IBM Software Group
Per Kroll
© IBM Corporation
IBM Software Group
Chief Architect, IBM Rational Expertise
Development & Innovation (REDI)
Project lead – Eclipse Process Framework
Core Member – SWG Agile Adoption Team
(Co-) Author of
The Rational Unified Process Made Easy
– A
Practitioner’s Guide to RUP
Agility and Discipline Made Easy
– Practices from
OpenUP and RUP
IBM Software Group
IBM Software Group is Going Agile
What Is RUP?
What is agile?
Common Mistakes Implementing RUP
Learning from OpenUP
Implementing RUP – Agile Style
Future direction
Rational Team Concert
Some parting thoughts
IBM Software Group
Deliver highly consumable products that delight clients and drive revenue growth.
Consumability (noun): 1) The ease with which our customers can evaluate, buy, attain, install, and deal simply and effectively with product maintenance throughout the offering lifecycle.
Agile Development
Adopt disciplined, adaptive development approaches. Use continuous stakeholder feedback to deliver high quality and consumable code through use cases and a series of short, time-boxed iterations.
Leverage the expertise of our diverse worldwide team of 25,000 developers, IT architects and consultants.
Collaborate effectively across the team to share knowledge, assets and best practices -- driving innovation and skills across the community.
Unleash the Labs – Support the field directly in customer engagements
IBM Software Group
Guiding principles
Kotter's, Poppendieck’s, Mike Cohn, Spirit of RUP
Guiding coalition, …
More pull than push
Leverage internal success stories
Free to choose how to become agile (but shared mental picture)
Build community
Conferences, training, leverage experts
Measure progress
Simple metrics
Ensure strong executive support
IBM Software Group
Business results
5 commercial and 3 open source releases in 21 months
Releases have generally been on time with very high quality
Excellent feedback from core audience
Quality first.
Daily build, continuous integration, and continuous testing. 55% (and increasing) of 4700+ test cases are automated using Rational Functional Tester.
Teams builds software.
Distributed over 3 sites on 2 continents. Scalable infrastructure key.
Minimize waste. Rapid prototyping, Use cases. Rational Software Architect for meta-modeling
Rapid feedback and response . 6-week long iterations, always with customer feedback, often deployed.
Bug triaging / backlog management. Continuous re-factoring – e.g., always on latest eclipse release.
One extended team.
Feedback through very close interaction with many customers. Bi-weekly meetings with CAG focus groups. Iteration demo and feedback sessions with tooling focus group.
Integrated development tools. UCM with CC and CQ. Light requirements with RequisitePro. Rational
Manual Tester and Functional Tester. Architecture / meta-modeling with RSA.
Adaptive planning.
Plans the entire project at a high level, provide detailed plans only for next iteration.
Frequent rescoping, normally no changes to dates.
IBM Software Group
IBM Software Group is Going Agile
What Is RUP?
What is agile?
Common Mistakes Implementing RUP
Learning from OpenUP
Implementing RUP – Agile Style
Future direction
Rational Team Concert
Some parting thoughts
IBM Software Group
‘Process” is a loaded word, with different meanings
Software development is about people working together. A process describes such a collaboration.
A process is a means of capturing and distributing relevant knowledge and practices
Process is a basis for change (from Lean Development by Poppendieck’s)
Process is not there to curb innovation. It is an aid that should be evolved as you learn what works and what does not work
Process improvement people are not always helping. The end goal is never to follow a process, it is to achieve good results.
IBM Software Group
A set of principles
A collection of out-of-the-box processes to use as a starting point
A customizable process framework and knowledge base
supports implementation of the principles
IBM Software Group
Attack major risks early and continuously… or they attack you
Ensure that you deliver value to your customer
Have a maniacal focus on working software
Accommodate change early in the project
Baseline an executable architecture early on
Build your system with services and components
Work closely together as one team
Make quality a way of life, not an afterthought
IBM Software Group
RUP for Service-Oriented Modeling and Architecture
RUP for Maintenance Projects
RUP for COTS Package Delivery
RUP for System z
RUP for Small Projects
RUP for Medium Projects
RUP for Large Projects
RUP for Systems Engineering
RUP for Compliance Management
RUP for Asset-Based Development
RUP for Globally Distributed Development (beta)
IBM Software Group
Rational Process Library Improved!
Broad variety of method plug-ins included in Rational Method Composer
Enterprise plug-ins
IBM Rational Unified Process, or RUP
IBM Rational Method for Portfolio Management (for Initiatives)
IBM Rational Method for Program Mobilization
IBM Tivoli Unified Process (ITUP)
RUP for Asset-Based Development
RUP with ITSM/ITUP Connection
RUP for Global Development and Delivery
RUP for Global Development and Delivery Maintenance
Solution-specific plug-ins
RUP for Service-Oriented Modeling and Architecture
SOA Governance
Asset-Based Governance
RUP for Practical Software & Systems Measurement (PSM)
RUP for Compliance Management
Compliance Support
Project-specific plug-ins
RUP for COTS Package Delivery
Now a library of over 100 content packages!
RUP for System z
RUP for Maintenance Projects
RUP for Legacy Evolution
RUP for Model-Driven Systems Development (MDSD)
Standard-specific plug-ins
RUP for Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF)
Practice-specific plug-ins
RUP for User Experience Modeling
Technology/tool-specific plug-ins
RUP for Microsoft
RUP for J2EE™
RUP for Rational Application Development
RUP for Rational Software Architect
RUP Plug-in for WebSphere ® Business Modeler (beta)
RUP for Automated Software Quality
(Rational Performance Tester, Functional Tester, and Manual
A collection of out-of-the-box method content and processes that you can customize to address a diverse set of enterprise and project needs and development styles
IBM Software Group
Requirements Management (no Use Cases)
Use-Case Driven Development
Requirements Management with Use Cases
Architecture with Use Cases
Design with Use Cases
Project Management with Use Cases
Database Design
GUI Design
Operation Design
Real-Time Design
Developer Test & Debug
Configuration & Change Management
Basic CCM
Detailed CCM
Business Modeling
Business Process Modeling
Business Operations
Business Use-Case Modeling
Business Analysis Modeling
User-Experience Modeling
Load Testing
Structured Testing
Test Management
Testability Requirements
Project Management
Basic Project Management
Project Planning
Project Control
Other packages
Development Case
Project Environment
Brief templates
Detailed templates
COTS / Packaged Application
Project Management
Systems Engineering
Project Management
Service-Oriented Architecture
Asset-Based Development
Asset Production
Asset Consumption
Asset Management
Project Management
Change & Configuration
IBM Software Group
Process Management
Create, customize, publish, and enact software & systems development processes according to project needs
Leverage a rich set of process assets and guidance to capture & maintain development, management, and governance processes
Automate, integrate, and govern core business processes of software and systems delivery through an integrated set of proven, industry leading tools
Process Management & Best Practices
(with RUP)
Establish consistent processes driven by standards and best practices to support corporate governance objectives
Manage, author, configure, and deploy effective processes tailored to project needs
IBM Software Group
Provides process building blocks when constructing your own process
Do not use your top people to define basic practices, reuse what is known to work
Provides out-of-the-box processes
Dozen plus out-of-the box processes provided
Use as a starting point or as-is
Solves the ‘unique project’ versus ‘common practice’ problem
Have unique processes for different project types
Share common practices across different project types; Language, Approaches,
Oversight, Resourcing, and Reuse
Integrates Development with the rest of the organization
If Development is there to support the business, it’s processes needs to be integrated with the rest of the business
Development – Operations, Development – IT Direction, Development - Resilience
IBM Software Group
Create and manage reusable process packages (roles, tasks, artifacts, guidelines, examples, templates)
Create (low-level) reusable process patterns (e.g. design, implement and test a scenario)
Create (high-level) processes (WBS) for different project types. Optionally assembled from process patterns
Create derivatives of process packages, reference material, and processes
Provide easy upgrade to new versions of base set of process packages, reference materials and high-level processes
Ensure consistent presentation and structure of process content, including generated graphical representations
Effectively deploy best practices through Websites, guidance integrated in development environment, project management tools, business process modeling solutions
IBM Software Group
Select and configure out-of-the-box processes
Select and deselect content packages, and the process will automatically update itself
Tailoring an out-of-the-box process
Customize the process as appropriate, modify workflows
Assemble new processes rapidly using existing high-level process patterns
Reuse content packages and existing process patterns
Creating a new process bottom-up from scratch reusing method content
Build a process from scratch, leverage existing process packages where appropriate
IBM Software Group
IBM Software Group is Going Agile
What Is RUP?
What is agile?
Common Mistakes Implementing RUP
Learning from OpenUP
Implementing RUP – Agile Style
Future direction
Rational Team Concert
Some parting thoughts
IBM Software Group
| |
IBM Software Group
An iterative and incremental (evolutionary) approach performed in a highly collaborative manner with just the right amount of ceremony to produce high quality software in a cost effective and timely manner which meets the changing needs of its stakeholders.
Core principles
“Fits just right” process
Continuous testing and validation
Consistent team collaboration
Rapid response to change
Ongoing customer involvement
Frequent delivery of working software
“Agile” <capital ‘A’> – Dogmatic
“agile” <lowercase ‘a’> - Pragmatic
IBM Software Group
Compliance requirement
Low risk
Geographical distribution
Co-located Global
Entrenched process, people, and policy
Minimal Significant
Application complexity
Simple, single platform
Complex, multi-platform
Under 10 developers
Team size
100’s of developers
Organization distribution
(outsourcing, partnerships)
In-house Third party
Degree of Governance
Informal Formal
IBM Software Group
Compliance requirement
Low risk
Geographical distribution
Co-located Global
Entrenched process, people, and policy
Minimal Significant
Application complexity
Simple, single platform
Complex, multi-platform
RUP “Agility at Scale”
Under 10 developers
Team size
100’s of developers
Organization distribution
(outsourcing, partnerships)
In-house Third party
Degree of Governance
Informal Formal
IBM Software Group
IBM Software Group is Going Agile
What Is RUP?
What is agile?
Common Mistakes Implementing RUP
Learning from OpenUP
Implementing RUP – Agile Style
Future direction
Rational Team Concert
Some parting thoughts
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Few risk, sequential
Late integration and testing
Little documentation
Light process
Low ceremony
High ceremony
Risk driven
Continuous integration and testing
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Few risk, sequential
Late integration and testing
Little documentation
Light process
Low ceremony
Agile Sweet Spot
Agility at Scale
Risk driven
Continuous integration and testing
High ceremony
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Common language
Common Practices
Few risk, sequential
Late integration and testing
Flexible resourcing
RUP Framework
Low Ceremony
Little documentation
Light process
RUP for large-scale SOA
RUP for
Sys Eng
High Ceremony
Risk driven
Continuous integration and testing
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Few risk, sequential
Late integration and testing
Little documentation
Light process
Low ceremony
Adopting RUP is not about adopting a terminology, but the
“spirit” of RUP
High ceremony
Risk driven
Continuous integration and testing
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Too much formality / too many artifacts
Only produce the artifacts that add value, minimize formality if possible
Use informal resources (brief document templates) and not formal resources
When in doubt of value, don’t do it
Analysis Paralysis
You can improve upon things later on – move on
Focus on phase objectives. E.g. Inception is NOT about describing all requirements in detail
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Following a waterfall process, versus RUP’s iterative processes
Look beyond a flawed 5-minute perception of what RUP phases are about…
Produce working (tested) code every iteration (exception maybe Inception)
Big Upfront Architecture
Problem: Complete misunderstanding of what
Elaboration is about
RUP focuses on rapidly producing an Executable
10-20% of code, critical capabilities implemented, not a lot of paper design
Save the tricky part for later
Attack risks early, or they attack you
Hard on you now, but makes life easier later
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Functional, Specialized Organization
Teams of generalists and multitasking experts
No place for “I only do <X>” mentality
No customer feedback until a late beta
Unlikely to build the right product
A lot of waste
No willingness to change things
Change enables improvement
Your process is stagnant versus evolving
Document changes in development case
IBM Software Group | Rational software
No developer testing
You can have a separate test team, but that does not free developers from having to build (and test) their application
Dedicated test team only if very complex environments and/or mission- or safety-critical systems
Continuous integration not happening
Daily build (or more frequently) minimizes rework
Testing not initiated until end of construction
You are unlikely to meet deadlines
IBM Software Group | Rational software
IBM Software Group is Going Agile
What Is RUP?
What is agile?
Common Mistakes Implementing RUP
Learning from OpenUP
Implementing RUP – Agile Style
Future direction
Rational Team Concert
Some parting thoughts
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Eclipse Way
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Iteration planning
A few hours
Stable weekly build Stable iteration build
Iteration review /
A few hours
A few days
Upfront planning and architecture
Continuous micro-increments / bug-fixing / builds
Continuous bug-fixing / micro-increments / builds
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Motivate team members
– coaching and leading, not directing
Decision making – People closest to the decision make the decision
Success - Team success is individual success, and vice-versa
Estimation – prove yourself right
Work assignment - Pull instead of push model
Manager still accountable
It is about involvement and respect, not wool sweaters and hugging
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Each micro-increment
corresponds to 0.5-3 days person days of work
is added (and removed if necessary) to the build
needs to be properly tested
Needs to looked upon (requirements, design, implementation and testing) from a uservalue perspective (use-case driven)
A month-long iteration with 20 developers would consists of ~200 microincrements
Micro-increments provides the team with the ability to manage and demonstrate continuous progress
Micro-increments applies to any type of project activity
IBM Software Group | Rational software
High Priority
High-priority work items should be well-defined
Low-priority work items can be vague
Low Priority
Work Item List
Each iteration implements the highest-priority work items
New work items can be added at any time
Work items can be reprioritized at any time
Work items can be removed at any time
IBM Software Group | Rational software
IBM Software Group | Rational software
IBM Software Group is Going Agile
What Is RUP?
What is agile?
Common Mistakes Implementing RUP
Learning from OpenUP
Implementing RUP – Agile Style
Future direction
Rational Team Concert
Some parting thoughts
IBM Software Group
Follow RUP’s agile practices
Shared vision
Regular delivery of working software
Active stakeholder participation
Test-Driven Development (TDD)
Continuous builds
Early and frequent system-level testing
Just enough process
Add additional agile practices:
Self organization
Micro increments managed by work items
Iteration Lifecycle (what do you do at what week within an iteration)
Leverage RUP’s content around agility at scale
Guidance on how to deal with complexity drivers
IBM Software Group
Start with a small out-of-the-box process
RUP for Small Projects / RUP for Maintenance
Customize it to meet your needs
Make it smaller by deselecting content packages not needed
Remove artifacts not needed (additional support for this in RMC 7.2)
Publish the (delivery) process
Choose to publish only the delivery process, versus entire configuration
Leverage Development Case
A 1-3 page description of the process you use
Reference your RUP process and other sources, no need to duplicate info
Improve the process every iteration
Update development case after each iteration review / retrospective
Update delivery process if significant changes
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Major Milestones
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition
Inception: Agreement on overall scope
Vision, high-level requirements, business case
Not detailed requirements
Elaboration: Agreement on design approach and mitigation of major risks
Baseline architecture, key capabilities partially implemented
Not detailed design
Construction: Agreement on complete operational system
Develop a beta release with full functionality
Transition: Validate and implement solution
Stakeholder acceptance, cutover to production
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Typically one short iteration
Produce vision document and initial business case
Only produce what has value
Develop high-level project requirements
Initial use-case and (optional) domain models (10-20% complete)
Focus on what is required to get agreement on ‘big picture’
Manage project scope
Reduce risk by identifying key requirements
Acknowledge that requirements will change
Manage change, use iterative process
Produce conceptual prototypes as needed
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Inception: 5 people, 2 weeks (for a 6 month project) => 400 hours
2 hour joint UC workshop with key stakeholders ~10 hours
15 UCs, 4 critical, 5 important, 6 less important
Outline UCs: 4 hours per critical, 2 per important, and 1 per less important ~ 32
Includes some potential UI mockups
UC walkthrough: 1 hour per important UC, 30 min for all others x 5 people ~ 48 hours
Focus is on extended team converging on what application they are building, not to lock down on requirements
Further updates based on walkthrough ~ 10 hours
Discussion: Is it worth to spend ~100 hours on getting concurrence on an initial UC
Note – we know the UC model will evolve as project progresses
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Elaboration can be a day long or several iterations
Balance mitigating key technical and business risks with producing value (tested code)
Detail ~top 3 rd most essential requirements (so you can estimate and prioritize)
Produce (and validate) an executable and stable architecture
Define, implement and test interfaces of major components. Partially implement some key components.
Identify dependencies on external components and systems. Integrate shells/proxies of them.
Roughly 10% of code is implemented.
Drive architecture with key use cases
20% of use cases drive 80% of the architecture
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Incrementally define, design, implement and test more and more scenarios
Incrementally evolve executable architecture to complete system
Evolve architecture as you go along
Frequent demonstrations and partial deployment
Partial deployment strategy depends greatly on what system you build
Daily build with automated build process
You may have to have a separate test team if you have
Complex test environments
Safety or mission critical systems
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Project moves from focusing on new capabilities to stabilizing and tuning
Produce incremental ‘bug-fix’ releases
Update user manuals and deployment documentation
Execute cut-over
Conduct “post-mortem” project analysis
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Governance Body
Staged Program
Project Pipeline
Align HR Policies With IT
Align Stakeholder Policies
With IT Values
Mission &
Roles &
Promote Self-Organizing Teams
Align Team Structure With
Iterative Development
Adapt The Process
Risk-Based Milestones
Continuous Improvement
Embedded Compliance
Policies &
Simple And
Relevant Metrics
Continuous Project
Integrated Lifecycle Environment
Valued Corporate Assets
Flexible Architectures
IBM Software Group | Rational software
IBM Software Group is Going Agile
What Is RUP?
What is agile?
Common Mistakes Implementing RUP
Learning from OpenUP
Implementing RUP – Agile Style
Future direction
Rational Team Concert
Some parting thoughts
IBM Software Group | Rational software
This presentation covers current capabilities as well as potential future capabilities.
The material discussing potential futures is directional in nature and does not imply any product commitment on the part of IBM.
Concepts and prototypes shown in this presentation may or may not reflect current or future product function.
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Easily configure the process to match your needs
Incrementally add practices as you need them
Develop a library of practices with minimum of dependencies between practices
Different companies can develop practices that work together, assuming they follow certain ‘interface specifications’
Has the potential of focusing the industry on documentation of effective practices vs. “process branding wars”
Removes distractions
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Practices for the
Agile Business
Practices for
Scaling Projects
2008 Focus
Practices for the
Small Agile Project
We cover a spectrum Practices for the Small non-Agile Project
IBM Software Group | Rational software
CMMI level 2
Measured Capability Improvement
Open Source
Req. Def. & Mgmt
Stakeholder Req
Req. Definition
Architecture Mgmt
Operational Modeling
Service modeling
Quality Management
Test Management
Performance Testing
Functional Testing
SOA Testing
Security Testing
Staged integration
ScaleUP Practices
Shared Vision
UC-Driven development
Risk-value lifecycle
Agile Architecture
Evolutionary Design
Iterative development
Release planning
Whole Team
Agile Kernel
Continuous Integration
Agile / Acceptance Testing
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Problem - Everybody wants their own roles
OpenUP, RUP, Scrum, XP, …
Job functions, Company X, Company Y, …
Project Manager
• OpenUP
Solution - Late role assignment
Use your own role names
Make very precise responsibility assignments - exactly your own
Replaces some of the needs for the development case
• XP
Scrum Master
Product Owner
• Scrum
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Customer Business
Create financial products more quickly
Functionality of customer web falling behind competition
Inconsistencies with integrated financial reporting
Recent SOX Audit failure
Improve Oversight
Generic Business Objectives
Reduce Time-to-Market
Improve productivity
Increase innovation
Improve consistency / predictability
Improve Oversight
Enable Flexible /
Global Resourcing
Satisfy Compliance Mandate
Target – Phase 1
Already Implemented
Outside Scope
Iterative Development
Continuous Integration
Shared Vision
Whole Team
Staged Integration
Multi-Team Management
Asset-Based Development
Asset Governance
Use-Case Driven
SOA Modeling
Enterprise SOA
SOA Governance,
Arch. Modeling
Functional Testing
Test Mgmt
Structured Testing
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Measure and correlate outcome to practice adoption
Measure level of practice adoption on scale of 0-10
Ration al
Gover nance
Metho d
Correlation can over time be done between practice adoption and outcome. Example:
“Customers improving adoption of iterative dev by 4 or more, on average reduce TTM by 30%.”
IBM Software Group | Rational software
IBM Software Group is Going Agile
What Is RUP?
What is agile?
Common Mistakes Implementing RUP
Learning from OpenUP
Implementing RUP – Agile Style
Future direction
Rational Team Concert
Some parting thoughts
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Created by IBM to drive innovation in collaborative software development, building upon the success of Eclipse
A project, led by the team that brought us Eclipse, automating the best practices of this proven open community
A major investment by IBM to shape the direction of our portfolio for years to come marrying the innovation from
with IBM's experience in collaboration and social networking technology
“Simplicity through consistency, collaboration in context. Agility through transparency. Jazz is about helping people work together to deliver software more effectively.”
IBM Software Group | Rational software
The value of the technology?
Enables teams to collaborate in real time in the context of the work they are doing
Provides visibility into accurate real-time project health information drawn directly from actual work across the team
Automates traceability and auditability by managing artifacts and their interrelationships across the lifecycle
Enables custom process enactment via process automation & definable checkpoints
Provides an extensible technology platform for building products & adapters
The Platform
An Open, Services Or i ented Architecture
Eclipse Client
Jazz Client Extensions
Eclipse Platform
Lotus Sametime or open source Jabber
Web 2.0 or
Web Services clients
Team Server
Web UI Jazz Server Extensions
Jazz Kernel
Eclipse Equinox
J2EE Web Services
DB2 or open source Derby
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Secure Eclipse & Web 2.0 clients
Globally distributed projects
Agile Plug-ins
Asset Manager
Adaptive process enactment
Real-time collaboration and project information
“in context”
Dynamic artifact relationships
Powered by
Beta 2
New Products for Agile
Incubators etc …
IBM Software Group | Rational software
Enact RMC-based processes (RUP, OpenUP,
Eclipse Way, XP, Scrum, …) in Jazz-based tools
Access Jazz process template capabilities within
Assemble a Jazz process template by configuring your process in RMC
Change the behavior of your Jazz-based tools to reflect your documented process
Keep process documentation in synch with process enactment capabilities
Instantiate tasks and artifacts through process enactment extensions.
Available in any Jazz-based tools.
Collaborative process authoring
Leverage Jazz collaboration technology to provide a more powerful process authoring environment
Provide process development governance
Rational Method
Author, Configure, and Publish.
Keep documented and enactable processes in synch.
Collaborative process authoring
View Process
Instantiate tasks and artifact, prepopulated with relevant information.
Team Server DB2 or open source Derby
Jazz Beta 2 (mid Dec) includes OpenUP 1.0 extended with Jazz process templates and tool mentors.
IBM Software Group | Rational software
IBM Software Group is Going Agile
What Is RUP?
What is agile?
Common Mistakes Implementing RUP
Learning from OpenUP
Implementing RUP – Agile Style
Future direction
Rational Team Concert
Some parting thoughts
IBM Software Group
Focus on principles of RUP
Chose a version of RUP suitable for your projects
Further customize it, and use development case as a living document
Only use what adds value to your project
Most artifacts are there to aid collaboration. Use them as such.
Some artifacts provides crucial persistency (audits, maintenance, extended audience, contractual situations, oversight, …)
A process is a baseline, evolve it as you improve
Do not let the “process police” dictate what makes sense
If you like practices outside RUP, include them
IBM Software Group
Agile Development is transforming how development is done
Placing greater demand on people, processes and tools
Agile can scale to accommodate technical and organizational complexity
Agility at Scale has unique needs
IBM Rational and partners brings a wealth of knowledge to help companies succeed in complex environments
IBM Rational is forging new ground in Agile Development
Bringing technology, services and best practices to help customers reduce the risk of Agile projects
Investing significant resources to improve Agile success
IBM Software Group
All in one page:
Rational Team Concert / Jazz:
EPF / OpenUP:
Guidance on incremental adoption of a process:
Agility and Discipline Made Easy – Practices from OpenUP and RUP , Kroll and MacIsaac, Addison-Wesley, 2005
IBM Software Group
IBM Software Group