
Realizing the benefit of e-tagging & e-tracking
using RFID technology:Kfupm experience
and the Access control project
Head of RFID research
Department of Computer Engineering, King
Fahad University of Petroleum & Minerals
What is RFID?
• RFID is a technology that uses
radio-frequency waves to transfer
data between a reader and a
movable item to identify,
categorize, track...
• RFID is fast, reliable, and does
not require physical sight or
contact between reader/scanner
and the tagged item
RFID tag
RFID = Radio Frequency IDentification
RFID tag = device that is designed for wireless data transmission
toll payment transponder
human implantation
for medical purposes
A surface wave transponder used pressure sensor
in valve shaft of car tire valve
RFID in Fedex access control
• Business issue:
Drivers spend
precious time
searching for keys to
lock unlock doors
• An automatic keyless
entry and ignition
system LF134.2 Khz
• Benefits: security &
time savings
Transfusion: E-tagging
Patients’wristbands and blood tags
Current status in managing new born
babies at hospitals in Saudi Arabia
New born babies security issues
New born babies management highly dependent on nonautomated processes.
 Human based tracking & validation processes.
 Barcode systems used today still require manual
intervention (i.e. scanning).
Manual & Non-real time notifications of new born special care
requirements when & where they are needed.
Verification confirmation for handing over the right baby to the
right parents in real time are not available with current
Healthcare solution description
RFID case study to protect newly born
babies At Faqeeh hospital Jeddah
Improving operational efficiency through asset tracking
Faqeeh hospital
HOW it works?
Real time location
Asset tracking in Najran University
Asset tracking in Najran
RTLS at room level
Real time location Systems
• A real time location system defined a
system for determining location of
• Utilizes a network of devices to collect
information from battery powered tags
on their location
• As seen by several readers to
accurately triangulate the location
Muhammad Wasim Raad
• RTLS are more complex than RFID
• RTLS provide coordinated based
information on where the RTLS tag is
• Precisely mapped and compared to other
tags in surroundings
• WLAN based RTLS getting widely adopted
Real Time location system benefits
• Improve patient
• Locate required
people and
equipment easily
• Decrease inventory
• Enhance equipment
RTLS case study: Long range
tracking of vehicles
Introduction to smart cards& RFID Technology:
The First undergraduate University course in
RFID in the region
• Presenting the most important recent advances in
smart cards technology and research.
Focusing on the most fruitful research and hot
areas in these technologies.
Underlying fundamental limitations of these
Enabling Computer Engineering students to become
pioneers in designing smart card systems.
• Exposing students to the cutting edge technology in
the proposed area.
KFUPM experience in RFID &
the Access control project
• KFUPM established 1963
• One of first Universities in region to
establish a Smart Campus based on
MIFARE contactless smart cards
• Smart campus Established in 2002
• 15,000 Smart cards issued for students,
faculty and staff
• Identification cards for Students, Faculty,
and Staff
• Inventory tracking
• Library card
• Access control of: gates, parking, dorms,
• Photocopying and printing
• Student concessions and meal services
• Health services
• Others?
Access control
Muhammad Wasim Raad
RFID research in KFUPM
• To train students to develop MULTOS
applications for banks & National ID
• To aid local industry
• To support National ID card program as well
as projects in electronic payments & health
• To support new Smart Card Course:
Introduction to Smart Card & RFID
Technology offered as an elective course
Collaboration with MULTOS
• Partnership with KFUPM in providing complete
support to new Smart Card Lab
• Full technical support for students developing
MULTOS based projects using SMARTDECK
utilizing WEBCAST
• Providing attractive Job positions to students
graduating from Smart card course
• International Certification In MULTOS for students
completing the course
Potential of RFID Lab
• Conducting short courses on MULTOs for industry
• Collaboration with major companies in region
• Developing Innovative solutions
• Conducting research on performance
evaluation of RFID
• Interoperability of various RFID tags
• Obtaining advanced RFID development
Integrating E-permitting data in location
awareness:A prototype for the eco friendly
Automotive using Active RFID tag+sensor
Using RFID to monitor Activity of
daily living (ADL)
Web monitoring of ADL
An RFID based telemedicine Guidance
system prototype for Hospital
A proof of concept for using RFID for
monitoring healthy eating for children
suffering from diabetes
RFID every where
RFID Adoption Challenges – Is
the timing right??
– Tags - currently 50 cents – need to be 5 cents or less
– Readers – currently thousands of dollars – need to be hundreds of
– Implementation – distribution centers relatively low tech – need
networking, power, etc.
• Cost benefit - must be significant enough to justify RFID cost:
– Retailers operate with small margins ( < 5%). If RFID can
increase operational efficiency by 1% = major competitive
Read accuracy:
– accuracy not established – needs to approach 100%:
• Metal containers, liquids, Etc. impact tag readability
• Taq/reader orientation: polarization effects
• Reader configuration: cooperative networks of readers
• Interference from other readers and other radiators
– See next slide
Privacy Concerns
Privacy protection
Blocker tag research