ENOVOS 05012012 Presentation e

Electric Vehicles Conference
Overview of European Member States Policy
Policy and Activities in electric
mobility in Luxembourg
Michel Schaus
E-mobility outlook
Luxemburg forecast 2020
E-car scenario (source Enovos, plan stratégique)
N° of total e-cars
high (evolution)
medium (evolution)
low (evolution)
Luxemburg’s Governement aims at 10% of electric vehicle part in sales by 2020, representing
40.000 vehicles.
The Grand Duchy is the ideal application for electric mobility:
• Very limited expanse (N-S 87km, W-E 57km)
• Short average rides (57km/day)
• strong purchasing power
• strong environmental awareness
National groundwork
As of today no fully structured national approach in Luxembourg no regulatory
The Ministry of Economics and Foreign Trade, Ministry of Sustainable
Development and Infrastructure and the National Regulation Institute are
currently reflecting on:
Positioning of the Government, Public actors role determination
Activation of governmental financing for charging network
Implementation of charging stations in electricity grid operator
Governmental support for pilot projects
Incentives for potential EV customers (taxes, parking spaces,..)
Financial support for EV buyers
In order to do so, the two Ministries charged a specialized counsel to make an
all-around study of e-mobility potential in Luxembourg & deployment of national
development strategy which was published in December 2011 and which will
certainly help pushing forward the discussions in this field.
State of discussions
Several actors on the market have started positioning themselves different on
Consensus amongst actors in Luxembourg regarding:
type of charging infrastructure
functionalities of charging infrastructure
payment modalities
No consensus has yet been reached regarding:
split between public and private charging infrastructure
supply model
organisation of installation and operation of charging
State of discussions
Therefore actors ask for regulation on:
 way of supply of charging infrastructure
 qualification of operator of charging infrastructure, e.g. as “supplier”
 type of plug in light of standardisation
 parking situation of electric vehicles, i.e. the need to have separated
parking lots with charging stations
 the installation of wall-boxes in private households willing to charge
their electric vehicles at home
Initiatives throughout Luxembourg
Different actors in Luxembourg have started taking initiatives:
Several communes already installed charging stations
Pilot Project – Nordstad eMovin
Nordstad is an association of 6 northern municipalities forming a
rural/urban region
Nordstad is experimenting on the possibilities of integrating electric
mobility (E-cars & E-bicycles) into an existing mobility environment
through a car-sharing system
The project started in July 2011 for a period of 24 months
 Small local suppliers propose packages including charging infrastructure
 The company CityMov’ developed a system of car-/bike-sharing in and
around Luxembourg city
Initiatives throughout Luxembourg
Different actors in Luxembourg have started taking initiatives:
 ZAC eMovin: a car sharing project in the business area of Luxembourg city
which started in July 2011 for a period of 24 months and in which Enovos is
involved with different partners
 a big Luxemburgish supermarket chain will install charging infrastructure
for electric vehicles and bikes in 7 of its markets
Electric mobility in the Enovos group
Activities of the Enovos group
Since 2009, Enovos is active in the domain of Electromobility
through participation in working groups and international
2 actors:
Enovos Luxembourg S.A. : Energy supplier, commercial activities
Creos Luxembourg S.A. :
Regulated national grid operator
2 domains:
Infrastructure, deployment of charging stations
Commercialisation, development & sales of e.mobility products
Enovos e.mobility – Information
Enovos promotes sustainable mobility
Through the elektromobiliteit.lu platform
Since 2010 and in cooperation with the Public Research Centre Henri
Tudor., Enovos invests as a founding member in a coherent development
of electric mobility in Luxemburg, by gathering over 100 members from
the Economic, Industrial and Public sectors.
The main activities of elektromobiliteit.lu are:
Proposal of innovative solutions for Luxemburg as well as
recommendations to the orientation of the national politics.
Offering end-users an official, centralized contact point and
professional advice through its active members
Information and know-how exchange, setup of national &
international networking
Enovos e.mobility – Information
Enovos promotes sustainable mobility
Offering access to commercial intelligence and technology watch
to its members
Through the emobility fair
Enovos organized for the first time
in 2011 the e.mobility fair in Luxembourg,
in cooperation with KlimaWelt and
the Public Research Centre Henri Tudor.
Enovos e.mobility – Commercial activities
Enovos e.mobility packages
The Enovos group today offers a variety of all-in-one packages
combining ease of use by regrouping all the aspects of electric
• All costs grouped in one monthly fee
• Charging station plus installation
• Maintenance & operation
• Electric Vehicles
• Operational leasing including maintenance, tires,
insurance, taxes, road assitance
• Solutions for parking & energy supply
In cooperation with strong partners such as PSA Group (Peugeot
Citroën), Renault, Nissan, Mercedes, Leaseplan, Enovos is in a
position to offer packages with high quality standards and great
flexibility by integrating different performant systems.
Enovos has itself two electric cars in its fleet of vehicles.
As of today, Enovos has installed 7 charging stations in
Enovos e.mobility – Ideology
Enovos mobistroum: A sustainable way of moving forward
Enovos e.mobility is 100% green:
In combination with Enovos mobistroum,
Enovos guarantees that the e-mobility
packages are 100% green.
Enovos delivers only renewable energy
through charging infrastructure, based on
water and wind electricity. This contributes
directly to the diminution of Greenhouse
Gases linked to road traffic.
Possibility of extension by installing renewable
energy sources such as photovoltaic modules
(PV car/motoports can directly feed green
energy to the electric vehicle)