Nicholas Sparks Virtual Museum By: Ayah Sources cited Curators office Background Information • Nicholas Sparks was born in Omaha, Nebraska on December 31, 1965. • Nicholas is an author that now lives in North Carolina with his wife Catherine and his family. • As a child Nicholas Sparks lived in Minnesota, Los Fair Oaks California at the age of eight. Also his father was a professor and his mother was a homemaker. • Did you know Nicholas and his wife founded a Epiphany high school. • As their kids came to elementary school they started building a school for them when they were little. Accomplishments • Nicholas has gotten a full track scholarship to the University of Notre Dame and majored in Business finance and graduated in high honors before. • One time Nicholas Sparks wrote a book that got about $80 million worldwide sales and were translated into 45 different languages. • Nicholas has written more than 12 books!! :) • One of his books he wrote with his brother Michael Earl Sparks. Today • Now Nicholas lives in North Carolina with his wife and family. • His newest book The Best of Me was released in October 20011. • To me, Nicholas has done a lot of great things like write books and build schools. • I think Nicholas’s life is very interesting. What about you? Sources Cited •Web address: The Curator • My name is Ayah ( 10 Years old). • I was born December 12th 2001. • I really like drawing, reading, singing, and making good grades. • I have a mom, dad, and three sisters. • I go to Salem Elementary School and I am in 4th grade too. • My teachers are Mrs. Acord, Mrs. Piercy, and Mrs. Dale.