church bulletin here - St. Thomas Aquinas Parish

14 - 2
April 19th, 2015
April 19th 2015 – 3rd Sunday of Easter
surgen dudas en vuestro interior?”, como dijo,
entonces, a sus discípulos.
Saturday: April 18 – Blessed Marie-Anne Blondin
5:00 pm †Shtjefen Ilija
Sunday: April 19 – 3rd Sunday of Easter
8:00 am † Maria Di Ruscio e Rocco Di Ruscio † Rosa e Dominco de Ciantis da Ferncesca † Norcio Rocco, Santa, Luigi, Nunziata & Pasquale, Tuzzi Maria Felicia, Giovanni, Annunziata, Antonio e Norcio Luisa.
9:30 am †Repose soul of Domiciano Capua † 1st death anniversary of Florentina Baisac †Arnel Guzman
11:00am †Mariano & Giovannina Greco †Domenico, Gospel of Luke (24:35-48)
Gospel Meditation:
Experience shows u sthat peace, which sows xhaity, the love
of God, and love of neighbor in your soul, is the road that
leads straight to eternal life. Take care never to let your heart
be troubled, saddened, agitated, or involved in that which
can cause it to lose its peace. Rather work alwaysto remaik
tranquil because the Lord says:”Happy are those who are at
peace.” Do this an dthe Lord willbuild in your soul the City
of Peace and he will make of you a Houes of Delight.
la meditazione del Vangelo:
Gesù è davvero risorto. Gli apostoli hanno visto e toccato
il Signore. L’apostolo Giovanni assicura che Cristo
vivente è accanto a noi come il nostro e solo difensore e
grande amico. - Oggi celebriamo la Giornata per
l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.
Meditación del Evangelio
El Señor ha resucitado! Os ofrecemos nuestros
mejores deseos de paz y de amor al iniciar la liturgia
de este Tercer Domingo de Pascua. Sentimos en
nosotros la alegría inmensa que nos da la
Resurrección de Jesús. Y es que Jesús Resucitado
puede llenar nuestras vidas de esperanza, paz y
alegría. El evangelio nos va a narrar como los
discípulos tienen miedo. Y mucho. Pero también
muchos de nosotros –más de 20 siglos después—
tenemos miedo, nos angustia el futuro, en estos
tiempos malos de profunda crisis económica. Jesús
nos responde a ese miedo preguntando: “¿Por qué
Rosaria, Francesco, Giuseppe & Niocla Cuiuri †Antonio & Tony Feritas *95th Birthday blessings Riva Nanni 12:30pm * Thanksgiving mass for Daisy Tolentino 2:00 pm †for the soul of Giovanni Viola *Por todos los sacerdotes vivos y muertos
M onday: April 20
9:00 am *Special Intention of Maria da Silva 7:00 pm †Elena Marcon Tuesday: April 21- St Anselm
9:00 am †Bruno del Grosso
7:00 pm † W ednesday: April 22
9:00 am † Giuseppe Vetro 9:45am D’Arcy McGee School Mass
7:00 pm
(with Novena to Our Lady of
Perpetual Help)
Thursday: April 23- St George
9:00 am †Gino Antonel
7:00 pm †Vilma & Meliecio Eslabra
Friday: April 24- St Fidelis of Simaringen
9:00 am †Mariano & Giovannina Greco
10:00am– 7pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
7:00 pm † Saturday: April 25- St Mark
9:00 am † First Holy Communions – April 25th 2015
14 - 2
April 19th, 2015
St Thomas Aquinas School @ 11a.m.
Praying for all our
children for
Their First Holy
Couples for Christ are Hosting:
W ho: (Singles, Couples,
W here: St Thomas Parish Hall
W hen: 6:00-9:00pm
(Saturdays Only)
April 11 to June 13, 2015
St Vincent De Paul 2015 Summer Camp
All parents who are thinking of
sending their children to
Summer camp,
Registration will begin on;
May 23 from 11:30-12:00 pm
in Parish Hall
St Thomas Aquinas School FIRST COMMUNIONS –Sat. April 25th @ 11:00am D’Arcy McGee School Rehearsal: Sat. May 2 Parish Hall -­ 3pm FIRST COMMUNIONS – Sat. May 9th @ 11:00am Rehearsal: Tues. April 28th – 7:00-­8:30pm CONFIRMATIONS – Wed. May 13 @ 7pm Parents must have Original Health Card (Not expired)
and Birth Certificate or Permanent Immigration Status for
Registration. Thank you!
For more information Contact-Hilda Martin 416-781-0733
Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? Has a child over the age of seven who has not been baptized? Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist? We offer an opportunity to come together in a small group to learn more about our faith. Sessions focus on the teachings and experience of Church and prepare individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist during the Easter season. There are separate sessions for children or youth. You are welcome to participate in the process with your questions, your insights and your faith story in a warm accepting setting. For information please contact Parish Office as soon as possible. A little humor for the Road…….
St Thomas Aquinas School D’Arcy McGee School Rehearsal: Wed. April 29th -­ 7:00-­8:30pm CONFIRMATIONS – Tues. May 12 @ 7pm Notizie in Italiano
Pellegrinaggi – La Commissione Pastorale Italiana
organizza I seguenti pellegrinaggi per tutte le parrocchie
con comunità italiana.
a) Al santuario della Madonna delle Grazie di
Mary Lake, King City, Ontario: lunedì 18 maggio,
festa di Victoria Day.
Ore 3:00 p.m. – Adorazione eucaristica meditando il
Rosario sul palco all’esterno della chiesa, predica ore
4:00 p.m. – Processione col Santissimo sulla collina
Ore 5:00 p.m. – Funzione di chiusura
Al Santuario dei Martiri Midland: domenaica
28 giugno Programma:
Ore 10:30 a.m. – Processione con la statua della Santa
Famiglia dalla sua cappella sulla collina all’altare,
seguita dalla solenne Santa Messa;
ore 2:30 p.m. – Adorazione del Santissimo Sacramento
seguita dalla procesione sulla collina e cerimona di
14 - 2
April 19th, 2015
Noticias en Espanol
Se comunica a la Comunidad Hispana que el 21 de
abril daremos inicio con la preparacion para
la Consagracion a la Santisima Virgen Maria.
Para mayor informacion favor contactar a:
Isabel Ponce (416)988-3204