Digital television as a backup warning system for the means of Civil

Digital television as a backup
warning system for the means
of Civil Defense and Emergency
Modern television
Modern digital television provides not only
multi programming, but also targeting
Operators are able to communicate with the subscriber through
targeted communication, including public warning messages about
Emergency situations and for the needs of Civil Defense.
Video on demand
Tele Internet
TV chat
Targeted messages with
Emergency warning
Modern television
Modern digital television operators are able
to act as a backup public warning system
throughout Russia for the means of Civil
Defense and Emergency notification.
For instance: the digital TV operator «Tricolor TV»
• Has 20 million subscribers in Russia;
• Provides delivery of targeted information about Civil
Defense and Emergency situations to subscribers;
• Safe technical platform for reception of the target
information about Civil Defense and Emergencies by
the subscribers;
• Resources for the modernization of “Tricolor TV”
systems to provide this public warning services.
Technical background
«Tricolor TV» already now provides technical background
for the receival of messages about Civil Defense and
Emergencies by the Russian population.
Set-top box GS-8300
• Built-in speaker which audiably allerts the audience
• Support of the control system middleware for operators functioning
(CSMW) GS 3.0
Built-in speaker
Technical background
Messages about Civil Defense and Emergency situations are
delivered to the addressee even when the television is
switched off
Requirements for system performance
Functioning Satellite
The presence of trained staff at the control station
Provision of current or backup generator at the satellite's service station
Availability of the turned-on television
The built-in speaker allows the sending of an audio message about Civil
Defense and Emergency even whn the television is switched off
Has been used by the largest satellite TV operator in Russia
“Tricolor TV” for the last 2 years. 20 mln subscribers in the
European territory of Russia, in the Urals, Siberia and parts of the
Far Eastern Federal District.
• CSMW GS 3.0. allows the creation of a single network of television
broadcasting, uniting terrestrial, satellite and cable digital TV;
• Provides the centralized management of national broadcasting
system and Civil Defence & Emergency warning;
• Allows the maximum use of opportunities of digital broadcasting
Opportunities of TV digitalization
With the planned coverage of 95% of the population with digital
television there are opportunities for:
• Prompt deployment of back-up public warning system in Russia on
occasions of Civil Defense and Emergencies;
• Implementation of the part of e-Government functions*
23 мая 2009 года
Вступили в силу изменения
штрафов за нарушение ПДД
*Full implementation of electronic government function is possible in case of availability of feedback channel
Means of Emergency warning
In digital satellite television
Total disconnection
of electricity!
Single control center
Urgently show up at
meeting point № 1
Means of Emergency warning
In digital terrestrial TV
Total disconnection
of electricity!
TV is OFF!
Single control center
Urgently show up at
meeting point № 1
Deployment of alarm system
The operator on request of the regional center of
Emergency Control Ministry sends message to
subscribers by a certain criteria:
• Regional (region, republic, area)
• Territorial (area of disaster)
Informational message is accompanied with the audio command
from the built-in receiver’s speaker
Means of emergency warning
On regional criteria
Saint Petersburg
Flooding on Vasiljevsky
Ammonia spill!
Chemical Alert
Single control center
Means of emergency warning
On regional criteria
Saint Petersburg
Flooding on Vasiljevsky
Ammonia spill!
Chemical Alert
Single control center
Deployment of alarm system
For the creation of an efficient warning system it is
necessary to:
• Create a single focal point for digital TV operators and emergency
control ministry;
• to provide citizens, places when large numbers of people gather and
social institutions with digital TV receiving equipment (set-top boxes);
• to equip offices of top management, responsible for Civil Defence and
Emergency management with set-top boxes.
• Reduces the cost of a backup warning system for the means of Civil
Defense and Emergency management due to the use of existing
infrastructure and operators experience;
• Guaranteed public warning with the help of main and backup
warning systems;
• Centralized management of backup alarm system of Civil Defense
and Emergency occurrence;
• Implementation of a television digitalization program in Russia
provides general public access to the backup warning system of
Civil Defense and Emergency occurrence;
• Development and successful functioning of the technological
platform of the backup warning system.
General Satellite Corporation
 18 years experienve in the satellite and over-the-air television markets of Russia.
 The largest European manufacturer of set-top boxes (terrestrial, satellite, cable,
 Its own unique for the CIS territory developments of conditional access systems
and middleware
 Developer of the unique control system middleware for operator functioning
 Experience of participation in digitalization programs of terrestrial and satellite
television and High Definition television in Russia, CIS and far abroad.