208 - 2 Easter Sunday April 5, 2015 We are an Easter People! The Easter mystery we celebrate today has not changed for more than 2,000 years. We read the same story about the same people, with the same outcome, year after year. Yet we keep coming back; and next year we shall do it all over again. The question is: If Christ’s resurrection from the dead was such a breakthrough in human history and in the story of our salvation, why do we need to celebrate it over and over? The answer is simple: the story may not change, the outcome may always be the same, but it is we who are to change each time we gather to celebrate the mystery. Hopefully, each time we do so, we grow just a little bit more in our ability to live the mystery and to become the Easter people we are called to be. For us Easter is a way of life. As Paul so aptly puts it, we seek the things that are above to strive to fulfill the duty entrusted to us – the duty of giving witness to the faith by our lived example. At the same time, we reject the forces of death in our society and in our world that would lead us back into the tomb of slavery and sin from which Christ set us free. In rising from the dead, Christ transformed the tomb from a place of death and despair to a channel of life and grace. It is now up to us to continue the work Christ began by working to bring hope and healing where there is darkness and death in our world today. Our task is not an easy one. However, is we follow the example of Christ by rising from the tomb of our complacency to be his witnesses, we may find that we have finally begun to put our faith into practice. And, although the Easter mystery remains forever unchanged, we shall never be the same again! 1) The St. Anthony Committee donated $10,000.00 to the Family of Faith Campaign. Dates to Remember: April 11, 2015 Garage Sale April 19, 2015 ShareLife Luncheon/Dance April 26, 2015 Concert June 14, 2015 St. Anthony’ Festa July 19, 2015 Mount Carmel Festa 1) ShareLife Sunday 2015 : Together we are continuing to work wonders…. We need your continued support. Our parish goal this year is $56,500.00. ShareLife Luncheon Sunday, April 19th 2015. This is our main fundraiser for the ShareLife Campaign. Tickets are $50.00 for Adults and $25.00 for children under 12 years. Call the office to reserve tickets. 2) Visit the European Shrines August 24th to September 7, 2015 under the spiritual leadership of Fr. Peter Gioppato. A 14 day tour to Lisbon, Fatima, Santiago De Compostela Barcelona, Lourdes, Nice, Lucca, Pisa and the Vatican. Brochures are available at the back of the church. Please call to register. 3) A Garage Sale and Barbecue will be held on April 11th from 9:00 to 3:00 p.m. We are in need of the following items: clothing, shoes, handbags, books, exercise equipment, jewellery, giftware, dishes and toys. The hall will be open on Friday April 10th for drop off. PLEASE NO TV’S, COMPUTERS OR LARGE ITEMS. 4) Single women are invited to a retreat weekend on Lake Simcoe in Orillia. Offered by a team of Sisters of St. Joseph. April 24 – 26 – Registration by April 10, 2015 May 29 – 31 - Registration by May 14, 2015 Cost $150.00 (subsidies available) For information call 416-285-4166. 5) Lectio Divina with Cardinal Collins. April 12 = Vespers 7 p.m. Lectio Divina 7:30 p.m. at St. Michael’s Cathedral 65 Bond St. Toronto. For more information visit https://www.archtoronto.org/lectio ShareLife $385.00 Offer. Mar.29 $4,320.25 Repairs $85.00 Mass Intentions Apr. 6 to Apr. 12 Monday, Apr. 6, 8 a.m. Cristina oscioli alma Ci rietti iuse e ileggi Caterina ileggi 7:00 Maria omano Teresa a Cute Tuesday, Apr. 7, 8 a.m. Rocco e Tommaso Fatiga /Caterina Pileggi 7:00 Defunti Roscioli / Clorinda Pilotti ’ eramente mera igliosa la Sa ien a di io: In Cristo ci ha liberato dal peccato e dalla morte eterna e ci resi suoi Figli con il Battesimo. Cristo e’ i ente e guida la Sua Chiesa ai ascoli Eterni della salvezza. Che Dio sia benedetto ora e sempre. Un sentito augurio di Buona Pasqua a tutte le famiglie della nostra Parrocchia. Mercoledi’ 8 A rile re ara ione delle Famiglie al sacramento del Battesimo. Wednesday, Apr. 8, 8 a.m. Donato Policelli / Filomena Policelli 7:00 Maria Ciccocelli / Pat Polidori Antonio Pelaia / Teresa Pelaia Thursday, Apr. 9, 8 a.m. lisa e e ra ia Falcone : Nella Andrea Bonacchi lda Bacci io anni iorgio Moglie e Figli Friday, Apr. 10, 8 a.m. lisa e e ra ia Falcone : Vito e osa ileggi Caterina ileggi Saturday, Apr. 11, 8 a.m. milia a riele Francesco Gabriele 9:00 Suor Eleonora Luisi / Nipoti H.M. : efunti Famiglia andolfi Stefania Migliore Maria Ciccocelli e orina Camillo e Fam. Sunday, Apr. 12 7:30 Antonia Ma ucco ucia Andrenucci Lucia Ruggiero / Mike Ruggiero & Fam. Giuseppe Vendramin Vendramin Fam. 9:00 Ferdinanco Ciafaloni Beatrice ita Amina Piscelli / Mamma 10:30 Costanza Martino /Amedeo e Fam. Giuseppe Marcantonio / Maria Creatura 12:00 Francesco Policelli /Moglie e Figli Paulino Cumal / Cumal Fam. 7:00 Gil Frois Staff at Mill Valley omenico ala ese Moglie Un sentito ringraziamento a tutti coloro che hanno colla orato alla cam agna “ Comunita’ di Fede “. Siamo arrivati a 230.000 $. Faccio un sentito appello a coloro che ancora non hanno contribuito di impegnarsi in questa importante campagna della Diocesi. La Santa Messa in onore di San Padre Pio nel mese di Aprile sara’ Martedi’ 21 alle ore 7:00 P.M. Prepariamoci al Pranzo della Share Life il 19 Aprile. Adulti 50 dollari , bambini sotto I 14 anni 25 dollari. I biglietti sono pronti. La parrocchia ha organizzato un grande concerto con la partecipazioni di famosi cantanti. Aprile 26 alle 3.30 PM. Biglietto 25 dollari. Il rofitto andra’ er la cam agna Comunita’ di Fede. Ba aar arrocchiale l’11 A rile dalle ore 9. ore 3.00 P.M. A.M. alle Il fotografo di Giovanni Paolo II il signor Arturo Mari sara’ con noi unedi’ 2 A rile. Alle ore 8. .M. fara’ una conferen a in Italiano raccontando le sue esperienze con il Papa. La Parrocchia ha organizzato un bellissimo e attraente pellegrinaggio con la guida del nostro parroco, in Europa. Inizieremo a Fatima per andare a Santiago, Lourdes, Barcellona e Italia. Partenza il 24 Agosto e ritorno 7 Settembre. Posti limitati, per favore prendete il foglio illustrativo ed iscrivetevi. La lampada del SS. Sacramento del mese di Aprile 2015 e’ stata offerta da Rosa Cacciacarro.