Social-Emotional Learning Programs

Learning Programs Available at
Heartland AEA:
Gold, Silver, & Promising Program
Content Information
Angelisa Braaksma, PhD
Brian C. McKevitt, PhD, NCSP
About This Information
• The information presented on these slides describes the content of
social-emotional learning programs available at Heartland AEA in the
Professional Library
• The program reviews were completed in 2004 by a group of Goal 2
(social/emotional) committee members and summarized in a booklet,
available online at Please consult the booklet for more in-depth information
about the program review process.
• Programs reviewed were rated 1-5, based on their research base (1=no
evidence to support effectiveness; 5=strong evidence to support
effectiveness)…only programs with a rating of 3 and higher are
included in these descriptions
• Other programs were reviewed but are not recommended based on their
lack of evidence. See the booklet for a complete list of programs
Program Reviewers
Sherese Beresford, School Social Worker
Charlotte Buttin, Early Childhood Consultant
Gloria Frolek Clark, Occupational Therapist
Brian McKevitt, School Psychologist
Monica McKevitt, School Psychologist
MaryAnn Strawhacker, Nurse Consultant
Barbara E. Rankin, Challenging Behavior Specialist
Stacy S. Volmer, Challenging Behavior Specialist
Summaries provided in this presentation were developed by
Angelisa Braaksma, Brian McKevitt, and participants of a 2day AEA training on July 26-27, 2005
PATHS Curriculum
• Description - Curriculum that teaches the five areas of
social and emotional development: self-control, emotional
understanding, self-esteem, peer relations, and
interpersonal problem-solving. The curriculum reduces
teacher reports of aggressive behavior and increased
teacher reports of students exhibiting self-control.
• Intended ages - K - 6
• Rating - 5 Gold Program
Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies
• 119 lessons for promoting self-control, positive self esteem,
emotional awareness, interpersonal problem solving skills,
and relationships
• Can be used as a prevention or intervention program
• Best with small groups of 4-9 students but can be used
whole class
• 20-30 minutes per day, 3-5 days per week
• Curriculum can continue across multiple years
• Manual includes suggestions for use with students with
disabilities, anxious/withdrawn, and gifted students
PATHS Lessons
• Sequenced according to increasing
developmental difficulty
• Include direct instruction, dialogue, role
plays, story telling, modeling, social
reinforcement, attribution training, and
verbal mediation
• Promote generalization
PATHS Unit 1:
Readiness & Self-control
• Promotes readiness skills and self-control of
• Optional unit
• Designed for low developmental level
(Kindergarten or students with disabilities)
• Teaches self-control with stories, role plays,
“Turtle Technique”
• Can be completed in 5-7 weeks
PATHS Unit 2:
Feelings & Relationships
Develops emotional and interpersonal understanding
56 lessons
40-50 different affective states covered
Taught in a developmental hierarchy from basic (e.g., mad,
sad) to complex (e.g., jealousy, guilt, pride)
• First three problem solving steps covered:
– Stop & calm down
– Identify problem
– Identify feeling
PATHS Unit 3: Interpersonal
Cognitive Problem Solving
• Teaches steps to problem solving
• 33 lessons
• Usually done during 2nd year of
curriculum implementation after
review of previous unit
PATHS Unit 3 (cont.)
Steps to problem solving:
1. Stopping and calming down
2. Problem identification
3. Feeling identification
4. Deciding on a goal
5. Generating alternative solutions
6. Evaluating the possible consequences of solutions
7. Selecting the best solution
8. Planning the best solution
9. Trying the formulated plan
10. Evaluating the outcome
11. Trying another solution and/or plan
Building Self Esteem & Peer
• Interspersed through other units
• “PATHS Kid for Today”
• Giving compliments, friendship issues,
teasing, belonging part of other lessons
Supplementary Unit
Problem solving meetings
Self-control review
Friendship and peer relations
Review of problem solving
Fairness/moral development
• Description - Curriculum framework seeks to contribute to
children’s intellectual, social, and physical development so
they can achieve success and social responsibility in school
and life. Video, curriculum materials, and assessment tools
are available for educators and families that address a wide
range of topics.
• Intended ages - Birth to adolescence
• Rating - 4 Silver Program
Curriculum Series
• Framework for education whose goal is to provide
meaningful and realistic educational experiences for all
• Fundamental premise is that children are active learners
who construct their own knowledge through meaningful
• Six curriculum components:
Active Learning
Classroom Arrangement
Daily Schedule
Teacher/Child Interaction
Curriculum Series
– Active Learning
Appealing materials
Opportunities for manipulation
Choices for children
Language from children
Adult support
– Classroom Arrangement
• Five or more defined activity areas/centers
• Wide range of interesting materials
• Well-organized, child-accessible storage, labeled
Curriculum Series
– Daily Schedule
Consistent routine
Plan-do-review sequence
Small-group instructional workshops
Balance of teacher-planned and child-planned activities
– Content
• Scope and sequence defined by key experiences in math,
language and literacy, science, movement, etc.
• Teacher-planned daily workshop times focusing on key
content areas
• Child-planned activities related to key experiences
• Has additional books focusing on Language and Literacy,
Mathematics, and Science
Curriculum Series
– Teacher-Child Interaction
• Teachers support and extend children’s learning by engaging
in instructional dialogue
• Teachers share control with children
• Teachers work to create a positive social environment
• Teachers support children’s intrinsic motivation to learn
– Assessment
Anecdotal notes collected by teachers on children’s progress
Student work samples in portfolios
Assessment of child progress guided by key experiences
Daily assessment and planning by teachers
High/Scope Curriculum Series
• What Makes High/Scope Stand Out?
– Not a packaged curriculum based upon a set of
consumables; It is a set of guidelines, principles,
and suggested activities
– Teaching practices can work in a variety of
school and nonschool settings
– “3 Rs” are a central part of the curriculum
– Probably already doing parts of the approach
– Proven track record
I Can Problem Solve
• Description - Prevention curriculum that offers teachers a
school-based program focused on developing problemsolving and good thinking skills. Three level of teaching
are provided: basic word concepts, focus on own and
others’ feelings, and skills in identifying alternative
solutions and thinking about consequences.
• Intended ages - Pre- K - Elementary
• Rating - 4 Silver Program
I Can Problem Solve
• Originally called Interpersonal Cognitive Problem
• Goal is to teach children thinking skills that can be
used to help resolve or prevent “people” problems
• Focus is to teach children how to think, guide
children to think for themselves, teach children
how to evaluate their own ideas, and encourage
children to come up with many solutions to
problems on their own
I Can Problem Solve
• Lessons focus on Pre-Problem-Solving Skills and
Problem-Solving Skills
• Problem-Solving Dialoguing
– Both child and teacher must identify the problem
– When dialoguing, it is important to understand and deal
with the real problem
– Once the real problem has been identified, the teacher
must not alter it to fit his or her own needs
– The child, not the teacher, must solve the problem
– The focus is on how the child thinks, not on what he
I Can Problem Solve: Preschool
• Age 4, language may be appropriate for some 3
year olds
• Sessions
– 20 minutes per lesson
– One lesson/day - 4 months
– 59 lessons in two categories - pre-problem solving
skills and problem-solving skills
– Each lesson contains a stated purpose, list of suggested
materials, and a teacher script
I Can Problem Solve: Preschool
• Conducting Lessons
– Present the lessons as games
– Vary the wording of the script to suit the group
– Divide the class into groups of 6 to 8 children, some
boys and girls
– Lessons include ample repetition, so students don’t
have to be caught up if absent
• Includes Complementary Applications to assist
with generalization to the classroom and to life
I Can Problem Solve:
Kindergarten and Primary Grades
• Kindergarten and primary grades
• Sessions
– 20 - 40 minutes per lesson
– Daily lesson - 4 months
– 83 lessons in two categories - pre-problem
solving skills and problem-solving skills
– Each lesson contains a stated purpose, list of
suggested materials, and a teacher script
I Can Problem Solve:
Kindergarten and Primary Grades
• Conducting Lessons
– Present the lessons as games
– Vary the wording of the script to suit the group
– Can be conducted with entire class, but small groups are
– Go at the pace of your group
– Can move quickly, but do not skip lessons, for students
who are familiar with previous lessons
• Includes Complementary Applications to assist with
generalization to the classroom and to life
I Can Problem Solve:
Intermediate Grades
• Intermediate elementary grades
• Sessions
40 - 45 minutes per lesson
Start at the beginning of the year
Three lessons/week - within a school year
77 lessons in two categories - pre-problem
solving skills and problem-solving skills
– Each lesson contains a stated purpose, list of
suggested materials, and a teacher script
I Can Problem Solve:
Intermediate Grades
• Conducting Lessons
Present the lessons as games
Vary the wording, but don’t lose the concepts
Most lessons can be conducted with entire class
Go at the pace of your group
Be sure to apply concepts taught in lessons informally in
classroom interactions and build them into the
• Includes Complementary Applications to assist
with generalization to the classroom and to life
Project RIDE
• Description - Responding to Individual
Differences in Education (RIDE) is a
collection of resources designed to assist
teachers with the pre-referral and inclusion
• Intended ages - Early childhood to Middle
• Rating - 4 Silver Program
Project RIDE
• RIDE - Responding to Individual
Differences in Education
• Intent of the program is to assist teachers to
identify at-risk behaviors and then match
those needs to documented classroom
Project RIDE: Early Childhood
• Basic Components
Effective Early Childhood Classroom Practices
Computer Tactics Bank
Video Library
Parental Collaboration
• Effective Early Childhood Classroom Practices
– Based upon the premise that early childhood educators can
benefit from systematically examining the extent to which
their current classroom procedures are congruent with best
practices as reported in professional literature
– Based upon principles developed by the National
Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
– Includes Effective Practices Self-Evaluation and
Modification forms
Project RIDE: Early Childhood
• Computer Tactics Bank
– List of behaviors and matched intervention tactics
– Each tactic description includes: (1) appropriate age, (2)
short introductory statement, (3) necessary steps of the
procedure, (4) details of special considerations, (5)
monitoring guidelines, and (6) original reference(s)
– Choosing a Tactic
– Reinforcements and Incentives
– Video Library - demonstrations of some tactics for
Project RIDE: Early Childhood
• Parental Collaboration
– What is Collaboration and Why it is Important
– Collaborative Conference: Before, During and
– Includes Collaboration Team Request for
Assistance, Action Plan, and Follow-Up Report
Project RIDE: Elementary and
Middle School
• Responds to the following needs:
– Need to provide teachers with alternative teaching and behavior
management tactics for students who do not qualify for special
services but who need social or academic interventions
– Need to provide teachers with inclusionary tactics so students
with disabilities might be educated with their general education
– Need for a prereferral system which increases the probability
that students referred to special education are, in fact, students
in need of placement
– Need to capitalize on one of the best resources within a school
building: a small group of colleagues trained in problem
Project RIDE: Elementary and
Middle School
• Four Basic Components
Effective Classroom Practices
Computer Tactics Bank
Video Library
School-Wide Assistance Team (SWAT)
Project RIDE: Elementary and
Middle School
• Effective Classroom Practices
– Based upon the premise that teachers can benefit from
systematically examining the extent to which their
current classroom procedures are congruent with the
findings of educational research
– Based upon literature review conducted by the
Northwest Regional Laboratory and other sources like
Strategies and Tactics for Effective Instruction and The
Tough Kid Book series
– Includes Effective Practices Self-Evaluation and
Modification forms
Project RIDE: Elementary and
Middle School
– Five Guidelines
• There are high expectations for all students
• Instruction is clear and focused
• Learning is monitored closely
• Behavior management plans are in place
• There is a positive atmosphere in the
Project RIDE: Elementary and
Middle School
• School-Wide Assistance Team (SWAT)
– Team of teachers who use expertise to assist
their peers in resolving classroom and/or
school-wide problems
– Create a Climate for SWAT
– Establish the Team and Train Members
– Develop SWAT Procedures and the Process
– Includes SWAT Request for Assistance, Action
Plan, and Follow-Up Report forms
Project RIDE: Elementary and
Middle School
• Implementation
– Objectives, timelines, and responsible
– Validate the tactic using data
• May add tactic to computer school’s
computer bank if it has been validated and
replicated and there is staff agreement
Second Step
• Description - Violence prevention
curriculum for grades pre-K to 9. Scripted
lessons focus on empathy, impulse control,
problem solving, and anger management.
• Intended ages - Pre-K to 9
• Rating - 4 Silver Program
Second Step:
A Violence Prevention Curriculum
School-wide prevention curriculum
• Skills addressed:
Impulse control
Anger management
Problem solving
Second Step: Goals
1. To increase students’ ability to:
• Identify others’ feelings.
• Take others’ perspectives.
• Respond empathically to others.
2. To decrease impulsive and aggressive behavior
in students through:
• Recognizing anger warning signs
• Using anger reduction techniques
• Applying a problem-solving strategy to social
• Practicing behavioral social skills to deal with
potentially violent situations
Second Step: Curriculum
Lessons are designed for whole-class use
but can be adapted for small groups
Lessons are presented in a sequence of 5
Understanding the Problem
Training for Empathy
Anger Management
Problem Solving
Applying Skills
Second Step: Curriculum
• Lessons are scripted for clarity and ease of use
• Materials include overhead transparencies, in-class
activities, videos, role play scenarios, posters,
Impulsive Puppy, and Slow Down Snail
• Generalization techniques are addressed in the
teacher’s guide
• 30 minutes per lesson, 1-2 lessons per week
Stop and Think
• Description - A component of Project ACHIEVE. Scripted
lessons guide one through teaching, demonstrating, and
reviewing social skills lessons. All lessons follow the Stop
and Think Process, in which students are taught to stop and
think about making good and bad choices.
• Intended ages - Pre-K to 8
• Rating - 4 Silver Program
Stop and Think
• Students are taught to stop and think about
how they want to handle a situation before
acting, decide whether they want to make a
good choice or bad choice, think about the
steps they need to follow, put their plan into
action, and positively reinforce themselves
• Interpersonal, problem-solving, and conflict
resolution skills
Stop and Think
• Comes in four manuals:
PK-1st grade
2nd-3rd grade
4th-5th grade
6th-8th grade
• Each focuses on skills that are relevant and
needed by students in the targeted age group
Stop and Think:
Teaching Process
Teach skills
Model skills
Role play skills
Provide performance feedback
Transfer the training by prompting and
having students use the skills as much as
possible during the day
The Stop and Think Process
1. Stop and Think!
2. Are you going to make a Good Choice or
a Bad Choice?
3. What are your Choices or Steps?
4. Do It!
5. Good Job!
Stop and Think Lessons
• Lessons take 10-30 minutes (depending on
• Lessons are divided into two phases:
teaching and application
• Two weeks are recommended for each
lesson to cover both phases adequately
• Lessons are loosely scripted
Waksman Social Skills
• Description - Curriculum provides short-term assertion
training (goals for each lesson with objectives). The
program provides training activities in specific social skill
areas such as responses to teasing, setting clear goals, and
how to handle losing and failure.
• Intended ages - Adolescence
• Rating - 4 Silver Program
The Waksman Social Skills
Curriculum for Adolescents
• Manual describes procedures and activities
designed to teach children and adolescents more
appropriate social or assertive behavior patterns
• Designed for adolescents with or without
disabilities and with deficits in social skills and
peer relationship difficulties
– Not appropriate as a total intervention for severe
behavior problems
– May be used in conjunction with a behavior
management or special education program
The Waksman Social Skills
Curriculum for Adolescents
• Instruction
– Twice a week for nine weeks
– Counselors, school psychologists, and special education
teachers can use without special training
• Grouping
– Small, heterogeneous group of students
– Waksman Social Skills Rating Scale (WSSRS) and
checklist of skills can be used to identify potential
The Waksman Social Skills
Curriculum for Adolescents
• Sessions
– 45 - 60 minute lesson
– Each lesson has a general goal, specific
behavioral objectives, student worksheet,
instructions for activities, and homework
– Begin with review of previous lesson and end
with summary of current lesson
– All participants need to role-play all lessons
The Waksman Social Skills
Curriculum for Adolescents
• 18 Sessions & Review Session
Passive, aggressive, assertive
Requests and refusals
Eye contact, posture, and voice
Clear goal statements
Social problem solving
Conversation skills
Disclosing feelings
Touching and listening
Enhancing self-esteem and positive body image
Compliments and self-reinforcement
The Waksman Social Skills
Curriculum for Adolescents
• 18 Sessions and Review Session
Receiving criticism
Reactions to anger
Drug refusal skills, group pressure, and teasing
Losing and failure
Embarrassing situations
Avoiding fights and solving arguments
Connecting With Others
• Description - Presents a strategy to promote selfadvocacy, communication, interpersonal
behaviors, and problem solving
• Intended Ages - K-12
• Rating - 3 Promising Program
Connecting with Others
• Manuals target four different age groups: K-2, 3-5,
6-8, 9-12
• Scripted lessons are based on the theoretical
concepts of transactional analysis, assertion
training, and cognitive behavior modification
• It is the goal of this program to give students the
skills necessary to take control of their lives,
enabling them to experience successful
relationships that bring self-fulfillment and
enduring satisfaction
Devereaux (DECA)
• Description - DECA program was developed to
promote healthy social and emotional growth in
preschoolers by strengthening their protective
resiliency factors. Based upon the concept of
resiliency, the separate elements of the program
comprise an integrated system that leads to better
outcomes for children
• Intended Ages - 2-6
• Rating - 3 Promising Program
• Uses observations & DECA questionnaire
for assessment
• Suggestions and strategies are given for
teachers and parents on:
Using the environment
Using the daily program
Using activities and experiences
Using supportive interactions
• Based on the philosophy that fostering
resilience is important for all children and
leads to social/emotional health
• Users must be trained in assessment in order
to interpret rating scales
First Steps to Success
• Description - An early intervention program designed to
divert at-risk children from a path leading to an antisocial
pattern of behavior. It is a joint home and school
intervention that enhances early school experiences and
assists at-risk children by teaching them to get along and
engage appropriately in school work.
• Intended ages - K
• Rating - 3 Promising Program
First Steps to Success
• Early intervention targeting at-risk children
to prevent the development of anti-social
• Three components:
– Screening
– Class
– Home base
First Steps to Success
• Lessons are not scripted, but examples are
• Minimum of 30 school days over 6 weeks
• No direct social skill lessons, but attention
given for appropriate behaviors
• Requires a school coach to implement
• Videos are included for training
Getting to Know You
• Description - Social skills lessons intended to be
taught daily. Emphasis on “think aloud”
component with social skills instruction.
• Intended ages - grades 1-9
• Rating - 3 Promising Program
Getting to Know You
• Comes in three manuals (grades 1-3; 4-5; 6-9)
• Addresses seven social skills:
Classroom skills
Expressing feelings
Relieving stress
Solving problems
Replacement skills
Getting to Know You
• Teaches “think aloud” strategies
• Includes role-plays and transfer activities
• Authors recommend a 4-5 year plan to learn
and master each skill
• Designed to be implemented school-wide
• All students and staff learn a familiar and
common language
In Control: A Skill
Building Program
• Description - Program guide is
intended to help teach young people
effective anger management skills
• Intended ages - School age
• Rating - 3 Promising Program
In Control
• Goal is to teach students effective anger
management skills
• Ten sessions focused around 10 key points
designed to be completed in 10 weeks
• Lessons take approximately 45-60 minutes each
• Each session includes a goals, objectives,
materials list, overview, and a leader script
(including role plays)
Making Choices: Social Problem
Solving Skills for Young
• Description - Purpose of the program is to teach social
problem-solving skills to children. It outlines a skill
building program focusing on helping children build
enduring friendships, work collaboratively with others, and
respond positively to social situations.
• Intended ages - K-Middle School
• Rating - 3 Promising Program
Making Choices
Goals of the program include:
Enduring friendships
Responding positively to new social situations
Working productively in groups
Based on a social information-processing
Making Choices
Lessons are included in seven units:
1. Learning about Emotions and Feelings
2. Encoding: Identifying Social Cues
3. Interpretation: Making Sense of Social Cues
4. Goal Formulation and Refinement: Setting
Social Goals
5. Response Search and Formulation: Inventing
6. Response Decision: Making a Choice
7. Enactment: Acting on Choices
One-Minute Academic
Functional Assessment and
• Description - Offers a precise and easy technique to
ascertain the causal factors affecting performance and
detect if a student can’t do--or won’t do--the work.
• Intended ages - K-12
• Rating - 3 Promising Program
Safe and Civil Schools Series
• Description - Collection of practical materials designed to
help schools improve the safety and civility of all their
school settings. Goal of the materials is to empower
school personnel with techniques to help all students
behave responsibly and respectfully.
• Intended ages - K-9
• Rating - 3 Promising Program
Safe and Civil Schools Series
• Comprehensive multi-media program that
guides schools through the process of
designing a proactive school-wide
discipline plan.
• Includes staff development, implementation
of behavior management and motivation
practices, and behavior support for ALL
Safe and Civil Schools Series
• Team-based implementation is
• Six 60-minute trainings sessions for all staff
• Three modules for implementation
• Requires technology to implement fully
Skill Streaming
• Description - Process utilizes four direct
instruction principles of learning: modeling,
role-playing, performance feedback, and
generalization to teach youth desirable prosocial behaviors.
• Intended ages - Early childhood to
• Rating - 3 Promising Program
Skill Streaming
• Goal to teach pro-social behavior:
Beginning social skills
Classroom survival skills
Friendship making
Dealing with feelings
Dealing with aggression
Dealing with stress
• Skill lessons are taught in large or small groups
• Lessons have 9 steps for modeling, role playing,
performance feedback, and generalization
• Lessons are not scripted but include specific steps, training
notes, and content for modeling.
Steps to Self-Determination
• Description - Purpose is to help adolescent
students become more self-determined.
Role of education is to provide students
opportunities to gain the skills, knowledge,
and experiences that will help them assert
their individuality and achieve their goals.
• Intended age - Adolescence
• Rating - 3 Promising Program
Steps to Self-Determination
• Goal is to help adolescents be able to make
informed decisions, value oneself, and
achieve goals
• Seven hours of orientation required
• Includes 16 sessions of approximately 55
minutes each
• Includes scripted lessons and activities
Tough Kids
• Description - Designed to help teachers,
psychologists, counselors, and social
workers provide students with appropriate
replacement behaviors for challenging
• Intended ages - All
• Rating - 3 Promising Program
Tough Kids
• The Tough Kid Book defines who the tough
kid is and gives classroom management
strategies with examples
• The Tough Kid Social Skills Book is a
curriculum that teaches targeted social skills
in a structured framework
• Includes sections on assessment and
instruction, along with materials
Tough Kids
• Social skills targeted include:
Starting a conversation
Joining in
Recognizing and expressing feelings
Having conversation
Playing cooperatively
Solving problems
Using self-control
Solving arguments
Dealing with teasing
Dealing with being left out
Accepting “no”
Tough Kids
• Each lesson includes:
Direct teaching
Discussion with examples
Feedback & reinforcement
Goal setting
• Lessons take 60 minutes each, materials are