"NICOLAE BALCESCU", Braila - Romania

Our high school is one of national prestige as one of the
oldest in the city being founded in 1863.
Since October 3, 1895 - by Decree no. 3773 was
established as Real High School in Braila to bear the
name “Nicolae Balcescu“.
Our school wasn’t from the first as it is.
 1863-1867
First, it was a theorethical school, of the second degree(as highschool now), founded
at the will of the municipal members, based on the funds of the Braila Municipality. It had
only 2 theorethical classes, in which Italian, Greek, French, Maths, Contability, Romanian,
History, Natural history and Geography were studied.
Theorethical Gymnasium (1880-1888)
After 1876, the „current of
theorethical studies” enlarges and so the
school goes under the government task; it
includes the theorethical gymnasium,
removing the classical one, a grade by
another grade. In 1886, there was
introduced an exam of admission. Also,
there were introduced foreign languages
studies and exams. In 1885 , the
foundation stone of the building is
mounted, and in 1886, the building is
 Between 1954-55, it was named Medium School of
Boys, Nr. 2. It remains so until 23 september 1959,
when the school becomes Medium School „Nicolae
Balcescu”. In 65, the education passed from 11 to 12
years, and rebecomes „Nicolae Balcescu” Highschool.
This lasts until 1966, when by order from the
ministery, it is named College.
The college after 1990: Once with the come of the
revolution in 1989, there were made drastical changes
in the organisation of the highschool, on democratic
and humanist bases. The main profile remained the
traditional one: Math- Physics, transformed in MathInformatics.
 In the year 1993 the high-school was named “Nicolae
 Next year , the college will celebrate 150 years from the
Mihail Sebastian (class of 1926) novelist
Dumitru Panaitescu Perpessicius
(class 1910), critic and literary historian
Ana Aslan (class of 1915), endocrinologist
Our national college, with currently over 912 students and almost 61 teachers, is organized in:
6 or 7 highschool classes per year (it receives one more class every 4 years):
5 classes real profile:
2 classes of mathematics-informatics
1 class of mathematics-informatics with intensive english
1 class of mathematics-informatics with intensive informatics
1 class with the profile of natural sciences
1 class with philology profile
1 class with social sciences profile (one class every 4 years)
7 classes on gymnasium
2 classes 5th grade
2 classes 6th grade
2 classes 7th grade
1 class 8th grade (in the last 3 years the number of gymnasium classes has doubled)
Our highschool has two buildings : an old one and a new one. It has a
number of thirty-one classrooms and nine laboratories :
•Physics (2)
•Informatics (4)
There are two main buildings, A and B. By entering
building A one can find at the ground floor the teachers
room and the offices of the two headmasters and their
secretary. Building A also houses several classes and the
laboratories of physics, chemestry and biology and an
amphitheatre. The other building is bigger than the first
one, with two storeys and an attic. It includes four
informatics laboratory, a library and 18 classrooms.
The “Nicolae Balcescu” National College covers for all
the needs the students have, in order to provide highstandard education.
•I.A.M. Creative
Comenius ‘’ Every Body Fits In’’ 2009-2011
Countries participating : Spain, Bulgaria, French,
Lithuania, Poland and Romania.
Motivate pupils learning other languages and living
with foreign families
Improve the teaching practice, by exchanging
experience with the other teachers.
This is a project I also took part and I really enjoyed
the change of experiences with the Danish students.
-To establish different channels to communicate
between school managers, teachers and students
-To perform lessons with intercultural working group
Our high school have many sports team:
- basketball team(only boys);
- volleyball team(only girls);
- football team(only boys);
- handball team(boys and girls);
- rugby team(only boys);
- ping pong team(boys and girls);
- chess team(boys and girls);
These teams won always first place at county
competitions, and at regional competitions we won
only second and third place.
Sabin Lazar 10th grade F
Ana-Maria Milea 11th grade C
Ciprian Baluta 11th grade D
Madalina Lica 10th grade C
Alexandru Milcu 9th grade A
Maria Fratila 9th grade A
Cezar Barbu 9th grade A
Alexandra Moise 10th grade C