这里是成都 This is Chengdu 国务院确定的我国西南地区“三中心、两枢纽” 3 centers and 2 hubs in Southwestern China ratified by State Council 全国统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区 Pilot Zone of Rural & Urban Coordination 面积1.24万平方公里 Area:12,400 square kilometers 常住人口1417万 Population:14.17 million 成都自然禀赋得天独厚,历史文化璀璨悠久,自古享有“天 府之国” 美誉 。 Chengdu, known as “the Land of Abundance” since ancient times, has an unique natural, historical and cultural heritage. 成都高新技术产业开发区 Chengdu Hi-tech Zone 成都经济技术开发区 Chengdu Economic and Technological Development Zone 成都综合保税区 Chengdu Integrated Bonded Zone 世界500强企业252家落户成都,数量居中西部第一。 Chengdu is home to 252 out of Fortune Global 500 companies, ranking the 1st in Mid-west China 美国、德国、法国、澳大利亚等10个国家在成都设立领事机构。 10 countries have already set up consulates in Chengdu, such as USA, Germany, France, Australia, etc. ◆中国内陆投资环境标杆城市 Chinese Inland Investment Environment Model City ◆最佳新兴商务城市 One of the Top Global Emerging Business Cities ◆中国最佳旅游城市 China’s Top Tourism City ◆未来10年全球发展最快城市 Next Decade’s Fastest Growing City •双流国际机场 2013财富全球论坛 The 2013 FORTUNE Global Forum 2013年6月6-8日,《财富》全球论坛在成都成功召开。论坛 期间,我市签约世界500强企业和知名跨国公司投资项目74个, 投资总额1120亿元 The 2013 FORTUNE Global Forum was successfully held in Chengdu on Jun. 6-8, which brought 74 investment projects with total investment of 112 billion yuan ($18.3 billion). 2013年9月25-26日第十二届世界华商大会在成都举办 The 12th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention was held in Chengdu on Sep. 25-26 近年来成都市GDP数据 GDP of Chengdu (单位:亿元) (unit: hundred of million yuan) 8139 2012年,全市实现地区生产总值8139亿元,同比增长13%,15个副省级城市中居 第3。 2013年1-9月,成都市生产总值为6681亿元,增速10.2% 。 The GDP of Chengdu has increased 13% to 813.9 billion yuan ($133.2 billion) in 2012, ranking the 3rd in sub-provincial cities in China. From January to September, 2013, Chengdu's GDP has risen to 668.1 billion yuan ($109.7 billion), up 10.2%. 成都投资环境比较优势 Comparative Advantages of Chengdu Investment Environment 人居环境舒适 Pleasant Living Environment 中国“最适宜居住的城市” China’s The Most Inhabitable City 交通物流比较便捷 Convenient Logistics 成都双流国际机场是中国四大航空枢纽之一,也是中国中西 部地区首个拥有二跑道的机场,2012年旅客吞吐量达3159万人次。 Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport is 1 of the 4 largest air hubs in China, also the 1st western China airport with a 2nd runway. In 2012, the passenger dealing capacity reached 31.59 mn person/times. 成都“双流机场口岸实施72小时过境免签政策” Chengdu 72-Hour Visa-free Transit Policy 2013年9月1日起,成都市正式实施72小时过境免签政策,成为继北 京、上海、广州之后过境免签的“第四城”,也是我国西部实施72小 时过境免签政策的首个城市。届时,51个国家和地区持有第三国签证 和机票的外国旅客,在成都口岸均可享受72小时过境免签政策。 Starting Sep. 1st 2013, Chengdu is the 4th city after Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, and 1st city in west China to implement the “72-Hour Visa-free Transit Policy”. 51 countries have the visa agreement, so citizens of these countries with third-country visa and air ticket can enjoy this policy. 在成都口岸适用72小时过境免签政策的51个国家 奥地利、比利时、捷克、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、希 腊、匈牙利、冰岛、意大利、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、 荷兰、波兰、葡萄牙、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、 俄罗斯、英国、爱尔兰、塞浦路斯、保加利亚、罗马尼亚、乌克兰、 美国、加拿大、巴西、墨西哥、阿根廷、智利、澳大利亚、新西兰、 韩国、日本、新加坡、文莱、阿联酋、卡塔尔、克罗地亚、塞尔维亚、 黑山、马其顿、波黑、阿尔巴尼亚。 Chengdu 72-Hour Visa-free Transit Policy Applies to 45 Countries Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, the Republic of Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Russia, the UK, Ireland, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, the United States, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Brunei, UAE ( United Arab Emirates), Qatar, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania. 交通物流比较便捷 Convenient Logistics 亚洲最大的铁路集装箱中心站 Chengdu has the largest container central railway station in Asia. 直达上海、深圳、宁波等沿海城市“五定班列”。 “Five-fixed” cargo trains are connected to coastal cities like Shanghai, Shenzhen, Ningbo, etc. 开通了每周一列直达波兰罗兹的“蓉欧班列”货运班列 。 “成都造” 14 天内将运抵欧洲。 The weekly “Chengdu-Euro Train” from Chengdu directly to Lods Poland started operation. It takes only 14 days to ship from Chengdu to Europe. 产业发展基础较好 Solid Industrial Foundation 电子信息 新能源 IT New Energy 汽车 新材料 Automobile New Material 航空航天 Aviation and Aerospace 电子信息产业:Intel、戴尔、联想、德州仪器等,全球最大的平板 和笔记本电脑生产基地. 全球20%的电脑在成都制造,50%的笔记本电脑芯片在成都封装测试, 70%的苹果平板电脑在成都生产。 IT: Intel, Dell, Lenovo, TI, etc. The largest portable computer manufacturing base in the world. 20% of the world'computers are made in Chengdu, 50% of chips of notebook com puters are tested and packaged here, and 70% of Ipads are produced here. 汽车产业:一汽大众、丰田、沃尔沃等。 Auto: FAW-Volkswagen, Toyota, Volvo, etc. 新能源与生物医药:天威、汉能,科伦药业、成都地奥等,产业 规模西部第一。 New Energy & Bio-pharmacy: Tianwei, Hanneng, Kelun, Diao, etc, industrial scale ranks 1st in western China. 航空航天:中航工业成飞公司、成都飞机设计研究所等,产业规 模居中国第四。 Aviation and Aerospace: AVIC Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Group, Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute, business scale ranks the 4th in China. 人才资源比较富集 Abundant Human Resources 52所普通高校 52 universities 30余家国家级研发基地 More than 30 national R&D bases 4个国家大学科技园 4 national university hi-tech parks 国家“千人计划”104人 104 people from national thousand talents plan 金融服务较为完备 Well Serviced Financial Environment 中国人民银行、中国银监会、中国证监会和中国保监会在 成都设立区域性监管机构。 The People’s Bank of China, China Banking Regulatory Commission, China Securities Regulatory Commission, China Insurance Regulatory Commission have established their regional headquarters in Chengdu. 金融服务较为完备 Well Serviced Financial Environment 外资银行和外资保险机构数量居中国中西部第一,金融交易 量居西部第一。外资银行已达15家,外资保险公司15家。 Number of foreign banks and insurance companies & financial transaction volume rank first in West China. 15 foreign banks and 15 insurance companies have set up their branches here. 政务服务规范高效 Efficient and Standard Government Service 规范化服务型政府建设持续推进10年 Chengdu has advanced the standardized government service for 10 years. 每季度召开外商投资企业座谈会(召开了54次) Seasonal informal discussion with FIEs (54 times until now) 国家知识产权局正式授牌成都为首批知识产权保护示范城市 First National Model City for Intellectual Property Protection. 生活配套比较完善 Living Conditions 四星级酒店30家、五星级酒店14家。 30 4-star hotels, 14 5-star hotels 国际化社区、国际学校、国际医院配套 完善。 International communities, schools, and hospitals 拥有便捷的出行条件,地铁1、2号线已建成 通车。 •Convenient traffic, connected expressways to every county. •Metro line 1 &2 are in operation 外来投资在成都 Foreign Investment in Chengdu 近年成都市投资情况 Recent Investment in Chengdu • 2012年 In 2012 • 全市新签约引进重大项目441个,投资总额2539亿元。 441 newly signed projects with total investment of 253.9 billion yuan • 全市外商投资实际到位86亿美元,同比增长31% The inbound foreign investment increased 31% to $8.6 billion. • 2013年1-10月 Jan.-Oct. 2013 • 全市新签约引进重大项目364个,投资总额2103.7亿元, From January to October 2013, there have been 364 newly signed major projects with total investment of 210.37 billion yuan. • 全市外商投资实际利用90.53亿美元,同比增长24.23% The actual utilization of foreign investment of Chengdu increased 24.23% to $9.053 billion. 在蓉外商投资企业 Foreign Enterprises in Chengdu • 截止2012年底, • Until 2012, • 外商投资企业1684家, • 1684 foreign enterprises • 累计投资357.24亿美元, • $35.7 accumulated investment • 实现销售收入2805.89亿元 • 280.6 billion yuan revenue 人民 • 全市外商投资企业从业人 数达356166人(其中,外 • 356166 employees (2235 foreign employees) 籍员工2235人)。 主要涉及产业:电子信息业、先进制造业、商业零售等高端产业 Industry: IT, advanced manufacturing, retail, etc. 成都投资发展重大机遇 Investment Opportunities in Chengdu 新一轮西部大开发 Thorough Implementation of the Go-West Policy ◆ 战略性新兴产业基地 Strategic New Emerging Industry 西部 Western Region → ◆ 能源基地 ◆ 资源深加工基地 Base Energy Base Resource Further Processing ◆ 装备制造业基地 Equipment Manufacturing Base 国家统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区 Urban and Rural Coordination Pilot Zone 2007年,国务院批准成都为国家统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区,赋予了成 都在土地管理、金融体制、公共服务等重点领域先行先试的权力。 In 2007, the State Council authorized Chengdu to become Urban and Rural Coordination Pilot Zone, which empowered Chengdu to test reforms in major aspects such as management of land, financial infrastructure, and public service. 天府新区建设 Construction of Tianfu New Area 规划总面积1578平方公里 ◆中国内陆开放门户 ◆高技术产业基地 ◆高端制造业基地 ◆西部高端服务业中心 ◆国家自主创新中心 The total planning area covers 1578 km² •Inland gateway for opening up •Hi-tech Base •Hi-end Manufacturing Base •Hi-end service center in western China •State innovation center 成都市“北改工程”的提档升级 “North Area Reconstruction” ◆优化城北路网体系 ◆改善城北老旧形态 ◆调整城北产业结构 ◆提升城北人居环境 •Optimize the road system in the north area •Improve the old structure in the north area •Upgrade the industry in the north area •Enhance the living environment in the north area 成都招商引资方向 Investment Promotion Orientations 突出重点产业“招大引强” Emphasize on Major Industries and “Attract Leading Companies” 1. 先进制造业 Advanced manufacturing industry: (1)战略性新兴产业:新一代信息技术,新能源产业,新材料 产业,生物医药产业,高端装备制造业,节能环保产业, 新能源汽车 Strategic emerging industries: next-generation IT, new energy, new materials, biopharmaceutics, advanced equipment manufacture, energy conservation and environment protection, and new energy automobile industry (2)特色优势产业:电子信息、汽车、机械 Industries with advantageous features: IT, automobile, and machine industry 2. 现代服务业招商 Modern service industry: (1)总部及生产性服务业:总部经济、金融业、物流业 Headquarters and manufacturing service industries: headquarters economy,finance, and logistics (2) 新兴服务业:软件和服务外包、电子商务、文化产业、健康产业 New service industries: software and service outsourcing, electronic commerce, culture, and health (3) 传统服务业:商贸业、旅游业、教育产业 Traditional service industries: commerce, tourism, and education 3.都市农业招商 Urban agriculture: (1)突出高端种业和农副产品精深加工,切实加大对拥有农业新品种、新技 术的现代农业龙头企业和农业科研机构的引进力度 High-end seeding industry and intensive processing of agricultural and sideline products (2)结合世界生态田园城市示范线建设,大力引进休闲农业、观光农业等“ 一、三互动”项目 The world ecological urban agricultural city demonstration line, e.g., leisureand tourism- agriculture 谢谢! 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