Image Gently: An Educational Campaign for Everyone Kimberly E. Applegate, MD, MS Steering Committee Member, Alliance for Radiation Safety in Pediatric Imaging Vice chair of quality and safety Professor of Radiology Emory University School of Medicine Image Gently is…. an Education, Awareness, and Advocacy Campaign to Promote Radiation Protection for Children Alliance for Radiation Safety in Pediatric Imaging is a grass roots organization dedicated to radiation protection for children worldwide 61 organizations and regulatory agencies -- IRPA! ACCELERATE CHANGE Communication campaign Alter societal attitudes Increase knowledge Change behavioral at point of care For the benefit of pediatric patients Background 2006 - The Society for Pediatric Radiology 2007 - ASRT, ACR, AAP founding partners Fall 2007 - Alliance partnership January 2008 – CT rollout August 2008 – CT Vendor summit January 2009 – Parent brochures Fall 2009 – Pediatric Interventional rollout February 2010 – CR/DR Vendor summit Feb 2011 --- Fluoroscopy rollout Founding Organizations The Society for Pediatric Radiology American Society of Radiologic Technologists American Association of Physicists in Medicine American College of Radiology Free parent brochures 2 versions (short, long) 13 language versions Useful as a handout for Radiology departments Emergency departments Pediatric offices CT, Radiology, Fluoroscopy, Interventional Radiologic Technologists Modules 10 free web modules PQI Module for Radiologists “Step Lightly” Campaign Pediatric interventional radiology educational module Simple message Pre-procedure checklist Parent brochure Protocols Resources Many Initiatives CT, IR, Radiography, Nuclear Med, Fluoro Modules Three Educational Components Radiologists, Physicists, Technologists Referring Physicians – ALARA presentations Parents and Caregivers FDA regulatory statutes for children Conclusions •Keep it simple •Invite all stakeholders •Listen,Learn,Collaborate