Ideal-ist The other way to join H2020 Svetlana Bogdanovic, H2020 ICT/FET NCP Serbia Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development 1 Outline • Presentation about joining H2020 • I will demonstrate “another way” • I will give some details about IDEALIST2018 project and • Then we will discuss and hopefully we all will learn 2 11.02.2015 Just a quick look at... 3 11.02.2015 The “normal” way 4 11.02.2015. Strep? 5 11.02.2015. The “normal way”, continued You found a Call Some objectives were interesting in the Call Now you have to find the partners Begin writing the proposal Get the economy right Partners have to be selected and they should contribute 7. Some partners can help more 8. At last you can submit the proposal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6 11.02.2015. The need for ICT solutions… European Research Area International cooperation Shared objectives and principles ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT Tackling Societal Challenges Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture and the bio-based economy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Secure Societies EIT JRC Simplified access Creating Industrial Leadership and Competitive Frameworks Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies ICT Nanotech., Materials, Manuf. and Processing Biotechnology Space Access to risk finance Innovation in SMEs Excellence in the Science Base Frontier research (ERC) Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Skills and career development (Marie Curie) Research infrastructures ICT ICT ICT Dissemination Common rules, toolkit of funding schemes Related documents… Work programmes Hard work! 10 11.02.2015. There is another way Best suited for any organisations who has minor experience in managing R&D projects & major experience and skill in a technological area 11 11.02.2015. This is not a brand new way It’s (just) another way of thinking and acting 12 11.02.2015. Common sense? ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 13 You want to further develop your “product” You want to extent your network You have a clear goal for your future You have a strong technology platform The expertise must continuously be developed You need to develop international corporation You do not desperately need additional money You can survive the next 3 years 11.02.2015. The new way of thinking The right solution for you is either an EU project or an EU 14 participation 11.02.2015. This is what we’re talking about “Project” 15 Participation” 11.02.2015. If your goal .. 1. .... only can be reached by setting up a project (-> project) e.g. new operation system 2. .... can be reached in many projects (-> participation) e.g. secure communication over the internet 16 11.02.2015. Running you own Project ? Back to our friend = “The normal way!” 17 11.02.2015. Sorry it took so long The other way to join H2020 18 11.02.2015. The other way is.. • Find a project looking for your expertise • Even if you are an ICT expert don’t only look for ICT projects • Look as well into the other themes ICT knowledge is NEEDED in all R&D projects! • IDEALIST can help you! 19 11.02.2015. H2020 project IDEALIST2018: -Continuation of previous FP7 project Idalist2014 , - started January 1st, 2015 -48 project partners (officially nominated NCPs) from 44 countries 20 11.02.2015. 0. IDEAL-IST offers: -a unique quality labelled partner search tool to connect newcomers and experienced non ICT researchers - an international Quality team to support proposer e.g. to better focus proposals non ICT - Ideal-ist information services : Newsletter, press releases, Work Programme information - Brokerage events to pre-schedule meetings at big events 22 11.02.2015. The “Ideal-ist” way can help you We have project profiles, where the needed expertise is explicitly formulated 23 11.02.2015. This is our trick! 24 11.02.2015. PS ID: PS-ES-94558 PROJECT OVERVIEW PS ID: PS-ES-94558 Status: Open Date of last Modification: 08/02/2015 Date of Publication: 08/02/2015 Call Identifier: H2020-HEALTH-PHC-2015 Topic: PHC 28 – 2015: Self-management of health and disease and decision support systems based on predictive computer modelling used by the patient or herself Yourhim area Type of Action: Research and innovation actions of interest Evaluation Scheme: One stage Closure Date: 21/04/2015 Our project: We aim to develop a decision support system (DSS) based on computer modelling of multiple variables, both endogenous (age, weight, height, gender, heart rate, clinical history, chronic diseases…) and exogenous (lifestyle, diet, environmental exposure…). It will be achieved developing algorithms through the application of complex mathematics models and, as result, we will obtain a prediction of the personal health behaviour, so, our goal is to do more than provide information about various data. We want to diagnose, predict and prevent on the individuals’ health. Of course, the use of smartphones and other mobile devices as well as space enabled applications is implicit in the project and interoperbility and concordance with international health standards (HL7, FIWARE) is a key point. 25 11.02.2015. PARTNER PROFILE SOUGHT (PS-CH-2585) PARTNER PROFILE SOUGHT Required skills and Expertise: The consortium so far includes the expertise required in Your area neuropsychological evaluation and intervention on cognitive functions, of skills and on online measurement of user's cognitive state, what is needed is a strong ICT partner with expertise in software development (specially for web applications) and integration of IT systems. Stakeholders (e.g., third age associations) are also welcome. Description of work to be carried out by the partner(s) sought: - The ICT partner will lead the integration of the tools for neuropsychological evaluation and behaviour monitoring in an online platform, and collaborate with the present partners in the development of these tools when needed. - Stakeholders are neede to act as user partners, and will be key in the validation of the project's results. Type of partner(s) sought: - Software developers and integrators - End users for user needs analysis and testing. Looking for a Coordinator for your proposal: Yes 26 11.02.2015. Did I talk about the goal of the projects? No! I was only focused on finding someone searching for your skills! Whether the project was going to help to digitise a museum or a hospital or some facilities for ageing persons, makes no importance. Importance is given to the point that your skills are needed and will be used, improved and partly funded. 27 11.02.2015. Find a project to participate in Missing Expertice Get in touch: 28 11.02.2015. Thank you for your attention! Contact: Svetlana Bogdanovic (+38111 3616 529) or E-mail 29 11.02.2015.