Powering our Community with Solar Energy 社區太陽能自行發電 Chinatown BIA, October 11, 2012 What is greenTbiz? greenTbiz是什麼? Program of the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas 多倫多商業促進區協會計劃 Working for the Benefit of the City’s 72 BIAs representing 30,000 Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises 為多市的72個商業促進區掙取利益 Participate in $3.3 trillion marketplace 參與33,000億元市場 www.greenTbiz.org Agenda 議程 Why Should We Bother With Renewables? Community Power – What others have done and what is possible 社區發電 – 前例和可行的方案 A Local Business Goes Solar Starting a Community Power Project – The Basics 啟動一個社區發電項目 - 基本知識 Powering our Community with Solar Energy- WHAT??? 什麼是社區太陽能自行發電??? We are not talking about literally taking your community off the grid right now and hook it up to solar panels. 現在談的不是要把社區脫離電 網後再安裝太陽能板。 Rather: How can your community come together, jointly pursue a solar PV project and get ‘powered up’ in the process. 是要探索如何使社區團結起來,一起開始一個太陽能項 目。 What is community power? 社區發電是什麼? Community power is the result of financial, conceptual and organizational participation of residents (local community) in a renewable energy project. 社區發電是當地居民經參與財 務,概念和組織而創建的可再 生能源項目。 Business model comparison 商業模式比較 Advantages優點 •Quick decision making •Full control •Project size limited •Skills/competencies •Resources •No risk sharing •Liability •acceptance •Economy of scale •More resources available •Local benefits •Risk sharing •Acceptance •Slower decision making •Management and leadership •More legal issues •Low involvement •Standardized contract •Limited control •Limited benefits self-financed 自籌資金 community project 社區項目 lease roof 出租屋頂 Limitations/Challenges 限制/挑戰 The bottom-up DIY co-op 自底向上的自助合作社 Whitchurch-Stouffville Community Energy Co-operative Project “250 kW solar project on the Clippers Sports Complex that will generate funds to be shared with the community, a good financial return for you and environmental benefits for our children” Progress • Spring 2010: Established upon idea by one individual, article published in Stouffville Tribune led to 10 founding members developing mission statement • Oct. 2011: received $66k CEPP grant • retained engineers for system design and structural assessment • Dec 2011: incorporation approved by FSCO in Dec 2011 • May 2012: town council affirms partnership in May 2012 • Sept 2012: 60 property owner members sign community participation Financials © Whitchurch- Stouffville Community Energy Co-operative Revenue generation: 20 year FIT contract, $0.539/kWh (FIT 2.0) Cost estimate: $1.2 million Annual revenue: $200k 20 year revenue: $4 million Financing: $100k grant; $40k Founder’s Club, preferred shares First community financing round: loan of $1,000 at 9% annual interest rate over two years The investment co-op 投資合作社 SolarShare Projects • Not-for-profit co-operative incubated by TREC to purchase, own and operate solar PV installations across the province • portfolio of 18 producing projects (1 FIT and 17 microFIT) and expanding Financials FIT project (438 kW) • Revenue generation: 20 year FIT contract at $0.635 (FIT 1.0) • Cost: $2.13 million • Yearly revenue: $ 323 • Financing: $165k grant, bridge loans, community bonds © SolarShare MicroFIT (17 x 10 kW) • Revenue generation: 20 year microFIT contract at $0.802 (FIT 1.0) • Cost: $1.7 million • Yearly revenue: $257k • Financing: bridge loans, community bonds First community financing round: $1,000 community bond, 5% annual return, 5 year term The site-driven co-op 地點驅動型合作社 ZooShare Biogas Co-operative 沼氣合作社 Project: • 500 kW biogas plant at the Toronto Zoo •Anaerobic digestion of zoo poo and food waste to yield electricity, heat and fertilizer. •originally conceived by the Toronto Zoo and implemented by a joint venture of companies founding ZooShare Progress • Winter 2011: Joint Venture formed, CEPP grant approved • May 2011: Co-op incorporated • June 2011: approval by Toronto Zoo Board of Management • July 2011: start of Founder’s club seed fundraising • September 2012: contract signed with Zoo Financials: Revenue generation: $0.16/kWh, tipping fees for food waste Cost estimate: ~$5.4 million Annual revenue: ~$ 1.3 million Financing: Sweat equity, CEPP grant, Founder’s club bonds, community bonds, debt financing Community financing: $10,000 FC bonds, 11.5% annual interest, 3 year term; community bonds; 7% annual interest What community power can do 社區發電可以做什麼 r o c e s s Village Juehnde 生物能村 P Bioenergy Crops 50 % CH4 42 º C Digester Biogas Elect ricity elect rical power grid CHP Heat Manure Digest at e Wood Chips Heating-System Heat dist rict heat ing system Ash • Savings > 3.0 0 0 to/a CO2, • Twice t he amount of elect ricity needed produced • All heat required produced by system 9 B io gas pl an t Juehnde Biogas plant 沼氣廠 3000m 3 digester torch Input material: ▶ Corn ▶ Gras ▶ Wheat ▶ Manure storage for digestate ~4,8 00m 3 loader liquid manure tank ~ 300m 3 CHP 712 kW container for pumps 10 ys t e m 區域供熱系統 a t i n g s System i c t h e Heating D i s t rDistrict Juehnde • app. 5.5 km long • diameter app. 18 mm to 20 0 mm • flow temperat ure 8 0 -85 °C 12 Juehnde community integration cycle 社區整合週期 T h e p o w e r c yc l e t o i n t e g r a t e p e o p l e ▲ Village assembly Act ion Informat ion ▲ St reet discussion 70 % ▲ Individual discussion participation! ▲ Workshops Part icipat i on Mot ivat ion 15 How do you get there? 如何達到目標? A CP project has different phases and components社區發電有不同的階段和組件 Business Project Community Initiate & Develop Design & Build community engagement strategy and implementation Community engagement/ updates/ milestone reports facilitation of CP building sourcing identification and use of skills and services in and from the community Community capacity building Operate & Maintain identification and use of skills and services in and from the community build community resources regular operation and maintenance plan next project prefeasibility, prelim. design RFPs for EPC suppliers FIT application and permits Project management third party site verification project management business plan co-op development back office management and administration back office management and administration financing (debt, equity) sales and marketing sales and marketing shares and bonds structure membership management membership management FIT 2.0 vs FIT 1.0 電網回購計劃 FIT 1.0: first-come, first-serve basis and ongoing procurement • FIT 2.0: specific procurement target windows and a priority system for approval, minimum requirement 2 points • Feed-in Tariff rates What is “Community Power” in Ontario? 在安大略省的“社區發電”是什麼? Statutory 法例 – FIT 1.0 (a) one or more individuals resident in Ontario; (b) registered charity; (c) not-for-profit organization; (d) co-operative corporation; (e) private corporation or partnership whose shareholders or partners all fall into (a) – (d) above; (f) any legal entity that would be considered to have a 100% Community Participation Level under the FIT Program What is “Community Power” in Ontario? 在安大略省的“社區發電”是什麼? Statutory 法例 – FIT 2.0 •Community Participation Project: Minimum 15% Economic Interest held by a Community Investment Member. CO-OP Developer 15 % 85% PROJECT INC. CO-OP Develope r 51% 49% PROJECT INC. What is “Community Power” in Ontario? 在安大略省的“社區發電”是什麼? Terminology Application Definition Community Investment Member (CIM) basic community power building block in FIT rules co-op with at least 35 (small FIT, not CCSAP)/ 50 (large FIT/CCSAP) members that are property owners in municipality and natural persons and have owned property in municipality for minimum of 2 years Community Participation Project (CPP) access to 3 priority points in ranking scheme minimum 15% Economic Interest in project is held by CIM or CIM is the applicant Community Participation Level (CPL) calculation of community adder and CPL defines access to capacity set-aside determined by composition of applicant equity interest: CIM 35/50 = 100% ; no commercial electricity developer equity interest in co-op (as company or employee) CIM 35/50 with commercial electricity developer membership: 100% minus % of equity held by commercial electricity developer or affiliates Community-Commercial JV: % held by CIM 35/50 Contract Capacity Set-Aside Project (CCSAP) access to 10% capacity setaside priority treatment over any other project within application window CIM with at least 50 members that are property owners in municipality and natural persons and have owned property in municipality for minimum of 2 years Co-operative Basics 合作社基礎知識 Profit v Non-Profit Share Capital v Non-Share Capital Incorporation • • • • Name 5 Incorporators Articles Govt Fees Next steps… 下一步... Assess a roof that is suitable for a community solar power project and find a champion or become a champion to initiate a community power project Solar PV on Toronto’s roof tops 在多倫多的屋頂上的太陽能光伏發電 Contact Us 聯繫方式 Robert Wakulat • • Web: • www.greenTbiz.org / www.wakulat.ca / robert@wakulat.ca / @robertwakulat Email: • Program Manager, greenTbiz Principal, Wakulat|Law info@greentbiz.org Twitter • @greentbiz_TO back-up Finding a suitable site 尋找一個合適的地點 Church System design is straight forward 簡單的系統設計 160 panels can be installed south facing Total System size is 37.6 kWp Total cost of system is estimated at $188,000 Key Assumptions 關鍵假設 Financial Cost per kWp turnkey Solution: Total cost: Yearly maintenance: Interest Rate: Discount Rate: Inflation Rate: Efficiency losses (annual): 25% equity, 75% debt financed: $ 4,700 $188,000 $ 1.5 % of revenue 7% 5% 3% 0.5% 15 years term Based on FIT 2.0 Technical Orientation: Tilt Angle: Sun Harvest first year (RetScreen): Feed-In Tariff: 17° East of South 15 degrees 72,777 kWh 54.8 ¢/kwh (-5° optimal) (30° optimal) (1,104 kWh/kWp/y) Financial highlights 財務摘要 Estimated Total investment: $ 188,000 Simple Payback Time: 8-9 years payback period: 20 years payback: ~ $ 400,000 ROI: 6% (Currently ROIs are calculated between 9-11%) Essential system components 基本的系統組件 Solar PV panels 太陽能板 Inverter 逆變器 Racking and mounting system 機架和安裝系統 Balance of system components 系統組件的平衡 Monitoring and metering 監測和測量 Solar PV project phases 太陽能光伏發電項目階段 Initiate and Develop find suitable land/roof pre-feasibility LDC consultation design and layout FIT application business planning Financing Build and construct apply for permits RFP (shop) for EPC collect equity start construction Operate and Maintain connect/co mmission operate maintain sell power to the OPA Success Factors 成功因素 Technical success factors: Choose the right roof (structure, age, orientation, slope) Good system design (orientation, tilt, string configuration) Early consultation with local hydro for grid connection High quality hardware Other success factors: sound financial planning good project management and communication How communities benefit from these projects 社區如何從這些項目中受益 Local multiplier effect benefits everyone Every local dollar invested results in a minimum of 3 times the benefit to the local community. Municipal, provincial taxes stay locally. Sense of belonging and togetherness is fostered through community projects building a sustainable community enriches the life style Jobs Potential construction jobs and training for local community. Local positions created to administer and maintain the project and coordinate owners and finances. Service personnel is regionally based (accountant, lawyers, maintenance, etc.). Receiving the community adder! 接收社區額外金 small FIT (< 500 kW): to obtain access to 35 property owners the 10% grid organized as coop capacity reserve sharing at least 15% of the projects equity the community large FIT (>500 kW): 50 property owners organized as coop sharing at least 15% of the projects equity obtain approval by municipality must hold 50% or more of the project’s equity Success factors for community projects 社區項目的成功因素 Create a network of support and knowledge Learn from comparable projects Employ experts (only) as required Ensure access to sufficient capital Make allowances for bad (wind/sun) years Choose your partners carefully Make long term maintenance contracts with availability guarantees Get as much community involvement as possible (partners and owners) Community Power at Work 在實踐中社區發電 Bio-Energy Village Juehnde, Germany Neighbourhood Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Toronto kci new energy Let’s empower your community! Profit from our passion for renewable energy, community Community in a Box and sustainability. Tap into years of experience in strategy, project management, and finance. Benefit from our problem solving and communication expertise. Experience a well planned engagement and market strategy. We can make it FIT for you. start up & feasibility Bio Wind design & develop engineering procurement construction Solar KCI New Energy is a division of Koenig & Consultants Inc. that focuses on renewable energy project development. KCI New Energy supports clients through all necessary steps from community building, through feasibility study, design and engineering, to procurement and construction. Koenig & Consultants Inc. 60 Haliburton Avenue Toronto ON M9B 4Y4 ckoenig@koenigconsultants.ca www.kci-newenergy.ca Why do a community power project? 為什麼要開始一個社區發電項目? The high personal involvement of community members keeps “soft costs” low. Lower land/roof leases as everybody is a community member. An improved understanding in the community leads to faster permitting process; from push to pull (increased acceptance of and even demand for the project) Equity is relatively inexpensive, you do not deal with professional investors and very expensive due diligence processes. Larger projects can always make use of an economy of scale. Economy of Scale at work 在實踐中的規模經濟 installed kW Costs per kW capacity installed: $ 7,000 $ 5,000 $ 4,300 Soft Cost Financing for Community Power (old rules are currently under revision) 社區發電的軟成本融資 CEPP provides soft cost financing to community power projects! Renewable energy projects are eligible for funding (between 10K and 200K) if they: have an installed capacity greater than 10 kW and less than or equal to 10 MW (except co-op projects over 10 MW are permitted); use wind, solar photovoltaic, biomass, biogas, landfill gas or waterpower; are located in Ontario; are economically viable and the subject of a future Feed-In-Tariff contract; are not funded by any other OPA funding program; are developed by a “Community” (see below) and; have not yet been issued a Notice to Proceed by the OPA. For-profit projects are eligible for Community Energy Partnerships Program funding. Source: http://www.communityenergyprogram.ca/Project_Grants/Eligibility.aspx It doesn’t have to be a maze… 它不必是一個迷宮... Detailed engineering Financing secured NTP FIT contract Site control obtained Further questions… 更多問題... Regarding your BIA’s green opportunities? • Regarding legal issues around renewable energy projects? • www.wakulat-law.ca Regarding Community Power projects? • www.greenTBiz.ca www.kci-newenergy.ca or www.ontariosustainability.ca Regarding roof assessment? • www.kci-newenergy.ca Thank you! www.kci-newenergy.ca kci new energy