能源與氣候變遷問題是全球必須共同面對的重大挑戰,而發展再生能源為目前各國最重要的因應對 策之一,除了太陽能、生質能、水力等以外,離岸風電及海洋能源亦是極龐大而不可忽視之再生能源! 經濟部能源局委託工業技術研究院與英國貿易文化辦事處共同辦理的「臺英離岸風電暨海洋能研討 會」,即將於10/11登場!將邀請英國專家來臺分享最新的發展與經驗,再次開啟臺英雙方於再生能源 領域之交流與合作,敬請蒞臨~ 時間:101年10月11日(星期四) 地點:台北國際會議中心102會議室 (台北市信義路五段1號) 主辦單位:經濟部能源局、英國貿易文化辦事處 執行單位:工業技術研究院 議程: Time 08:30-09:00 Topic Registration Speaker 報到 09:00-09:10 Opening 開幕致詞 Representative of Ministry of Economic Affairs Mr. David Campbell, Director of British Trade & Cultural Office 09:10-09:20 Policy and Promotion of Offshore Wind Power in Taiwan 臺灣離岸風電政策推動 Dr. Ssu-Yuan Hu Thousand Wind Turbines Promotion Office. BOE 胡斯遠博士, 經濟部能源局 千架海陸風力機計畫推動辦公室 09:20-09 :30 我國離岸風力產業推動 09:30-09:40 Overview on UK Renewable Energy Policy 10:40-10:55 Windfarm Access - Maximising Availability, Minimising Risk Risk and Innovations in Offshore Wind Engineering Projects Tea/Coffee Break 10:55-11:25 Marine Renewable Energy - Overview of Services 11:25-11:55 To be confirmed 11:55-12:25 Integrity Management of Offshore Wind Structures 12:25-12:35 12:35-13:15 Q&A Lunch 13:15-13:25 Development and Prospect of Ocean Energy in Taiwan 我國海洋能發展與願景 13:25-13:35 Tidal Current Power Generation Systems Development Projects in Taiwan 台灣海域潮流發電自主研發總體發展計畫 13:35-14:05 The Benefits of a Marine Renewable Test Centre 14:05-14:35 UK Co-operation with China and Korea on Ocean Energy Technologies 14:35-15:05 To be confirmed 15:05-15:20 Tea/Coffee Break 15:20-15:50 Offshore Operation and Maintenance 09:40-10:10 10:10-10:40 15:50-16:20 16:20-16:50 16:50-17:20 17:20-17:30 邀請中 John Buckley Global Value Chain Specialist, UK Trade & Investment Mr. Richard Colwill Managing Director, BMT Asia Dr. Wangwen Zhao Technical Director, Mott MacDonald Dr. Pui Lee Vun Business Manager (SE Asia), HR Wallingford Mr. Jeff James Business Delivery Manager – Asia Pacific, Furgo Geotechinical Division Prof. Tat-Hean Gan Technology Group Manager, TWI Ltd Dr. Sheng-Chung Lo Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute 羅聖宗博士, 工業技術研究院 綠能與環境研究所 Dr. Ruey-Chy Kao Deputy Director , Tainan Hydraulics Laboratory National Cheng Kung University 高瑞棋 副所長, 國立成功大學水工試驗所 Mr. Richard Morris Commercial Director, The European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) Limited Prof. Bernard McNelis Managing Director, IT Power Mr. Joo-Kek Lim Regional Sales Manager, JDR Cable Systems Ltd Mr. Mathias Steck Senior Vice President, Regional Manager Asia Pacific, GL Garrad Hassan Exploring The Use of Suction Caisson Foundations for Ms. Dora Shum an Offshore Wind Farm in Hong Kong Associate Director, Arup Offshore Wind Turbine Drivetrain for Lowest Total Dr. Xiaobing Hu Lifecycle Cost (TLC): Next Generation Design, O&M Director of Drivetrain & Director of China, Romax Strategy, Health Monitoring, and Failure Prediction Technology Limited Wind Flow Characterisation Using Scanning LiDAR Mr. Ian Irvine and What This Means for Offshore Wind Projects Technical Director, Sgurr Energy Q&A 活動網址:http://re.org.tw 報名方式:請於線上報名,即日起至10/5止,名額有限,欲報名者從速~ 聯絡人:張宇欣 小姐 (02)8772-0089 分機807 SingerChang@itri.org.tw