Presentation Jesper Engdahl - GINA

Developments in Standardisation
for Road Pricing
GINA Workshop - 9 June 2011
Jesper Engdahl
Convenor of CEN/TC278/WG1 on Electronic Fee Collection
EFC standardisation - background
What is a standard?
A document approved by recognized body (CEN, ISO etc)
Voluntary in application
Intended for repeated use
Benefits – support for agreements
Interoperability of products and services
Open and competitive market development
Standards are more stable and enjoy broader market acceptance than
project / industry specifications
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011
What support do EFC standards bring?
Technical tool-box standards
Necessary but not sufficient basis for compatibility
Why? Changing requirements, evolving or changing technology, lack of
experiences, lack of common view
Interoperable application profile (“IAP”) standards
Coherent selection of choices in underlying base standards – sufficient
basis for compatibility
Based on common policies and services agreed/defined by stakeholders
Test standards
Assessment of conformity to specification
Maintenance of standards
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011
Overview – EFC related standards
Architecture & technology independent
System architecture, information exchange, security guidelines, charging
performance, non-metallised windscreen aperture
Dedicated short-range communication (DSRC)-based EFC
DSRC, application data, functions, security and tests
Autonomous EFC
Charging, communication, update, roaming,
compliance checking and localisation support
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011
Architecture & technology independent - status
7 standards
ISO 17573, FprEN ISO FDIS 12855, TR 16092, TR 16152, TR 16040, TR
16219, TS 17574
Need for more work on technical standards?
Security Framework - ongoing
Test standards for Information exchange (12855)?
Profiles for Information exchange?
Other needs?
Consensus processes between stakeholders
Contractual agreements, experiences
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011
DSRC-based EFC - status
6 standards
Need for more work on technical standards?
Security Framework – ongoing
Charging performance – started
EN ISO 14906, TS 14907-1/2, EN 15509, EN 15876-1/2
Most standardisation work is done
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011
Autonomous EFC - status
18 standards
Need for more work on technical standards?
Interoperability application profiles - ongoing
Security Framework - ongoing
Charging performance – started
Other needs?
Consensus processes between stakeholders
TS 17575-1/2/3/4, TS 16407-1/2, TS 16401-1/2, TS 16410-1/2, TS 164031/2, TS 12813, TS 13143-1/2, TS 13141, TS 13140-1/2
Set of base standards finalised
Need to update the first editions based on experiences from the field
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011
EFC application standards overview
DSRC-based EFC
Test Procedures
EFC Architecture
Security Profiles
Security framework
Info Exchange
AID, IC-cards
Secure monitoring /
Trusted recorder
IAP Test
TR 16040
Urban DSRC systems
IAP for Auto-EFC
First Mount OBE
TR 16092
Pre-Paid Req.
Value Added Serv.
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011
CCC for Auto-EFC
13143-1 (/2)
CCC Test
LAC for Auto-EFC
13140-1 (/2)
LAC Test
EFC standards and the European Electronic Toll
Service (EETS)
Not the same scope
- EETS is a single service
- EFC standards support broader technical needs
EFC standardisation supports the EETS
- by providing technical building blocks…
- … but does not have the task to deliver ”turn key” standards for the EETS
- ... this is up to the owner of the EETS
- non-technical aspects are outside the scope of CEN
Legislators decide on the legal status of standards; EN 15509
“IAP for DSRC” is part of the EETS
EC’s Application Guide refers to the EFC standards - not
legally binding
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011
EFC standards - Summary
Comprehensive set of EFC standards
21 published
9 subject to final approval
Broad market acceptance
DSRC-based EFC: used in more than 40 countries, 140 systems, 50 mio
Autonomous EFC: market under development
Systematic review of published standards
Incorporation of lessons learnt and technology advancement
...relevant in particular for the autonomous EFC standards
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011
Want to know more or participate?
Coordination of EFC standardisation : CEN/TC278/WG1
Jesper Engdahl, WG1 Convenor
Rapp Trans AG
Phone +41 61 335 78 53
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011
Johan Hedin, WG1 Secretary
Hybris Konsult AB
Phone: +46 8 658 15 25
Is there a need for additional EFC standardisation?
CEN continues to support the European Electronic Toll Service
Under preparation
- IAP for autonomous systems (H2/2011)
- Charging performance metrics (H2/2012)
- Security framework (ditto)
Loose ideas for future standardisation
- Secure monitoring and trusted recorder
- Suitability for use testing support
- EFC application on a cooperative ITS station platform ...
but also broader stakeholder needs – what are your needs?
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011
EETS and EFC standards
EC co-financed work programme largely delivered
• 14 published
• 10 subject to formal vote – “Info exchange” and 9 test standards – publication
expected by H2 / 2011
• 3 on-going – publication expected by H2/2012
27 CEN standards support the interface definitions of the EETS
• DSRC-based (6 standards)
• Autonomous systems (18 standards)
• Technology independent (3 standards)
Interface 1
DSRC charging data (EN 15509 + 15876-1/2)
Compliance checking (TS 12813 + 13143-1/2)
Localisation augmentation (TS 13141 + 13140-1/2)
Interface 3
Toll declaration data, invoicing, exception handling,
black lists and toll context data (prEN ISO 12855)
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011
Reflections on challenges for the EETS
Governance : ownership and management of the service
Business case (EETS Service providers ...)
Scalability and complexity
- Toll domain statements & Toll Chargers’ requirements
- Service level agreements ...
Conformity to specifications and suitability for use
- Conformity to specifications : harmonization between Member States?
- Suitability for use : harmonization between Toll Chargers?
- A golden common test bench could accelerate this process?
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011
Overall programme of PTs
12 PTs – 26 main deliverables
3 European standards (ENs)
19 Technical specifications (TS)
4 Technical reports (TRs)
4 PTs finished their tasks
8 PTs active, 4 PTs recently launched - awaited progress on
the autonomous reqs suite
Main deliverables – achievements to date
DSRC : 1 EN approved
Autonomous : 4 TS published/approved
Submitted for formal vote : 4 TS, 2 TR
All works started, some are in an advanced stage
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011
Recent progress highlights (1)
Interoperable application profile (IAP) for CEN DSRC
Testing standards (15876-1/2): Support for conformity evaluation and notified
Part 1 Test suite structure and test purposes – “human readable part”: approved
Part 2 Abstract test suite – “machine readable part”: 5 months enquiry completed
Application interface definition for autonomous systems (17575)
Part 1 “Charging” & Part 2 “Communication” : approved
Part 3 “Update” & Part 4 “Roaming” : submitted for formal vote
Testing – 2 WIs approved, 2 NWI proposals subject to approval; 4 draft NWI
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011
Recent progress highlights (2)
OBE localization augmentation (13141 + 13140-1/2)
Means to improve accuracy and availability
Requirements (13141) – approved
Testing Part 1 (13140-1) – submitted for formal vote
Information exchange between Service provision and Toll
charging (12855)
Charging data, black / hot list, report billing details, claim for service usage,
enforcement related data
Subject to 5 months CEN enquiry
Compliance checking communication (12813 + 13143-1/2)
Use : OBE in correct vehicle, vehicle data and OBE operational status
Scope: DSRC compliance initialization and interrogation model; functions, data
and security
Requirements (12813) published
Testing Part 1 (13143-1) – submitted for formal vote
Testing Part 2 (13143-2) – TC review completed
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011
Team of EFC standardisation experts
by courtesy of Abertis Infraestructuras, S.A.
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011
Charging performance metrics
and examination framework (1)
Metrics for measuring charging performance in order to define acceptable level
of errors for charging
Methods to ensure repeatability and comparability of test results
Focused on GNSS-EFC methods, but parts are applicable also to DSRC/RFID
(NFC-class) -based EFC systems
Representative of all potential road charging schemes as identified for EETS in
CEN ISO/TS 17575
Charging performance, not positioning performance or interface and other
technical properties
Independent of system design and internal OBE architecture
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011
Charging performance metrics
and examination framework (2)
Address and formalize performance requirements definition and metrics - Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Reliable and measurable charging is fundamental for Service level agreements
System and vendor-independent (blind) evaluation capability
Protect and support the interests of stakeholders, specifically road users and
toll chargers and by extension toll authorities
Policy relevance and market impact
EETS providers and acquirers need performance guidelines.
Key performance metrics are critical to trade in any market. E.g. vendors will
have guidance for performance specifications, product standardization, and a
possibility to commercialize the same products for multiple applications.
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011
Charging performance metrics
and examination framework (3)
Relation to other standards / specs / projects
Relates to the charging performance of OBE and PROXY of CEN ISO/TS 17575
EC projects:
• M/415 CEN BT 202
• GSA managed 6th and 7th FP projects (e.g. GIROADS)
• Expert Group 9 working to support the EC re Directive 2004/52/EC
GMAR initiative (
Time table
Draft standard one year from inception draft
Approved standard within two years
Resources required
4-person team with about 120 man days (+ travel allowance) and contributions
in kind by WG members
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011
EFC Security Framework (1)
Security framework required for interoperability between EFC systems, e.g.
the EETS
Threat analysis for all relevant EFC assets
Security measures on different levels to address the identified threats
A trust model supporting an effective implementation of the security
Complements the EFC standards suite where necessary to deliver missing
security implementations on the interoperability interfaces. This will be
supplemented by cryptographic key management procedures.
Supports privacy-enabled implementations of EFC schemes
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011
EFC Security Framework (2)
Framework to ensure the trust of all stakeholders in the scheme and to
protect the assets (incl data) against external or internal attacks or any
intended or unintended non-compliant activity
The security framework provides the necessary security elements which
allow an effective implementation of the trust model and relevant security
Privacy-enables EFC solutions rely on the implementation of a proper security
framework which provides basic security services like confidentiality,
integrity, authenticity and non-repudiation
Complement existing standards with an overall framework, including
cryptographic key management procedures.
Policy relevance and market impact
Relevant for defining a security policy for European EFC systems and the
European Electronic Toll Service
The CESARE IV project identified in its report 3.2 the missing security
framework to be a critical item on the road map towards EETS
Foster development and deployment of EFC security services suitable for an
open multi-operator environment
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011
EFC Security Framework (3)
Relation to other standards / specs / projects
Complements the EFC standards (published and underway)
Takes into account the results from EC projects
Road Charging Interoperability (RCI)
Cesare IV
Expert Group 12 of the Toll Committee of the EC
Time table
Draft for final vote 1 year from inception draft
Resources required
4-person team with a total of 120 man days (+ travel allowance) and
contributions in kind by WG members
GINA workshop, Lyon, 9 June 2011