DISINVESTMENTS A PRIMER Presentation to Sr.PCS Officers U.P Academy of Administration & Management Prithvi Haldea PRIME Database 21 July 2010 Definition of Disinvestment • Investment refers to the conversion of money or cash into securities. • In reverse, disinvestment involves the conversion of securities into cash. • It is also referred to as ‘divestment’ or ‘divestiture.’ • In most contexts, disinvestment typically refers to sale by the government, partly or fully, of a government-owned enterprise. Disinvestment v/s Privatisation • These are often used interchangeably. There is, however, a vital difference between the two. • Disinvestment may or may not result in Privatisation. • When the government retains 26% shares, it would have disinvested, but would not have ‘privatised’, because with 26%, it can still stall all special resolutions for which three-fourths majority is required. PSUs-The Background • In 1947, when India became independent, there were various socio-economic problems which needed to be dealt with in a planned and systematic manner. • India was primarily an agrarian economy with a weak industrial base, low level of savings, inadequate investments and lack of infrastructure facilities. • There existed considerable inequalities in income and levels of employment, glaring regional imbalances in economic development and lack of trained manpower. • As such, the State’s intervention in all the sectors of the economy was desirable and inevitable since private sector neither had the resources, managerial and scientific skill, nor the will to undertake the risks associated with large, longgestation investments. • It became a pragmatic compulsion to use the public sector as an instrument for self-reliant economic growth. • A large number of enterprises were also created out of "sick units" taken over from the private sector, inter alia, to protect the interests of the workers. Disinvestment PolicyBackground • The new economic policy initiated in July 1991 clearly indicated that PSUs had shown a very negative rate of return on capital employed. • Inefficient PSUs had become and were continuing to be a drag on the government’s resources turning to be more of liabilities to the government than being assets. • Hence, the need for the government to get rid of these units and to concentrate on core activities was identified. • The government also took a view that it should move out of non-core businesses, especially the ones where the private sector had now entered in a significant way. • Finally, disinvestment was also seen by the government to raise funds for meeting general/specific needs. Benefits of Disinvestment For the Government • Raising valuable resources for the government which could be used to bridge the fiscal deficit and also for various developmental projects. • The government can focus more on core activities such as infrastructure, defense, education, healthcare, and law and order. For the PSUs • Greater autonomy leading to higher efficiencies For the Markets and Economy • Brings greater efficiencies for the economy and markets as a whole For the Taxpayers • Letting go of these assets is best in the long term interest of the tax payers • Unlocking of shareholder (in this case the citizens of India) value For the Employees • Greater opportunities and avenues for career growth • Monetary gains through ESOPs and preferential issue of shares • Pay rises, as has been seen in past divestments Different Approaches to Disinvestments Complete Privatisation • Complete privatisation is when 100% control of a company is passed on to a buyer. • Most recently, this was done in 2003-04 (eg.18 hotel properties of ITDC and 3 hotel properties of HCI). Such sales have invited a lot of criticism as these are marred with allegations of favouritism. Majority Disinvestment • Government retains a minority stake in the company • Historically, majority disinvestments have been typically made to strategic partners. • These partners could be other CPSEs themselves (BRPL to IOC, MRL to IOC, KRL to BPCL). • These can also be private entities (Modern Foods to Hindustan Lever, BALCO to Sterlite, CMC to TCS etc.). Such sales have also invited a lot of criticism for the same reason as that for Privatisation. Minority Disinvestment • The government retains a majority stake in the company. • Examples of minority sales via auctioning to institutions go back into the early 90s (Andrew Yule & Co., CMC etc.) • The present government’s policy is that all disinvestments would only be minority disinvestments via Public Offers. • Several minority sales done via Public Offers (Power Grid, REC, NTPC, NHPC etc.) Types of CPSE Disinvestments 1. Strategic Sale to Private Entity Transactions involving sale of shares held by the government in CPSEs, including subsidiaries of CPSEs, along with transfer of management control, to a strategic private partner identified through a process of competitive bidding and subsequent sales to the partner through call/put options 2. Public Offer Transactions Involving sale of shares held by the government in CPSEs through a Public Offer 3. CPSE to CPSE Sale Transactions involving sale of shares held by the Government in one CPSE to another CPSE 4. Auction to Financial Investors Transactions involving sale of shares held by the government in CPSEs through an auction to defined financial investors/investor groups like public sector financial institutions 5. Auction to Private Entities Transactions involving sale of shares held by the Government in CPSEs through an auction to private entities 6. Sale To Employees Transactions involving sale of shares held by the government to employees of the respective CPSEs DisinvestmentsA Historical Perspective 1991-92 to 2000-01 • The change process in India began in the year 1991-92, with 31 selected PSUs disinvested for Rs.3,038 crore. • However, against an aggregate target of Rs 54,300 crore to be raised from PSU disinvestment from 1991-92 to 2000-01, the Government managed to raise just Rs 20,079 crore in a 10-year period. The reasons for such low proceeds from disinvestment against the target were: - Unfavorable market conditions - Offers were not attractive for private sector investors - Lot of opposition on the valuation process - No clear-cut policy on disinvestment - Strong opposition from employee and trade unions - Lack of transparency in the process - Lack of political will 2001-02 to 2003-04 • This was the period when maximum number of disinvestments took place. • These took the shape of either strategic sales (involving transfer of control and management to a private entity) or a public offer, with the government still retaining control of the management. An amount of Rs. 5,921 crore was realized through strategic sale. Some of the companies which witnessed a strategic sale included: • • • • • • • • • • Bharat Aluminium Co.Ltd. CMC Ltd. Hindustan Zinc Ltd. Hotel Corp. of India Ltd. HTL Ltd. IBP Co.Ltd. India Tourism Development Corp.Ltd. Indian Petrochemicals Corp.Ltd. Marti Suzuki India Ltd. Modern Food Industries (India) Ltd. • In addition, public offers led to divestment proceeds of Rs. 15,128 crore. • The total disinvestments proceeds in this 3-year period were Rs. 21,163 crore. 2004-05 to 2008-09 • The issue of PSU disinvestment remained a contentious one through this period, courtesy the Left. As a result, the disinvestment agenda stagnated. • In this 5 year period, total receipts from disinvestments were only Rs. 8,516 crore and all through public offers. 2009-10 onwards till date • A stable (minus Left) government has led to a renewed thrust on disinvestments. • The President of India’s address on 4th June 2009 stated: “Our people have every right to own part of the shares of public sector companies while the government retains majority shareholding and control. My government will develop a roadmap for listing and people-ownership of public sector undertakings while ensuring that government equity does not fall below 51%.” • The subsequent Union Budgets have also taken disinvestment on the agenda of the government. • The government has also announced its intentions of raising the minimum public shareholding in listed companies to 25%. This, besides bringing more quality paper in the market, shall also lead to huge disinvestment. At current prices, this could mean Rs. 1,20,000 crore. • The government has started the process by selling minority stakes in listed and unlisted (profitmaking) PSUs through public offers. • There has also been 1 CPSE to CPSE sale. • Till date (in just one and a quarter year), Rs. 24,615 crore has already been raised through disinvestments. Total Disinvestments Proceeds till date Period No.Yrs. Amount 1991-92 to 2000-01 10 20079 2001-02 to 2003-04 3 21163 2004-05 to 2008-09 5 8516 2009-10 to present 1.25 24615 Total 19.25 74374 (Rs.crore) Summary of CPSE Disinvestments YEAR 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 TOTAL STRATEGIC PUBLIC OFFER CPSE TO AUCTION AUCTION SALE TO SALE TO (EXCLUDING CPSE TO TO EMPLOYEES PRIVATE FRESH CAPITAL SALE FINANCIAL PRIVATE ENTITY RAISING) INVESTORS ENTITY 3038 1913 4843 168 105 554 2089 2336 342 380 910 784 1020 4183 459 1317 1154 405 25 12 15128 2700 77 65 2 1568 1814 5427 21306 1063 45105 2367 2247 9360 14301 77 104 TOTAL 3038 1913 0 4843 168 380 910 5371 1585 1871 3268 2348 15547 2765 1570 0 4181 0 23553 1063 74374 Annual CPSE Disinvestment Target vs. Achievement YEAR 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 TARGET ACHIEVED ACHIEVEMENT (Rs. crore) (Rs. crore) (%) 2500 3038 122 2500 1913 77 3500 0 0 4000 4843 121 7000 168 2 5000 380 8 4800 910 19 5000 5371 107 10000 1585 16 10000 1871 19 12000 3268 27 12000 2348 20 14500 15547 107 4000 2765 69 0 1570 N.A. 0 0 N.A. 0 4181 N.A. 0 0 N.A. 25000 23553 94 40000 1063 3 DisinvestmentsThe Road Ahead • Given the current political and social compulsions, complete privatisation or majority sale have been discarded. • Offloading a part of the government’s equity by way of a minority stake sale is the only workable option. • Offloading minority stakes to private players would not make sense as valuations will be poor (since the government shall still retain control) Hence, best route is minority stake sale via a Public Offer which has several benefits. For the Government • Benefit of capital appreciation, courtesy market valuation of the enterprise For the PSU • Listing leads to better and timely disclosures, bringing in greater transparency and professionalism • Greater efficiency by way of being accountable to outside shareholders and media/analysts • Listing provides an easier opportunity to raise capital from the market to fund new projects/undertake expansions/diversifications and for acquisitions. • Listing raises a company's public profile with customers, suppliers, financial institutions and the media. A listed company is typically covered in analyst reports and may also be included in one or more of indices of the stock exchanges. • Wide investor base also helps prevent market manipulations. For the Markets and Economy • PSU IPOs present the best opportunity of widening the retail investor base. (In UK, the shareholding population increased from 4% to 25%.) For the Employees • Though there could be opposition from employees of some PSUs, this can be countered and also turned into a favourable situation by offering ESOPs/preferential issue of shares to them. This would provide tangible monetary benefits to them, and also make them an interested party in better performance of their companies. CPSE Public Offerings • First disinvestment by way of public offer took place in 1995-96. Since then, Rs. 45,105 crore has been raised through PSU disinvestments from the capital market. Did you know? • PSUs constitute 31% of the total market capitalisation of companies listed at BSE • The PSU with the highest market capitalisation is ONGC at Rs. 2,82,417 crore (as on 30 June 2010) • VSNL was the first PSU to be divested by way of a Public Offer in 1999-00 • ONGC Public Offer (FPO) in 2004 was the largest ever by a PSU, raising Rs. 10,542 crore • NHPC Public Offer in 2009-10 has been the largest PSU IPO raising Rs. 6,039 crore • Power Finance Corp.’s IPO in 2006-07 was the largest oversubscribed IPO, oversubscribed by 76.76 times • Power Trading Corp.’s IPO in 2003-04 received the best-ever response from retail, with the retail portion getting oversubscribed by over 40 times • The maximum amount raised by PSUs from the capital market in any year was Rs. 31,082 crore in 2009-10. The maximum amount raised through disinvestments from capital market in any year was Rs. 21,306 crore also in 2009-10 • The maximum number of applications received in an IPO/FPO since 2003-04 was in NTPC (14.40 lakhs) followed by NHPC (13.14 lakhs) SLPE Disinvestments • There has been only one SLPE disinvestment through public offers. Disinvestments by SLPEs SNO. 1 COMPANY (NAME AS AT THE TIME OF DISINVESTMENT) GUJARAT MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORP.LTD. (IPO) DATE/ % STAKE MONTH-YEAR DISINVESTED 14/10/1997 26 AMOUNT REALISED (Rs. crore) 107 107 Fresh Capital Raising by CPSEs • In addition to disinvestments, CPSEs have also been raising fresh capital-either on a standalone basis or in conjunction with the disinvestment offer. • Rs. 37,505 crore of fresh capital has been raised by various PSUs till date. Year-wise Amounts raised in PSU Public Offers YEAR 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 GRAND TOTAL DIVESTMENT (Rs.crore) 187 107 75 15128 2684 301 1814 21306 1063 42667 FRESH CAPITAL (Rs.crore) ISSUE AMOUNT (Rs.crore) 107 7 325 695 710 2031 1752 482 142 400 361 164 773 1435 6020 6394 1779 4152 107 7 325 695 710 2219 1752 570 142 475 361 164 773 16563 8704 7358 1779 5966 9776 31082 1063 80815 37505 Fresh Capital Raising by SLPEs • SLPEs have also been raising fresh capital through public offers. Public Offers by SLPEs SNO. COMPANY (NAME AS AT THE TIME OF ISSUE) OPENING DATE ISSUE AMOUNT (Rs.crore) SLPEs at the time of Issue (SLPEs defined as companies where the direct holding of the 1 GUJARAT INDUSTRIES POWER CO.LTD. 13/10/2005 200 2 GUJARAT MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORP.LTD. 14/10/1997 88 3 GUJARAT STATE FINANCIAL CORP.LTD. 11/02/1997 47 4 GUJARAT STATE PETRONET LTD. 24/01/2006 373 5 HARYANA FINANCIAL CORP.LTD. 18/05/1995 20 6 OPTEL TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD. 30/06/1995 44 7 PUNJAB COMMUNICATIONS LTD. 24/10/1994 105 8 PUNJAB WIRELESS SYSTEMS LTD. 27/10/1993 15 9 TAMIL NADU NEWSPRINT & PAPERS LTD. 27/11/1995 220 SUB TOTAL 1112 Some Arguments against Disinvestment The Government will forego dividends on the equity holdings by selling off its stakes. (CPSEs contributed Rs. 19,423 crore to the Central exchequer in 200708 as dividends). Apart from generating a one-time sale amount, a lot of these part stake sales have also resulted in huge capital gains. Only 0.5% of Indian households invest in equities. Thus, in case the public offer route is followed, it would imply transferring the common ownership of the PSUs by all Indians into the private ownership of 0.5% of Indians. While the current equity penetration remains low, it is precisely these PSU IPOs that present the best opportunity of widening the retail base. Using funds made available from disinvestment to bridge the fiscal deficit is an unhealthy and a short term practice (selling ‘family silver’ to meet short term monetary requirements). Letting go of these assets is best in the long term interest of the tax payers as the current yield on these investments in abysmally low. Profit making PSUs should not be disinvested as they are performing well in any which way. A good example against this criticism is BALCO which was a profit making company that earned the government an average dividend (over 8 years) of Rs. 5.69 crore every year on the equity sold. The government postdisinvestment, however, started getting Rs.82.65 crore every year. Similarly, Maruti gave average returns to the tune of Rs. 13 crore annually to the government and IPCL gave Rs. 16.24 crore on equity sold against Rs.242 crore and 149 crore respectively postdisinvestment. Employees of PSUs would lose jobs These fears have been found to be imaginary. Public Offer being the chosen approach for Disinvestments does not yield the best realisation and is a far too time consuming process. Auctioning to financial institutions (QIBs) should be the preferred modus operandi. The government should look at the greater good and sell these stakes by public offers to increase retail participation in the capital markets as well as to increase the depth and width of the capital markets. In any case, the loss is minimal as very small stakes are being sold. The real gains for the government lie in the appreciation post-listing. Let us look at the PSU IPOs since 2004. The value of the government holding, courtesy the market, has gone up nearly 3 times from Rs. 80791 crore on the issue date to Rs.2,37,366 crore. International Models of Disinvestment UK • The Margaret Thatcher government, spread over 11 years, went on an aggressive disinvestment spree in the 1980s in the UK, borne out of the conviction that the government had no business to be in business. • It let loose most of its stake at one go. British Telecom, British Airways, British Power, British Petroleum, British Gas, British Rail and Regional Water Boards are just a few examples. • During its first wave of large-scale privatisation, UK witnessed about 670 PSUs worth US$ 5.3 billion being privatised with the water companies fetching over US$10 billion, British Gas about US$13 billion, and British Petroleum over US$12 billion. • Public offers were one of the frequently used techniques in the UK to transfer state assets and businesses to private ownership. • The method was fairly successful, having increased the shareholding population from 4% to 25%. For example, British Telecom alone created 2.1 million shareholders in the UK, when privatised. Eastern Europe • With the UK having taken the lead, the former citadels of Socialism soon embraced the new mantra, breaking up state monopolies and selling them to private parties choosing to let market forces determine their future course. Other Countries • Germany privatised 13,500 companies by selling off its stake in a span of two years. • Other countries like Taiwan, Hungary, Thailand, Philippines, Korea, Turkey, Poland, West Asia. Zambia, Vietnam and even China similarly marched ahead with the disinvestment program. The future is bright… • The potential is huge. PSUs are among the largest and most profitable organisations in India. • Of the total of 247 CPSEs and their subsidiaries, only 47 are listed. • With Public Offers having been defined as the preferred mode of Disinvestment, a large number of PSU IPOs/ FPOs can be expected in the future. Imminent PSU IPOs/FPOs SNO. COMPANY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA LTD. POWER GRID CORP.OF INDIA LTD. COAL INDIA LTD. PTC INDIA FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD. HINDUSTAN COPPER LTD. RASHTRIYA CHEMICALS & FERTILISERS LTD. NEYVELI LIGNITE CORP.LTD. SHIPPING CORP.OF INDIA LTD.,THE MMTC LTD. ANDREW YULE & CO.LTD. BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LTD. NATIONAL ALUMINIUM CO.LTD. RITES LTD. NATIONAL FERTILISERS LTD. MANGANESE ORE (INDIA) LTD. IPO/ FPO ESTIMATED AMOUNT (Rs.crore) FPO FPO IPO IPO FPO FPO FPO FPO FPO FPO IPO FPO IPO IPO IPO 4500 7500 15000 400 9000 * 2400 300 500 * 20300 3000 300 * 300 Other PSU IPOs/FPOs SNO. COMPANY IPO/ FPO ESTIMATED AMOUNT (Rs.crore) 1 AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA IPO * 2 ANTRIX CORP.LTD. IPO * 3 BANGALORE METROPOLITAN TRANSPORT CORP. IPO 750 4 BHARAT ALUMINIUM CO.LTD. IPO 3000 5 BHARAT ELECTRONICS LTD. FPO 1600 6 BHARAT OMAN REFINERIES LTD. IPO 3850 7 BHARAT PETROLEUM CORP.LTD. FPO * 8 BHARAT PETRORESOURCES LTD. IPO * 9 CENTRAL COALFIELDS LTD. IPO * 10 CENTRAL INLAND WATER TRANSPORT CORP.LTD. IPO * 11 CENTRAL WAREHOUSING CORP. IPO * 12 COCHIN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT LTD. IPO 2500 13 COCHIN SHIPYARDS LTD. IPO * 14 CONTAINER CORP.OF INDIA LTD. FPO 15 COTTON CORP.OF INDIA LTD.,THE IPO * 16 DAMODAR VALLEY CORP.LTD. IPO * 17 DPSC LTD. FPO * 18 DREDGING CORP.OF INDIA LTD. FPO * 19 EASTERN INVESTMENTS LTD. IPO * 20 EDCIL (INDIA) LTD. IPO * 21 ELECTRONICS CORP.OF INDIA LTD. IPO * 22 ENNORE PORT LTD. IPO 800 23 EXPORT CREDIT GUARANTEE CORP.OF INDIA LTD. IPO * 24 FCI ARAVALI GYPSUM & MINERALS INDIA LTD. IPO * 25 FERTILISERS & CHEMICALS TRAVANCORE LTD.,THE FPO * 500 SNO. COMPANY IPO/ FPO ESTIMATED AMOUNT (Rs.crore) 26 GAIL (INDIA) LTD. FPO * 27 GARDEN REACH SHIPBUILDERS & ENGINEERS LTD. IPO * 28 GOA SHIPYARD LTD. IPO * 29 GUJARAT ALKALIES & CHEMICALS LTD. FPO * 30 GUJARAT INDUSTRIES POWER CO.LTD. FPO * 31 GUJARAT MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORP.LTD. FPO * 32 GUJARAT NARMADA VALLEY FERTILIZERS CO.LTD. FPO * 33 GUJARAT STATE ENERGY GENERATION LTD. IPO * 34 GURU GOBIND SINGH REFINERIES LTD. IPO * 35 HINDUSTAN AERONAUTICS LTD. IPO * 36 HINDUSTAN NEWSPRINT LTD. IPO * 37 HINDUSTAN PAPER CORP.LTD. IPO * 38 HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORP.LTD. FPO 39 HINDUSTAN SHIPYARD LTD. IPO * 40 HINDUSTAN ZINC LTD. FPO * 41 HLL LIFECARE LTD. IPO * 42 HMT (INTERNATIONAL) LTD. IPO * 43 HMT LTD. FPO * 44 HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT CORP.LTD. IPO * 45 INDIA TOURISM DEVELOPMENT CORP.LTD. IPO * 46 INDIA TRADE PROMOTION ORGANISATION IPO * 47 INDIAN RAILWAY CATERING & TOURISM CORP.LTD. IPO * 48 INDIAN RAILWAY FINANCE CORP.LTD. IPO * 49 IRCON INTERNATIONAL LTD. FPO 350 50 ITI LTD. FPO * 5000 SNO. COMPANY IPO/ FPO ESTIMATED AMOUNT (Rs.crore) 51 KUDREMUKH IRON ORE CO.LTD. IPO * 52 MAHANADI COALFIELDS LTD. IPO * 53 MAHANAGAR GAS LTD. IPO 150 54 MAHARASHTRA KNOWLEDGE CORP.LTD. IPO * 55 MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION CO.LTD. IPO 1500 56 MAHARASHTRA STATE POWER GENERATION CO.LTD. IPO * 57 MAZAGON DOCK LTD. IPO * 58 NATIONAL AVIATION CO.OF INDIA LTD. IPO 1200 59 NATIONAL BANK FOR AGRICULTURE & RURAL DEVELOPMENT IPO * 60 NATIONAL BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTION CORP.LTD. IPO * 61 NATIONAL HIGHWAYS AUTHORITY OF INDIA IPO * 62 NATIONAL HOUSING BANK IPO * 63 NATIONAL INSURANCE CO.LTD.,THE IPO * 64 NATIONAL SEEDS CORP.LTD. IPO * 65 NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LTD. IPO 250 66 NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO.LTD.,THE IPO * 67 NHDC LTD. IPO * 68 NORTH EASTERN DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORP.LTD. IPO * 69 NORTH EASTERN ELECTRIC POWER CORP.LTD.,THE IPO 225 70 NORTHERN COALFIELDS LTD. IPO * 71 NTPC ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO.LTD. IPO * 72 NTPC VIDYUT VYAPAR NIGAM LTD. IPO * 73 NUCLEAR POWER CORP.OF INDIA LTD. IPO * 74 NUMALIGARH REFINERY LTD. IPO 800 75 ONGC PETRO-ADDITIONS LTD. IPO 3500 SNO. COMPANY IPO/ FPO ESTIMATED AMOUNT (Rs.crore) 76 ONGC VIDESH LTD. IPO * 77 ORIENTAL INSURANCE CO.LTD.,THE IPO * 78 PARADIP REFINERY LTD. IPO * 79 PAWAN HANS HELICOPTERS LTD. IPO * 80 PEC LTD. IPO * 81 PETRONET LNG LTD. FPO 490 82 POWER FINANCE CORP.LTD. FPO * 83 PRASAR BHARATI IPO * 84 PRIZE PETROLEUM CO.LTD. IPO 150 85 PROSEAL CLOSURES LTD. IPO * 86 RAILTEL CORP.OF INDIA LTD. IPO * 87 RASHTRIYA ISPAT NIGAM LTD. IPO 2850 88 SCOOTERS INDIA LTD. FPO 89 SETHUSAMUDRAM CORP.LTD. IPO 227 90 SOUTH EASTERN COALFIELDS LTD. IPO * 91 STATE TRADING CORP.OF INDIA LTD.,THE FPO * 92 TEHRI HYDRO DEVELOPMENT CORP.LTD. IPO * 93 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANTS INDIA LTD. IPO 400 94 UNITED INDIA INSURANCE CO.LTD. IPO * 95 URAL INDIA LTD. IPO * 96 URANIUM CORP.OF INDIA LTD. IPO * 97 WAPCOS LTD. IPO * 98 WESTERN COALFIELDS LTD. IPO * * However… We are far removed from the objective: “Our people have every right to own part of the shares of public sector companies while the government retains majority shareholding and control. My government will develop a roadmap for listing and people-ownership of public sector undertakings while ensuring that government equity does not fall below 51%.” Losses now even on PSUs ! SNO. COMPANY IPO / FPO OPENING DATE INVESTOR PREMIUM OFFER CATEGORY (Rs.) PRICE (Rs.) MARKET PRICE (AS ON 20.07.10) % GAIN / LOSS FOR RETAIL 1 NTPC LTD. IPO 07/10/2004 52.00 62.00 203.10 227.58 2 POWER FINANC E C ORP.LTD. IPO 31/01/2007 75.00 85.00 331.90 290.47 3 RURAL ELEC TRIFIC ATION C ORP.LTD. IPO 19/02/2008 95.00 105.00 302.00 187.62 4 POWER GRID C ORP.OF INDIA LTD. IPO 10/09/2007 42.00 52.00 99.80 91.92 5 RURAL ELEC TRIFIC ATION C ORP.LTD. FPO 19/02/2010 302.00 48.77 6 OIL INDIA LTD. IPO 07/09/2009 196.00 206.00 193.00 203.00 183.00 193.00 1040.00 1050.00 1335.60 27.20 7 NTPC LTD. FPO 03/02/2010 203.10 1.04 8 SJVN LTD. IPO 29/04/2010 23.80 -3.64 9 BHARAT EARTH MOVERS LTD. FPO 27/06/2007 1021.80 -4.95 258.30 -9.37 30.10 -16.39 10 NMDC LTD. FPO 10/03/2010 11 NHPC LTD. IPO 07/08/2009 SOURCE : PRIME Database INST. HNI+RETAIL EMP. INST. HNI+RETAIL EMP. INST. RETAIL INST. RETAIL 192.00 202.00 191.00 201.00 181.00 191.00 16.00 26.00 14.70 24.70 1065.00 1075.00 299.00 284.00 26.00 300.00 285.00 36.00 Declining Retail Participation PSUs-IPOs & FPOs SNO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 COMPANY NTPC LTD. POWER FINANC E C ORP.LTD. BHARAT EARTH MOVERS LTD. POWER GRID C ORP.OF INDIA LTD. RURAL ELEC TRIFIC ATION C ORP.LTD. NHPC LTD. OIL INDIA LTD. NTPC LTD. RURAL ELEC TRIFIC ATION C ORP.LTD. NMDC LTD. SJVN LTD. SOURCE : PRIME Database IPO / FPO IPO IPO FPO IPO IPO IPO IPO FPO FPO FPO IPO OPENING DATE 07/10/2004 31/01/2007 27/06/2007 10/09/2007 19/02/2008 07/08/2009 07/09/2009 03/02/2010 19/02/2010 10/03/2010 29/04/2010 ISSUE TIMES NO.OF AMOUNT SUBSCRIBED APPLICATIONS (Rs.crore) 5368 13.14 1440278 997 76.76 602883 527 27.62 105667 2984 64.4 1226614 1639 25.75 742192 6039 23.53 1313244 2777 30.64 232754 8480 1.22 100798 3530 3.47 57316 9930 1.24 163354 1063 6.24 181372 Need a policy review investors Policy needs to be reviewed in terms of • Reservations for retail • Pricing for retail • Distribution methods Coal India can get 1 crore investors Thank you… prithvi@primedatabase.com