Responsibilities of the Department Department of Skill Development

Achievements, Initiatives and Policies
Department of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
Ministry of Skill Development, Entrepreneurship,
Youth Affairs and Sports
New Delhi
24th Sept 2014
1. Responsibilities of the Department of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
2. Initiatives
3. Policies
4. Planned Activities
Responsibilities of the Department
• Department of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship formally came into being on the 31st
July 2014
• Allocation of Business
 Co-ordination of skill development activities
 Mapping of existing skills and their certification
 Expansion of youth entrepreneurship education and capacity through forging strong
partnership between educational institutions, business and other community
organisations and set national standards for it
 Doing market research and devising training curriculum in important sectors
 Industry-Institute linkage.
 Bringing Public Private Partnership element in this activity-partnership with the industry
who need the skilled manpower
 Making broad policies for all other Ministries/Departments with regard to market
requirements and skill development
 To frame policies for soft skills
 Academic equivalence of skill sets
 Work relating to Industrial Training Institutes
• Entities that report to the Department
 National Skill Development Agency (NSDA)
 National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)
 National Skill Development Trust (NSDT)
Initiatives – Minister’s Meeting with all Departments
• Meeting with Secretaries of all Departments under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble
Minister of State (IC)- Skill Development, Entrepreneusrhip, Youth Affairs and Sports
on 3rd September, 2014 for inter ministerial co-ordination on skill development in
which following points were emphasized:
• to understand and evaluate the skill development plans of the various Ministries of the
GOI, so that an integrated roadmap for skill development can be developed
• Need to co-ordinate and harmonize the skill development efforts of all departments and
ministries working at the Central level so that there is an integrated approach to skill
• Focus on outcomes based approach, link up certification with meaningful employment
and tracking of all trainees undergoing skill development
• Apart from skilling, there is also a need to focus on upskilling of the skilled manpower,
increase the outreach in terms of skill development efforts penetrating to the rural
areas as well as catering to the village level demand as the initiatives on skill
development are presently confined to the district level only
• Focus also on small and micro enterprise and create an environment for boosting
entrepreneurship and work towards making India the Manufacturing Capital of the
• Each Ministry to send write up of their respective Ministries’ plan for skill development
Other Initiatives
• Rolling out the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF) by the NSDA – consultative
workshop with various stakeholders
 State level NSQF workshop in Bihar (27th June, 2014)
 Sectoral workshop- health (1st July, 2014)
 Recognition of prior learning (RPL)- in 2 sectors launched (Gems & Jewellery and
Agriculture in the month of August/September, 2014)
• Industry collaboration - 4th Edu Summit organised by CII and NSDA in Chandigarh(1st
September, 2014)
• Regional level workshop for the North Eastern Region organised along with the
Department of Labour, Govt of Assam on 5th August, 2014 to discuss the specific issues
related to skill development in the North East – it was the first regional level workshop on
the North East on skill development
• Worked closely with the Department of Labour, Govt of Asssam to develop the
Memorandum of Association for the formation of the State Skill Development Mission
• International Collaborations initiated by NSDA
 Signing of Technical Assistance project with the Asian Development Bank (29th
May, 2014) to enhance the capacity of NSDA and 6 State Skill Development
 Signing of the India-EU Skill Development Project (9th June, 2014)- The NSDA is
the nodal agency and the main counterpart of the European Commission for the
project. 3 broad areas of interventions of the project Enhanced capacity of the beneficiary institutions
 Implementation of the National Skills Qualifications Framework
 Labour Market Information System and analysis practices
NSDC : Initiatives and Growth
Total enrolment
7.18 lakh
Industry led standards by SSC
20 Sectors
135 additional job roles
17,000 plus centres aligned
Ecosystem development
2 States and 1 Union territory added
102 districts added
123 new courses introduced
484 training centres added
21 new training partners approved
IT based assessment technologies introduced
3 New communication films developed : national launch in 10 days.
Skill Minister addressed NSDC partners set target of 33 lakhs in 2014-15
8 MoUs singed with Universities (Pune University, Delhi University,
Tamil Nadu Open University and UGC). Potential 1.2 million to be skilled
Engagement with Universities
Engagement with schools
Engagement with States
International Engagement
The vocational education in schools expanded from 240 schools in 2
states to 832 schools in 8 states.
MOUs signed with NIOS and CBSE
MoUs signed with Skill Missions – Uttar Pradesh and Punjab
MoU signed with Australia to make National Occupational Standards
transnational in 4 sectors and 8 job roles. First country to accept people
trained on Indian standards.
• Process for Revision of the National Policy on Skill Development (NPSD), 2009 has
been set in motion:
 Changing the negative perception associated with vocational education and
focusing on mobilization of candidates on the same
 Focus on – Outcome, Expansion of outreach by innovative approaches and
incentives, encourage private sector participation
 International equivalence and mobility of skilled manpower
 Quality Assurance and linkages with the NSQF
 Technology interventions in terms of LMIS and monitoring of outcomes
 Address special needs of difficult areas – NE, Hill States, LWE affected areas
• Rationalization of the Skill Development Schemes of the Government of India –
Report is under consideration of Department
 Objective-To ensure convergence of norms of various skill development
schemes of GOI through Inter- Ministerial consultation
 Different norms for challenging areas in terms of geography – North East
Areas and other Hill States ; and for persons with disabilities
• Making Skill Development an Integral Part of all Development Programmes of the
GOI by mandating a certain minimum fund for skill development
• Outcomes based approach
 NSQF- competency based framework to assess the outcomes defined in terms of
various levels
 Payment to be linked to outcomes in terms of placement
• Computer Literacy Skills to be Integrated into all Skill Development Programmes
 Language, Computer literacy and financial literacy skills to be made integral part of all
• Focus on the development of the Individual by empowering the youth to attain decent
standards of living, and to ensure continuous lifelong advancement through
 Independent and good quality third party assessment and certification
• Decent Wages for Skilled Manpower
 States/Industry to be requested to ensure differential of minimum wages between
unskilled and semi-skilled manpower, as well as between semi-skilled and skilled
• Leveraging Technology for skill development to penetrate to each and every household
through Rural Broadband, Online Education Resources (OER), simulators etc..
Planned Activities
• Creation of Additional Training Capacity
 Determination of the Capacity Gap through NSSO survey
 Targeted approach for creation of capacity through identifying and working with new
Ministries, linking to the proposed infrastructure projects, working on specific trades
for women, different approach for the challenging areas – North East, LWE affected
areas and other hilly areas
 Opening doors for new Training Providers by accreditation process
• Advocacy and mobilisation of candidates
 Aggressive social campaign to enrol the youth in vocational training by leveraging the
resources of the youth clubs like NYKS
 Introduction of the Prime Minister’s Skill Development Fellow at the District level
 Institutionalise the Rashtriya Kaushal Purashkar to make skill development aspirational
 Media campaign
• Introducing the Skills Voucher Programme
 Facilitate Informed decision - enable the trainee to choose the trade and the Training
 Ensure quality of training
Planned Activities
• Pro-active engagement with the industry
 Provide differential wages to skilled workers and also incentivizing unskilled persons to
acquire skills
 Leverage CSR funds for skill development
 Identify the specific needs of each MSME units and design programmes accordingly
• Creation of a robust Labour Market Information System
 Facilitate operational efficiencies, transparency and easy access to all
 One shop-stop for all stakeholders
 Link with all the existing portal of various Ministries/States
• Active Interaction with State Governments
 Work closely with all States/UTs to develop an independent State Skill Development
Mission (SSDM) as a nodal point for all skill development activities in the State/UT
• Equivalence with International Framework to facilitate cross-border mobility of workers
 Equivalence between the NSQF and the European Qualification Framework