(DEC 21) M.A. (Final) DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY - 2014 Second Year ECONOMICS Paper – I : Theory of Economics Development and Planning Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 80 Answer any Five of the following All questions carry equal marks 1) What are the measures of economic development? E¿ŸPA¸È" ’¡¦ P ò Þ ¦” (Ã( KÉ(B 2) State the problems of growth of developing countries. D¸È" ’¡¦ a † Þ (” (§" ª È" ’¡¦Ä]¨ ßÔÈ" (ßÔ½Ã( ” Ã(ß«'È" #2 3) Critically examine stages theories of economic growth E¿ŸPÞ) È" ’¡¦ Þ Ì!,à -Ԧ覆◊èç" ( ÉÈ" (¾Þ/Ð®è” »PÞ)†YA ß«¿Îņa (È" #2 4) Highlight the features of development model of Higgins. -×,Z§7 ¼9,#PÞ)S D¸È" ’¡¦ §" È" $®è Ã…Þ)ÖéÃ( § P=)S a ß«•È" #2 5) Distinguish between balanced and unbalanced development. ßÔÈ" (” (ý0 DßÔÈ" (” (ý È" ’¡¦Ã È" (¤ Þ ½ ”A yèÃ( ” Ã(ß«'È" #2 6) Elucidate the relationship between investment criteria and choice of techniques. B«u(w²|= ~¬H‡ß«¡PÞ)0 DÈ" PAÌ!, H” −” (›Ã È" (¤ Þ ½ ßÔ†²†¤¦è¨ª ÉÌA,Ç-цa (È" #2 7) Enumerate the nature of planning in mixed economics. É(®Ì!,È" ( E¿¦PÞ) È" ½È" ßÔŸÃÄ] ~ß«ÖéÛPQ)PÞ)¾Þ/Ï, ¼9,#PÞ)S ßÔ˾éÏ訪 ” Ã(ß«'È" #2 8) What is the role of public sector in India? ¾é¾Þ/” A Ì!,È" #Ä] ~ß«·!,(” Ë ¾Þ/†YÞ)È" # ¼9,#PÞ)S ¬H~” KÉ(B 9) Discuss the philosophy underlying planning. ~ß«ÖéÛPQ)PÞ)¾Þ/Ï,Ä] H§" ª ” ◊è˨ª a ¿d†a (È" #2 10) Which strategy of development is best suited to India? ¾é¾Þ/” A Ì!,È" #§" PÞ)( K D¸È" ’¡¦ È" Q½ß×,È" # É(PÞ)SÅ D§" (RÈ §" ¡2 (DEC 22) M.A. (Final) DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY - 2014 Second Year ECONOMICS Paper – II : Indian Economy Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 80 Answer any Five of the following All questions carry equal marks 1) What are the structural weaknesses of Indian economy? ¾é¾Þ/” A Ì!, E¿ŸPÞ) È" ½È" ßÔŸ ¼9,#PÞ)S ¨¾A»Öé” »PÞ) ²ÃX×,§" ” Ã( KÉ(B 2) How is national income measured? géš¼!,( E¦è¼!,.¨ª JséÇ YÞ)Ï=,ÕH›¾Þ/(B 3) State the trend in population growth in the recent past. FvQ,È" Å PAÃÈ" #Ä] i®è¾é D¸È" ’¡¦Ä]¨ ¬`PÞ)|Þ §" ( ” Ã(ß«'È" #2 4) What are the sources of agricultural finance in India? ¾é¾Þ/” A Ì!,È" #Ä] È" ½È" ÕH¼!,(PÞ) É” › E¤¦è¾AÃ( KÉ(B 5) Explain the problems medium and large industries. È" (¤ Þ ½0 B« Þ £ ß«¿®Ì!,È" (à ßÔÈ" (ßÔ½Ã( ÉÈ" ¿†a (È" #2 6) Explain the relationship between agriculture and industry. È" ½È" ÕH¼!,(È" #0 ß«¿®Ì!,È" (à È" (¤ Þ ½ ßÔ†²†¤¦è¨ª ÉÈ" ¿†a (È" #2 7) Elucidate the allocation of resources in India. ¾é¾Þ/” A Ì!,È" #Ä] È" §" ¾Þ/(à PA)sé¾/#†ß«'§" ( ÉÌ!,¢PÞ)¿†a (È" #2 8) Explain the process of preparing budget of India. ¾é¾Þ/” A Ì!, ²| mv7, ” ¼!,.À ~ß«®P=)¼!,(§" ( ÉÈ" ¿†a (È" #2 9) What are the causes for disequilibrium in balance of payments? a Ådž߫' ÌA,ßÑÈ" #Ä] DßÔÈ" (”eýÈ" #§" PÞ)( PA¾Þ/ÖéÃ( KÉ(B 10) Enumerate the constribution of ADB to the economic development of India. ¾é¾Þ/” A Ì!, E¿¦PA¸È" ’¡£P=) ADB ”fyè−u(§" ( ” Ã(ß«'È" #2 (DEC 23) M.A. (Final) DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY - 2014 Second Year ECONOMICS Paper – III : International Economics Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions All questions carry equal marks 1) Critically examine comparative cost theory of international trade. D†” ¾Amš¼!,( ” (Ã®è” »PÞ) È" ½¼!,( -Ԧ覆◊訪 ÉÈ" (¾Þ/Ð®è” »PÞ)È" #YA ß«¿Îņa (È" #2 2) Outline the theoretical bases for international trade. D†” ¾Amš¼!,( È" ¾Þ/›PA¨P=) -Ԧ蟆” Eª¦è¾AÃ( ” Ã(ß«'È" #2 3) Describe the relationship between capital movements and growth of international trade. D†” ¾Amš¼!,( È" ¾Þ/›PÞ)È" # È" ’¡¦0 È" $ä Þ §" PÞ) Þ ÅPÞ)à È" (¤ Þ ½ ßÔ†²†ª¦è¨ª ÉÈ" ¿†a (È" #2 4) Bring out the significance of transport cost in international trade. D†” ¾Amš¼!,( È" ¾Þ/›PÞ)È" #Ä] ¾Þ/ÏèÖé È" ½¼!,(È" # ~¬HÈ" #T½” §" ( ” Ã(ß«'È" #2 5) What are the merits and demerits of Quotas? ¨¿¦ßÑw ºéYAà YÞ)(Ï,0 fÒHÃ( KÉ(B 6) State the trade problems of LDCs. LDCà È" ¾Þ/›PÞ)ß«' ßÔÈ" (ßÔ½Ã( ” Ã(ß«'È" #2 7) Critically examine purchasing power parity theory of foreign exchange. É A Î È" .¾Þ/PÞ)«ß ' P §" (YfÃ( Ì!,P=)› ÕHËÈ" (½ -Ԧ覆◊訪 ÉÈ" (¾Þ/Ð®è” »PÞ)†YA ß«¿Îņa (È" #2 8) Suggest measures to adjust disequilibrium in balance of payment. a Ådž«ß ' ÌA,ßÑÈ" #Ä] DßÔÈ" (”eË齨P=) ßÔ¾Þ/(©ºéu( a ¾Þ/½Ã( ßÔ.b†a †|= 2 9) What are the problems of international liquidity? D†” ¾Amš¼!,( ~ Þ È" ½” ËÈ" #Ä]¨ ßÔÈ" (ßÔ½Ã( KÉ(B 10) Explain the role of SDRs in solving international liquidity problems. D†” ¾Amš¼!,( ~ Þ È" ½” Ë ßÔÈ" (ßÔ½Ã( š¾Þ/(duÄ] SDR à ¬H~” §" ( ÉÈ" ¿†a (È" #2 (DEC 24) M.A. (Final) DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY - 2014 Second Year ECONOMICS Paper – IV : Quantitative Analysis & Computer Applications Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions All questions carry equal marks 1) Discuss the economic interpretation of dual problem. Þ Ë† Þ Ë ßÔÈ" (ßÔ½ FaA d E¿¦PÞ) ÉÈ" ¾Þ/Ï,§" ( a ¿d†a (È" #2 2) Describe the technical coefficients of production function. É” › ß—ÃÈ" # ¼9,#PÞ)S ÕH†PA)‡PÞ) YÞ)(Ï,PAÃ( ÉÈ" ¿†a (È" #2 3) How do you measure seasonal variations with software packages? ÕHŒ—wÈA ¾‹/ ¬H½PA)j7,à ¦è˾A PAà Éa ¾Þ/Ï,§" ( JséÇ YÞ)Ï=,ÕH›¾Þ/(B 4) Review the evolution of computers and their classification. PÞ)†ß«Q½u¾‹/à ߫¿ÖéÈ" (®PÞ)È" .¨ª È" (¿¼!,# Ïèv=, ¾Þ/PAç" ( ßÔÊ(…=)†a †|= 2 5) Explain different elements of a computer. PÞ)†ß«Q½u¾‹/ Ä]¨ Éɤ Þ ¾éYAÃ( ÉÈ" ¿†a (È" #2 6) Explain the uses of application software. D§" (È" ¿›†ß«' ÕHŒ—wÈA ¾‹/ Hß«¼9,.YAÃ( ÉÈ" ¿†a (È" #2 7) Give an account of personal computer operating system. È" ½P=)›YÞ)” PÞ)†ß«Q½u¾‹/ Eß«¾A/v=,†Y‹) È" ½È" ßÔŸ§" ( ÉÈ" ¿†a (È" #2 8) What are the advanced working processing features of MS Office. MS Office ¼9,#PÞ)S H§" ª” ß«¨ Ã…Þ)ÖéÃ( KÉ(B 9) How do you create worksheet in MS Excel? MS Excel Ä] È" ¾‹/S XÑv7, §" ( JséÇ ” ¼!,.¾Þ/( aA ÕH›¾Þ/(B 10) Explain the generation of reports through MS Access. MS Access ¦è˾A ¨ÈA ¡PÞ)à ßÔ’-Ñw¨ ÉÈ" ¿†a (È" #2 (DEC 24) [T] M.A. (Final) DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY - 2014 Second Year ECONOMICS Paper – IV : QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS & COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 80 Answer any Five questions 1) Explain the applications linear programming in economics D¾Þ/£ ÌAßÔ‰È" #Ä] KPÞ) ß—.” ~¬`®YAÉ(†Y‹) È" ¿›†«ß 'ç" ( ÉÈ" ¿†a (È" #2 2) Enumerate the technical coefficients of production function. H” −‡› ß—ÃÈ" # ¼9,#PÞ)S ÕH†PA)‡PÞ) YÞ)(Ï,PAç" ( ” Ã(ß«'È" #2 3) How do you measure seasonal variations? PAà ®ÌA,Ï=, Éa ¾Þ/Ï,ç" ( Ê(¾/séÇ YÞ)Ï=,ÕH›¾Þ/(B 4) Classify computers and state their features. PÞ)†ß«Q½u¾‹/ ç" ( È" À\PÞ)¿†b0 Ïèv=, Ã…Þ)ÖéÃ( ” Ã(ß«'È" #2 5) Elucidate the uses of memory unit, RAM and control unit. È (È .À¼!,$¨v7,0 RAM È" (¿¼!,# ¨¼!,(†~” Ï, ¼!,$¨uÇ Hß«¼9,.YAÃ( ÉÌ!,¢PÞ)¿†a (È" #2 6) Discuss different kinds of languages available in computers. PÞ)†ß«Q½u¾‹/ ÃÄ] ô†aA ÉÉ Þ Ëé†Y‹) ÈA j7,ç" ( a ¿d†a (È" #2 7) Describe different kinds of operating systems ÉÉ Þ ¾Þ/PAà Eß«¾A/v=,†Y‹) -ÔßÔwÈ7 (Ö§" ( ÉÈ" ¿†a (È" #2 8) What are the features of MS office? MS EX—ŒÔ Ã…Þ)ÖéÃ( KÉB 9) Describe spread sheet as a tool of MS Excel ~BÔ−|‹ XÑv7,§" ( MS ¼!,(P‹)Ö¼!,(Ä7, Ä] MPÞ) ÕH¤ Þ §" È" #YA ÉÈ" ¿†a (È" #2 10) State the general and specific purposes of MS Access MS JP‹)-ÔŒÔ ¼9,#PÞ)S ÕHª¦è¾Þ/Ï,0 ~ß«” ½PÞ) Hß«¼9,.YAÃ( ” Ã(ß«'È" #2 (DEC 27) M.A. (Final) DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY - 2014 Second Year B – AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS & RURAL DEVELOPMENT Paper – V : Agricultural Economics & Farm Management (Optional-B) Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions All questions carry equal marks 1) Distinguish between agricultural production and industrial production. È" ½È" ÕH¾/#PÞ)0 ¬H¿®ÌAÉ(PÞ) H” −” (›Ã È" (¤ Þ ½ ”A yèÃ( ” Ã(ß«'È" #2 2) Explain the trend in the growth of Indian agriculture. ¾é¾Þ/” A Ì!, È" ½È" ÕH¼!,(È" #Ä]¨ È" ’¡¦ ¬`PÞ)|Þ §" ( ÉÈ" ¿†a (È" #2 3) Describe the use of land, labour and capital in agriculture. È" ½È" ÕH¼!,(È" #Ä] ·!,.É(0 ®ÌAÉ(PÞ)(Ã( È" (¿¼!,# È" $ä Þ §" È" # ɨ¼9,.YA¨ª ÉÈ" ¿†a (È" #2 4) How do you measure the efficiency of a firm? …A)~” È" # ¼9,#PÞ)S ÕHÈ" (¾A¦½¨ª Ê(¾/séÇ YÞ)Ï=,ÕH›¾Þ/(B 5) How is support price determined in India? ¾é¾Þ/” A Ì!,È" #Ä] È" ( Þ ¦” ( ¤ Þ ¾Þ/ JséÇ ¨¾A¦¿ÕH›¾Þ/(B 6) Enumerate the features of new agricultural technology. §" .” §" È" ½È" ÕH¾/#PÞ) ÕH†PA)‡PÞ)È" #Ä]¨ Ã…Þ)ÖéÃ( ” Ã(ß«'È" #2 7) Elucidate the distribution of agricultural development in India. ¾é¾Þ/” A Ì!,È" #Ä] È" ½È" ÕH¼!,.¸È" ’¡¦ ß«†-«ÏQ,¨ ÉÌ!,¢PÞ)¿†a (È" #2 8) Trace out the principles of farm management. …A)~” ¨¾Þ/Ëß×,Ï, ßÔ.~◊èÃ( ” Ã(ß«'È" #2 9) Explain the applications of LP in farm budgeting. …A)~” ²| mv=,†Y‹) Ä] LP ¼9,#PÞ)S È" ¿›†ß«'§" ( ÉÈ" ¿†a (È" #2 10) Discuss the collection and analysis of farm data. …A)~” ßÔÈ" .^è¾Þ/ tÔPÞ)¾Þ/Ï,0 ÉÌA,ÇÑß Ï,ç" ( a ¿d†a (È" #2 (DEC 28) M.A. (Final) DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY - 2014 Second Year B – AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS & RURAL DEVELOPMENT Paper – VI : Rural Development : Planning & Management (Optional-B) Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions All questions carry equal marks 1) Explain the schemes implemented for rural reconstruction. ®YAÊ(Ï, ß«'§" ¿ª¾A»Öé¨P=) ~ß«ÈA Ì!, B«v=,w§" «ß œÞ PAç" ( ÉÈ" ¿†a (È" #2 2) What are the dimensions of development? D¸È" ’¡¦ ¼9,#PÞ)S PfÖéÃ( KÉ(B 3) Discuss Gandhiji’s model of rural development. YA†¡l ¼9,#PÞ)S ®YAÊ(Öé¸È" ’¡¦ §" È" $®è§" ( a ¿d†a (È" #2 4) What are the economic implications of land reforms? ·!,.ßÔ†ßÔS¾Þ/Ï,à ¼9,#PÞ)S E¿¦PÞ) ß«¾Þ/½È" ÕH®èÃ( KÉ(B 5) State the role of village industries in rural industrialisation. ®YAÊ(Ï, ¬H¿®ÌAÉ(PQ)PÞ)¾Þ/Ï,Ä] ß«Ä9,Ç ß«¿®Ì!,È" (à ¬H~” §" ( ” Ã(ß«'È" #2 6) Discuss Bhagavathi Committee recommendations on unemployment. ¨¾Þ/( f½Z” Ê( Þ ·!,YÞ)È" š PÞ)É(vQ, -Ô°H¾Þ/ßÔ(ÖÃ( a ¿d†a (È" #2 7) Elucidate the working of RRBs in recent times. FvQ,È" Å PAÃÈ" #Ä] RRB à ߫¨š¾Þ/(§" ( ÉÌ!,¢PÞ)¿†a (È" #2 8) Explain the impact of IRDP on the rural poor. ®YAÊ(Ï, t« Þ ~ß«iÃÊ( Þ IRDP ~ß«¾éÏ訪 ÉÈ" ¿†a (È" #2 9) What are the problems in rural marketing? ®YAÊ(Ï, È" .¾/Sv=,†Y‹)Ä]¨ ßÔÈ" (ßÔ½Ã( KÉ(B 10) Elucidate the factors that influence the implementation of planning. ~ß«ÖéÛPQ)PÞ)¾Þ/Ï, DÈ" (Ã(§" ( ~ß«¾éÉ” È" # aA ¼!,# PA¾Þ/PAÃ( ÉÌ!,¢PÞ)¿†a (È" #2