Administrative Services Outcome 3

Administrative Services
Outcome 3
Past Paper Questions
Recruitment and Selection
2013 Q1a – 4 marks
Outline 4 support systems that could be
implemented to improve staff welfare.
2013 Q1c – 8 marks
Organisations interview applicants as part
of the selection process.
Discuss additional methods of selection that
may be used to help choose the best
2012 CS Q3 – 6 marks
 Discuss
advantages and disadvantages
of using an agency in the recruitment and
selection process.
2011 Q2a – 2 marks
Outline the importance of securing
references prior to offers of employment.
2011 Q2b – 6 marks
Describe 3 external methods of informing
potential applicants of a job vacancy.
2010 Q1a – 4 marks
 Identify
2 examples of items that would be
included in a person specification and
justify the purpose of this document in the
interview process.
2010 Q1b – 6 marks
In addition to the interview, discuss the
need for additional selection processes to
ensure the best person is appointed.
2009 CS Q2 – 4 marks
Describe 2 selection methods used by a
Human Resources Department.
2008 CS Q3 – 6 marks
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages
of recruiting internally and externally.
2008 CS Q4 – 4 marks
The job description and person
specification are used in the recruitment
and selection process.
Compare these 2 documents.
2007 Q3a – 6 marks
Describe 3 methods of informing potential
applicants of a job vacancy.
2007 Q3b – 4 marks
Outline benefits to an organisation of
outsourcing the recruitment process.
2006 Q5a – 4 marks
Outline 4 features of a contract of
SQP Q1b(ii) – 4 marks
Describe 2 benefits of the job description to
an applicant.
SQP CS Q5 – 4 marks
Describe 2 qualities that may be contained
in the person specification for the post of a
Customer Services Assistant.
Staff Development
2013 Q5b – 6 marks
Describe the benefits of induction training.
2012 CS Q5 – 3 marks
 Compare
in-house and external training.
2009 CS Q1 – 2 marks
Outline the benefits to an organisation of
employees receiving induction training.
2008 Q3a - 4 marks
Outline the factors which will determine
whether an organisation will train customer
service employees in-house or externally.
2006 CS Q3 – 8 marks
The organisation has a thorough system of
staff appraisal. From recent reviews it was
found some staff were lacking in
knowledge and skills.
Discuss how management can support staff
to improve their knowledge and skills.
SQP CS Q3 – 4 marks
Continuous professional development may
assist Customer Service teams in
maintaining high standards.
Compare in-house and external staff
SQP Q2c(ii) – 2 marks
Justify the provision of training for speakers
who use presentation software.
SQP Q4a – 6 marks (2/4)
Outline how an Administration Manager
might recognise employees who are not
using office technology efficiently
Describe how these employees could
be supported.
Professional Development
2011 Q4c – 6 marks
Describe 3 methods of appraisal.
2011 Q4d – 4 marks
Justify the need for an appraisal system as
part of the staff development process.
2010 Q2d – 8 marks
Discuss an organisation’s decision to
encourage a programme of staff
development and lifelong learning.
2009 Q5a – 4 marks
Identify possible areas of development for
an employee which may follow an
appraisal meeting.
2009 Q5b – 6 marks
Discuss the importance of Continual
Professional Development (CPD) to ensure
staff ICT skills and administrative knowledge
are kept up to date.
2008 Q5a(i) – 2 marks
Outline 2 features of a Personal
Development Plan.
2008 Q5a(ii) – 4 marks
Describe 2 methods of monitoring the
progress of an employee’s Personal
Development Plan.
2007 Q3c – 6 marks
Continuous Professional Development
(CPD) impacts on both individuals and the
Discuss the need for a programme of CPD.
Staff Welfare
2012 Q3c – 8 marks
Discuss ways in which an organisation can
deal with an employee who breaches the
conditions of their employment.
2012 Q4d – 8 marks
Discuss the support systems which may be
provided by Human Resources to enhance
staff welfare.
2010 Q5b – 4 marks
Justify the need for monitoring staff
2009 Q2a – 4 marks
Outline the benefits of a career break to:
 The organisation
 The employee
2009 Q4c – 8 marks
Staff welfare is important in supporting staff.
Discuss the support systems which may be
provided by Human Resources.
2008 Q3b – 2 marks
Justify the provision of a staff counseling
service within an organisation.
2007 Q1d – 4 marks (2/2)
Practical tests are commonly used in the
selection process for administrative
Justify the use of practical tests.
Outline 2 other types of testing which
may be used in the selection process.
2006 Q5b – 8 marks
Discuss ways in which an organisation could
deal with employees who breach the
conditions of their employment contract.
Administrative Services
Outcome 3
Past Paper Questions