EPDM Item Revision 3-29-11

Enhancements From R6, R7.x to R9
Enterprise Product Data Management
David Kemp
Current Item Revision
• The current Item Revision replaces the Item
Master as the source of the item related
information for the XA essentials applications:
Current Item Revision
• If multiple Item Revisions exist for a Site/Item
combination, the current Item Revision is
determined by the Effective From and
Effective To dates. The Current Item Revision
function utilizes the following criteria:
Current Item Revision Example
Current Item Revision
If no Item Revisions are effective for the system
date but previous item revisions exist, EPDM
selects the current based on:
Current Item Revision
If no Item Revisions are effective for the system
date and no previous item revisions exist but
future item revisions do exist, EPDM selects
the current based on:
Item Revision Control Function
• Performs analysis whenever Item Revisions
are updated
• Performs analysis whenever System Date
changes, usually run at midnight (unattached
• Can be run anytime as a host job for a
selected Site
Item Revision Control Function
Host Job in the Site Object
Item Revision Control Function
Item Revision Control Function
• Updates Item Site file with current revision
• Logs change transaction for Item Site to
maintenance history
• If Unit Cost Default is the cost basis, and the
UCD is different, EPDM generates a CU
• If the Revision has been released and the Auto
Sync attribute is Yes, updates the Item Master
New Object: Item Site File
Item Site File
Item Revision Control
Item Revision Control
Item Revision Control
Controlled Attributes
• Some attributes of Item Revisions are
controlled at the Enterprise or the Site level
• If control exists at the Enterprise level, all
revisions of an item across all Sites will have
the same value for the attribute
• If control exists at the Site level, all revisions
for that Site will have the same value for the
• Prevents accidental change of the attribute
when a new Item Revision is created
Controlled Attribute
Controlled at the Enterprise Level
• Stocking Unit of Measure (UNMSR)
• Inventory Code (INVFG)
Controlled Attribute
Controlled at the Site Level
Batch/Lot Control (BLCF)
Discrete Allocations (ALLOC)
Inspect on Receipt (INTYP)
Item Type (ITTYP)
QC (Shelf Life) (QCTYP)
Shelf Life Days (QCDAY)
Controlled Attribute
Second Level of Maintenance (Security)
Controlled Attribute – 2nd Level
Item Cost Roll-up Initiated in Client
Cost Roll-up in Client
Initiate costing run from the client
• Host job from Site or Item Revision
• Include affected assemblies
Recosting this…
…automatically recosts these
Cost Roll-up – Can be Done From Site Object
Labor/Overhead Table by site
• Labor/Overhead tables by Site
– Previously was in SYSCTL
– Common to all sites
• If not common to all sites…
– Be careful when copying across sites
• Can have more codes
– Field changed to alphanumeric (36 characters)
Double-Click on Site to see Parameters
Labor Rates at Site Level
Manufacturing OH at Site Level
Purchase OH at Site Level
Data More Convenient in R9
Site Data
New Data Layout for Item Revision
Item Revision Engineering Data
Item Revision Engineering Data
Item Revision Engineering Data
Item Revision Engineering Data
Item Revision Engineering Data
Item Revision Engineering Data
Inventory Detail Inside Item Rev
Sales Data Inside Item Revision
Cost Information in Item Revision
Graphical Display Available
Costed Indented BOM Inquiry
• Costing added via Details
– Standard or Current
– Cost elements displayed for each item
• S-number filter
– Can prompt for options (same as CSM)
• Summary costs
– Options
– Effective date
– Extended quantity
Cost elements
Summary costs
Costs adjust for quantity.
Bill and costs adjust for S-number
Cost Simulation object
• Multiple runs
• Unrestricted choice of parameters (vs. green
• Results saved
• Results visible via PowerLink (vs. printout)
Simulation results
• Sort by variance
• Variance not zero
Results at total item level…
…and by cost element…
…and by summary.
Two new objects
• Base Price
• Foreign Language Description
• Both allow entry & maintenance by item
revision (not just item)
Base Prices in EPDM
New pane on Sales card.
Blue shows price in effect now.
• Now maintained in EPDM
• PDM+ not affected
The real benefits
• A tool is as good as the use you make of it
• R9 allows your company’s information infrastructure to be
– React to business needs
– New standard application function
– Instant custom function
• Unite people with better integration
– Departmental systems
– External users
– Off-site internal users
Questions ?