About National ICT Careers Week

Splash page
2013 National ICT
Careers Week
29 July – 4 August
Start Here Go Anywhere
What is the National ICT
Careers Week
• During one week from 29 July – 4 August 2013
and across Australia, we want to show the
opportunities available to young people in
information and communications technology.
• We want to encourage young people to consider
studying ICT after their schooling and to consider
a career in ICT.
• We want them to see studying computing and
communications is the start to a rewarding,
interesting and social career anywhere in the
Our reason for National ICT
Careers Week
• ICT people are in demand
• Young people may not know that ICT
people are in demand
• The Australian ICT industry (and its
customers) require people with the
appropriate ICT qualifications and
training in the short and long term.
• Australian governments need people
with ICT skills to add to the nation’s
ICT - impacts everything,
In Australia, the application of technology
helps drive significant upswings in
economic productivity.
Technology impacts every part of our
economy – from health, education,
environment and security to research &
development, oil & gas exploration,
manufacturing, tourism and transport.
ICT connects with state and
national priorities
Our nation and state face many challenges
• Climate change & energy
• Global economic climate
• Investment in technologies
• Employment constraints
• Education
• Health
• Security
• An ageing population
The application of ICT is vital for enabling
the solutions to these pressing, key
ICT - driving the Australian
• ICT is the fundamental driver of employment in
both the ICT industry and across other industries,
employing over 500,000 Australians.
• ICT accounts for around 7.74% of Australia’s
total GDP (about the same as mining).
• Australia’s ICT revenue is currently around $82
billion pa.
• ICT contributes AUD$4.5 billion in export.
• ICT R&D is AUD$5.2 billion
• ICT jobs will increase by 14,000 & 21,000 in next
two years
• The Australian ICT industry comprises over
25,000 companies.
Our messages to young
ICT is about working with people, solving problems,
finding solutions and making a difference to people’s
ICT is a truly global career – your work in ICT can take
you round the world
ICT offers cool jobs, earning awesome money with a
great lifestyle
ICT creates opportunities for entertainment for
Participating organisations
Industry and business associations
ICT industry
ICT professional associations
Women in ICT Groups
Science, ICT school teachers groups
Tertiary educators
VET educators
Federal Government
State Government agencies
Careers advisers
Other groups and organisations
Types of activities and
These include:
• having State Premier or Territory Chief Minister
release a supportive media release
• re-branding an existing career activity happening
in that week
• school ICT student visits
• demonstrations of ICT in use
• visits to ICT companies and ICT faculties and
• briefing of journalists
• ICT study information on company web sites
• briefing to ICT school teachers
• promoting ICT study on the front page on
university and TAFE web sites
Keynote events
• Keynote events will be arranged to have the
campaign endorsed by key people/organisations
such as Premiers and Chief Ministers, relevant
Federal and State Ministers of education and
innovation, heads of peak organisations,
influential young celebrities.
• These keynote events/stunts will help draw
attention to the campaign for parents, teachers
and other influencers. If possible, these keynote
events will draw TV coverage.
• Participating organisations will be asked to either
suggest keynote events, or to arrange a keynote
Media engagement
• Journalists with interests in ICT careers and
studies will be identified and contacted about the
National ICT Careers Week.
• Participating organisations will be encouraged to
use their existing media relationships.
• Journalists will be encouraged to contact the
participating organisations to allow for individual
media relationships for the National ICT Careers
• Journalists will be briefed about the campaign,
the participating organisations, and the collection
portal. In addition, information and data on ICT
employment etc will be provided so they have a
common set of data points.
A single brand
• Participating organisations are encouraged to
use the National ICT Careers Week banners to
be recognised as a participating organisation.
• The immediate advantages of having single and
national brand to market ICT study and careers
to young people are that:
• the clutter of images associated with ICT
marketing is reduced, and
• various groups can use the brand within a
relaxed and distributed regime of
deployment while achieving an overall
integrated marketing appearance.
Coordination and support
• The Careers Week is managed under the
auspices of a small steering committee.
• This committee is providing the coordination and
back office functions to support the National ICT
Careers Week.
• Australian Computer Society (ACS), Australian
Computer Society Foundation (ACSF), Australian
Information Industry Association (AIIA),
Australian Council of ICT Deans (ACICTD),
TAFE Directors’ Association (TDA), and the
Australian Government Information Management
Office (AGIMO)
More information