ACTIVITIES TO STRENGTHEN SKILLS AND EMPLOYABILITY THROUGH THE INTEGRATION OF ICT AND E-LEARNING: A CASE OF CHEPKOILEL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, KENYA A PAPER PRESENTED BY: PROF. JOHN SIMIYU E-MAIL: A T T H E 5 TH A N N U A L U N E S C O UNEVOC ICT IN TVET SUMMIT IN DAR ES SALAAM, TANZANIA 25-27 MAY, 2011 Abstract • Information Communication and Technology (ICT) is the world’s fastest growing economic activity with Kenya’s ICT industry growing at a promising rate. • Countries that have harnessed the potential of ICT have attained significant social and economic development. • There are indications that ICT creates jobs through direct employment in the ICT industries and indirectly through ICT enabled and ancillary enterprises. Abstract contd. Chepkoilel University College, a constituent college of Moi University in Eldoret, Kenya, aims to implement activities to strengthen skills and employability through the integration of ICT and elearning in its programmes. Introduction • Information Communication and Technology (ICT) is the world’s fastest growing economic activity. • Kenya’s ICT industry is growing at a promising rate. • This is a direct result of the positive changes being experienced in the business environment following the decisive steps taken by the government in 2004. • The figure below indicates the number of African countries which showed effort toward ICT policy formulation by the year 2000 and 2005 Introduction contd. Figure showing Progress of ICT policy making in African countries Introduction contd. If that be the trend, by 2010, the countries with ICT policy should have doubled to 60. Introduction contd. - ICT plans by African region Introduction contd. West Africa has a high prevalence of national ICT plans but may have not been revised in years. North Africa has the highest implementation rate. At best, 60% of African nations have ICT plans and only half of these have been drafted in the past few years. Introduction contd. Central Africa is making the most relative progress in terms of official ICT vision. NB: Data is challenging to obtain. The Kenyan scenario The government of Kenya has invested in the development of an enabling environment with modern communication infrastructure. The completion of the optical undersea fiber cable dubbed TEAMS in 2009 to connect Kenya to the rest of the world through Mombasa will address the most critical infrastructural requirement for the development of ICT The Kenyan scenario contd. The project is expected to address the connection and open up rural Kenya to ICT. The government of Kenya recognizes the role of ICT in the social and economic development. The government has promulgated a national ICT policy based on economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation 2003-2007 . General benefits of ICT Use of ICT may be associated with new patterns of job creation and job loss. There are indications to suggest that jobs could be lost through obsolescence, automation and disintermediation. While ICT and e-learning replace old tasks and occupations through automation, the same technologies also create new tasks and occupations whereby ICT products and services generate new jobs. General benefits of ICT contd. ICT creates jobs through direct employment in the ICT industries and indirectly through ICT enabled and ancillary enterprises. The creation of industries such as the software, computer, microelectronic and GSM industries brings about new employment opportunities. Countries that have harnessed the potential of ICT have attained significant social and economic development. Such countries are rapidly transforming into information knowledge based economies. General benefits of ICT contd. Countries where ICT sector is liberalized tend to have a higher telecommunications penetration as reflected in the increased growth of economy with more jobs being created directly and indirectly and more positive impact on poverty alleviation. Status of ICT at the College Although the status of ICT uptake at the college is relatively low, the college takes cognizance of the critical role ICT and e-learning play in education. The college reckons that while education is a significant predictor of employment, ICT and elearning, when integrated in the disciplines, especially TVET, can become the most impactful things a person can do to improve employability Status of ICT at the College contd. The department of Technology education houses the UNEVOC Centre in the newly established Chepkoilel University College, a constituent college of Moi University. The Strategic Plan (2011-2015) of the college contains the ICT policy that addresses the basic needs of staff and students in as far as requisite ICT skills and techniques in quest for knowledge in various specialties are concerned Status of ICT at the College contd. ICT skills and techniques are harmonized in terms of which skills are sufficient and at what level in order to improve employability. The question is – What specific ICT and e-learning related skills are necessary for getting, keeping and doing well on a job, hence creating and sustaining more jobs? Status of ICT at the College contd. The college has embarked on putting up an ambitious programme and infrastructure in ICT and e-learning. The college ICT policy is to unify all sources of information by their interconnection on a single high speed network to: Carry out research Access student information held at the administrator Status of ICT at the College contd. Access bibliographic information from the library and other remote database. Access internet Communicate via e-mail (intranet or internet) School of Education The school houses Technology education department, the home of the UNEVOC Centre. The department offers vocational education and technical skills development for teachers to teach in technical training institutions in the country. The graduates either are employed or go out to create jobs or employment. School of Education contd. Application skills are integrated in technology courses. School of Agriculture and Biotechnology The school is strategically situated in the White Highlands – the granary of wheat and maize farming in the country. The school recognizes that value chain through the introduction of appropriate e-agriculture programmes holds a very huge potential for generating large volumes of decent jobs. School of Agriculture and Biotechnology contd. The e-agriculture programme in extension provides the platform for information sharing between agricultural researchers and extension workers . There is a potential job creation of extension workers, researchers and others involved in content development. School of Agriculture and Biotechnology contd. It is hoped that these programmes will also contribute tremendously to empowering farmers with relevant skills and information to boost their productivity and profitability. School of Business and Economics The school is relatively new having been re- established after the former school was moved to main campus of Moi University. Without a doubt, embarking on an e-business effort requires as much thinking about business strategy as it does about technology (ICT). School of Business and Economics contd. E-business is integrated in the teaching of the courses whereby learning how to use internet to connect with the customers, partners and suppliers is done. This transforms the existing and potential businesses to make them more efficient hence creating more jobs and employment. School of Business and Economics contd. The term e-business is used interchangeably with e- commerce although e-commerce refers only to online transactions of selling goods and services which the government of Kenya plans to implement. Incorporation of e-payment systems and e-signature acts in the teaching and learning should transform the growth of e-commerce graduates in the country. School of Science The largest school that houses the main computer programmes in the college. General aspects of computing are provided to students in the department of mathematics and computer science. Specialized knowledge application in ICT is offered in the three schools as discussed above. Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship skills are employed in the programmes school-wide so that graduates do not always look up to the government to provide jobs. This encourages graduates to be innovative, creative and job creators rather than job seekers. Conclusion Evidence abounds about the significance of ICT in socio-economic development of Kenya as a country just as in any other country. It is hoped that Chepkoilel University College provides a primary step toward strengthening skills and employability in its teaching and learning through integration of ICT and e-learning in its diverse nature of programmes. ICT practical class in session The End Thank you very kindly