing Management & Governance of Non Profit Organisations Albert Kuruvila Lecturer & PhD Candidate University of Waikato New Zealand Better Board Conference-July 28,2012 Significant Issues challenging the Non profit sector • Financial management-funding, fundraising, balancing income & expenditure • Relationship with government • Retaining and motivating staff & volunteers • The role of the board & governance issues • Compliance with financial reporting standards • Impact of IT/Internet environment-website management , social netwoking and maintenance issues Significant Issues contd… • Risk management & recovery plans-disasters and economic crisis • Demand for the services • Fraud activities • Compromising organisational vision/mission with contractual obligations • Legal responsibilities & awareness • Quality of service delivery • Transparency & accountability demands from public, government and other donors Why we should assess our practices? • To ensure EFFICIENCY-How are we doing things- minimum input, maximum out put?Process • To ensure EFFECTIVENESS-Are we really making changes- Results • Accountability and Transparency obligations • Good governance and proper management are the key for efficiency and effectiveness Why-Accountability Dimensions Sl.No Whom What 1 2 Self People 3 Organization 4 Donor 5 Government To values, ethics and philosophy To impact on the quality of the life of the poor/disadvantaged To the internal by-laws, structures & systems To the terms of mutual partnership agreements To laws, rules and regulations of the state and central governments What we should assess???? • Governance & Leadership- Board, CEO, Policies & procedures • Strategic planning & management-Vision, Mission, Objectives, Values, Culture • Service delivery & Quality assurance-Programme planning, implementation and evaluation- Project management • Legal responsibilities & awareness • Human resource development & management-paid staff, volunteers-recruitment, development and retention • Systems, asset & office management- IT, procedures • Financial management-planning ,budgeting, fund raising, accounting, reporting, auditing, controlling ,investments and compliance • Stakeholder/relationship/partnership management How to assess???-A Health Check-up? • Defining standards and success for NPOs is difficult • No uniform successful practices • Needs, circumstances and aspirations of individual organisations are different • They are not only varying from industry to industry, but also within same industry • But the key aspects of good practice are the same for most organisations • Self assessment tools are based on these good practices • Different organisations have developed different tools and should be used differently as these may reflect regional/national circumstances( Eg; financial reporting, charity commission etc) How to do a health check-up • Health check-up is about measuring how well our organisations are doing and also assessing the risk level • The good practices are identified as statement of best practices defined in a five –point scale or with 3-4 options for the organisations to rate their performance • The statements can also be rated on its prominence as Essential, Recommended & Additional • Scale Score- 0-Never, 1- Rarely, 2- Sometimes, 3Most of the time, 4- Always (% - 0, 25,50,75,100) Some available tools • Checklist of Non Profit Organisational indicators edited by Carter McNamara published by Greater Twin Cities United Way, USA • Self Assessment Tool for organisations edited by Fay Freeman and Sandy Thompson under SCOPE project, New Zealand,2005 • Financial health checklist published by Mango,UK,2009 • A Handbook of NGO Governance by Marilyn Wyatt published by the European Centre for Not-for-Profit Law,Hungary,2004 • Organisational management checklists published by NGO management association,Switzerland A Sample- Governance Ref No Rating STATEMENT OF BEST PRACTICE B1 E The roles of the Board and the Executive Director are defined and respected, with the Executive Director delegated as the manager of the organization's operations and the board focused on policy and planning. B2 E The Executive Director is recruited, selected, and employed by the Board of Directors. The board provide clearly written expectations and qualifications for the position, as well as reasonable compensation. B3 R The Board of Directors acts as governing trustees of the organization on behalf of the community at large and contributors while carrying out the organization's mission and goals B4 R The Board's nominating process ensures that the board remains appropriately diverse with respect to gender, ethnicity, culture, economic status, disabilities, and skills and/or expertise. B5 E The board members receive regular training and information about their responsibilities B6 E New board members are oriented to the organization, including the organization's mission, bylaws, policies, and programs, as well as their roles and responsibilities as board members SCORE 4 3 2 1 0 N/ A Unsure Sample : Strategic Planning Ref No Rating STATEMENT OF BEST PRACTICE SCORE 4 3 C1 E The strategic planning exercise of the organisation involves all staff and board members with either an internal or external facilitator. C2 E The organisation forms or reviews its mission statement based on a detailed analysis of its external environment and internal competency. C3 R The written vision statement reflects the desired state of the change agreed by all members of strategic planning exercise to see in the community. C4 R The mission statement provides a time frame and the strategies to achieve the mission C5 E The objectives of the organisation ensure that the organization's purpose and activities meet community needs. C6 R The organisation ensures that, by soliciting community input, its mission and activities provide benefit to the community in the strategic planning process. C7 E The board and staff have developed and adopted a written strategic plan to achieve the mission in the form of annual plans till the next round of strategic planning process C8 A The strategic plan establishes an evaluation process and performance indicators to measure the progress toward the achievement of goals and objectives. C9 A Through work plans, human and financial resources are allocated to ensure the accomplishment of the goals in a timely fashion. C10 R The plan is communicated to all stakeholders of the agency -- service recipients, board, staff, volunteers and the general community. 2 N/ A 1 0 Unsure Sample: Service delivery & Quality assurance Ref No Rating STATEMENT OF BEST PRACTICE D1 E The annual planning exercise is conducted by the staff under the guidance of the executive director. D2 E D3 R D4 A D5 A The annual planning exercise begins with the review of the last year’s performance and finishes with the plan for the next year. The organisation uses national and international research to keep up-to-date with the latest developments in the sector for the particular community needs the organisation is addressing in its annual planning. The annual planning document clearly identifies the services, projects, budget and human and financial resources to meet the programme objectives. Clients and potential clients have the opportunity to participate in program development. D6 R Output, outcome, impact, efficiency and quality of each programme are predicted and performance measures are developed to verify them well in advance. D7 R The planning gives adequate attention in matching the work to be done and the competency to do the work in terms of staff training and capacity building D8 R The organisation develops a service delivery plan with time frame for each of its programmes to track its progress D9 R The organisation provides necessary training for the staff to implement new programmes. D10 E D11 E The organisation conducts periodic monitoring of each programme to ensure its effectiveness and efficiency The organisation evaluates each programme to establish its outcome and impact and complies with all internal and external reporting requirements SCORE 4 3 2 N/A Unsure 1 0 Sample: Human Resource Management Ref No Rating STATEMENT OF BEST PRACTICE E1 E The organization follows non-discriminatory hiring practices. E2 R The organisation recruits staff through a competitive recruitment process developed and guided by HR professional. E3 E The organization has job descriptions, including qualifications, duties, reporting relationships, key indicators of performance and review. E4 R The organization provides a copy of or access to the written personnel policy to all members of the board, the Executive Director and all staff members. All staff members acknowledge in writing that they have read and have access to the personnel handbook/policies. E5 R The organisation provides an induction programme to its entire new staff in terms of vision, mission, policies and procedures. E6 E The organization requires employee performance appraisals to be conducted and documented at least annually. E7 R The organization has a compensation plan, and a periodic review of salary ranges and benefits is conducted. E8 A The organisation has a systematic method for the assignment of new or existing staff members to specific jobs. E9 R The organization has a timely process for filling vacant positions to prevent an interruption of program services or disruption to organization operations. E10 A The organization has a process for reviewing and responding to ideas, suggestions, comments and perceptions from all staff members. SCORE N/ 4 3 2 1 0 A Unsure Sample: Office Management Ref No Rating STATEMENT OF BEST PRACTICE SCORE 4 F1 R Information systems are in place, providing secure, timely, accurate and relevant information to all relevant staff F2 R The website of the organisation is managed by an appropriate qualified or experienced person /firm. F3 E Computer systems (including email) are adequate and effective and there are regular backup systems in place. F4 R All staff members are aware of the organisation’s information systems, are knowledgeable in their use, and make use of them as needed. F5 A The manager holds regular staff meetings in groups or as individuals F6 A Each staff meeting has agenda and minutes for the same F7 E The organisation has a policy on keeping private information according to Privacy Act (1993) and is explained to the clients 3 N/ A 2 1 0 unsure Sample: Financial Management Ref No Rating STATEMENT OF BEST PRACTICE SCORE 4 G1 E The organisation follows accounting practices which conform to accepted standards G2 R Both finance and programme staff are involved in setting budgets G3 E The annual budget includes programme costs, administrative costs, personnel costs and overheads .This budget is reviewed and approved by board of directors. G4 E The organisation prepares cash flow projections G6 R The organisation periodically forecasts year-end revenues and expenses to assist in making sound management decisions during the year G7 A Funds are raised in an ethical manner for activities consistent with the organization's mission and plan. G8 R The Board of Directors and organization staff are knowledgeable about the fundraising process and the roles in the organization. G9 A The organization's Board of Directors has established a committee charged with developing, evaluating and reviewing fundraising policies, practices and goals. 3 N/ A 2 1 0 Unsure Sample: Relationship Management Ref No Rating STATEMENT OF BEST PRACTICE SCORE 4 H1 E The organisation provides background information on the NGO including vision,mission,values,legal status, operational areas and contact information to beneficiaries and other stakeholders on a regular basis H2 R The organisation informs all the concerned stakeholders any significant changes to its programmes,governance,management and key contacts H3 A The organisation identifies representatives of the specific groups of people which aim to help in the beneficiary community through appropriate process H4 R The beneficiaries and other stakeholders have substantial influence on NGO decisions in programme planning,implementation,monitoring and evaluation H5 A The organisation documents and publicises its success stories for other NGOs for reference and adaptation 3 N/ A 2 1 0 unsure RESOURCES • pdf – Good Governance checklist Management checklists • • • • /index.htm • • • NGO training centre • Research on NGO sector-