Developing Electronic Products in India Practices,Traps & Strategies

Developing Electronic Products in India
Practices, Traps & Strategies for Success
Communications • Enterprise Computing & Storage • Multimedia • Industrial & Semiconductor • Defense & Aerospace • Medical • Automotive
S.A.Srinivasa Moorthy, VP- Design Engineering & Head – India Design Center
Sanmina-SCI Technology India Private Limited
© 2009 Sanmina-SCI Corporation. Sanmina-SCI is a trademark of Sanmina-SCI Corporation.
All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Note of Caution
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Motivation for the Study
Lack of successful products post CDOT era
Why Entrepreneurs focus on software products
not electronic products?
Even simple products are imported
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Brief on the study
Structured Questionnaire
Interview with respondents
Respondents constituted from
 Start ups ( both failed and successful)
 EMS Industry
 Captive R&Ds
 Design Service Companies
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Product Development Process
Large & Medium Size Players
Design Service
EMS Providers
Captive R&D
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Captive R&D
Product Development Process - Startups
Technologist Founded Start-ups
Non-Technologist Founded Start-ups
Opportunity Spotting
Opportunity Spotting
# Input from Technology Partner
# Market Scanning
Technical Feasibility
# Internal R&D inputs
# Input from Partner & Vendors
Commercial Viability
# Internal Due Diligence
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# Discovery of a new market or new
Commercial Viability
# Internal due Diligence
Technical Feasibility
# Inputs from contractors/Vendors
Traps during Concept Phase
Wrong priorities for the right products
Underestimating the dynamics of underlying
Underestimating the development lifecycle costs
Basing Decision on near hand sources
Falling in love with new technology/Cool features
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Traps during Product Realization phase
Deferring Reality Check until very late in the lifecycle
Compromising on Engineering activities to meet
Trying to do all internally
Not involving the downstream functions/partners early
on in the product realization phase
Lack of integration mechanism among the design team
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Traps during transition to manufacturing
Design team’s lack of understanding of drivers of
manufacturing costs
Compromising on the time allocated to transition
design to manufacturing line
Not designing for foreseeable eventualities
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In the end what works?
Strategy Remedies
•Get Product Priorities Right
•Defer development of components when alternatives exist
•Invest in brand building or identity creation
Process Remedies
•Involve partners early in the lifecycle
•Involve downstream vendors early in the design cycle
•Ensure better collaboration between design teams
Skill Remedies
•Identify and acquire skills critical to product success
•Groom in house talent as a back up
•Develop Cross functional skill among the design teams
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Communications • Enterprise Computing & Storage • Multimedia • Industrial & Semiconductor • Defense & Aerospace • Medical • Automotive
Thank You
© 2009 Sanmina-SCI Corporation. Sanmina-SCI is a trademark of Sanmina-SCI Corporation.
All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.