Document 5551359

THBB will host European colleagues in the Military Museum
After a lot of preparatory work, the Turkish Ready-mixed Concrete Association (THBB) has brought the
2015 Congress of the European Ready-Mixed Concrete Organization (ERMCO) to Turkey. THBB will
host the leading representatives of Europe and the rest of the world on 4th and 5th June 2015 in the
Istanbul Military Museum.
ERMCO held its three-yearly Congress, very successfully, in Turkey, for the first time in 1995. Now, after
20 years, it will meet again in Turkey for the seventeenth Congress, to evaluate the current importance
of concrete in the world construction industry.
Important representatives of the ready-mixed concrete industry from Europe and the rest of the
world will be present. The President of THBB Yavuz Işık said that this congress will be of
huge importance for Turkey and especially for the ready-mixed concrete industry;
“We expect that important representatives of the European ready-mixed concrete industry will
participate in the congress. In this respect we need to highlight the importance of the Congress for our
country and especially for our industry. Now, I would like to remind you that we organised the 11th
congress of ERMCO successfully in Istanbul in 1995. You can be sure that our organization will
represent our country and our industry in the best way by successfully hosting the ERMCO Congress
again this year.”
The Congress will be structured in four sessions dealing with: sustainability of concrete solutions;
contribution of concrete to society; advances in concrete production and use; marketing and
An exhibition of materials, products and equipment related to manufacturing and concrete testing will
be arranged simultaneously with the congress.
1. Sustainability of concrete solutions
Concrete recycling
Concrete life cycle assessment
Concrete durability
Specification of concrete durability by performance
Responsible sourcing of concrete
Concrete contribution to energy efficiency
Climate change challenges and concrete
Environmental product declarations for concrete
2. Contribution of concrete to our society
Concrete - building the wonders of the world
Concrete roads and pavements
Architectural use of concrete
Concrete art – the most flexible material
3. Advances in concrete production and use
Changes in Concrete Standard: EN 206 -2013
Quality control of concrete
Health and Safety in Concrete Plants
Special Concretes: (lightweight concrete, self-compacting etc.)
4. Marketing and management
Concrete company management
Concrete marketing
THBB has been a member of the European Ready-mixed Concrete Organization since 1991, and
successfully organised the 11th Congress of ERMCO on 23rd - 24th June 1995 in Istanbul. THBB has also
represented Turkey by hosting the ERMCO Board of Management and Technical Committee meetings
that were held in Antalya in 1998, and the ERMCO Representatives meeting that was held in Istanbul in
THBB is now recognized for its experience in the organization of concrete-related congresses, seminars
and exhibitions that took place 2004, 2008, 2011 and 2013. THBB set up the Concrete Exhibition in April
in Ankara for the first time. This Exhibition attracted a lot of attention, and the opening ceremony was
attended by the Minister of Environment and City Planning, İdris Güllüce, and the President of ASO,
Nurettin Özdebir. Ten thousand visitors attended the three-day Exhibition that brought together the
construction, ready-mixed concrete and aggregate industries. The participation and intense interest in
the seminars held during the Exhibition was increased by contributions from respected academics.
For detailed information:
LeoPR / Manolya Mansuroğlu
0212 373 40 18 – 0530 500 37 24
About the Turkish Ready-mixed Concrete Association...
The Turkish Ready-mixed Concrete Association (THBB) is an organization that promotes the use of highly durable
concrete types, particularly for use in areas with a high risk of earthquakes. Since 1988 it has promoted concrete
applications and concrete production which comply with the standards and, generally, the construction of reliable
and durable structures. It has been a full member of ERMCO since 1991. Today, the ready-mixed concrete
production process complies with the standards in all plants which have the KGS certificate of conformity. This
involves being subjected to frequent unannounced audits by KGS; having a suitable laboratory; proper attention to
matters relating to technical, environmental, occupational health and employee safety; and meeting all legal and
ethical criteria completely. These are obligatory for all companies in THBB.
Turkish Ready-mixed Concrete Association
Selvi Çıkmazı No: 2 Plaza K Kat: 3 34805 Rüzgarlıbahçe, Kavacık – Istanbul
Tel: +90 216 322 96 70 Fax: +90 216 413 61 80 -