Module 2: Introduction to the ICOP Process


Module 2

Introduction to the

Industry Controlled Other Party (ICOP)


February 2015

IAQG OPMT OP Assessor Training

Module Summary

In this module you will learn about:

The Industry Controlled Other Party (ICOP) Scheme

The IAQG Other Party Management Team (OPMT)

The Online Aerospace Supplier Information System (OASIS)

The Sector Management Structure (SMS)

The Certification Structure Oversight Committee (CSOC )

Responsibilities within the ICOP process for:


IAQG member companies








Other Party Assessor

Different ways of viewing and understanding the ICOP scheme

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What Is ICOP?

ICOP is a globally harmonized Aviation, Space & Defense

Quality Management System (AQMS) Certification process defined by the IAQG

Industry Controlled:


The IAQG through each Sector provides direct oversight of all AQMS certification activities

Other Party:


Certifications activities are conducted by accredited Certification Bodies

(CB) and Authenticated Aerospace Experienced Auditors (AEA) that are recognized through the ICOP process

ICOP process is managed by the IAQG Other Party

Management Team (OPMT)

Provides AQMS certification for 9100, 9110 and 9120

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What Is ICOP?


Globally harmonized certification scheme that is recognized by major Aviation, Space and Defense companies

Supports supplier approval activities with a recognized quality management system certification

Process approach to conformance assessment

Focus on exceeding customer expectations


Does not prevent procurement from poor performing suppliers

It is not certification of product

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Industry Controlled Other Party

Our Aviation, Space & Defense sector certification scheme utilizes:

ISO for basic requirements, and

– supplements ISO with Aviation, Space and Defense (AS&D) unique requirements.

– e.g. ISO 9001 as supplemented by 9100

Certification Criteria are linked to ISO/IEC 17021 and

International Accreditation Forum (IAF) Documents

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Management and oversight of the 9100 series Aviation, Space and

Defense Quality Management System certification program.

Strategic Objectives:

Continually improve the globally harmonized Industry Control Other

Party quality management system certification program to be efficient, recognized, and bring measurable benefits to stakeholders.

Enhance the competency of Auditors, Other Party (OP) Assessors and stakeholders that are engaged in ICOP activities.

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IAQG OPMT Structure:

++ IAQG-OPMT Chair


* Sector OPMT Leader



IAF Focal:


Dale Gordon





AB Focals:

CB Focals:

Ind. Assoc. &


Susie Neal * +

UTC Aerospace Systems

Tim Lee ++


Dale Gordon


( Alternates)

R Darrell Taylor


John Horan


Mike Gusha


Bob Cruse


Reg Blake


Becky DeGutis


Asia Pacific

Shuji Komori *


Yoshifumi Yasunaga


Kenji Yanagita



Shunichi Tsutsui


Chen Zhongyuan


Ian Folland

OPMT Support

Bryan Blunt

OASIS Support


Mark Rogers *


Marie-Laurence Petit


Hubert Kern



Gérard Guerriero

Airbus Helicopters

André LaCroix

Airbus D&S

Kunihiro Tanabe


Michihiko Banno


Yoshitsugu Kanno


Steve Randall


François Dumesnil

Bureau Veritas Certification

Ian Folland


IAQG OPMT OP Assessor Training


Document Representatives:

 9104-001 – Tim Lee**

• Shuji Komori*

Darrell Taylor*

Ian Folland*


– Tim Lee**

• Norikazu Tsuchiya *

• Tim Lee*

Marie-Laurence Petit*


– Will Tate**

• Shuji Komori*

• Ian Folland*

• Will Tate*

** IAQG Document Representative (IDR)

* Sector Document Representative (SDR)

Communications and Collaboration:

Reg Blake

Sanctioned Training:

Dale Gordon


 Bryan Blunt

Operating Procedures:

 Judy Chapman

IAF Membership Focal:

Dale Gordon

Sector Oversight:

 Judy Chapman (Tim Lee)


 Mike Hayward

Metrics, Web-site & Administration:

 Ian Folland


ISO Standards, 9001: Dale Gordon

OASIS Next Gen Project:

Bryan Blunt

Structure as of August 18, 2014

9104 Series “Trilogy”


Requirements for Aviation, Space, and Defense Quality Management System

Certification Programs


The purpose of this standard is to define the requirements and industryaccepted practices for managing the ICOP scheme, which provides confidence to aviation, space, and defense customers and organizations that their suppliers with certification of their quality management systems, issued by accredited CBs, meet the applicable AQMS standard requirements.

The requirements established in this standard are applicable to the IAQG and its three sectors for managing AQMS certification and associated activities.

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9104 Series “Trilogy”


Requirements for Oversight of Aerospace Quality Management System

Registration/Certification Programs


These requirements are applicable to IAQG global sectors when utilizing

Aerospace Industry Controlled Other Party (ICOP) schemes for the assessment and certification of supplier quality systems in accordance with the requirements contained in 9104. IAQG member companies have committed to perform sufficient oversight of the Aerospace accreditation/certification assessment processes in order to ensure conformance to established requirements contained in 9104 .

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9104 Series “Trilogy”


Requirements for Aerospace Auditor Competency and Training Courses


This document provides the minimum requirements (Body of Knowledge) for

AQMS auditors who will participate in AQMS certification/registration activities, including the auditor authentication process and requirements for a training organization. It is applicable to auditors seeking formal approval to conduct audits of the AQMS in support of the IAQG, and those who manage the competency element of an AQMS audit program and/or training organizations.

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ICOP Criteria

9104-001 – Accreditation/Certification Requirements

Certification Structures

Sector Requirements

Requirements for participating entities:


Recognized Accreditation Bodies (ABs)


Accredited Certification Bodies (CBs)


Authenticated Aerospace Auditors


Auditor Authentication Bodies (AABs)


OASIS database management

9104-002- Oversight

Oversight and surveillance process to ensure conformance to established aerospace industry 9100-series standard accreditation/certification requirements

9104-003 – Auditor Authentication & Training

A common process for aerospace auditor training and authentication to be utilized by all the IAQG sectors

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On-Line Aerospace Supplier

Information System (OASIS)

OASIS Database – 17,000+ Sites


Database where all information related to ICOP certifications, auditors and audit results is stored


Only general information such as Accreditation Bodies, Certification

Bodies, Certified Supplier sites, Approved Auditors is publicly accessible. Audit data access is granted by certified organization.


Audit results data available when authorized by Organization.


Includes a robust Stakeholder Feedback process to Certification Bodies

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On-Line Aerospace Supplier

Information System (OASIS)

OASIS Database – Guidance


OASIS database has an extensive guidance section that includes the latest information such as:


The link to the guidance is on the OASIS homepage:

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On-Line Aerospace Supplier

Information System (OASIS)

Once a user is logged into OASIS, the database provides

Data Search access to:

Certified Supplier Directory

Accreditation Information


National Accreditation Body


Certification Body

Training Approval Bodies

Auditor Authentication Bodies


Feedback Process

Useful links


Supply Chain Management Handbook

IAQG OPMT OP Assessor Training

On-Line Aerospace Supplier

Information System (OASIS)

OP Assessors can request access to audit results data via the database:

Controlled by certified organization

Needed to support Witness Audit preparation

May need to contact organization directly if access is not granted.

• Advise the organization as to the need and use of data to support witness audit preparation.

• Click on “Assessment Results” tab.

• Select the latest “Assessment


• Use “click here” link at the bottom of web page to request access.


IAQG OPMT OP Assessor Training

OASIS Feedback

OP Assessors should utilize the attached link below and review the OASIS Feedback guidance demonstration.

OASIS Feedback Guidance

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On-Line Aerospace Supplier

Information System (OASIS)

OP Assessors should:

Obtain an OASIS log on and password credentials

Review help guidance section of the database

Become familiar with the Feedback process

Have the ability to:


Review public information


Request access to audit results (Tier 2) data and

Recognize the need to maintain confidentiality of the data

(Reference: 9104-001 section 19.1)


Know how to determine Certification Body (CB) accreditation and

Auditor Authentication status.

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OPMT - Sector Management Structure

Sector Management Structure (SMS)

The organization established in an IAQG sector that manages the application and oversight of the ICOP scheme as defined by this standard.

Each sector may use a different name for this organization

» i.e., Registration Management Committee (RMC) in the Americas and



EAQG OPMT and national CBMCs in Europe.

(Reference: 9104-001 Section 3.24)

IAQG OPMT OP Assessor Training

IAQG OPMT - Sector Management Structure


Other Party Management Team



General Assembly



Sector Management Structures

Voting Members;


CBs; and





Voting Members;


CBs; and




(Asia / Pacific)

Voting Members;


CBs; and




RMC - Registration

Management Committee

OPMT - Other Party

Management Team

JRMC - Japan Registration

Management Committee

AB - Accreditation Bodies

CB - Certification Bodes

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Sector Management Structure

An SMS may be supported by a Certification Body

Management Committee (CBMC) structure within the SMS.


An organization within an SMS that functions on a national level e.g.,

Italy, France, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Austria

Responsible for 9104-series standards conformance in their respective countries.

They perform the same functions as the SMS, under control of the

SMS within their sector.

(Reference: 9104-001 Section 3.10)

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ICOP Responsibilities - IAQG Member Companies

Any IAQG member company wishing to recognize AQMS certification shall provide resources needed to support the ICOP scheme and conduct shared oversight.

IAQG Member Companies shall:

Ensure that assigned representatives, who support IAQG ICOP scheme activities, have the necessary tools (e.g., published standards, computer, equipment) and resources to accomplish committed tasks.

Ensure that only qualified individuals are assigned as OP assessors to conduct oversight assessments or participate in joint team assessments supporting the ICOP scheme oversight process.

Ensure conformance with the requirements defined in 9104-002.

Authorize and approve Other Party Assessors that represent their company.

Maintain records to support the qualification of OP assessors.

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ICOP Responsibilities – IAQG OPMT

The OPMT is responsible for the management and oversight of the 9100 series Aviation, Space and Defence Quality Management

System certification program.

Responsibilities also include:

Ensure that the OASIS database operates and functions effectively and is accessible.

Oversight of each SMS

Periodic review of the lessons learned by each of the IAQG sectors.

– Reporting to the IAQG Council on the periodic reviews for each IAQG sector’s

Evaluating the results of IAF Peer Reviews of ABs

Monitor feedback from IAQG member companies, OASIS database users, certified organizations, and related stakeholders (e.g., ABs, CBs).

Conducting periodic reviews and recommend initiatives that will continue to develop and improve the effectiveness of the ICOP scheme.

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ICOP Responsibilities - SMS

The SMS has the responsibility for the management, review, approval, implementation, and modification of their sector operating procedure(s).

The SMS has the responsibility to:

Establish and maintain operating procedures, which support implementation and conformance to ICOP requirements.

Review and recognize ABs and new AB accreditations of CBs.

Each SMS shall report essential data that describes deployment activities to the IAQG OPMT.

The SMS shall determine and approve CBMCs, when utilized.

Review and approve AABs and TPABs operating in their sector.

Oversight of all recognized and approved bodies in accordance with 9104-


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ICOP Responsibilities - CSOC

The Certification Structure Oversight Committee (CSOC) has the responsibility for the review of complex certification structures and certification structure complaints as outlined in


The CSOC has the responsibility to:

Establish and maintain operating procedures, which support implementation and conformance to ICOP requirements.

Review and approve complex certification structure audit programs.

Review all requests and complaints via the AB-CSOC OASIS feedback function

– Support the development of guidance materials, lessons learned and FAQ’s

Report to IAQG OPMT and SMS on CSOC activities.

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CSOC Guidance

Action: OP Assessors should use website link: Review the site and

OPMT Procedure 204 rganization/csoc.htm

Committee established to review “Complex” certification structure audit programs.

Process defined in

OPMT Procedure 204

Committee supports resolution of complaints related to structure decisions

ICOP Responsibilities - Other Party (OP) Assessors

OP Assessors have the responsibility to be trained, qualified and authorized by their respective IAQG Member company. They shall conduct assigned shared oversight activities in accordance with


Additional OP Assessors responsibilities include:

Complete and maintain the required 9104-002 (Form A) declaration form.

Declare any conflicts of interest that may exist for a particular assessment assignment (e.g., OP assessor contracted by AB or CB).

Support the assessment team to meet the assessment objectives.

Accept and complete assessment assignments from the oversight assessment team leader. Note: For joint assessment the AB Assessor will be the team leader.

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ICOP Responsibilities - Other Party (OP) Assessors

Additional OP Assessors responsibilities include:

Generating applicable assessment reports, including all required 9104-002 forms.

Protection of confidential information obtained during an oversight assessment.

Elevate any unresolved complaints/issues to the appropriate body (e.g., AB,


OP Assessors represent:

• Themselves

Their IAQG Member Company


• The Aviation, Space & Defense Industry

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Focused on conformance and adding value to the ICOP scheme.

IAQG OPMT OP Assessor Training

9104-002 Process Model

Appendix C – Industry Controlled Other Party (ICOP) Process

Model was developed to provide a visual graphic of the overall

Inputs: process:

• Customer requirements

• Regulatory


• Supplier(s) AQMS

Approval of ABs,

TPABs and AABs

9104-001 9104-003

Accreditation of

CBs by ABs

Approval of TPs by


Authentication of

Aerospace Auditors by AABs

Application Review





Initial Audit

(Stage 1 & 2)

3 Year Certification Cycle




• AAB – Auditor Authentication Body

• AB – Accreditation Body

• AQMS Aerospace Quality Management System

• CB – Certification Body

• CBMC – Certification Body Management Committee

Corrective Action

& Certification


9100/9110/9120 Certification of a Supplier (CB Client) by CB’s

• IAQG – International Aerospace Quality Group

• OPMT – Other Party Management Team

• SMS – Sector Management Structure

• TP – Training Provider

• TPAB – Training Provider Approval Body


• AQMS Certified

Suppliers Delivering

On Time & On Quality

Products & Services

• Records and Data into OASIS database.

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Visualising ICOP - Turtle


• Regulatory Requirements

• Customer requirements

• Supplier(s)

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How (methods, procedures):

• IAQG Vision and Objectives

• IAQG 9104-1, -2, -3

• ISO 17011

• ISO 17021 and IAF Mandatory Documents 1 to 5

• IAQG OPMT Resolutions Log

• IAQG Procedure 112

• IAQG OPMT 200 series procedures

• SMS and CBMC procedures

With Whom (Resources):

• Authenticated Auditors (AEA and AA)

CB certification and decision process personnel

• AB Assessors

• AB accreditation process and decision personnel

• OP Assessors

• Sector Management Structure (SMS and CBMC)

• OASIS Database Administrators and SAE Support

ICOP Process

Process Steps:

Approval of TPABs, TPs, AABs and ABs


Authentication of Aerospace Auditors

Accreditation of CBs

91XX Certification of Suppliers including:

- Application Review

- Initial Assessment

- Surveillance

- Re-certification

- Decision Making


With What: (Equipment, Installations)

Accredited CBs

• ABs

• OASIS database

• Approved TPs

• Approved AABs

• Approved TPABs

• SMS budget including OP Assessor Travel

Metrics: (KPIs, Measurables)

• Agreed IAQG OPMT Metrics

IAQG Procedure 112 Budget, spend and cancellations


• AQMS Certified Suppliers delivering on-time and on quality delivery (OTOQD)

OASIS Records and Data

• OASIS Revenue to IAQG

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OP Assessor Training

Please open Module 3 to learn more about the requirements for the face-to-face training.

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