Leadership Certification Level 1 “If a man does not know to which port he is sailing, no wind is favourable” Seneca, circa 65AD “A vision statement focus on the direction of an organization and what the organization wants to accomplish. It is inspirational, motivational, and able to paint a picture of the transition and the end product. Values are the foundation of the vision statement.” Fred Pryor “If you don’t know where you’re going, then you probably won’t know when you get there.” Yogi Berra, 1963 A reporter once asked Helen Keller, “Is there anything worse than being blind?” “Oh, yes” she replied, “Having sight but no vision!” • The team has contributed some excellent ideas • The team has similar depth of understanding • The team has a sense of ownership • The team is committed to the vision and prepared to ensure it is implemented • It’s dynamic is the enthusiasm it infuses • Christ is the font of our best imagination and vision • When you have adequate quite time before the altar of your own trust in God, visions will hold a strong place in your life Pray and Reflect • Ask for guidance by the • • • • Holy Spirit Ask God to speak to you through His word Commit yourselves and the work to Him Ask for His vision to guide you Ask Him where He wants you to go, and what He wants you to do Plan Planning is bringing the future into the present, so that you can do something about it now Gather information • Information about the needs of women in your local community and church • Information form Women’s Ministries itself • Your team itself as a source of information Analyse and Discuss Values What is important and what should guide your planning: • Ensure that programs include women from poorer homes • Include programs for separated or divorced women, young mothers, and maybe a welcome baby program Analyse and Discuss the Information Now that you have set your values which will guide your ministry, and a guiding statement which is your mission statement, it is time to examine the possibilities. This is easily done via a brainstorm approach. Prioritise Give each team member five votes and have them place them alongside the suggestions as they see fit. Consolidate and action plan • Begin by obtaining a church calendar • Use the prioritised suggestions and mark • them in on your calendar Keep the vision alive Some people don’t like goals Make your goals realistic, not ridiculous, and as you achieve them you will want to aim higher Goals are about outcomes, not “busyness” Without a goal against which to measure our progress,we can waste a lot of time just being busy. The power of a goal Everyone’s efforts are focused and concentrated on achieving the goal; time spent on anything not associated with the achievement of the goal is begrudged Need for equity • • • • We need to ensure that people are not left out because of: Finances Little children Transport Shyness Align the strategies with the desired outcome So in all our planning, we need to first define exactly: • What it is that we wish to achieve • That the chosen strategies are the most suitable to achieve those desired outcomes “What outcome do we want to achieve?” And “What are we going to do and how will we do it, to get that outcome?” Goals need to be measurable Ways you can measure your goals: • Feedback sheets • Numbers responding to the opportunity for re-consecration • Numbers participating in a program • It should relate closely to the work of • • • Women’s Ministries and what you would like God to do through your team It should be short It should be clear, brief and to the point It should clearly tell the reader what your ministries are about