UST Google Apps Pilot

UST Google Apps Pilot
 Welcome!
 Introduce IRT Project Team
 Project Overview
 Expectations
 Instructions
 Help & Support
 Questions
Google Pilot
 This project will establish a pilot group of 50-100 UST
community members who will use Google mail on a
trial or pilot basis.
 Determine the feasibility of migrating all student or
even all UST accounts to Google as an outsourced
model that would:
save costs
provide greater functionality
In Scope / Out of Scope
In Scope:
Migrating e-mail accounts for select students to Google mail
Returning files to UST systems once pilot phase is complete
Evaluating the functionality of Google e-mail and select apps
Conducting an evaluation or survey of pilot users
Learning from other universities about their Google adoptions
Out of Scope:
Migrating e-mail accounts for all faculty, staff, and students.
Implementing automated provisioning and de-provisioning
Evaluating the functionality of all Google applications not
mentioned above
Planning Phase
Communication Phase
Pilot group migrated to Google by April 14
Pilot testing completed by June 1
Evaluation Phase
Communication e-mail to potential pilot users sent by March 15
Documentation created by March 31
Implementation Phase
SOW walkthrough completed for IRT by March 1
Planning document created by March 8
Pilot group identified by March 26
Evaluations received from pilot users received by June 1
Wrap Up Phase
Pilot user files migrated back to UST systems by June 1
Final report on pilot test completed by June 15
Features being tested:
Calendars (not migrating however)
Google Docs in place of MyStorage
Stand alone authentication
UST e-mail will be forwarded will be system address
We’re looking for feedback
Google pilot accounts will be discontinued on June 1
Mail Migration Instructions
Help and Support
Contact the IRT Tech Desk
(651) 962-6230 or
Identify yourself as part of the Google Apps pilot
Documentation and help will also be provided at:
Next Steps
Migrate your mail
Use Gmail and Google Apps
Look for request(s) for feedback
Contact the Tech Desk with questions