THE POWER OF PARTNERSHIPS IFC: Part of the World Bank Group IBRD IDA IFC MIGA ICSID International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Development Association International Finance Corporation Multilateral Investment and Guarantee Agency International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes Loans to middle-income and creditworthy lowincome country governments Interest-free loans and grants to governments of poorest countries Solutions in private sector development 2 Guarantees of private sector investment’s noncommercial risks Conciliation and arbitration of investment disputes World Bank Group Commitments, FY13 Total Commitments: $52.6 Billion Loans, grants, equity investments, IDA $16.3 b IFC* $18.3 b guarantees, and advisory services to support development MIGA $2.8 b IBRD $15.2 b *Excluding mobilization ($6.5b) 3 IFC’s History A global institution, now owned by 184 member countries 1956 IFC Launch PSD added to the global economic agenda 19902000s 1980 IFC coins term “emerging markets” IFC scales up investments 4 Today The global leader in private sector development finance IFC’s Priorities Long-term client relationships in emerging markets Local financial markets Frontier markets Strategic Focus Areas Climate change and environmental & social sustainability Constraints to private sector growth in infrastructure, health, education, & the food supply chain 5 IFC: A Valuable Partner We help clients in good times and bad by offering: A strong financial position, strategy, staff Low leverage ratios, prudent risk management policies A long-term partnership perspective, providing clients important countercyclical financing when commercial banks cut back The expertise and experience needed to make a difference, focusing on innovative transactions where our development impact is the highest 6 What Clients Value About IFC Long-Term Partner Role Worldwide Presence WBG Stamp of Approval Financing Not Readily Available Elsewhere Ability to Mobilize Additional Funds Broad Range of Products Global/ Local Knowledge of Industries & Markets Perceived Risk Mitigation 2013 IFC Client Survey 7 Our Three Businesses Integrated Solutions, Increased Impact Investment Services Advisory Services • Loans • Access to finance • Equity • Investment Climate • Trade finance • Sustainable Business • Syndications • • Securitized finance Public-Private Partnerships • Risk management • Blended finance $49.6 b portfolio (FY13) $232 m (FY13) 8 IFC Asset Management Company • Wholly owned subsidiary of IFC • Private equity fund manager • Invests third-party capital alongside IFC $5.5 b under mgmt (FY13) Investment Services Loans - Project and corporate financing On-lending through intermediary institutions Equity - Direct equity investments (up to 20% of company’s equity) Private equity funds Trade Finance - Guarantee of trade-related payment obligations of approved financial institutions Syndications - Capital mobilization to serve developmental needs Over 60 co-financiers: commercial banks, fund, and DFIs Structured Finance - Products including credit guarantees, liquidity facilities, portfolio risk transfer, securitizations, and Islamic finance Risk Management - Derivative products to hedge interest rate, currency, or commodityprice exposures of IFC clients Blended Finance - Combination of concessional funds with IFC resources to finance initiatives & achieve impact that would otherwise be unattainable 9 Advisory Services Access to Finance - Increases availability and affordability of financial services for individuals and micro, small, and medium enterprises - Helps governments implement reforms that improve business environment and retain investments Public-Private Partnerships - Helps governments design and implement PPPs in infrastructure and other basic public services (electricity, water, health and education) Sustainable Business - Helps clients promote sound environmental, social, governance, and industry standards; catalyze investment in clean energy/resource efficiency; and support sustainable supply chains and community investment Investment Climate 10 IFC Asset Management Company IFC Capitalization Fund IFC African, Latin American, & Caribbean Fund Africa Capitalization Fund IFC Russian Bank Capitalization Fund IFC Catalyst Fund IFC Global Infrastructure Fund - Helps strengthen systemically important banks in emerging markets, bolstering their ability to cope with financial and economic downturns - Co-invests with IFC in equity and equity-related investments across a range of sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and Caribbean - Invests in systemically important commercial banking institutions in Africa - Invests in commercial banking institutions in Russia - Invests in funds that provide growth capital to companies developing innovative ways to address climate change in emerging markets - Co-invests with IFC and equity-related investments in the infrastructure sector in emerging markets 11 IFC’s Global Reach • 109 country and regional offices worldwide, AAA credit rating • 4,015 staff (57% are based outside Washington DC) 12 FY13 Investment Commitments: $24.8 Billion New commitments are growing ($ Billions) 22% growth from FY12 to FY13 30.0 25.0 6.5 20.0 4.9 15.0 5.0 6.5 3.5 12.7 12.2 FY11 FY07 10.5 FY10 8.2 11.0 FY09 6.8 FY06 1.4 FY08 3.8 10.0 5.0 5.3 15.4 18.3 IFC's own account 13 13 Mobilization FY13 FY12 0.0 Investments by Industry, FY13 Commitments for IFC’s Account: $18.3 Billion Financial Markets 20% Trade Finance 35% Infrastructure 12% Oil, Gas, & Mining 2% Telecom & IT 3% Funds 5% Agribusiness & Forestry 7% 14 Consumer & Social Services 9% Manufacturing 7% Investments by Region, FY13 Commitments for IFC’s Account: $18.3 Billion South Asia 9% Global 1% Latin America & the Caribbean 26% Middle East & North Africa 11% East Asia & the Pacific 16% Sub-Saharan Africa 19% Europe & Central Asia 18% 15 Advisory Services by Business Line, FY13 Total Program Expenditures: $231.9 Million Public-Private Partnerships 17% Investment Climate 32% Sustainable Business 24% Access to Finance 27% 16 Advisory Services by Region, FY13 Total Program Expenditures: $231.9 Million Global 5% South Asia 14% Latin America & the Caribbean 11% Sub-Saharan Africa 28% Middle East & North Africa 9% East Asia & the Pacific 17% Europe & Central Asia 16% 17 IFC’s Selected Agribusiness Investments in Horticulture Kongoni Yantai North Andre Favorita China Ecuador Loan: $20 million Loan: $15 million Loan: $50 million Syndication: $10 million Expansion of apple juice concentrate business. Loan: $1.9 million Syndication: $23 million Expansion of existing 10 hectare horticulture and flower production sites. Committed: 2005 Committed: 1999, 2003, 2007 San Miguel, S.A. Argentina Rehabilitation and expansion of lemon production and processing operations. Restructuring of debt and expansion of export capacity. Committed: 2005 Expansion and vertical integration of banana plantations for export. Kenya Committed: 2005 BIOPARQUES DE OCCIDENTE, S.A. DE C.V. Bioparques Viru Karsten Farms Mexico Peru South Africa Loan: $12 million Loan $15 million Construction and expansion of greenhouse-farmed beefsteak tomatoes for export to North America. Expansion of plantations, processing lines for canned asparagus exports. Expansion of farming operations & establishment of fruit trading, logistics and handling services in South Africa. Committed: 2007 Committed: 2006 Committed: 2008 Loan: $7.2 million 18 Milagro Uruguay Loan: $10 million Expansion of citrus plantations and packing & processing facilities. Committed: 2009 Select Transactions in the Retail Sector EMENA EMENA EMENA EMENA EMENA & Asia Azerbaijan US$18 million Loan & Equity Belarus US$70 million Loan & Equity Ukraine US$51 million Loan Belarus US$26 million Loan & Equity Lebanon US$20 million Loan & Equity Bulgaria US$52 million Loan Russian Federation US$171 million Loan Turkey US$30 million Loan Egypt US$15 million Loan China US$7 million Equity Russian Federation US$67 million Loan Egypt US$49 million Loan & Equity India US$15 million Loan & Equity Croatia, Poland US$49 million Loan Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina US$51 million Loan 19 IFC’s Experience in the Chemicals Sector Examples of IFC’s Experience With Global Partners: Downstream Oil and Gas and Other Sectors USA Star Petroleum Refining Co. US$ mm 350 Debt Thailand MBAC (Itafos) A Loan: US$40M Equity: US$35M USA - Brazil Bayer Ukraine Ltd. US$70m Risk Sharing Facility Ukraine Pecom (Now Petrobras Argentina) US$ 50 mm Debt Argentina Dallas, TX Supply Chain Finance Facility Omimex (Abocol Colombia) US$80m India A Loan: US$ 30M Risk Management: US$45M USA - Colombia BHP Biliton, Mitsubishi, Industrial Dev. Corp., Gov’t of Mozambique Joint Venture EDF La Ventosa US$25m Debt Mozambique US$25m Debt and US$15m Concessional Financing Mexico Orascom A Loan $200MM, B Loan $125mm Equity $50M Egypt Veolia Voda S.A. € 50m Share Issue Ukraine and Russia Shell Petroleum Corporation US$ 135mm Financing Philippines Global Trade Liquidity Program US$4b Global 20 David Fulton Head, USA and Canada International Finance Corporation 21